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Hot Summer

Page 9

by Judy Powell

“Alright, alright. I’m not,” she admitted. Then she added, “But it has nothing to do with not wanting to go. It’s just the timing. I’ve got some personal issues right now, that’s all.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry. Want to talk about it?”

  “Not really…” she said the words reluctantly, not wanting to offend Chantal.

  “Okay, but did you discuss your issues with Lance?”

  “No, I didn’t think it was appropriate.”

  “Maybe you should. If he’s aware you’re having problems maybe he’ll go easy on you and not give you so much stuff to do, maybe even let you get out of this trip. Why don’t you talk to him?”

  “No.” Summer shook her head. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “He’s not an ogre, you know. I’ve known him more than a year and I can tell you, his bark is a whole lot worse than his bite.”

  “Well…I’ll think about it.” Summer conceded. She still had no intention of sharing her private life with her boss. She just wanted Chantal to leave her alone so she could think.

  Later that day Summer got the shock of her life when Lance stopped by her office, perched on the edge of the credenza and said, “I want to know what day you’re planning to move. I’m making myself available for you to use me in any way necessary.”

  Somehow, the way he said the words made Summer’s face grow warm. “Oh, that’s okay,” she said quickly, “I wouldn’t want to bother you.”

  “It’s no bother. I want to make sure that you’ve got nothing hanging over your head when you’re in Jamaica. You said your concern was getting moved into your apartment, right? Well, let me help you deal with that and get it out of the way.”

  “But you don’t have to do that. I’ll manage okay.”

  “Don’t argue with me, Summer. You were obviously feeling overwhelmed this morning when I told you all you had to complete before your departure. You were the one who complained about having to move, on top of all that.” He folded his arms across his chest but his look was relaxed. “Now tell me…which day are you planning to move?”

  She looked up at him then dropped her eyes again and toyed with her pencil. “Ah, I haven’t decided yet. I just need to talk to my real estate agent to do the final selection and then I’ll set the date.”

  “You haven’t done any of that yet? What are you waiting for?” His tone was impatient.

  “I’ve been a bit busy lately,” she responded quickly, annoyed at his lack of understanding.

  “For someone who acts like she’s always in control you certainly don’t seem to be very organized,” he continued, as if immune to the pointed look she gave him.

  “I have a lot on my mind,” she parried.

  He rose and strode towards the door where he paused and said, “Just make sure you tell me when you’ve finalized your move date.”

  When he walked out the door Summer stuck out her tongue at his retreating back then giggled at her childish behavior.

  “Too bossy for your own good, that’s what you are,” she muttered, but there was an elfish grin on her face as she whispered the words.

  That evening Summer was pensive as she walked down corridor to her mother’s room. She was going to have to tell her about the trip to Jamaica and she was nervous. The longest time she had spent away from Chicago and from her mother was when she’d gone on that week long Caribbean cruise with her graduating class; and that had been when her mother’s condition had not been this bad. Now she would be leaving at a time when her mother needed her. She felt a wave of guilt wash over her and wondered if, somehow, she could back out without losing her job.

  When Summer knocked and pushed the door open there was a bright smile on her face. It hid the turbulent thoughts that churned inside her.

  “Hi, Mom! How’re you doing?”

  Edna Jones turned away from the window and returned her daughter’s cheerful smile. “You’re early.”

  “I wanted to surprise you. I thought maybe I’d come catch you with a man or something,” she teased.

  “Oh, you go on. Where am I going to find a man in here?”

  “Your Prince Charming might just show up at your door one day.” Summer hung her handbag on a hook by the door and turned to her mother. “Isn’t that how it normally works?”

  “I wouldn’t know. You’re the one who’s in fairytale land right now,” Edna chuckled. “Imagine me with a man. Ha!”

  “You never know.” Summer bent and kissed her mother on the forehead. “So, what are you up to?”

  “Oh, nothing much,” Edna replied and waved her hand to the window. “Just enjoying the view. Not much else to do up here.”

  Summer went over to stand by the window and, for a moment, she stood staring out at the reds and golds that streaked the blue water. She drew in a breath and spoke. “Mom, I’ve got something to tell you.”

  “Yes. What is it, dear?”

  “I may have to go away for a couple of weeks. To Jamaica.”

  “Jamaica? How’s that?” Edna sounded surprised and Summer felt even more apprehensive.

  “It’s…it’s my job. My boss asked me to go down there with the team.” She hesitated then said, “I’m not sure what I’m going to do.”

  “What do you mean, Sugar?”

  “You’re sick. You could get called into surgery any day now. I don’t want to leave you like this.”

  “Oh, child, go ahead. You may never get the opportunity to do this again. Don’t you worry yourself about me.”

  “But Mom, what if the doctor calls you for surgery when I’m gone? I have to be here.”

  “No, you don’t. Didn’t you tell me that this is your dream job?”

  “No job is more important to me than you are.” Summer frowned at her mother.

  “I know, dear. But this is such a great opportunity for you. I mean, with this you have the best of both worlds - a great job, plus a chance to travel. What more could you ask for?”

  “I could ask for you to be better,” she said sadly. “That’s what I really want.”

  “Summer, come sit here.” Edna beckoned to her daughter and patted the bed beside her. “Let’s talk.”

  With a sigh, she went over and sat on the bed.

  “Honey, I know you love me very much. You’ve always been there for me, even to the detriment of your studies and your classes.” Edna took Summer’s hand in hers and spoke gently. “But this time, baby, I want you to focus on yourself. I’m on my way out of this world, but you’re just beginning the journey. You have your whole life ahead of you. Just this one time I want you to go for it. Do it for you.”

  “But, Mom…”

  “No, no, let me speak. You’ve always put me first, now you need to do this for you.” Edna reached into the top drawer of her night table and pulled out a big brown envelope. “These are the test results from the labs.”

  “Momma!” Summer jumped up and grabbed the envelope from Edna’s hand. “You got the results and didn’t tell me?”

  “Hush, child. No need to get so excited. I only got them this morning.”

  Summer pulled out the three sheets of paper and an X-ray. “But what’s all this?” Her voice was sharp with anxiety as she scanned the papers. “What did the doctor say?”

  “He said the tests results were better than he expected. In fact, he was saying that the surgery may not even be necessary after all. He’s going to run some more tests just to make sure but I’m hopeful.” A smile softened the weathered face. “So you see, you can go to Jamaica after all. As I always say, just leave it all in the hands of the Lord.”

  Relief washed over Summer and she leaned over and hugged her mother tight.

  “Oh, Mom, I’m so glad,” she whispered, and there was a catch in her voice. She bit her lip, trying hard not to cry. She hated showing any sign of weakness. Lately, she’d started getting so emotional. She’d have to start getting tough again. This emotional thing would definitely not do.

  When she left the nursing hom
e that evening she felt light-hearted. It looked like, at last, her mother was moving into remission and her health would be improving.

  As she turned the corner onto State Street she saw her reflection in the window of the Toys R Us store. Her face was all smiles. Had she been walking down the street, grinning like an idiot all this time? She pursed her lips, struggling to keep a stern face, but it was no use. For the first time in a long time she was truly happy and there was nothing she could do to hide it. Oh, what the heck. She was not going to hide her joy. She continued on her way, a trace of a smile still on her lips.

  It was a whirlwind week for her, both at the office and at home. Her work days were packed with activities and by the time she got home in the evenings she was exhausted. Despite her tiredness she then had to pack boxes with books, clothing, cookware and china and she still had to find time to meet with her real estate agent to discuss the offer on the residence she’d selected.

  To her relief the transaction was completed on Thursday and she left the meeting with the keys to her new apartment. She went into office earlier than usual on Friday, as she had requested to leave early that day. She wanted to have everything ready for the Saturday morning move. She ducked her head into Lance’s office and reminded him of her early departure. For a moment he looked at her enquiringly and she held her breath, hoping he hadn’t changed his mind about letting her leave at two o’clock.

  “You’d asked for this afternoon off?” He seemed unsure.

  “Yes, I spoke to you on Monday and you said it would be fine,” she reminded him. “I came in early this morning to compensate for the time I’m taking this afternoon.”

  “Oh, I know you requested time off. I just forgot that it was today.” He frowned slightly, then shrugged. “That’s fine. I’d wanted you to accompany me to the meeting with the Action Agency but I’m sure I can manage without you. This one time.” His smile was teasing.

  “I’m sorry you forgot but I wouldn’t have asked for the afternoon off if I didn’t really need it. I have to move into my new apartment tomorrow so I have to get everything in order from today.”

  “You’re moving tomorrow? You didn’t tell me you needed the afternoon to get ready for your move.” The frown returned to his face. “I thought I told you to let me know what day you were going to do that.”

  “I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you.” Summer’s voice was hesitant as she tried to read his face. “And anyway, I didn’t know you were serious.”

  “Miss Jones,” Lance leaned back in his chair and locked her in his steady gaze. “I don’t say things I don’t mean. In future, please take everything I say seriously.”

  He dropped his gaze from her for a moment as he reached over to pick up a glass of water. Summer used the opportunity to roll her eyes and fix him with a feisty stare of her own. Suddenly he looked back at her, and she quickly made her face serious again.

  “I know you’re a very independent woman and you probably feel you can do it all by yourself but there are times when you need to put pride aside and accept help when it’s offered. It’s all well and good to be cheeky,” his faint smile made her realize that he’d caught her look, “but not at the expense of your well-being.”

  Summer smiled back at him, this time a bit sheepishly.

  “So, what time is the move?” he asked.

  “The truck will be at my place at nine in the morning, but I’ll be up from seven to start putting things out.”

  “I’ll be there at eight. Make sure you leave your address and home number with Chantal before you go. I don’t want to have to go digging through files for it.”

  Without waiting for her response he picked up the telephone and began to dial. Summer withdrew from the office, pulled the door shut behind her, and let her breath out slowly. She was going to have a hell of a time concentrating on boxes of books with that man around.

  By the time the doorbell rang at exactly eight o’clock next morning Summer felt she would have been ready to work with Adonis himself. She’d gotten up at six to finish packing the final boxes. She’d also been practicing her nonchalant, ‘I don’t give a damn that you’re here’ look. She’d dressed as casually as possible - grey baggy sweat pants, grey t-shirt, sneakers and a black baseball cap. She had on very little make up and no jewelry except for gold knobs and a thin gold chain.

  She was certainly not going to give Lance the pleasure of believing that she was in any way affected by his presence. If he thought for one moment that because she’d been so weak once before she was going to throw herself at him again, he was mistaken. She would show him that she was in total control of her emotions and he was absolutely nothing to her but an employer.

  She walked quickly to the door and flung it open, a bright smile plastered across her lips. The smile froze then slowly dissolved as she stared up at the ruggedly handsome man who filled her doorway. He wore a navy blue polo shirt which was stretched across his broad chest. The short sleeves revealed his muscled arms. His shirt was tucked into jeans that hugged narrow hips and solid thighs and emphasized the height of him. His sandaled feet were long and narrow and Summer remembered the stories she’d heard about men’s feet and their virility.

  Her eyes flew guiltily to his face and she stared at his firm lips which were curled in a quirky smile. She raised her eyes to his dark ones and saw that he was staring back at her, almost mockingly. He, too, wore a baseball cap. It gave him a relaxed look which was boyish and, at the same time, breathtakingly manly. Gosh, she thought, this is not going to be as easy as I thought.

  “Good morning,” His deep voice broke into her thoughts. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” She stepped back and allowed him entrance. As he passed her his arm brushed against her shoulder and she felt as if a jolt of electricity had hit her body. She pulled away quickly and he looked down at her, his amusement obvious. Mercifully, he only smiled and walked into the apartment.

  As Summer followed him she said, “Just go right ahead.”

  She needn’t have bothered. By the time she finished her statement he was already surveying the bags, boxes and suitcases that filled the space. She was a bit disgruntled that, instead of waiting for her, he’d begun touching things as if he owned the place.

  She knew her annoyance showed on her face when he looked back at her and laughed, “Hey, why that look? I’m not taking over, you know.”

  He approached her then stopped a few feet away and tucked his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. “Today I’m not your boss, just someone who’s here to give you a helping hand. You’re the one who’s running the show, okay?”

  Summer’s face relaxed in a smile. How could she stay mad at him when he looked so charming? No, not charming, she corrected herself. Sexy.

  When the movers arrived at nine o’clock Summer and Lance were ready for them. All her loose items which had still been stacked in a corner when Lance arrived were now in boxes sealed with heavy duct tape. Three men had come from the moving company and, since she didn’t have a whole lot inside her studio apartment, the truck was loaded in no time.

  She smiled inwardly when she saw how Lance took charge of the move, giving orders to the men and even giving directions to her. So, she thought, she was the boss, huh? Boss was written all over Lance. Apparently, he just couldn’t help himself.

  The actual move took only a few hours. All the furniture, boxes and bags were in the new apartment by midday. Then it was time for the real work.

  When the moving men left Summer and Lance worked together to get all the furniture organized then began unpacking boxes and bags. Summer took charge of the kitchen. She cleaned out the cupboards then began sorting her china and silverware. Meanwhile, Lance unpacked boxes of books and organized them on shelves that ran along the walls of the narrow hallway.

  Next, he worked on the living room, hanging drapes and setting up the lamps while Summer moved into the bedroom where she started unpacking her clothes, bed l
inen and shoes.

  She was so engrossed in her task of organizing the closets that she didn’t realize that Lance had entered the room until she backed out of the closet and into him.

  “Oh,” she gasped as she felt the solid mass against her back. Rock hard arms encircled her waist and he held her close for a brief moment while she regained her balance. She turned in his arms and found herself staring at the triangle of hair that peeped out from his polo shirt. She rested her cheek against his shirt momentarily, basking in the warmth of his body against hers, enjoying the strength of his arms wrapped around her body.

  Lance used a strong finger to tilt her face up towards his own. She watched, entranced, as he lowered his mouth slowly to hers.

  Firm lips pressed gently against trembling ones, moving, teasing, caressing. The tension in her body melted away, leaving her soft and yielding in his arms.

  As she leaned against his hard body all thoughts left her except for the feel of him as he held her close. Her quivering lips parted with a sigh and as she opened to him he pulled her even closer and covered her mouth fully with his own. His kiss became insistent, masterful, and soon she found herself responding in kind. A soft moan escaped her throat as she surrendered to him. He slid his hand down to the small of her back as he plundered her warm, willing mouth.

  When Lance finally lifted his head Summer still clung to him, eyes closed tight. Her heart pounded so hard against her chest that she feared he could feel it, too. He pulled her close again, but this time he only gave her a soft peck on the forehead then put her away from him gently. He bent his lips to her ear and whispered, “You may open your eyes now, little one.”

  With a sigh she did so. She gazed up into his dark enigmatic eyes trying to understand what lay within their depths but when her gaze fell to his lips and she saw the amused curl of his mouth she quickly pulled away, annoyed that he could laugh at her when she was so overcome with emotion.

  She glared at him then pushed hard against his chest, almost causing him to stumble, and stalked out of the room.



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