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Hot Summer

Page 25

by Judy Powell

  As he spoke he pulled up Lance’s eyelids, then checked the monitor. “I’m glad you decided to rejoin us in the world of the living.”

  He turned to Summer, Maggie Munroe and Sophie. “Could you leave us for a little while? I need to examine Mr. Munroe and make sure that everything is alright.”

  When the women had left the room Lance settled back down into the bed and let the doctor do his examination. By that time the nurse had come in and they were checking his vital signs. Gradually, he was able to gather his thoughts and he began to remember what had happened.

  He’d left the music awards ceremony and had dropped Monisha and her friends at a nightclub and was heading back to his hotel. He stopped at a traffic light. When it turned green he began to move off and that’s when it happened. All he remembered was a horrific crash and then blackness.

  The doctor and nurse finished their examination and helped him dress again in his hospital gown. They tucked the sheet up under his chin and then they left. Immediately his mother, Sophie and Derrick rushed into the room. His mother was first to his side.

  “Lance. Thank God, you’re safe. We were so worried about you.”

  Sophie gave him a lopsided grin that was just a little bit wobbly and said, “Hey, big brother. What d’you mean by scaring us like that? You nearly drove us crazy with worry. Don’t you ever do that to us again.”

  He laughed softly and said, “Well, I didn’t plan this. It just happened.”

  “We’re glad to see you back, old boy.” Derrick said from the foot of the bed, leaving the hugs and kisses to the women. “It’s good to see you awake, man.”

  Lance nodded gingerly. “It’s good to be awake. I have no intention of leaving this world just yet.”

  “True word,” Derrick said. Then, as if by way of explanation he added, “Oh, by the way, the doctor said only three of us could come into the room at one time so you’ll see Summer and Jennifer in a bit. Jennifer’s here, you know.”

  “Yeah? She flew in?” Lance asked, touching his head.

  “Of course. As soon as she got the news she started booking her flight. What did you expect?”

  “Yeah, that’s Jennifer,” he said, then paused and looked up. “But Derrick, you were supposed to be in Jamaica.”

  “Yeah, but when I heard what had happened you know I had to be here. I wasn’t going to let my boy be suffering in the hospital and I’m not by his side.”

  “I really appreciate that.”

  “Man, you’ve done so much for me. I couldn’t leave you out in the cold.”

  “Ma.” Lance turned to Maggie. “I’m sorry I put you through all of this.”

  “You didn’t put me through anything, Lance. You’re my son. Didn’t you expect me to be here by your side?”

  “Yeah, but I’m still sorry you had to go through all this,” Lance said.

  Then he turned to Sophie. “So who’s watching those kids of yours?”

  “Robert’s at home with them. He’s always good with the kids,” she replied. “He told me he’d take care of everything and I should just come to you. He’s been real worried about you, Lance. In fact, I’d better go give him a call right now and give him the good news.”

  “And I’ll touch base with Chantal and those guys from the office,” Derrick said. “They’ve been worried sick about you.”

  After the two had left the room Maggie stayed with Lance for several minutes more.

  Then she said, “Alright, I’m going to give you a break. I’m sure the others are dying to see you and talk to you so I’ll be back later. The doctor said not to let you overdo it so I won’t let them stay long, okay?”

  “Sure, Ma. You can send them in.”

  “And Lance,” his mother said, smiling, “I think you made the right choice. I like her.”

  Summer was the first to dash through the door and over to Lance’s bedside. She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead and he could see that there were tears in her eyes.

  “Oh Lance, you don’t know how good it is to see you with your eyes open.”

  Jennifer, who had come in right behind her, stood on the other side of the bed and smiled. “Lance, I’m glad to see you’re back with us.”

  “Hey, Jennifer.” He smiled weakly. “I’m sorry I dragged you all the way over here.”

  “No, no, you didn’t drag me. I wanted to be here for you just like you’ve been there for me and Michelle.”

  “Thanks, Jen.”

  “No problem, Lance.”

  Lance turned to Summer who sat in the chair beside his bed. She was holding his hand in hers and she sniffed and seemed to be struggling not to cry. “Oh, honey. I’m here. What are you crying about?”

  “I don’t mean to cry. It’s just…it’s just that I’m so glad I didn’t lose you, too.”

  “Lose me…too? What do you mean?”

  “Oh, Lance. It’s my mom. She died.”

  “What?” His heart leapt in shock. “When? What happened?”

  “It was the day after your accident,” she said sadly. “She had another stroke Tuesday night and was rushed to the hospital. I was with her but I went home to change and by the time I came back she was gone.”

  “Oh, no. Oh, my darling.” He stroked her soft cheek. “How did you manage all alone?”

  “It was very hard but I tried to be strong.” She sighed. “The funeral was on Thanksgiving Day. The nursing home arranged it all. Then that night I got the call about you and it was as if my whole world went crashing down around me all over again.”

  “My poor Summer,” he soothed. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry about your mom, so sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  “You couldn’t help it, Lance,” she smiled sadly at him. “You were struggling for your own life. I just wish I’d known.”

  “Well, you’re here now and that’s all that matters.”

  Lance looked up as Jennifer came up to the bed and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “I knew you’d make it, Lance. You’re a fighter. I’m gonna step outside for a while. I have to call home to see how Michelle is doing. And…” she looked at Summer then back at Lance, “you two need some time alone.”

  When Jennifer had gone Lance reached out and took Summer’s hand and pulled her close to him. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Nothing could have kept me away from your side,” she replied. “Not now. Not when you need me.”

  “But I wasn’t there when you needed me.”

  “It wasn’t your fault, Lance. I survived. I can’t say it’s been easy but I’m still here. And you’re still here. And I’m grateful for that.”

  Lance looked at her gravely. “Summer, my dad always used to say, if you’re going to do something for someone, don’t delay. It took a near-death experience for me to really understand the wisdom of his words. Summer, there’s something I’ve wanted to tell you for the longest time, but I’ve been foolishly putting it off.”

  “Yes? What is it?” She looked so concerned that his heart ached for her.

  “Summer Jones…I love you. With all my heart, I love you.”

  “Lance, are you sure? You’re not just saying that because of my mom, your accident…”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I was just too much of a coward to tell you before. But now I’ll tell the world…I love Summer Jones.”

  “Oh, Lance.” The tears came to her eyes again. “And I love you, too. So much, it hurts. And I thank God for bringing you back to me.”

  “There’s something else,” Lance said, and Summer stared at him curiously.

  “What else could there be?”

  “I had a secret, but now I want to tell you.”

  “What is it?” she asked and the anxiety was back in her eyes.

  “After the music awards I was heading for home but all I was thinking about was you. I was thinking about the surprise I planned to have for you when I got back to Chicago. You see, I’d ordered a ring for you and I was wond
ering how you would react when I gave it to you. I wasn’t sure how you really felt about me, but I guessed that you cared for me, at least a little bit.”

  “Oh, my goodness. You got me a ring?” Her face melted in pleasure but then she frowned. “But you were thinking about me just when you had the accident. You had the accident because of me!”

  “Not at all.” He shook his head. “In fact, that’s what probably saved my life. Normally as soon as the light changes I hit the gas and I’m off but this time I was a little bit slower. Maybe if I’d been as fast as I usually am, instead of the front of the car taking the blow I’d have probably taken the full force myself. Summer, let’s not talk about the accident anymore. I want to talk about us. Come over here.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her then put her away from him and looked deep into her eyes. “Summer Jones, I don’t have that ring with me but, will you marry me?”

  She hugged him tight, then with the brightest, sweetest smile ever she said, “Yeah, mon.”


  R & B music filled the room as people mingled in the hallways with cocktails and others swayed to the pulsating rhythm. The main room was gaily decorated. The drapery on the walls were festooned with royal blue cloth and silver chiffon and the tables were covered in navy blue with silver napkins atop them.

  There were at least thirty people in the room and they were all chatting and laughing. It was obviously a festive occasion.

  Summer rested her arms comfortably around Lance’s hips and swayed with him, dancing to the sweet tenor of Luther Vandross. She raised her head to look at him and he smiled down at her, filling her heart with joy. He was handsome, as usual, in an elegant suit of silver gray. It was the perfect complement to her own shimmering silver gown. She’d chosen their outfits for the evening and she knew they looked good.

  At that moment a man’s voice boomed through the microphone and they all turned towards the podium. Lance pulled Summer close to his side as they stood and waited for the announcement.

  “To all our friends and families, thank you for coming,” Derrick said.

  Summer was impressed with how handsome he looked with his newly trimmed down figure in his black tuxedo. Shari had really done a good job with him.

  “We’ve all had fun this evening, the music was great and the food was delicious, so now that we’ve had our fill it’s time to congratulate the lady being honored this evening.”

  He raised his glass. “Let’s raise our glasses and toast Mrs. Summer Munroe.”

  They drank to her then Derrick beckoned to her to come forward and there were loud cheers and applause as Summer slipped away from Lance’s side and gracefully went to stand beside Derrick. He stepped back and directed her to the podium.

  “Thanks, Derrick,” she said as she leaned forward to the microphone, “and thanks to you all for coming. I really appreciate your being here to share my joy. It took a long time coming, actually an extra year because of my leave of absence, but now I’m glad to say I have my Master’s Degree.”

  “Yeah!” someone at the back shouted, and then others joined in with “woof, woof”. Everybody laughed at that, then they clapped so long that Summer had to hold her hand up to silence them.

  “I’ve finally achieved one of my goals in life,” she continued, “and I thank all of you who have been there to support me, but I must thank a very special man in my life, the one who has kept me focused and stopped me from throwing in the towel. I want to say thanks to my dear husband for throwing this wonderful graduation party for me. Lance, I love you.” There were more cheers as Summer left the podium and walked back into her husband’s arms.

  The DJ started the music again and Lance and Summer had one dance. Then she left him to go and mingle with the crowd. After a few minutes she was surprised when he came and took her arm, excusing her from a group with which she was conversing.

  “Come here, you,” he growled playfully into her ear, “I don’t want you away from me for even a minute. You’re all mine.”

  “Oh, you baby,” she teased, following him, “I’ll always be yours.”

  He walked quickly towards the French doors and went out onto the patio with her close in tow. Then he turned her towards him and caressed her upper arms.

  “I don’t want you running off to Iraq covering news stories now that you have your degree,” he said. “I want you here with me.”

  She smiled up at him and put her hand to his cheek. “Lance, this is where I want to be. I’m not gonna run off and leave you. Remember I once told you that my interest was in people rather than just the news.”

  “Yeah? So?”

  “So that means I have enough to do here. I don’t have to go anywhere. There will always be people around me. And anyway,” she looked up at him slyly, “I have another big project I’m working on, right here at home.”

  “Really?” He looked curious. “You never mentioned it before. What’s this project about?”

  “About you, and me, and our love.”

  He looked even more confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about getting things ready for a very important guest.” She laughed and hugged him tight when he still looked bewildered. “I’m talking about our child – you’re going to be a daddy.”

  Lance looked at her, incredulous, then he gave a whoop of joy and lifted her into the air and spun her around.

  The people who stood by the doors looked out and saw the joyful couple and smiled at their antics but Lance and Summer didn’t care who was watching.

  They spun round and round, laughing and lost in the joy of their love.


  Thank you for reading ‘Hot Summer’. I sincerely appreciate your support. If you liked this story please click on the link below to visit the Amazon page where you can click on the ‘Like’ button at the top of the page. Positive reviews are also very welcome! That’s the best support any author could ask for.

  Click here: HOT SUMMER

  The Hot Caribbean Love Series

  Volume 1 - Hot Summer

  Volume 2 - Hot Chocolat

  Volume 3 - Some Like It Hot

  The Hot Caribbean Love Collection (Vols. 1 - 3)

  Happy reading!




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