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Depravity's Child

Page 14

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “Yes, sir. I suppose I should be thankful,” she rattled off words she knew he wanted to hear.

  “I would punish you now for your assault on me, but I’ll give you your moment of anger considering the lovely rush you gave my bout with Sonia last night. Incomparable. My wife on the other side of the bedroom wall, bound and roused, listening to the sounds of sex, unable to satisfy her clamoring need. What better aphrodisiac for me?” He sighed dreamily thinking of the pleasing memory, then roused himself, his eyes imperiously focused on her. “Well, I can’t spend all day enjoying the memory. I’m going to New York for a week and I need to get packing. You run along to your morning room.”

  Antonia did just that. But instead of dwelling on the humiliation and horrible things Rupert had said about her mother, she wanted to shout for joy. Her marriage had disintegrated into nothing but a nasty mockery of Rupert’s scorn and her anger; there was no use pretending otherwise. But he was going to New York for a week…a week of freedom…a week of Rafael…a week to love, to hold, to kiss the man she loved and make her getaway. Despite her unfortunate circumstances, she now had reason to hope.


  “Ah, my darling, I can’t imagine being anywhere but here, with you,” she kissed his lips and then climbed upon his body, rubbing her used wet sex against this sagging penis, now nestled in the nest of black pubic curls. “Ummmm, you could get me going again,” she said, as her groin began to pulse with desire.

  “Yes, I suppose I could, but three times in an hour is a little much for a man—any man.”

  “Oh, dear!” she pouted, sitting up on his belly. She looked out the window seeing the sun rise on another beautiful night with Rafael, the third now in a row. “I suppose you’re going to tell me to go back to the house, huh?”

  “I am,” he said, with the same firm look in his eyes he employed every time they had to part.

  “Can’t you please take me away from here?”

  “I am arranging that, Antonia, but it won’t be easily done. I don’t want to be put in jail for absconding with the man’s wife. Even if you defended me, Rupert has the power—the money—to defend his position as your husband in court. The law is on his side, not mine. There’s not a judge in this country who wouldn’t put you right back here under his control.”

  “Well then damn the judges, and damn this place! We’ll go some place else. Italy, France, no better yet, the United States. We could melt inside their big melting pot and no one will find us.”

  “You’re a foolish dreamer, girl. Running away isn’t the answer.”

  “Why not? Mama’s gone. You said I had to stay to protect her. But I can’t protect her now.”

  He shook his head. She was so young. Even more regrettable, she had been so sheltered, and still was. She had no idea of the way the world worked.

  “Antonia, I won’t be swayed by foolish thinking. I’m working out a plan that I think will sway Rupert into giving you up. But I need to consult with a lawyer and I’ll be doing that in a couple of days when I go to Madrid.”

  “Madrid, what do you mean Madrid? You’re leaving me? Why don’t you take me? This is perfect timing.”

  “No, it’s not perfect. Rupert will find out, we’ll be hunted, caught and I’ll be thrown in jail for kidnapping Senora Reyes.”

  “Are you sure you want me?” she asked, while despondently trying to climb off him. But Rafael was quick to react. He clutched her in his arms and rolled her over on her back. Now he was on top of her so she was pinned to the bed by his muscular body. His face was just inches from her face.

  “Don’t ever say that again! You know I want you. That I love you and I have no intention of letting you pine away with that despicable man. Now tell me you know this with your heart. Say it!”

  She looked at him, so stunned she couldn’t speak.

  “Say it, Antonia!”

  She trembled so hard, she could barely cough up a whisper, though she managed to answer him. “I know you love me, Rafael, and are doing everything you can to keep us together.”

  “That’s better.” He covered her face in kisses, while her hands explored every muscle in his back to memorize the way he felt. She drank in his essence so she’d remember how his body smelled after sex. She tasted his skin and the salt that lingered after the perspiration of the sex act had dried. Loving him was an experience for five senses; the impressions she’d store in her memory for later, when he was gone. “Don’t ever doubt me. You do, and I’ll have to beat you again.”

  The threat sent a cold chill darting down her spine. She smiled. “That would be a funny way of loving me.”

  He shrugged. “You can thank Rupert for that one thing. I think he raised the sexual tigress in you with his ropes. I’m going to have to bind you more. Let you taste the pain that you love so much.”

  Funny, she could spend the night bound to her sumptuous bed in the house, with Rupert having sex a room away, and hate it. But she could a spend night bound to Rafael’s makeshift bed and love every second, just because he was inches away, so close that she could feel the body heat and smell the feral quality of his virile form and drink in the eroticism that blossomed around them both. She could taste his erection and yearn for it, beg for it and be denied and still love him with her whole heart. She wanted to be bound to his bed, to be one with him, staring into his sexy eyes and tortured with his love. He knew how to take her to a sweet pinnacle of pain, pinching a nipple and not stopping until her crotch she came hard against the hand that fisted its way into her interior. She remembered well the moment when his darkness first preyed on her and she was scared that Rafael might suddenly turn into a monster just as Rupert had.

  Two nights before, the night her husband left for New York, Rafael announced that he wanted to have her in a way that Rupert had not taken her. His fist became the tool of torture and the opening between her legs the place to prove the character of his dark nature—which he insisted that she know as well as she knew his tender heart. She hurt with a terrific pain as he breached the chasm, but she had all of his hand inside her body, altering the space to fit his need, his desire, and his burning want. As the transformation proceeded, she gave back to him the gift of her unquestioning surrender. She’d been too young, too naïve just months ago to understand that surrender is a matter of trust. Rupert successfully manipulated her compliance with a few sweet words, before his devious nature emerged. It was lucky for Rafael that Antonia didn’t lock her sexual spirit away forever after she was so bitterly betrayed.

  But Antonia was young and able to forgive herself the stupid mistakes she made with Rupert.

  On the following night, Rafael promised her take her ass with the same fist he used on her vagina—and he did. With Antonia on hands and knees, his body closing in around her, Rafael slicked his hand and her back entrance, working her opening until he slipped his whole hand inside. He used his fist to bring her to climax, and fuel the explosion in his loins that followed. The profound depth of her surrender amazed him. But it carried with it such love that it almost scared him. It was one thing to have a kinky sex partner willing to do most anything for the physical thrill, but Antonia loved him, and love colored his responses with a need to honor her love with his own.

  Three days of pleasure, three days of feasting and reveling in secret. They turned the pool house into a bawdy brothel for two, in the dark, fucking body parts crudely from end to end, marking territory with their scent, leaving traces of their sex acts to charge the ethers forever. (It would be no wonder that Rupert would tear the place down a year later, not because he knew about the loving trysts, but because the pool house gave him the creeps.)

  On the third day, as the sun rose to warm the air, and it was time to slip back inside the house, Antonia lay beneath Rafael and accepted his obliging erection one more time. Thighs quivered, bellies heaved, eyes filled with tears, until the last shudder of their latest coupling died away.

  When Antonia returned to the house that morning, she
was met by Luisa, much as she had been met by her weeks before, the day Rupert sent her outside for a walk.

  “What are you doing out of the house?” she sour-faced housemaid demanded accusingly.

  “Walking.” Antonia had her explanation all planned just in case someone saw her.

  “I don’t remember your husband approving this.”

  “He didn’t. But then, he didn’t say I couldn’t either” she said glibly. You really expect me to like being cooped up in the morning room all day? He’s gone, what would it hurt if I get out for a little fresh air?”

  “Well, nothing really,” Luisa conceded.

  “Then please don’t make an issue of it. I feel like a prisoner here sometimes. The gardens are pretty. I don’t go any further than that. I just need to breathe.”

  She sounded convincing enough to believe. “Well, just…just…don’t let me find you again. You know Rupert asks me about you when he’s gone.”

  “Then this will be our secret,” Antonia posed.

  “But not if we stay here talking, you in those clothes.”

  Antonia looked down at her tennis dress, one of the few casual things she owned. “You’re right. ‘Bye,” she scooted off with a wave of her hand, looking much like the child she still was.

  Later that day, while Antonia brushed her just-washed hair at the bedroom window, she looked down on the new pool house addition, seeing Luisa there, talking with Rafael. Her heart twisted with agony the way the woman’s eyes flirted with her handsome lover—as if she had designs on him. Antonia witnessed a similar scene the following day, Rafael and Luisa talking in an animated way for at least ten minutes before a flushed Luisa moved back in the house with a broad smile on her face. The cook was off that noontime and Antonia had been in the kitchen making a sandwich when she spotted the pair. She didn’t even attempt to leave Consuella’s territory when Luisa came through the back door.

  “What are you doing?” the housemaid challenged, seeing Rupert’s wife making her own lunch.

  “Getting something to eat. Is that a crime?”

  “No, I guess not. At least I won’t have to,” she said merrily.

  “You’re sounding awfully jolly.”

  “I am.” She sighed, as she went to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of fresh lemonade. “Poor guys. It really heats up out there,” she said, pouring three iced glasses.

  “They don’t bring their own drinks?” Antonia inquired innocently.

  Luisa shrugged “I don’t know. But what I do know is that those two guys are awfully cute. I just want them to know I’m here.”

  She referred not just to Rafael, but his assistant carpenter, Manuel, who, while nice enough, was hardly as attractive as Antonia’s lover. It was obviously Rafael that Luisa was after. Quite full of herself, she sashayed back through door with the tray of drinks and sat down with the two men at a poolside table.


  “You know that I’ll be gone tomorrow, the trip to Madrid?” Rafael reminded Antonia just before dawn. “I should be back in a day, before Rupert gets home. If all goes well, I’ll have enough ammunition to extricate you from this house and your marriage. It may take a little doing, but I think it should go smoothly. You’ll have Sonia to thank for all this, remember that.”

  “Sonia?” She lay beside Rafael cradled in his arms.

  “Yes, Sonia. She’s the reason that you’ve been shunned almost since you were married.”

  “Yes, I know that Rupert prefers her to me. At first, I thought it was just to humiliate me, but there must be something more,” she considered this thoughtfully.

  “Oh, there is something more. A lot more,” Rafael said, as he mulled the facts that everyone but Antonia knew.

  “There is, what’s that?”

  “Sonia is not Rupert’s ‘new’ maid. She may pretend to be, but Rupert knew her long before you were married; she was one of his many lovers. She was at all his wild parties for nearly a year and can be as subservient as Rupert is controlling. She has some special quality of being taken that feeds the bastard in him; she loves being his victim. But, she suddenly disappeared about a year ago—got married and moved away, a family arrangement she couldn’t refuse any more than you could refuse to marry Rupert. He was incensed; he’d planned to turn Sonia into his slave, snap the cuffs around her and toss her in the dungeon. Things were going so strong when it suddenly ended, that for the first time, I thought Rupert was going to lose it.

  “Then, all of a sudden, Rupert changed his tune. Being the dabbler he is, he decided he liked the idea of marriage and he’d go after you, probably hoping for the same thing he had with Sonia. You were young enough for him to mold. Plus, in his mind, marriage raised his worth in society. He’s always wanted to fit into the real world, act like a normal person. He made himself over for your father, knowing that he had his own Old World marriage with your mother. Once he had you, though, I doubt he knew what to do with you—you and the marriage were a little too complex for his liking. To compound matters, Sonia’s marriage didn’t work out. Everyone was shocked to see her return, especially return to Rupert, hoping to play the sex games that made him want her in the first place.”

  “My, I thought she was just some slut he picked up to keep him satisfied.”

  “I doubt if there’s more to their relationship than that.”

  “Well, she got him back.”

  “And she’ll help the cause of your divorce.”

  “Then maybe I won’t have to hate her.”

  “You hate her?”

  “Of course I did at first,” she admitted. “I guess I don’t think much about her now. I’m actually glad she sleeps with him; I sure don’t want to.”

  Rafael turned his attention to the bright sky at the window. “Sun’s up, Antonia.”

  “But I don’t want to leave, I want you to hold on to me forever.”

  “My heart does that now,” he reminded her, as his stiff erection throbbed against her thigh. Feeling the heat of her desire swimming through her body, she shifted positions, rising on top of him. Lifting her ass, she fell forward, opening her sex for Rafael’s entry. This last lovemaking was quick. There was a long day ahead for Rafael and he needed to get started.

  With a last kiss from his lips and a swat on the behind, Antonia made her way through the pool area and garden, sneaking back into the house. This time, Luisa was nowhere to be found, a fact that made Antonia breathe easier.

  Yet, without Antonia’s knowledge, Luisa had been out walking that morning, and as Rupert’s wife moved furtively toward the house, the maid backed against the pool house wall, unseen, sighing with contempt and sorrow over what she’d seen. Peeking in windows should be banned, she thought bitterly, especially when it can cause the heart to ache.

  Antonia waited in her morning room for long hours, watching the clock as time slowly passed. She’d seen Rafael drive off an hour after she left him. He was headed for Madrid. It had only been four hours, and she had at least twenty-four to go before his return. He’d promised to be quick, but the trip would take some time since he had several people to consult with. At least he was flying there from Barcelona and not driving.

  Antonia tried reading for a while, but the book was dull, as dull as the afternoon television programs. She would love to walk outside, but the day’s heat already made that too uncomfortable. Resting her head on the back of her chair she closed her eyes and dozed.

  Minutes later, she awakened with a jerk to the sound of the front door closing. No one entered the front door except Rupert!

  “No…please. He can’t be back so soon!” she groaned. She moved to the hallway, seeing her husband toss his suitcoat on the banister.

  “You’re back early,” she said, trying to keep the panic from her words.

  “Yes, I am.” He hardly looked at her as he rifled through a stack of mail that was waiting for him on the entry table. “You know where Sonia is?” he asked absently. Then he thought again, “No, of course, you don

  “Sir?” Luisa peeked her head in the hallway seeing the master of the house and Antonia poised like statues.

  “Luisa?” Rupert looked up.

  “May I have a word with you?”

  He looked a little put out. “Is it something important?”

  “Oh, I think it is.”

  “Then be brief.” Without another word to his wife, he disappeared into his office with Luisa following close behind.

  Antonia, too tired to amuse herself in the morning room and upset that her husband had just spoiled Rafael’s plans, took the stairs to her bedroom and laid down in hopes of falling asleep. It was one way to forget her discontent.


  “What is it you want? As you can see, I’m busy,” Rupert prompted his housemaid once they were alone inside his office.

  Luisa, reticent to speak up, awed by the master and his power, trembled so excitedly that she could hardly spit out the words. They had to be said just right, she knew that.

  “Um,” she started hesitantly, “I saw something, sir, that I think you should know about.”

  “Yes?” Rupert’s reply sounded bored as he continued opening his mail, concentrating on its contents, and not the anxious Luisa.

  “Well, sir, I went out early this morning for a walk. It was still dark out, but just barely. I’m really not one to snoop, but I was curious hearing noises from the pool house. I knew that the builder, Mr. Francisco, had been sleeping there, and I peeked in the window.”

  Rupert finally looked up. “And what? He was fucking a woman. That wouldn’t surprise me.”

  “Not just a woman, sir. Your wife. Antonia.”

  It took some minutes for that idea to register. “My wife?” He put the piece of mail down and looked up at the maid.

  “Yes, sir, your wife.” She saw the shock and the troubled look on the master’s face. Encouraged, she continued. “I even heard them talking, I think about Mr. Francisco finding a way for Antonio to leave you.”

  Rupert studied the housemaid carefully. “Is that so? And where is Mr. Francisco now? Out back?”

  “No, sir. I believe he left this morning for Madrid. He told Manuel he had family business to attend to.”


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