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Sal Gabrini: Burning Love

Page 10

by Mallory Monroe

  Sal headed up those stairs and into her office. When he entered, she hurried from behind her desk and flew into his arms. They kissed vigorously.

  “First one here,” Sal said when they stopped kissing but remained embraced, “last one to leave.”

  “Last one to leave perhaps,” Gemma said. “But I’m never the first one here. Not ever.”

  “But I still don’t like it,” he said. “You’re okay when you’re inside. But leaving this building? I can see where an ambush might succeed. My guys will be on it, but maybe not fast enough. I’ll work on it.”

  “You do more than enough for my security, Salvatore,” Gemma said with a peck on his lips. “But if you think more is needed, I won’t argue with you. You’re the expert.”

  “Know what else I’m an expert on?”

  Gemma smiled, moved closer. “I have a few ideas.”

  Sal smiled, and moved closer. They stared into each other’s eyes and then suddenly it wasn’t amusing anymore. Sal grabbed her tighter and kissed her harder this time. They kissed with passion and urgency this time.

  And Sal, loving her taste, had to have her. He walked her back, to her desk, and bent her over. He reached under her skirt and pulled off her panties, knelt down, and sat her high-heels clad feet onto his shoulders. And he ate her. He strummed her clit and sucked her folds, and licked her with long, sweeping, and slow-motioned licks.

  Gemma leaned down and thrust into the feeling. She loved how he made her feel. And when he dropped his pants and briefs, and put his fully aroused penis inside of her, she jerked her body into a sitting position.

  He laid her back down, and fucked her. He tore open her blouse, with buttons flying, and lifted her bra just over her big boobs. And he sucked them as he fucked her.

  Gemma felt as if her entire body was on fire when Sal did her from top to bottom. And he had her immobilized with his muscular weight. And she loved it. She closed her eyes, ran her hands through his hair, and let him take her there. He was better than Calgon to her. He was better than sex to her. Because some other man could have claimed her body for sex. But only Sal could claim her heart. Only Sal could make her feel like the woman she always wanted to be. Only Sal made her feel like a woman in love and, equally important, a woman loved.

  And Sal, as Reno’s wife Trina often put it, loved himself some Gemma. He ran his hands along her long, elegant neck as he sucked and fucked her. He was in that zone. He was in that beautiful place.

  Then suddenly he felt a twinge of anxiety shoot through his body. And he had to see her. He had to look upon Gemma’s gorgeous face once again.

  He stopped sucking her breasts and looked up at her. When he saw tears dropping down her face, his hardened penis stopped stroking her, and he touched the side of her face. “Am I hurting you?” he asked anxiously.

  Gemma opened her big, beautiful eyes. “No,” she said.

  “Then why are you crying?”

  “Because we have so many problems. People come at us in so many awful ways. But they can’t break us.”

  Sal agreed. “That’s right baby,” he said. “They’ll never break us.”

  “I’m pleased about that,” Gemma said, touching his face. “I’m overjoyed about that.”

  And Sal continued stroking her with even more feeling, and he leaned down and wrapped Gemma’s small body into his big arms. “I’m overjoyed too, baby,” he said as he fucked her. “I’m overjoyed too.”

  Because Gemma’s blouse was now button-less, thanks to Sal, she wore his suit coat as he placed her inside his Bugatti and ordered one of his men to drive her Aston from her law office to their home. Gemma would have preferred to drive it herself, but such was life with Sal. He called the shots.

  “How was your day?” he asked her after getting behind the wheel of his car and driving them home. “Or, correction. How was your day after that press attack?”

  Gemma smiled. “It was good. My opening argument went well.”

  “What case is it this time?”

  “A road rage case. My client shot some Marine, but not before the Marine almost ran him over.”

  Sal shook his head. “Lovely people in this world.”

  Gemma smiled. “Yeah, well, shit happens.”

  Sal laughed, and placed her hand in his.

  “But compared to this morning,” Gemma said, “court was a piece of cake.”

  “Yeah, I saw you with the press. You were brilliant, though.”

  Gemma looked at him. “You saw me? How?”

  “Satellite TV, baby. My new plane has it all!”

  “Yeah, like this car,” Gemma said, as she looked at the spaceship-like controls.

  “You did a great job,” Sal said.

  “Thanks,” Gemma responded. “And the best news of all today,” she added, “is that there will be no charges filed against you.”

  Sal looked at her. “It’s official?”

  “It’s official,” she said with a smile of her own and leaned her head back. “Morales gave me the word. The case of the Granville lodge shooting is closed.”

  “Thank God.”

  “Yes,” Gemma agreed, and closed her eyes.

  Sal looked at that slender neck he loved, and then back at the road ahead. “Who were those two guys?” he asked. He’d already had them investigated. He wanted to hear it from her.

  “What two guys?” she asked.

  “Those two guys that came out of the courthouse this morning and whisked you away from those reporters.”

  “Oh, them. Those were my campaign officials. We don’t have a full team, yet, of course, and don’t need a full team just yet, but I know I needed a few experts to get the ball rolling.”

  “What about the older guy?” Sal asked. “What’s his name?”

  “Ben Walker.” Gemma looked at Sal.

  “Who is he?”

  “An old friend. A civil rights attorney. Back when I first got started in the legal profession there were always these older men who wanted to mentor me for some reason. Probably because I was so green at the time.”

  Sal was always amazed at how little Gemma thought of her beauty and sexiness. He remembered when he first saw her at the PaLargio. He was so into busty blondes at the time that he couldn’t decide if Gemma and her very dark skin was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, or the ugliest. That was how dumb his ass was. Other men, including this Ben Walker he was willing to bet, had no such problem seeing Gem’s beauty straight off the bat, and not just her outer beauty either. She was a babe inside as well.

  “He took you under his wings?” Sal asked her.

  “He did,” Gemma said, nodding her head. “He’s always been a good sounding board for me.”

  “Was there a sexual relationship?”

  Gemma frowned. “No,” she said quickly. “Never. If he came onto me that way, our relationship would have been over. I always thought of him more as a father figure than boyfriend material.”

  Sal nodded. His people investigated and turned up nothing on the guy too. He seemed to be normal in every way: wife and three kids. Big house in the ‘burbs. Family vacations twice a year. There were persistent rumors of numerous affairs with other female lawyers, but no rumors about he and Gemma. “What role does he have in your campaign? Manager?”

  “No, he’ll oversee all operations. He’s agreed to be my campaign CEO, which is only fitting since he’s the one who’s been badgering me down through the years to run for office. But no, he’s a good guy. You don’t have to worry about Ben.”

  “Just still be careful with that guy,” Sal warned. “Just because he hasn’t come onto you doesn’t me he’s not into you. Every guy wants you, whether they want to admit it or not.”

  But Gemma laughed.

  Sal looked at her. “What are you laughing about? I’m serious.”

  “Every guy does not want me, Sal, okay? There’s not a woman alive that every guy wants. From what I remember, you didn’t even want me when you first saw me.”
br />   “That’s not true.”

  “It is true! So quit lying. I mean, you wanted me sexually. But when you realized I wasn’t giving it up and you actually had to put in a real effort to be with me, you took off. Said you were going to call me and didn’t.”

  Sal still felt pain when he thought of how his foolishness almost cost him Gemma. “I was a different man back then, Gem. You know that. Crooked to the core and blind by my own hateful prejudices. You bought out the best in me. Now, to me, I’m a little more good than bad. Thanks to you.”

  Gemma stared at Sal. In a way, they both sold themselves cheap. To Gemma, Sal had the biggest heart of any man alive, despite his bad behavior. To Sal, Gemma was the most beautiful woman alive, inside and out, despite his initial ambivalence. They seemed so opposite when they first coupled up. Now they seemed to have rubbed off on each other and were more alike than different.

  But Gemma still moved on. Sal and his jealous streak was one of his least favorite attributes to her. “Cory Gallagher, the younger guy you saw this morning,” she said, given that he had asked about both guys, “is my campaign manager. Or at least he was.”

  That surprised Sal. “He was?”

  “He was. Unfortunately, I had to let him go.”

  Sal looked at her. “So soon?”



  Gemma hesitated. No point in hurting Sal’s feelings. “I disagreed with where he wanted to take the campaign,” she said.

  But Sal sensed there was more to it than that. Gemma would have given the guy a chance to course-correct, not fire him outright. Unless . . . “Did this disagreement have anything to do with me?” he asked.

  “You?” Then she exhaled. “Yes.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Something stupid.”

  “Tell me.”


  “Tell me, Gemma.”

  “He said, for the good of the campaign, I should leave you.”

  Sal’s heart dropped. “Why that prick,” he said, but not with his usual gusto. Partly because he knew the guy was right. Partly because he never wanted to believe it could ever be right. “Why would he say something like that?” he asked, but again with little energy.

  “Because he’s a prick like you said,” Gemma said. “I fired him on the spot.”

  Sal patted her on the thigh. “That’s what I’m talking about. Telling you to leave me. You would never do that.” Then he glanced at her. “Would you, Gem?”

  Gemma looked at him. His insecurity about their rock-solid relationship still surprised her. “Sal, did you forget what we were just discussing in my office?”

  “What we discussed? I don’t remember us discussing anything. I remember us fucking. I don’t remember us discussing.”

  Gemma blushed. That man! “While we were . . . doing what you just noted---”

  Although Sal laughed, Gemma knew he was serious. “I told you we’re together,” she continued. “It’s you and me. Remember? Unbreakable. Remember? We just said that, Sal!”

  Sal smiled. “I remember. I’m just messing with you.”

  He squeezed her hand and made a quick right turn. But both of them knew he wasn’t “messing” at all.


  Sal and Gemma were fast asleep, naked and under their covers, when the cellphone began ringing. Gemma was the one who woke up. When she realized it was Sal’s phone ringing on his nightstand, and that he was not about to wake up, she rolled her naked body on top of him and still had to reach hard to grab the phone.

  When she saw that it was her father’s name on the Caller ID, she was immediately concerned. And answered quickly. “Hey, Dad,” she said in a voice so hoarse and low that Rodney Jones, her father, barely heard her.

  “Gemma?” he asked.

  “Yeah, it’s me, Dad. Hey.”

  “I thought I was calling Sal’s phone.”

  “You were. He’s asleep.”

  “Sounds like you’re asleep too.”

  Gemma yawned. “No, I’m awake. Barely, but I’m awake. What’s up?” She removed the phone from her ear and looked at the time on the screen. It was ten-to-seven. Later than she thought.

  “I know it’s early, but you two people are so busy I figured I’d better catch him before the busyness began.”

  “What’s up?” Gemma asked again.

  “A couple of things. First, how’s my grandchild?”

  Gemma smiled. And glanced at the monitor in the bedroom. Little Lucky was fast asleep, just like his daddy. “He’s good,” she said. “He’s asleep.”

  “You need to bring him to Indiana to see his grandparents sometime. We’re busy people too, you know. We can’t just drop everything and come to Vegas every time we want to see the baby. And we want to see him all the time.”

  Sal moved slightly, as if he was just beginning to feel the extra weight on top of his naked body. He even placed his arms around Gemma. It was no surprise to her that, even in his sleep state, Sal managed to find her ass to rest his hands upon. “We’ll set something up,” she said.

  “Who’ll be most resistant to Lucky spending a weekend with your mother and I? You, or Salvatore?”

  “Neither one of us!” Then Gemma smiled when Sal’s finger found its way inside of her. She had to look to make sure he was still asleep. He appeared to be, but based on the way he was massaging her clit, how could he be? “We’ll set something up,” she said again.

  “We will greatly appreciate that,” Rodney responded. “We want to be a big part of his life, not just an afterthought. You and Sal need to understand that.”

  “And we do,” Gemma said as she laid her head on Sal’s chest. What she didn’t realize was that Sal’s eyes were now open. He began massaging her clit when he was only half-awake. Now he was fully awake and aware.

  But he was less aware of Gemma’s phone conversation, figuring it was one of her nervous clients, and more aware of this gorgeous naked body on top of his naked body, and the way her folds wrapped around his finger. His dick came alive, because it wanted in too.

  “Don’t worry,” Gemma said to her father. “We’ll schedule something real soon.”

  “Good,” Rodney said. “Cassie will get off of my back about it. She keeps asking me to talk to you guys about it, as if Cat has her tongue. So that’s done. But the main reason I phoned is because I wanted to ask your husband about this business proposition I’ve been offered.”

  “What kind of business proposition?”

  “Fellow here in town wants to open up a restaurant. A Japanese restaurant at that. And he asked me if I wanted to go in with him.”

  “How well do you know him?” Gemma asked.

  “He’s a customer at my bank and one of our Bridge partners. But before I invested any money I wanted to see what Salvatore thought. I know he and Tommy owns a couple restaurants themselves. I wanted his advice.”

  Gemma reacted with an “Oh,” when Sal took his penis and slid it inside of her wetness. She closed her eyes as he began stroking her.

  “You heard me, Gemma?” Rodney asked.

  “Yes. I heard you,” Gemma managed to say. “He’s going to tell you not to do it, I can tell you that right now. But I’ll have him give you a call.”

  “Why do you think he’ll dislike the idea?” Rodney wanted to know.

  Gemma’s eyes were now hooded, as Sal lifted her slightly, and began sucking her tits.

  “Gemma?” Rodney asked.

  “He’ll call you,” Gemma said as the feelings were intensifying. “I’ve got to go, Dad.”

  She could tell Sal was surprised it was her father on the phone. His movements slowed, but only momentarily.

  “I’ll let you go,” Rodney said, “but make sure you remember to tell him to call me.”

  “I will.”

  “Love you.”

  “I love you too. Bye.”

  “Tell Sal I need to hear from him,” Rodney said.

  “I will. Bye.�

  But he kept on. “And when can I tell Cassie you guys will bring Lucky to Indiana?”

  “I’ll call Ma and talk to her,” Gemma said. Sal was now pounding her, and her body was moving because of the pressure.

  “Make sure you remember to call her,” Rodney said. “You know how she is. She’ll hound me until--”

  But it was Gemma who felt hounded. And pounded. “I really have to go,” she said into the phone, although her voice was getting increasingly hoarse again. “Talk to you later.” And she ended the call and tossed the cellphone back on the night stand.

  And Sal went to town on her pussy. Pounding and stroking. Fast and slow. In and out. Gliding and sliding. And Gemma held on. They found each other’s mouths and kissed as she held on. Sal loved a morning fuck. He always had. But with Gemma in his bed? It was magical to him.

  He came first, which was no surprise to either one of them since she’d been distracted on the phone. But she soon followed.

  What made it special for Gemma was the intensity of her orgasm. She came hard. And as he poured into her, and as her body contracted to his pour, he continued to fuck her. He made her feel every inch of every feeling and it was wondrously overwhelming. They kept kissing. And kept fucking. Until there was nothing more to fuck about. Until all feelings, at least of the sexual kind, were gone.

  But it was times like these, when Sal and Gemma were mated as one with the feelings they had for one another, that made Sal realize just how strong a bond they had.

  And although he stopped fucking her, that special bond wouldn’t allow him to stop kissing her. He held his hands against the sides of her face and kissed her passionately. They kissed so long, and so ferociously that Sal’s penis came to life again, and Gemma’s vagina felt the pulsations again.

  Within seconds, they were at it again.

  Later, after they had showered together and were dressing for work, Gemma sat on the bed to put on her heels. “I want you to meet Ben,” she said.


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