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Page 73

by Emilia Hartley

  “Another time, sailor” she promised. “I’m otherwise engaged for the night.”

  “Ah, all right,” Dan replied, hiding his immediate disappointment behind another quick smile. “Another time then,” he repeated with a nod.

  She returned his smile, though something remained serious in her eyes. “Hopefully sometime soon, eh?” she quipped softly as she made her way to the exit. “Until then.” She shot him a playful wink and a wave before making her departure.

  Dan watched her leave the entire time, muttering a hasty ‘goodbye’ a little too late for her to hear. As the door swung closed behind her, he mentally punched himself for not asking for her number.

  “How the hell are you supposed to meet up with her, now?” he grumbled solemnly to himself. “You don’t even know her name, dumbass.” His bear growled lowly in his chest, as if agreeing with the sentiment.

  He battled shortly with a mad urge to run after her and right his mistake, but a feeling told him that the moment to act had passed and stumbling through the bar doors to beg for her number would only make him seem desperate. She’d be around the bar sometime soon, right? He’d come here every night if it meant meeting her again. With a nod of surety, he sat himself at the bar to get a much-needed beer.

  As if reading his mind, the bartender slid him a chilled tall glass of hops, the foam from the tap spilling leisurely over the rim. With a nod of gratitude, Dan sipped his beer in silence. He thought about maybe playing a game of pool or darts to keep his mind occupied, but after the spectacle he made of himself only a short while ago, he didn’t think he’d be able to take the heckling that drunken humans were known for without a bit of his bear slipping out in retaliation.

  Alone, it is, he muttered inwardly with a sigh. Drinking alone, eating alone, sleeping alone. He was always alone. Lonely, he corrected himself. Allowing a stunning woman to slip through his fingers mere hours after lamenting that pickings were slim only reminded him of just how lonely he’d likely always be. “Don’t forget the part where you pushed her onto the floor and nearly crushed her under your fat, clumsy body,” he muttered angrily to himself before tossing back the glass to finish the beer in a single gulp.

  As he pounded the glass back down on the bar, a fresh chilled mug of beer slid his way. “On the house,” the bartender declared. “You look like you need it.”

  Dan looked from the beer to the bartender with mild confusion on his face. First Nick, now this guy. Was everyone in Woodhaven so damned nice? His mind flashed to the roid-raging muscle head that blocked his entrance into the bar. Maybe not everyone.

  He nodded his appreciation. “Thanks.”

  The bartender returned his nod, muttering, “Don’t mention it,” as another patron shouted a drink order from the other end of the bar.

  Dan took his time with this beer as his mind began to wander once more. His thoughts ranged from Lucas to mates to life after Forest Haven, finding peace and back again, never seeming to discover solace in any one subject for too long. He was restless, without answers, and not even a chance to drown his sorrows in alcohol was remedying the niggling suspicion in the back of his mind that there was more to life than what he knew.

  Was it because he was lonely, or worried about the impressionable members of the Northern Wind, or just that he had a small world view from having spent so many years only living in the deep forests surrounding Woodhaven? He wasn’t sure. Maybe after all this was over and done with, he’d talk to Nick about doing some travelling, broaden his horizons and maybe even find a girl to bring home.

  His mind wafted back to recent memories of the dark haired woman that had departed the bar only a short while ago. He allowed himself a moment to believe that maybe he wouldn’t have to make his travels alone if he played his cards right in the coming days. He quickly waved the thought away, discounting it as ridiculous. As tantalizing as a happily ever after with the mysterious beautiful woman at the bar sounded, he was after a long and fulfilling relationship that he didn’t think he’d ever find in a human.

  Sure, Nick had found something like that in Jo, but he had always seemed more in tune with his human side than most bears. The more Dan thought about Nick’s unconventional union with Jo, the more it made sense. Dan couldn’t be more different. His human form was more of a hindrance, and though he wouldn’t even wish life in the Northern Wind on his worst enemy, he longed for the days when most of his daily tasks could be done in bear form. Finding a mate that would force him to be in this human skin almost all the time - The very thought made him shudder. No lifetime with a human, God willing.

  But a night? He definitely wasn’t opposed to that.


  Dan stomached a few more drinks before calling it a night. He’d taken up enough of the bartender’s time sulking in the corner of the bar. Also, he was long since tired of smelling the occasional waft of pity whenever the bar patrons glanced his way. He must’ve looked as depressed as he felt.

  “Thanks,” Dan muttered as he stood, paying for his drinks and leaving a little extra despite one being ‘on the house’. “I think it’s about time I head on out.”

  The bartender gave a haphazard wave. “Come back anytime.”

  Dan smiled as the man turned back to the lingering patrons. Even if he didn’t get around to travelling, at least he had the nice residents of Woodhaven to look forward to every day. That would always be a pleasant change to the chilly distance everyone in the Northern Wind had shared. And what was more, Nick respected the humans of the territory he inhabited. He didn’t try to force them out or steer them away. He coexisted with them in a way that Lucas wouldn’t dare attempt. There was something comforting in having a leader that knew when to show leniency and respect in all things.

  As he made his way to the door, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He saw Jo’s name light up the screen and lifted the phone to his ear. “Everything all right?” he asked as a greeting.

  He heard Jo sigh on the other end of the line. “In the grand scheme of everything we’ve got going on, I guess it’s not that big a deal but…” her voice trailed off into another long sigh that made Dan smile.

  “What happened?”

  “What happened is that it was a mistake to let Nick cook,” Jo grumbled. In the distance, Dan could hear Nick cursing along with the sound of a… fire extinguisher?

  “That bad, huh?” Dan asked with a chuckle.

  “Probably worse,” Jo lamented. “Are you still at the bar?”

  “About to head out. What’s up? You looking for me to pick you guys up something on the way back?”

  “Chinese takeout, pretty please?”

  Dan barked a laugh as he exited the bar. “All you guys eat is that same old Chinese takeout! Don’t you guys get bored of the same thing over and over?”

  “Well, we tried a decent home-cooked meal and look at how that turned out,” Jo grumbled.

  “Fair enough,” Dan replied. “Any special requests when I get there?”

  Mentally cataloging Jo’s order, Dan set off in the direction of the takeout place. “And make sure to get something for yourself, too,” Jo finished. “The romantic evening plans are thoroughly botched, so you’re more than welcome to join us at the cabin for dinner.”

  “Join you there? I can’t imagine eating around that stink. I can practically smell the burnt food form here!” Dan joked, wrinkling his nose for good measure even though Jo couldn’t see it.

  Jo groaned. “You heard the fire extinguisher, didn’t you?”

  “And Nick’s bickering,” Dan added with a laugh. “I’m just kidding. I’d love to join you guys. I’ll grab the food and be right over.”

  “Thank you, Dan,” Jo said gratefully. “See you soon; hopefully. I’m starving.”

  Chapter Five

  The Chinese takeout place was quiet as usual, and it didn’t take long for Dan to place his order. His run through the forest had finally begun to take its toll on him, and the smell of dumplings and Lo Mein made his st
omach grumble. He hastily exchanged cash for the bag of steaming hot food. He couldn’t wait to get back to the cabin and chow down.

  As he stepped back out into the cool night air, the flitting whisper of a voice on the wind caught his ears. Something familiar tingled in his stomach, and his bear raised its head in interest. He gently tipped his nose skyward to sample the air, and the scent of cinnamon and vanilla met him halfway. It was her.

  As much as he hated to eavesdrop, he couldn’t help but creep closer to the conversation she was having with someone he couldn’t place. Whoever it was, they were giving her a hard time. Her breathing was elevated, her words came quickly, and he could even smell a bit of her sweat in the air. It set Dan’s bear on edge to feel her so distraught.

  Taking a few more tentative steps forward, he narrowed his eyes toward the dimly lit alley where the sound of her voice was coming from. Slowly, she came into view. Her body language punctuated her words, as she argued with the person who remained in the shadows.

  “I said no, Dominic!” she hissed, giving the unknown man a shove. “Back. Off.”

  The man stepped forward angrily as if to retaliate against her shove. Dan’s heart fell as he noticed the muscled angry guy from the bar as he loomed over her.

  “Where are you gonna go?” he taunted in a voice that reeked of arrogance. “You’ve got nothing and no one, Lucy. So stop your pointless bitching and move your ass, because you sure as hell aren’t leaving.”

  “Yes, I am” the woman shot back as the man — Dominic —turned to leave. “You’re not my boss and I’ll be damned if I allow you to order me around like one.” The look on the man’s face as he turned back to face the woman could have wilted flowers, and Dan felt genuinely concerned for her safety. Even still, she didn’t back down. “I’m done putting up with your bullshi—”

  Dominic’s hand shot out, wrapping around the woman’s tiny bicep in a vice. Watching the woman lurch forward as Dominic yanked her, Dan’s feet moved as if they had a mind of their own. He tried to remain casual as he walked toward the mess unfolding before him, gently placing his takeout on the sidewalk beforehand. “Everything alright here?”

  “If you know what’s good for you,” Dominic sneered angrily, “you’ll stay the hell out of our business.”

  “With all due respect, my question was directed at the lady you have so rudely vised in your grip,” Dan rebutted quickly, not bothering to police his tone. It was different at the bar when he just wanted to drink his sorrows away, but now this man was threatening the wellbeing of a defenseless woman. Dan wasn’t above punching someone as cowardly as that, even if they were only human.

  He turned an encouraging smile towards the woman he now knew to be Lucy. A beautiful name for a beautiful person. “Everything all right?” he repeated softly.

  Unlike at the bar, she didn’t take the time to smile back. Her face was etched with anxiety as she took in the sight unfolding before her. Her eyes flitted from Dan to Dominic and back again, all while still being latched in the large man’s grip. “Fine,” she amended shortly, though Dan could tell she was anything but.

  His eyes glanced once over the fuming man before returning to Lucy. “You sure about that?” The man’s lip curled in disgust, confirming the instinct that had already taken over. Dan wouldn’t leave this alley unless Lucy was with him. There was no way in hell he’d leave her with a man as volatile as this guy. He took another cautious step forward. Just a bit further and maybe he could wrestle Lucy from the grip with minimal effort.

  “Like I said,” Lucy repeated hastily, yanking on the grip Dominic still had on her. “Everything’s fine. We’re siblings.”

  “That doesn’t make it okay for him to be an asshole,” Dan quipped with a small smile. He made the mistake of giving Lucy his full attention, and before he could react, the full force of Dominic’s large fist collided directly with his face. It slammed into him like a tire iron to the side of his head, connecting hard enough to make him spin a bit before falling. Stars exploded across his vision as his face met the concrete of the alleyway, and though his bear roared in pain, Dan was too busy being in absolute agony to make a sound.

  He tried to roll into a sitting position, but his vision was spotty and his arms had decided to stop working correctly, and for a moment, all Dan could do was lay in the alley and moan. Everything was spinning and blurry, and he feared he might throw up right where he lay. So rather than trying to move further, he focused on staying as still as possible. He’d made enough of a fool of himself in front of this woman. The last thing he needed was to punctuate it by lying in a puddle of his own vomit.

  He didn’t know if they had completely stopped talking or if Dominic had knocked him deaf, so rather than try to do anything cognitive, Dan closed his eyes and waited for the nausea to pass.

  Today really sucks…


  “Dominic!” Lucy shouted, shoving him hard again as the man groaned weakly on the ground. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she snapped. She watched as the man tried to sit, but his arms seemed to twitch against his will.

  She stepped forward to help him, but Dominic interrupted her. “Leave him,” he growled, grabbing her arm once more. “Let’s go.”

  His grip was tight and unforgiving, but riding on the coattails of her shock and anger of what he’d just done, she wrenched herself from his grip. “For the last time,” she growled back. “I’m not going anywhere with you. Fuck off!”

  Something like fury flashed in Dominic’s eyes as he glared down at her. He was her brother in blood as in pack, but he wasn’t above handling her roughly if it meant he got his way. She was done with him thinking he could just throw his weight around and do whatever he wanted. Hitting strangers carried real life consequences. She didn’t want to be a part of this cycle of violence anymore.

  The stare-down lasted a bit longer before Dominic broke his glare with a derisive snort. “Find your own way home, then,” he sneered, promptly stalking off into the night alone without another word.

  Lucy allowed herself a moment of relief as he rounded the corner before turning back to the man who was still groaning in pain on the concrete.

  “I’m so, so sorry,” Lucy murmured worriedly bending to help the man into a sitting position. His large frame was hard to support at first, but she made it work until he regained enough consciousness to sit freely on his own. “He… I won’t say that he’s never done something like that before, but here… now, I honestly did not expect him to just up and hit you like that. I’m so sorry,” she finished limply. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine, fine,” Dan muttered softly, his eyes still looking a bit unfocused. A lazy kind of smile played along his lips, and for a moment Lucy feared that he might have been knocked senseless. “But that show of heroics I put on, eh? It was pretty amazing, wasn’t it?” He opened his mouth to laugh, but it came out in a painful groan that made Lucy wince.

  She gave him a sympathetic smile. “The best hero I ever did see in all my years,” she answered, affecting a slight southern belle accent to play along. She couldn’t keep up her façade of amusement for too long, her smile giving way to a long sigh as she took in the sight of the fallen man. The side of his face was already beginning to swell with the dark purple hue of a good-sized bruise.

  “My goodness, I can’t believe this is happening. He promised we’d keep a low profile while in town. He wasn’t supposed to cause any trouble.” She gazed apologetically down at him and hoped silently that he wouldn’t ask too many questions. She rambled when she was upset, and she didn’t want to say the wrong thing. “That’s why I wanted you to stay out of it. I know how to handle my brother, but he can get a bit… volatile around strangers. I appreciate your help, but I really wish it hadn’t come to all this.” Despite the guilt she felt, she couldn’t help the warmth that lingered in her belly at the way he’d stepped forward to help without a moment’s hesitation. It had been a long time since anyone thought to look after
her so selflessly like that, especially when it meant going up against the likes of her insane brother.

  “I’m fine, I’m fine,” he repeated, touching a hand gingerly to his swelling cheek as he gazed up at her, his brown eyes hazy, but kind. “I could do with some help up though, eh?” He grinned, raising his hand and wincing slightly as the smile tugged at the inflamed tissue of his face. “Can you lend me a hand?”

  Lucy barely bit back the bark of laughter and tickled her throat as she registered her own words from just earlier in the night being used against her. The fact that the roles were so thoroughly reversed was almost too comical to endure. Or maybe it was just her way of fighting back the impending hysterics. Rather than dwell on it, she grasped hold of the man’s large hand and pulled with all her strength. It took some effort, and more than a little pain for him, but he was finally standing once more.

  “How are you feeling?” Lucy asked with a grimace.

  “The side of my face feels pretty gross and probably looks worse by now. I’m also pretty sure one of my eyes is swelling shut,” he replied. “But I’ll live.”

  Lucy shook her head, frustration building up now that she didn’t have to worry about any undue lasting damage on this stranger from the bar. How could she have allowed herself to get in so deep with someone like this? Family or not, the time to sever ties was long ago. She was fully committed to letting their lives go in separate directions from here on out.

  “I’m Lucille Winters, by the way,” she said with a small smile. “I think I might’ve been in too much of a rush to tell you that before, so at least for all of this, I get a second chance to meet you correctly. Call me Lucy.”

  “I know.” The man’s smile grew despite the pain she knew he must be feeling. Suddenly the smile fell as if he’d just realized what he’d said. “I mean… my name’s Dan. Dan Hart,” he corrected hastily, as a redness that had nothing to do with the swelling washed across his cheeks.

  “So, uh, what were you doing with a dog like him anyway?” he continued, eager to change the subject.


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