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Page 120

by Emilia Hartley

  “It’s not the best thing I’ve eaten,” she said, taking more, “but it’s the best thing I’ve eaten today.” She handed some to Alex and he gobbled it down without a second thought.

  “This looks promising,” Alex said. He kicked open a footlocker on the floor at the end of the bed. Inside were bundles of plaid clothing fit for any mountain man and a pair of thick hiking boots. Alex hastily donned the shirt which sagged on his chest, and tugged on the only pair of jeans that remained in the locker. They were a tad large but as long as he held them up with his hand they were alright.

  It’s a shame he had to cover up. Cynthia shook her head to keep herself from staring. Alex looked ridiculous but that was hardly the point. He would be warm.

  “Here, if you want one,” Alex said, tossing another red plaid shirt to Cynthia.

  “I’ll be fine with my fur,” she replied, throwing the shirt back.

  The door behind them creaked open. Alex was lucky to be behind the opening door and almost invisible to the intruder but still he froze in place as the stranger entered. Cynthia’s eyes went large as a bushy bearded mountaineer got an eyeful with his one good eye.

  The stranger clasped his hands and prayed to heaven.

  “Thank you lord,” he said with a raspy old voice.

  Alex snuck up behind him and pulled the man’s jacket hood over his face before shoving him to his bed.

  “What the hell!?” the man shouted while he scrambled with his jacket on the bed, “who did that?!”

  Cynthia giggled but knew it was time to go and she sprinted for the door.

  “Thank you for your hospitality,” Alex said, closing the door fast behind them. They sprinted for the tree line. Cynthia called out to her wolf and it obeyed, taking over her body. The familiar pain of the shift sent shivers down her spine as her muscles tore and bones crunched into their new place.

  It wasn’t long before they heard the frustrated voice of the mountain man echo through the hills, cussing up a storm. It was nice to be warm again.


  Cynthia’s tail wagged proudly beside Alex. Her thick coat must have kept her quite warm. More so than the simple plaid shirt and jeans that Alex wore. His feet were still bare and frozen but it wasn’t as bad as before. His hand held firmly at the waistband of the oversized jeans, making sure they didn’t slip from their new home. In his other hand he clutched the plaid shirt he’d offered Cynthia.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about Cynthia by the roaring fire, completely naked. The thought itself was arousing him. He made a mental note to get a fireplace for Cynthia’s house.

  The gray clouds from before stretched and eventually covered the stars. Rain began to descend, getting caught by the branches of trees that provided only the barest of shelter. Still, an errant drop would find its way between his collar, and sting sharply at the skin on his neck.

  A foul but familiar smell swirled around them as they trudged onward; the scent of motor oil and gasoline. Maybe it was his dad, coming to the rescue once again. He tried to push out the thought of his disappointed father finding them in their current state.

  At least you’d get home faster and be able to forget all this.

  They pressed onward through the thick woods until they came upon a two lane road; both directions disappeared into the ominous fog that still surrounded them.

  The sounds of engines echoed down the road and close. The pair followed alongside the road as the sound grew louder and the stench stronger. Light spilled from a roadside stop. A tall wooden sign on the roof, illuminated by two flood lights, read ‘Otto’s Pub’; it stood by itself nestled between trees on one side and a dirt parking lot on the other. It looked like a box turned upside down with a door leading inward. Outside the front sat a row of motorcycles leaning precariously on their kickstands. It definitely wasn’t a yellow-ish truck with a shitload of dents caused by bears.

  “I’m going to go ask directions. Maybe one of them knows how we can get on the right track that will lead us home. It’s probably for the best that you wait in the forest,” Alex said to Cynthia.

  She defiantly shifted back. Her gorgeous human figure bloomed from the wolf and Alex knew what she was about to say.

  “We’re in this together, I’m going with you,” she said.

  “It might be hard considering you aren’t wearing anything,” Alex said, pointing to her naked chest.

  Cynthia seductively stepped into his space, unbuttoned his shirt, and pried it from his chest. Slipping into the shirt she took a sniff at the collar and smiled.

  “I had a second shirt. I could have just given it to you,” he said.

  “This one smells like you,” she said, kissing Alex on the cheek.

  Alex shuddered, but not from the cold. He put on the second shirt, while trying to control his boner. He took a quick look at Cynthia. The size of the shirt just barely covered her down to her thigh, which was definitely an improvement, but he could still see her butt pressing against the fabric. Ignoring her lack of clothing, she took him by the hand and started for the pub.

  “I’m not waiting in the woods for this. What if you get in trouble? You’ll need help,” she said, “Remember? You can’t shift.”

  But, what if you get in trouble?

  He couldn’t stop watching her little legs move as she danced across the road, barefoot. The things he would do to her if they had the time.

  On the one step porch leading toward the entrance, three large bikers talked obnoxiously about who knows what. Alex caught the one man facing the road clearly staring at his beautiful Cynthia wearing only a shirt. Alex growled below his breath.

  “Hey there girlie,” he said, “looks like you came to the right place.”

  Cynthia continued to walk but still cocked an eye at the obvious come on.

  It took the rest of the bikers a second to catch on but when they noticed Cynthia they tried their best pick-up lines. Alex was ready to gag before they started.

  “Those are some nice legs, I’d love to have them wrapped around me,” said one.

  “Does that shirt come in a smaller size?” asked another as he reached his hand out to lift the shirt.

  Cynthia slapped his hand away and Alex stepped between the two.

  “I told you, you should’ve waited in the woods,” Alex whispered.

  “Ask them,” she urged. Alex coughed to clear his throat.

  “Any of you guys know the fastest way to-”

  “Listen, kiddo,” the larger one interrupted, placing a meaty hand on Alex’s shoulder, “if you’re looking for directions you came to the wrong place; unless you have something to trade.”

  The stranger eyed Cynthia ravenously. Fuck this; he needs to learn some manners. Alex’s was beaming with anger. The biker’s didn’t smell like wolves, he could beat them easily. Hell, even Cynthia could probably beat a few of them. With that thought, he exhaled out his rage, and brushed the stranger’s hand from his shoulder.

  “I’m sure someone inside would be willing to help,” Alex said, turning to Cynthia.

  “You won’t find anyone in there that’ll help” The biker laughed. His two comrades joined in on the laughter.

  Fucking creeps.

  Alex pushed into the bar with Cynthia in tow. It was well lit by wall sconces that cast shadows on the ceiling. Every booth and table was occupied by a mix of bulky men and scantily clad women. Cigar smoke filled the air and nearly overloaded Alex’s heightened senses, while country music blared over the jukebox that sat against the back wall.

  The center of the space was dominated by a large rectangular bar where two servers were going mad in an attempt to keep up with drink orders. Pitchers of beer flowed to the patrons who eagerly guzzled at their beverages.

  Nobody took notice of the pair at first, Alex scanned about the room looking for someone normal. Failing that, he looked for someone that might be helpful. It looked like this was going to be a long night. Cynthia stood close behind doing her best to keep h
er shirt from flying too high. A woman near the door started giving the pair looks, then a table creaked as more stared. Within moments the entire bar was whispering about the newcomers.

  Alex coughed into his sleeve and the bar launched into uproarious laughter. Fucking bikers. They’re the least helpful people in the world. He coughed again to clear his throat and started talking to the person nearest. She was roughly Cynthia’s size and wore a tightly stretched tube top that barely covered her sagging boobs. A leather jacket spilled over her shoulders and a pair of leather pants, that left nothing to the imagination, disappeared into a thick set of motorcycle boots.

  “We’re looking for-”

  “A good time?” she asked, interrupting Alex. She had a smile that screamed fuck me but Alex wasn’t in the market.

  “No that’s not quite-,” he attempted but was cut off again.

  “You’re goin’ to have to talk to someone else, kid,” she said. She ran her hand down his shirt, feeling his abs. He gulped with discomfort. Cynthia growled and bared her teeth. Getting the hint, the girl backed away.

  The bikers from outside pushed their way inside, shoving Alex a little too hard as they passed. Alex grunted while his rage continued to build. Just deal with it for now. He only needed one person to give him directions and he could get the hell out of here. That was the problem, finding someone who wasn’t a jackass. Alex approached another table.

  “Get lost,” the biker said preemptively.

  Cynthia squealed when the girl sitting at the table tugged at the edges of her shirt. She reached out a hand and slapped the woman away.

  “Hey,” the biker shouted, “nobody touches my girl but me.”

  He stood to his feet, the chair he’d been sitting on clattered to the floor. This dude was bulky to say the least. He was probably three times larger than Alex at the waist, with arms wrapped in muscle and covered in old tattoos that showed their age. At full height, he dwarfed every other biker in the bar.

  Alex knew how this was going to go down; he knew how alpha males worked. He’d lived under the shadow of one his entire life; his sister was getting married to one. Alex was used to backing down, to hiding, to running away; but he wouldn’t dream of doing that this time. Even when his opponent could floor him easily; Alex had his pride.

  “We should go,” Cynthia whispered in his ear.

  Not this time.

  Alex stood and glared back at the biker that cast a long shadow over him. He wasn’t backing down. Alex’s heart pounded in his chest. The voice that had, until now, been silent began to whisper in his ears. Alex could do nothing to quiet its influence.

  Show them; show them what it means to be the top dog.

  “You want us to get rid of him, Mutt?” Alex heard from behind.

  “Naw,” the biker said, “I’ll take care of this one myself. He needs to learn some manners.”

  Mutt emptied his pockets on the table then cracked his knuckles and neck. The rest of the bar watched, the music cut out in the back while some laughed at the beating that Alex was about to receive.

  “They call you Mutt?” Alex asked.

  “That’s me,” He snorted and spat in Alex’s face.

  Alex wiped the saliva from his face. Cynthia started to step in to break up the fight but this wasn’t a fight he wanted stopped. He needed this right now.

  “Stand back, Cynthia,” Alex managed.

  “But-” she said.

  Alex held up a finger to hush her and she knew her place. The glare in Alex’s eyes said it all. She backed away to stand near the bar.

  Mutt reared back with his leather clad fist. He threw his entire weight into the punch. It moved so slowly Alex felt he could have dodged it blindfolded. He twisted his body out of the way and Mutt’s fist hit nothing but air. The force from the punch blew past his face and kicked up a small breeze.

  “Your one mutt that needs to be put down,” Alex said. The taunt pissed off his attacker even more. Good, let him throw all the punches he wants.

  He balled up his other fist and reared back again. Alex clenched his teeth and felt the rage boiling just below the surface; years of frustration and anger, years of feeling useless and small. He was ready to let it all out.

  Mutt’s fist flew towards Alex, but Alex wouldn’t let it strike this time, either. Instead he grabbed Mutt by the wrist and directed the punch into the wood of the bar. Mutt roared with pain as his knuckles cracked down into the wood.

  “What the hell are you people doing,” Mutt shouted, “Kick his ass!”

  Alex looked around the bar. The gang was already advancing on him with whatever weapons they had handy, a knife, a chain, a cracked beer bottle. He had seen people protect morons like Mutt his entire life.


  The sting of a pool cue cracked along his back. He didn’t even need to dodge the blow. His shifter strength allowed him that much. However, what he’d intended as a light shove instead sent the man flying and he came to a crash ten feet away smashing through a table. If they all wanted a fight he would give them one.

  Mutt reached out and tried to grab Alex by the neck to choke him, but he was still wasn’t fast enough. Alex used his strength to toss Mutt through the pub window with extreme effort. Mutt screamed as he tumbled on the wooden patio just outside.

  The bikers charged. Two tried to grab Alex by the arms but his strength was too great and he threw them both into Mutt’s table. The girls wailed and made for the exit as the brawl erupted.

  Another biker swung a chain that caught Alex around the neck. He strained against the tightening noose and pulled the biker along with his side of the chain, tossing him out the window and onto Mutt.

  A knife plunged into his side and Alex reared back in pain. As he pried the metal from his side, the wound flowed with rich crimson blood. He tossed away the weapon and grabbed the biker by the shirt, hurling him down the bar.

  Everyone in the bar was fighting Alex now, but the attackers could do little to overpower him. He was the center of a raging storm of fists, clubs, and knives that were used to almost no effect. He dealt with each of the assailants as they came. Each bruise and cut they made on his skin he wore as a badge of honor and yearned for more.

  He savored the battle, the little voice inside him raged with excitement. He laughed through a bloodied mouth at the biker’s attack as he threw them about the bar. With each punch he dodged or knife he snapped he lost himself just a bit more until almost nothing remained.

  Everything swirled around, like being stuck on a carousel for too long, he didn’t know if it was from blood loss or something else. The little voice inside his head came louder with each passing second.

  Kill! Hunt!

  “NO!” he shouted aloud.

  He snapped himself to his senses just in time to meet the receiving end of a shotgun. Mutt pointed the short double barrel at Alex’s face and smiled broadly.

  “You messed with the wrong man,” Mutt said.


  Everything paused. Alex looked behind him and saw Cynthia clutching at her ears from the deafening sound. As he watched the muzzle of the shotgun he saw it grow brighter and brighter. The pellets in the barrel ricocheted against their enclosure, seeking the only exit. His eyes widened at the incoming peril and his body moved on its own. Everything went back to normal, or so he thought.

  “Alex!” Cynthia shouted in fear.

  A deep rumbling growl reverberated in the air as Alex raised himself to his feet. His body was completely unscathed and the wall behind him cracked and splintered from the force of the shotgun blast. Alex twisted at Mutt’s arm, bones snapped and his shotgun fell to the floor. His teeth grew into sharp canines and he readied himself to rip out Mutt’s throat.

  Alex wasn’t in control anymore.

  What the fuck?

  The wolf was standing there, threatening Mutt. Alex felt tired, waves of fatigue set in and he just wanted to rest. He had no control over himself anymore.

right there, Asshole,” shouted a biker from behind.

  Alex’s wolf paused just at Mutt’s throat and turned to see the new threat. Cynthia stood with her hands over her head and the biker held a gun to her back.

  Kill him.

  Alex shook his head. The piece of him that remained tried to fight against the creature that controlled his body. With great effort he managed to release the broken biker to the ground.

  Kill them all. Strip them of their power!

  Alex grabbed at his head, and fell to his knees. He could feel himself split in two; the beast that had always been there, and the man he wanted to be. The battle inside him waged, he still held the leash he’d kept on his wolf but the chain was nearly broken. He fought as hard as he could to bring it back to heel.

  No, I don’t want it!

  “Alex!” Cynthia shouted again. The biker that held her hostage let her go and tended to his own, carrying Mutt from the bar.

  Alex opened his eyes to see her crying at the monster he had become. He reached out to Cynthia, struggling with all his might to maintain his humanity.

  You’re nothing without me.

  Alex brought himself to all fours and pulled harder at the chain inside. He needed to be free of the monster now. Every reserve of energy that remained in his mind was tapped as he began to feel his humanity return.

  “What’s happening to you, Alex,” Cynthia whispered.

  Nothing. I’m still me.

  He felt the wolf release his body and he fell to the floor. Cynthia lifted his head into her lap. Tears flowed down her face. Alex reached a hand up and wiped a tear away, pressing his hand into her cheek.

  “Alex,” she said, “I thought I lost you.”

  “You nearly did.”

  You will.

  The bikers around the bar climbed sorely back to their feet, shaking off the wounds they’d received. Cynthia helped Alex back to his feet and he again scanned the room. Only a handful of bikers remained. He knelt to the ground and found his prize; Mutt’s keys.

  “Two things are going to happen,” Alex shouted to the remaining bikers, “My girlfriend is going to get a set of clothes that fit, and one of you bastards are going to give me some damn directions!”


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