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The Fidelity World_BELONG

Page 7

by Tl Mayhew

  “I-I’m okay with it. Please…don’t stop.” She reaches for my head and pulls me back to her. When I kiss the soft skin on the curve of her shoulder, and place my hand in her panties, she moans, while dropping her head to my shoulder.

  The delicate fabric slides easily down her long tan legs. The sweet scent of her arousal permeates my senses, and I breathe her in before I land a couple quick slaps to her ass.


  My lips curve up at her reaction. After giving each cheek a quick nip, I slide my hand between her thighs. Her desire allows my fingers to glide easily and I push a finger inside, groaning at her tightness.

  She gasps, arching her back, and positions her ass to take in more of my finger.

  “Well, well, someone’s a greedy little thing.” When I remove my finger, her whimper is almost enough to convince me to give her some relief—almost. Instead I move my hands back to her waist and turn her to face me then gather the material of my shirt. Just as I’m about to lift, she stops me.

  She reaches for the material and lifts my shirt enough to expose my abs. When she places a kiss on my stomach, the tingle from her lips causes a quiver to vibrate across my skin. Wanting more of her touch I peel my shirt the rest of the way off and drop it to the floor.

  I don’t move as her light touch glides over the uneven surface of every muscle. The motion of her hands is mesmerizing yet torturous, and my heart begins to beat erratically while my dick throbs painfully.

  Her hand brushes over the raised skin of my scar, when she lowers to her knees and I stiffen. She knows the story—I told her in our interview so long ago. Closing my eyes, I prepare for the pain to come rushing back as her fingers follow the jagged line from one end to the other. When nothing happens, and I no longer feel her touch, I open my eyes just as she places a kiss on the mangled skin. That one simple gesture melts away my anxiety, and pushes years of pain to the back of my mind, while bringing forward an emotion I’m not so familiar with.

  But any emotions I was feeling are quickly forgotten, along with my own name, when her hand moves to the front of my jeans, and she runs it the entire length of my shaft. Not planning on this ending with me coming in my jeans, I seize her hands and place them on the waistband of my pants.

  She turns her head away, but not quick enough to hide her grin. She knows exactly what she’s doing. When she sits back on her heels naked, with pleading eyes, I’m done--willpower be damned.

  I reach for her hand and direct her to stand, then place my lips on hers before breaking away, and quickly freeing myself of my jeans and boxers in one fail swoop. My words skirt against her ear as I confirm one last time, “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Clayton. I’m sure,” she breathes out.

  I place her on the bed with very little grace, and the mattress sinks when I climb on, my destination…the sweet core that’s been teasing me ever since I walked through the apartment door. Her whimper is my drug when I swipe my tongue through her folds. But once is not enough, I do it again, only much slower.

  Arching her back, she lets out a moan. “Clayton…please…”

  That’s all I need to hear. I reach for my jeans and fumble through the pockets for the one and only silver packet I brought. Once I’m covered and my cock is pressing at her entrance, I lower my head and devour her lips while pushing my way in. Her body is tight and gives some resistance, so I take it slow. Her moans vibrate my mouth, and it takes everything I have not to slam inside her. But after a few slower thrusts, her body relaxes enough to allow me the rest of the way in. I pause, giving myself a moment; otherwise, this will end all too quickly.

  When I start to move again, I pull back to where only the head of my dick is surrounded by her folds. Then, with one quick thrust, I bury myself inside her. Her walls flexing with each thrust and each thrust increasing in speed.

  Her hands grip my shoulders and her nails dig in. With her hips lifting off the bed, she screams out my name as she finds her release. I suck in her lower lip and slow my pace until she’s given me all that she has.

  It’s not until her spasms have slowed that I allow my release.

  After a few moments of leaning over her, my arms begin to tire, but I’m not ready to break our connection. Lowering my head, I give her a long, lingering kiss, then quickly flip us over so she’s on top.

  Her mouth drops open, allowing a gasp to escape from the sudden movement, before she settles in and lays her head on my chest.

  “Amazing,” I say, as I kiss the top of her head.

  She nods in agreement.

  We lie in silence for a bit, then she puts her hands on my chest and her chin on her hands. Raising her eyes to mine, she smiles. “I think we’ll need to reheat the coffee.”

  “I don’t mind cold coffee,” I say, flashing her my sexiest grin and lifting my head enough to kiss her on the nose. When I give her a firm smack on the ass, she jumps, and the movement makes my dick twitch.

  It’s not long before we’re ready to go again.

  Chapter 15


  My eyes spring open when I hear what sounds like yelling. I’m somewhat disoriented as my eyes scan the room, but are met with only darkness. As my vision adjusts, I realize I’m in my bedroom and decide I must have fallen asleep, and the yelling must have been a dream. But just as I’m about to drop my head back to my pillow, a loud bellow echoes through the room, and the source is lying next to me.

  When I look over to Clayton, his eyes are closed, but he belts out another deep howl laced with pain. I’ve heard it one too many times from patients at Magnolia Woods. But this…this is not a patient. This sound of pain is coming from someone I have feelings for. The thought of Clayton in this much pain is overwhelming. Tears spring to my eyes. He must be having a nightmare. I place a hand on his shoulder and push while whispering his name. “Clayton…are you okay?” He doesn’t respond verbally, but his hand moves to his waist and he bends at the middle, turning from side to side. My heart races, and I shake his shoulder harder. “Clayton! You’re dreaming! Wake up…please!”

  Shooting up in bed, his glazed eyes dart around, but wherever he’s looking doesn’t seem to register. It’s the same when his eyes meet mine; it’s like I’m invisible. After several moments of staring blankly, he blinks a few times and the haze slowly fades.

  Without saying a word, he pulls me in and squeezes me tight, my bare breasts pressing against his sweat-covered chest. He moves his hand to the back of my head, his fingers lacing in my hair, and his lips meet mine. His kiss is rough, full of raw need that comes in the form of strength as he pushes on the back of my head, drawing me closer and bruising my lips with its intensity.

  As I imagine what he’s going through, my chest feels tight and my eyes blur with tears. When he pulls me in closer, tighter, it takes my breath away.

  Breaking the kiss, we’re both breathing heavily when his forehead drops to mine. He closes his eyes; his voice is thick with regret. “I’m so sorry if I scared you. I’m not sure staying over was a good idea. I’ll grab my clothes and head back to the hotel.”

  I take his face in my hands, ignoring the prickle of his stubble poking at my skin. “Clayton, look at me?” When his eyes open, the light hazel I’m familiar with has deepened to a rich shade of brown, and I find myself staring into the very depths of who he is. “You had a nightmare. Sure, it scared me at first, but I’m more concerned about what you’re going through.” My cheeks are wet with tears and my voice cracks as I continue. “You cried out like you were in pain, and I couldn’t bear to hear you suffering.”

  The sound of his pain is still fresh in my mind. When it echoes through my ears, my heart starts to pound. I take in a couple deep breaths and turn my attention back to Clayton. Encasing his neck with my arms, I give him a light kiss on the lips and a final kiss on his cheek, then scoot against the headboard and pat the bed, encouraging him to do the same. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He puts his arm behind me, dro
ps a kiss on my forehead, and I settle in under his arm with my ear against his chest. The rhythm of his heartbeat is fast, but the repetitiveness starts to lull me back to sleep.

  “I’m seeing a therapist and have been for some time.” His deep voice vibrates his chest against my ear and it startles me. “I’m sure you remember from your questions in the interview, the incident was quite some time ago, but it doesn’t seem to matter how much time has passed, the nightmares haven’t faded. I can take medication, and it helps, but I don’t like the way it makes me feel.” He pulls me closer to him. “I think you know a lot of the details about what happened that day, but what you probably don’t know is my partner saved my life.

  Martin doesn’t wait for the ambulance. He helps me in his car, then rushes me to the hospital. We make our way through the emergency room door. I struggle to stay upright, and he tries his best to support me. Everything is covered in blood—my face, the towel shoved in my wound, Martin’s clothing…

  Nurses rush toward me, pulling me onto a gurney. Words are shouted around me, questions, and a light…

  “We’re losing him.”

  I swallow back the knot in my throat. Had he lost his life, we never would have met, and I wouldn’t be lying here in his strong arms. The realization that we met because of his injury also doesn’t escape me. I would give it all up if I knew it would take away the pain and suffering he’s been through.

  “You’re the first person, since my therapist, I’ve discussed this with. Even Martin doesn’t know about the nightmares. He always felt guilty for not seeing the guy sooner. It wasn’t his fault. I should have been more careful.”

  I shake my head against his chest, but don’t look at him, afraid I’ll break the trance and he’ll stop sharing. “It doesn’t sound like it was anyone’s fault except the guy who did that to you.” I run my hand over his side, needing to feel his warmth—his vitality. “You nor Martin should feel responsible.”

  He squeezes me with his arm. “I know I shouldn’t, and I’m trying to get past that. Just easier said than done.” With his other hand he reaches over and pinches one of my nipples. “Since we’re both awake, and naked, we should do something to take our minds off this depressing topic.”

  Chapter 16


  The rays of sun work their way through the bottom slats of the blinds, and I turn in bed, willing the brightness to go away. After a few minutes, my eyes blink open. Clayton remains asleep next to me, his breathing even and peaceful. My gaze roams over his features. His chiseled jaw is shaded with a five-o-clock shadow, and I touch the sensitive skin covering my cheek, reminded of how it felt between my thighs throughout the night. The dark hair covering his head is cropped close on the sides, but transitions to thick strands on top that are mussed in the sexiest way.

  My core clenches when my gaze moves lower and I find the sheet sitting low on his hips. The defined muscles of his shoulder, arms, and six-pack abs are visible even as he sleeps. Not wanting to wake him, I resist the urge to run my fingers over his smooth skin. As much as I want to continue my visual admiration of him, my body decides I need to pee.

  With as little movement as possible, I work my way to the edge of the bed, and let out a yelp when a large arm grabs me around the waist. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  I crane my head over my shoulder. His beautiful hazel eyes peer up at me, and I melt back into him. “Well, for starters, I have to pee...” His lips on my neck raise tiny bumps on my skin. “Hmmm…” I arch my neck, giving him better access, and he pulls me farther onto the bed. Laughing, I push away. “Okay...stop. I really have to go.” With a disappointed growl, he releases me, and I climb off the bed

  “Come right back. Otherwise, me and this…” he points to the tented sheet, “will come find you.”

  “Noted,” I toss over my shoulder, as I sashay to the bathroom naked. My lips turn up in a grin, knowing his intense gaze is following me.

  My reflection in the mirror startles me. My hair is a tangled mess and puffy eyes stare back at me. I turn on the water to take a quick shower before heading back to Clayton. As soon as I put my head under the spray, the glass door opens, and his hands are on me.

  I should have known he would come find me.

  With his position behind me, he moves his hand between my legs and circles a finger around my sensitive bud. It’s not long before my moans turn to pleas that echo in the tiled shower. “Clayton, please….”

  His fingers tangle in a fistful of my hair, as he slams into me, and lowers his mouth to my ear. Each word broken between thrusts. “We’ll. Talk. About. Why. You have. So many condoms. Later.”

  It doesn’t matter what he says, just the tone of his deep, commanding voice puts me over the edge. And he follows shortly after.

  When we step from the shower, he reaches for a towel and glides the soft material over my shoulders and chest then the rest of my body.

  I’m mesmerized by the droplets of water that trace over his skin and I can’t help but follow the path with my finger. But my touch does nothing to distract him until he’s ensured that every part of me is dry before he stands and runs a towel over himself.

  After we dress, Clayton’s right behind me as we head into the other room, but as soon as we turn the corner I jump and a hand flies to my chest.

  “Holy crap, you scared me!” I rush out in one breath, when I find my sister sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and the paper. I’d given her a key some time ago and she’ll occasionally stop by, but usually I know she’s coming.

  “Seriously, Lacy, I can’t believe—” she stops mid-sentence when she looks up.

  Clayton bumps into me at my abrupt stop, then wraps his arms around my shoulders.

  “Can’t believe what?” I ask, ignoring the fact that there are two large arms surrounding me and a very handsome head resting on my shoulder.

  “Well…I was going to say, I can’t believe you still have an actual paper delivered.” She waves the paper. “But now, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were seeing someone.” She winks at me.

  Clayton steps forward, extending his hand to Tracy. “Hi, I’m Clayton. Clayton Andrews. It’s nice to meet you…” he trails off, waiting for her name.

  “Tracy. Lacy’s sister. Nice to meet you as well.”

  “Is it okay with you ladies if I get some coffee?” he says, already heading toward the kitchen.

  “Of course,” we say in unison.

  He shakes his head at our perfectly timed answer, and mumbles, “Sisters…” before flashing a sexy smile then dropping a peck on my cheek and a smack on my ass, on his way to the coffeepot.

  Tracy turns to me, and mouths, “He is fucking hot!”

  “I know!” I mouth back.

  When he clears his throat, we both turn his way. The heat from our cheeks could light a thousand fires. “When you ladies are through with the silent compliments, which, I appreciate—by the way, could you show me where the sugar is?”

  Once I get the sugar for Clayton, and I doctor up my own coffee with peppermint cream from the fridge, we all migrate to the couch. Although, it seems I could have just stayed in the kitchen, since the conversation mostly stays between Clayton and Tracy. She practically grills him with questions, but he handles her like a champ, and ultimately wins over her affection.

  Clayton downs the rest of his coffee, then stands. “Well, I hate to drink and run, but I have some things I need to take care of. Lacy, walk me to the door?” When I stand, he casually grabs my hand, then turns toward my sister. “Tracy, it was good meeting you.”

  “You as well. Hopefully, we’ll get to see more of each other,” she says, but shuts her eyes as the last word comes out, realizing how it sounded.

  He raises his eyebrows, and I laugh.

  “Uh…th-that’s totally not what I meant,” she says turning away, her cheeks flushed pink as she adds, “Bye!”

  At the door, he wraps his arms around me, and our lips meet. The
kiss is deep, and I lose myself in his arms. He tastes of coffee, and smells of my coconut shampoo. When he breaks the kiss, he gives me a tight squeeze and my pout is prevalent.

  He smiles as he places one last kiss on my forehead. “Call me later.”

  Once he’s through the door, I turn the lock then lean against it, and slide down until my butt hits the floor. “Clayton Andrews is ah-maz-ing.”

  Chapter 17


  When I reach the SUV, I place my laptop in the back seat and quickly realize I hadn’t given Lacy any details about what I’d found on Dr. Ackerman. I shake my head in frustration, disappointed in myself that I could be so easily distracted by her.

  I place a call to Martin through the vehicle speakers while I head over to meet Deloris. I’m not sure what kind of information he can get on Dr. Ackerman, since there are multiple jurisdictions involved, but if there’s anything to find, I have no doubt he will.

  Martin and I became partners with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation right out of training. We were together for many years, until I was injured and decided I wanted out. When an opportunity came up for a position on Deloris Witt’s team, my superior sent a letter of high recommendation on my behalf. Deloris has contacts with pretty much everyone in the police business. If she doesn’t know you, but has a need to, no stone will be unturned until she has every ounce of knowledge available. After several in-depth interviews, an extensive background check, and the fact that I was well respected within the force, she brought me on.

  It was several months before I received any assignments on my own. I first had the difficult task of earning her trust. When I did finally receive my first assignment, I wasn’t sure if I had done something wrong. It seemed like such an easy job. I mean, how hard could it be to chauffeur and protect a beautiful, and as it turns out, extremely wealthy woman. I obviously had no idea.


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