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Rough Ride (Let it Ride Book 1)

Page 12

by Cynthia Rayne

  “What do you mean?” It was a bit before four in the morning, and the streets were quiet—for New York anyway. But still, we were outside, and anyone could see.

  “What do you think I mean?”

  “Oh, I see.” I bumped my hips against him, feeling his erection through his pants. “Someone might see us.”

  “Worry about it later.”

  And Malcolm was right—I enjoyed the ride.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Two weeks passed.

  I was working late at the office on a random Thursday night. I’d finished writing a blogger campaign proposal and emailed it to the design team. And now, I was polishing my resume.

  Although I could go home and work, there were fewer distractions at York & Associates, and I needed to concentrate.

  I’d taken Malcolm up on his offer of an interview. He’d asked me to send my updated resume over to human resources for review and they’d set a time up for me. At the very least, this new position would give me some real world experience in my field, which I could use down the line in my career.

  While I was relieved to have the option, part of me was still unsure.

  Or scared.

  Working with Malcolm and sleeping with him would be complicated. But then again, we were already making it work. Maybe I was worried about this ending, blowing up in my face.

  We hadn’t moved forward yet. He hadn’t offered me a collar, which was the kinky equivalent of a ring, I guess. I got the impression he was waiting for a sign from me.

  The trouble was, I was still sorting out my feelings.

  I liked Malcolm, which was the easy part of this equation. Lord knows I was attracted to the man and, of course, I cared for him.

  But what about love? Was I in love with him? I didn’t know because I hadn’t experienced anything like this before, which might be a big clue what my true feelings were.

  Like I said, the real problem was fear.

  I thought about Malcolm all the time and I lived for the time we spent together. And I was scared spitless of needing him.

  It all came back to my father and my lack of faith in men. What if I let him in and Malcolm decided he no longer wanted me? It’d shatter me into a million pieces, and I’d never put myself together again.

  Although, walking away would do the same thing. A world without Malcolm would be unbearable.

  What a mess.

  I should stop being frightened and let go. Malcolm was nothing like my father. He’d demonstrated it in countless ways. What more proof did I need?

  “You’re working late.”

  I jumped, startled from my thoughts and back into the real world.

  Seth stood in the doorway of the office I was borrowing. The space still belonged to Malcolm’s personal assistant, but I used it occasionally.

  “I am.” I snapped my fingers as something came to mind. “I emailed the list of bloggers to creative, along with a sample memo. Would you like me to send it to you too?”


  I jotted down a note to remind myself.

  “Want to get some takeout? We could go over the details together.” He strolled further into the room.

  Seriously? Other than design meetings, I’d dodged Seth. I thought his creepy fixation was over, but evidently I’d been wrong.

  To make matters worse, we were all alone in the building. When I’d walked down the hall earlier, all the offices had been closed and locked. The cleaning staff wouldn’t be in for a couple of hours, at least.

  Here’s hoping I could distract him with shiny new office gossip.

  “No, thanks. I’m working on my resume tonight. I’m going to interview for a social media assistant job.”

  “Congrats, but I can’t say I’m surprised.” His lips pressed together into a thin line.

  “No?” I was secretly pleased. Maybe Seth had noticed how much effort I was putting in. Working on this campaign had been fun. Things were coming together for me.

  “Well, yeah, I figured it out.”

  “Figured what out?”

  “Your secret.”

  “Which is?” Spit it out—enough with the riddles already.

  “You’ve been climbing the ranks so fast because…” Seth paused to shut the door behind him and locked it. “You’re fucking Malcolm.”

  And I went from annoyed to worried.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t you?” He cocked his head to side.

  “Of course not.” This had taken an unexpectedly ugly turn, and I didn’t know what to do. Neither Malcolm nor I wanted anyone to know about us, so I didn’t volunteer any information. Besides, it was none of Seth’s goddamn business.

  “See, I’ve had the opportunity to observe the two of you. Everyone else is clueless, but I see the way he looks at you, and I can’t say I blame him. You’re young, smokin’ hot, and I figure you must be a good piece of ass or he’d have gotten bored with you. After all, he could have any woman in the city.”

  “I have no idea what you’re babbling about, but this conversation is over.” I grabbed my things and stalked past him to the door. “Good night.”

  “You aren’t going anywhere.” Seth grasped my arm and wrenched me around.

  “Let go of me. Now.”

  “Make me.”

  On instinct, I slapped his face.

  “You like it rough, huh?” Seth pushed me back against the desk, trapping me.

  I blew past worried and landed on terrified.

  Surely, he wouldn’t try anything with me. Seth was a bastard, but he was smart. This would be career suicide.

  “Look, this got out of hand.” Maybe I could diffuse the situation. “Let me go, and nobody has to know what happened here tonight—provided you never come near me again.” I hoped I sounded confident, but I was shaky and blood roared in my ears.

  Given the circumstances, I thought it was a very generous offer.

  “See?” Seth touched the tip of my nose, and I cringed. “It’s obvious you don’t want your secret to get out, which is why I’ll keep it—for a price.”

  That’s why the bastard felt confident enough to pull this crap. He thought he’d blackmail me into having sex with him.

  “What price?” I played along, stalling for time while I thought of an escape plan.

  “Since you’re trading sexual favors for career advancement, I figured I’d get my share too.” His hand slid up my thigh. “I have a lot of campaigns lined up for this spring, and I’ll make sure you have a role in all of them—if you’re nice to me.”

  The pulse in the hollow of my throat beat faster, fluttering. I grasped his wrist, trying to break his grip, but I didn’t stand a chance. Seth was larger and stronger than me.

  “Let go of me.”

  He shoved his hand further up my leg.

  “I said stop it.”

  He sneered. “Make me.”

  “Don’t be an idiot, Seth. I’ll go straight to the police.”

  In fact, there was a phone on the desk, but could I dial before he stopped me? Slowly, I leaned back, making a move for the receiver.

  Seth knocked it off the desk. The dial tone filled my stunned silence.

  “Yeah? And it’s your story against mine. A lot of people saw us together—having lunch, sitting together in meetings. There’ve been a lot of rumors going around.”

  “Because you started them?” I tried to wriggle away, but he held me still.

  Seth laughed. “Yeah, and since you’re fucking the boss too, the cops will think you’re the office slut, sleeping your way to the top. Maybe you’re upset because I couldn’t deliver on my promises?”

  I was too stunned to speak. What if Seth was right? What if the police wouldn’t believe me?

  “So lay back and enjoy it, sweetheart, because I’m a much better lay than York.” His mouth closed over mine, swallowing my scream.

  Chapter Fifteen

/>   I was losing it.

  Since Kate had been turning her attention to ad-related tasks, I didn’t have a full-time personal assistant, and my life was crumbling. I’d gone out to a client dinner without the file I needed.

  Luckily, I’d saved my ass tonight by spinning some ideas off the top of my head, but I wanted to write everything down before I forgot it.

  Or maybe I was looking for an excuse to see Kate.

  She’d texted me, saying she had a couple things to wrap up at the office, and I hadn’t had much of a chance to see her today.

  Spending time apart was agonizing.

  I was thrilled she’d decided to apply for a job, but she’d remained closed-lipped about continuing seeing me. So far, I’d been patient. I knew her father had done a number on Kate, so I gave her some space to come to a decision. Opening herself up to a man had to be scary.

  Actually, I’d had a little something made for her, in case she agreed to carry on with me. I couldn’t wait to give it to her.

  While I was at my desk, I’d write myself a reminder to call my personal assistant and see if she was ready to come back from maternity leave. If not, I’d call a temp agency to send someone over. I had too much going on to do everything myself.

  When I left the elevator, I heard a scream, and it was coming from my old PA’s office.

  Oh, God. Kate!

  I dropped my briefcase and sprinted down the hallway.

  “Kate? Are you okay?” I tried the handle. It was locked, so I pounded on the door.


  “It’s me. What’s wrong?”


  Without thinking, I kicked in the door.

  I found Kate huddled on the desk, arms wrapped around herself. Her face was pale, tears leaked from her eyes, and she was staring at the floor, unable to meet my eyes.

  Seth stood on the other side of the room, his shirt untucked, and he was gasping for breath.

  While I didn’t know for sure, I had a good idea what had just happened. My hands fisted at my sides, and I stalked toward him.

  “What the fuck’s going on?”

  Seth rubbed the back of his neck. “Nothing, boss. Kate wanted to run some ideas by me.”

  “Then why was she screaming? What the hell were you doing to her?”

  “I didn’t touch her.” Seth began to pace, probably worrying she’d give him up.

  He wasn’t leaving here until I had some answers.

  “Explain yourself. Now.”

  “It isn’t what you think.”

  “You put your hands on her.”

  “Malcolm, please don’t,” Kate whispered.

  I stopped. “Did he…?”

  “He tried.”

  That’s all I needed.

  Seth backed away, hands in the air. I grabbed him by the shirt collar and tugged him closer, ready to beat the ever-living shit out of him.

  “Please, Malcolm, stop.”

  For a long, tense moment, it was touch and go. I needed to blacken Seth’s eyes, teach him a lesson, but I wanted to comfort Kate even more.

  Releasing Seth, I shoved him backward, sending him stumbling against the wall.

  “Only because you asked me.”

  And Kate was right. Beating Seth to a bloody pulp would only make the situation worse, and it looked like she’d been through enough tonight.

  “Did he hurt you? Are you okay?” I reached for her—slow and steady, no sudden movements. Kate sagged against me, pressing her face into my chest, and she clung to me. I wrapped my arms around her, and I didn’t give a damn if Seth saw us.

  “I’m fine.” She pulled back and turned her icy gaze on Seth. “Because Malcolm got here in time.” Her lips peeled back from her teeth as she got the words out. “We both know what you were going to do.”

  “That’s it’s—I’m calling the police.” I snatched the phone from the floor, but Kate shook her head.

  “I don’t want to talk to them.” She grasped my arm. “Please?”

  This was her choice, so I put the phone down.

  “Are you sure?” Seth deserved to rot in jail.


  I nodded. “Okay, it’s your decision, but I hope you reconsider.” I didn’t even spare the bastard a glance. “You’re fired, Seth, effective immediately, and don’t expect a good reference.”

  “You can’t do that!”

  “Oh, yes, I can. Read your contract. We’re an employment-at-will organization, and there isn’t a thing you can do about it. Clear your stuff out tonight. You’ll be sorry if I lay eyes on you again.”

  Then I scooped Kate up into my arms and carried her home.



  The next morning, I woke up in Malcolm’s bed.

  After we had gotten back to his place, I’d taken a long, hot shower. Later, he’d fetched me an old shirt of his to wear, then he’d brought me a hot cup of tea. Then he tucked me into bed and laid beside me, holding me close.

  Malcolm had wanted to take me to the hospital, but I’d refused. Besides, there was no physical evidence of an assault. Seth had kissed me, groped me, and pushed a hand up my thigh, but he hadn’t gotten any further.

  Thank God.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I nodded.

  Something about waking up beside him at the dawn of a new day told me everything would be just fine.

  Malcolm wrapped his body around mine, and I closed my eyes, relaxing in his hold. Lying here beside him, I felt safe and warm.

  No, I was home.

  Funny, I’d found the place I’d been looking for all my life. I’d lived in my father’s apartment my first eighteen years, then my own, but I’d never felt truly at home in either of them. My place was a temporary situation which would end soon, and my father had never made me feel welcome.

  Here, I felt wanted, needed.


  “I told you—you got there in the nick of time. Even a couple minutes later and he would have…” I trailed off.

  I’d walked Malcolm through the entire exchange with Seth because I needed to talk it out, and I didn’t want any secrets between us.

  My stomach churned just thinking about what Seth could’ve done. I felt violated after the unwanted touching, and I couldn’t imagine the agony someone who’d gone through a completed assault dealt with.

  “I still wish you’d report him to the police. Seth belongs in jail.”

  Malcolm was probably right.

  “I’ll tell you what—later on today, I’ll go the precinct and make a report, although I’m not interested in pressing charges.”


  The odds of prosecuting a rape case were small—let alone an attempted one. I didn’t have much faith in the system, but Seth might decide to pull this crap again. I owed that woman a paper trail to help prove her case.

  “I’ve been thinking about the threats he made. We don’t have any other assholes working for the company, but I don’t want anyone to have leverage over you. After you interview for the job and when you get it—because I know everyone will sign off on your employment—we’ll come clean with human resources. You’ll report to one of the other designers so there won’t be a conflict of interest. Sound good?”

  “It does.” I flipped over to face him. “And you swear you aren’t hiring me because of our relationship?”

  Seth had needled me about it, and I wanted reassurance.

  “I swear.” Malcolm cupped my face. “I believe in your work, and I’d hire you regardless. I’ve been kicking myself for not giving you this opportunity a couple of months ago.”

  “Thanks, I needed to hear that.” I sighed, closing my eyes.

  “And what about the other thing we discussed?”

  “You and me?”


  “I’ve been thinking about us too.” I rested a hand against his chest. “I’ve been letting fear make choices for me.”

  “And wh
at have you decided to do about it?”

  “I think you’re right, this type of connection doesn’t come along very often.” Maybe some people are never lucky enough to find someone they bond with like this.

  His grin was downright sinful. “And…?”

  “I’d be a fool give up on us.” I laid my head on his chest—against his heart, which beat in a steady rhythm.

  “I’m glad to hear you say that.” Malcolm settled a hand in my hair and kissed the top of my head.


  “Yeah, because I bought this for you.” Malcolm reached into the nightstand drawer and retrieved a collar. He dangled it in the air.

  This one was different than the last one. The leather was red with his name burned into it, and it closed with a padlock in the shape of a heart with wings.

  It was fitting—Malcolm made me feel like I could fly.

  “Do you want it, Kate?”

  Did I?

  All I had to do was take it.

  Like always, Malcolm offered me a choice. He never pushed me into anything I wasn’t ready for or didn’t want.

  Everything about this felt right, but was I brave enough?

  Malcolm looked me in the eye. “You’re all I think about and I’m much too old to pretend otherwise, so I’m going to lay it all out for you. Kate, I need you. I care about you.” He angled his head to the side. “And you should know I’m falling in love with you.”

  “I’m falling for you too.” Somehow, the words spilled out.

  “Good, because I need you in my life, Kate. I’ll make you avocado toast, so you can post it on Instagram. And I’ll take you to Disney World. If you pass out on the teacups, I’ll be the one who carries you home. Will you wear my collar?”

  My heart beat faster. “Yes, Malcom—I mean, master.”

  I held out my hand, palm up, and Malcolm dropped it into my grasp. I closed my fist around the leather, and his hand encircled mine, gripping it. Then I leaned forward, and he fastened the collar around my neck.

  It was snug without being tight, a reminder of our union. Malcolm turned the key, locking it into place.


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