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Protecting Faith

Page 3

by Lynne St. James

  “Yeah you could, but you could also let us look at it and see what we can find out before you do. We might have better luck, and we have our secret weapon,” Wolf answered.

  “You mean Tex?” Chase asked.


  “I want to be a part of this. I’m not going anywhere right now.” What? Why was he inserting himself into her business? She’d shut him out, and pushed him away. He didn’t know that she longed for him every day of the last three years and she had no intention of telling him. Hopefully, Caroline would keep her secret.

  “You don’t have to, Frost. I’ll be fine.”

  “Chase, I dropped Frost when I left the SEAL team. And it’s not a problem, I want to help.” The pleading look in his eyes was tempting, but she knew nothing about him now. Maybe she was reading more into it. He probably was married or at least dating. A glance at his hand showed no ring, okay so probably not married. It still didn’t mean he was interested and wasn’t just being polite.

  Faith looked to Caroline to save her but only got a shrug of her shoulders. Ugh.

  “Where’s the box of notes? Home or your office?” Wolf asked.

  “Home. I can bring them over to your place after work tomorrow.”

  “Nope, we’ll get them tonight. I’ll come with you. Besides I don’t think you should stay there alone until we figure out who this guy is and what he’s capable of,” Chase said before Wolf could answer.

  “He hasn’t done anything so far.”

  “What do you call a dead bird?” Okay, maybe he had a point. But still, it was at the bar, not her home. She didn’t really have the money to stay in a hotel indefinitely.

  “Before you two get into it, Caroline and I will follow you home, Faith. You can pack a bag and grab the box and stay with us until we get this sorted out.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Caroline added.

  “I...” Faith started to object, but she’d be up against a table full of objections. The only one who seemed ready to say something was Chase.

  “There, it’s settled. I told you that we’d have an exciting evening,” Caroline said with a laugh. After a bunch of hugs, most the group went home. Jess and Benny were still there, but he was waiting for Jess to close up.

  That left Wolf, Caroline, and Chase.

  “I’m going to come with you guys if that’s okay? I’d like to take a look at those notes.” After a brief hestitation, Wolf agreed. What Faith couldn’t understand was why? As far as she knew, no one knew about her interaction with Chase except for Caroline. Patient/doctor privilege made sure she’d kept their ‘whatever it had been’ a secret. Had Caroline shared it with Matthew?

  Chapter Three

  After Wolf had suggested taking Faith back to their house, Chase had to think fast. If he let her get away without talking to her first, he’d have no reason to insert himself into this mess. He wasn’t sure if any of them knew what had happened between them. Not that it had been anything more than a kiss. But hot damn what a kiss. Just thinking about the taste of her was enough to make him hard. But he had no idea if she felt the same way.

  The looks she leveled on him hadn’t given anything away either. He knew she was nervous and upset, but was it all because of the stalker or was he affecting her too? He needed to know. There had to be a way to get her alone so he could tell her things were different now. That he was whole again—at least mostly. Enough. And she wasn’t his doctor anymore, so there was no reason not to see where their feelings could lead, well except for one big one. She lived in Coronado, and he lived in Willow Haven. But he’d deal with that later. First things first. He needed to get her alone.

  Caroline nudged Wolf in the side to get his attention. After his oomph from the unexpected elbow, his eyebrows rose, and he nodded. Chase admired their communication skills, not a word was said, but they clearly understood each other.

  “Faith are you okay with Chase tagging along?”

  After a moments hestitation, she nodded. “Yeah, it’s fine I guess. I don’t need you to come with me. I’ll just run in, pack a bag, grab the box of notes, and meet you at your house.”

  “If there wasn’t a dead bird sitting in Jess’ office I’d say fine, but nope. Either we come, or Chase can follow you. I get the feeling there is some history between you two. But it’s up to you, Faith.” Chase was all for the second option. Would she agree?

  It wasn’t looking good when she pulled her lower lip between her teeth. He’d give anything to know what she was thinking, and he silently offered up a prayer that she’d say yes. Sure, it had been a while, but there had been no denying the attraction between them. Or she wouldn’t have disappeared from his life after the kiss. He’d known it was wrong to push it, but he hadn’t been able to help himself. She was the light to his darkness.

  “I still want to go on record as objecting to all of this. It’s so not necessary. But since I know you won’t take no for an answer, I’ll let Chase come with me and meet you back at your house.” Still nibbling on her lip, it was obvious she wasn’t thrilled with her choice, or maybe it was her options she didn’t like. She’d always been independent. It shouldn’t have been a surprise to any of them she wouldn’t be happy about having her life taken over, even if it was for her protection. She was too stubborn for her own good. Stalked for six months and not telling anyone was enough proof of that for anyone.

  “Okay great. We’ll see you in a while. Chase, behave yourself. Don’t make me sorry I’m not coming with you,” Wolf admonished as they got ready to leave.

  “I need to get changed. I can’t go out like this.” Chase had gotten so used to the mask and robe covering her costume he hadn’t thought about it.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “Umm, I’m a big girl. I can get changed by myself.”

  “I know you can. I’ll just stay out in the hallway. Humor me. Okay?” She gave him an assessing look and nodded.

  “See you in a while. I’ll put up a pot of coffee. I have a feeling this is going to be a long night,” Caroline said as they left.

  He finally had her alone. As alone as you could be in the middle of a crowded bar. They both started to talk at the same time and laughed. It was the first time she seemed relaxed since she’d showed up at the table with Caroline.

  “You go ahead,” Chase said. He was curious to see what she would ask first.

  “Why do you want to come with me, what’s going on?” Okay, that wasn’t what he expected.

  “First it’s great to see you, finally. I’ve wanted to for a while.”

  “Really? I figured once you left that you put all of this behind you.” She gestured wide with her arm as they approached the dressing room.

  “You figured wrong. I never forgot any of this, but especially not you.” That stoppped her in her tracks. He was glad he could still surprise her.

  “I guess I can understand you not forgetting your SEAL life, but me? No reason for that. There wasn’t anything between us.”

  “Wasn’t there?” He needed to see if she still felt something, anything for him, and he watched her expression closely. Yup, there it was. A blink and then she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. He still had a chance as long as he could keep her safe.

  “It was one kiss.” Yes, but what a kiss.

  “It should have been more.”

  “No. It shouldn’t/couldn’t have been more. I was your doctor.”

  “Only until you transferred me to Dr. Goldblatt. Then there was no reason to push me away.”

  “Yes, there was. You only thought you cared. It’s common in doctor-patient interactions.”

  “You’re wrong there, doctor. Or I wouldn’t still dream of kissing you every night.”

  “What?” The look on her face was priceless. He couldn’t resist the urge to lean down and kiss the surprised “O” of her lips.

  The barest touch was all he accomplished before the dressing room door swung open to reveal two-half naked women.

; “Well, what have we here?” Syn asked. Chase had no idea what her real name was, but her stage name was dead on.

  “Nothing at all. Don’t even start,” Faith answered before he could say a word. Rather than cause any more trouble, he flashed the women a smile and backed away from Faith. Her thoughts were unreadable behind the mask, and it was too dark in the hallway to see her eyes clearly. He just hoped he hadn’t screwed the pooch by stealing the semi-kiss.

  “I’ll wait out here while you change.”

  “Of course you will.” Leaning against the wall, he listened to the chattering voices inside the dressing room but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Oh to be a fly on the wall in there right now. From the way everyone had acted around him and their surprise at his interest in her, his little doctor hadn’t told her friends about their “almost” relationship. To be fair, he hadn’t told anyone either. But it was because he was so messed up he’d been afraid to validate any of his feelings. That’s why he let her push him away. When he was finally whole again, he realized what a huge mistake it had been to walk away.


  “Who’s that guy?” Honey asked as soon as the dressing room door shut leaving Chase in the hallway.

  “No one.”

  “Bull puckies, and you know it. You were kissing him,” Syn said, and Honey nodded in agreement.

  “No, he kissed me. I was just as surprised as you two.”

  “Sure you were. Now spill. We’ve known you for how long? We’ve never seen you let a guy touch you let alone kiss you.”

  Faith sighed. Tonight had been one mess after another. She hadn’t thought about Chase in months, okay days, or a day, but still, for the most part, he was out of her brain. That was her story, and she was sticking to it. But now he was there, waiting to follow her home. Oh my God. How the heck was she going to get through however long she had to be around him, without falling into his arms, or worse, into his bed? It had been a close call before, and now those reasons for walking away didn’t exist.

  “Earth to Faith, come in Faith.”

  “Ugh, sorry.”

  “It’s him, you do know him. C’mon you have to tell us. You know everything there is to know about us and all the deadbeats we’ve dated or screwed.”

  “Not only do I know, I know way too much. You guys don’t know the meaning of TMI.” That made them giggle. They’d had some fun nights sitting around after rehearsals drinking wine and talking about guys. Faith had managed to avoid telling them about Chase, although she did talk about a couple of college boyfriends. But usually Syn and Honey had so much to share they didn’t realize she wasn’t and that had been fine with her.

  “Yeah, well we know you live vicariously through our escapades. And you’d be surprised what we haven’t told you yet. Honey, remember that time…”

  “Shhh, Syn, Faith has to tell us about the sex god in the hall.”

  “Yeah, spill it, girlfriend.”

  As she grabbed her bag to change, she thought about what she could tell them. There was no reason not to anymore, he wasn’t her patient, and she could leave that part out. That’s when she caught her reflection in the mirror. “Huh, I was in my mask the whole time.”

  “Why wouldn’t you be? You don’t want anyone to know who you are, remember?”

  “Exactly, but Frost, err Chase, recognized me. How is that possible?”

  “Ohhh, Frost? Does that mean he’s on one of the Teams?”

  “Used to be. He’s not anymore.” Removing the mask, she wiped some of the makeup off her face and brushed her hair. “I knew him when he was still a SEAL. We almost dated but it didn’t work out. He’s retired I guess you’d say. Anyway, he left about three years ago, and I haven’t seen or heard from him since.” It wasn’t really fair to Chase, but she didn’t know what else to say without having to explain the whole mess. She liked Syn and Honey but they weren’t close enough for her to spill her guts.

  “So, tonight he just showed up out of the blue? And in time to see you perform? It’s like a fairytale.”

  “No, no, no. It’s not. Not even close. Remember the stalker?”

  “Ugh. You don’t think it’s him, do you?” Faith had to level with them earlier too. By being around her, she wasn’t sure if they’d be in danger if they guy went off the deep end.

  “I thought about it at first, but he doesn’t even live in California. It would have been really hard for him to pull off all the stuff that’s been going on. Although the coincidence does kind of bother me.”

  “Did you ask him?” Honey said.

  “No. Honestly, I haven’t had a chance to talk to him much. Once Caroline and Jess found out they took over the whole thing. Then I had to tell Matthew, and well you’ve been around them enough to know how that went.”

  They nodded in agreement. The SEALs were notoriously overprotective of their women, and they’d adopted Faith into their little family. There was a knock at the door as she was about to take off her robe.

  Chase spoke through the door. “You okay in there? It’s been a bit, and I’m just checking.” Honey and Syn giggled when Faith rolled her eyes. Overprotective just like the rest of them. It was going to be a long night.

  “I’m fine. It hasn’t been that long. Just keep your pants on.”

  “Yes, ma’am. At least for now.”

  “Oh my God, he did not just say that.”

  “Yes, he did.” Syn and Honey burst out laughing. Faith didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry. He was definitely laying it on thick. What she didn’t understand was why? Had he been serious when he said he’d thought about her all along?

  “Faith, what are you going to do with him?” Honey asked.

  “I have no flippin’ clue. But Caroline and Matthew want me to stay at their place for a few days. So I’m going to grab some stuff and head over there.”

  “And your bodyguard?”

  “He’s not my bodyguard.”

  “Really? He looks like he’d love the job. Maybe you should see about staying with him.”

  “Damn, you two are horrible. I told you I haven’t seen him in forever. I don’t even know him anymore.”

  Syn got a knowing look on her face. “C’mon, Faith. You are a psychologist. You know him as well as anyone. You’re not fooling us. You are glowing when you should be scared shitless about the stalker.” Crap, was she right? Taking another look in the mirror, she saw the proof of Syn’s words. Her eyes sparkled, and she had color in her cheeks for the first time in months. She might not want to admit it, but her body sure remembered her feelings for Chase.

  “Maybe, but I’m not staying with a stranger. I’ll be fine at Matthew and Caroline’s. I’ll text you tomorrow so we can set up a rehearsal. At least we have a few weeks off before our next show.”

  Honey pulled her into a tight hug. “Just be careful, okay? You don’t know what that lunatic will do next.” Once she released her, Syn did the same thing. It felt kind of nice to know she wasn’t alone in this anymore. She’d been stupid to keep it to herself all these months. Oh well. Water under the bridge now.

  “I’ll be fine. Remember I have the watchdog outside,” Faith said as she pulled open the door.

  “Watchdog, huh? That works.”

  “Whatever.” Then she turned to the girls and winked. They were right, she was too uptight about it. They were adults, there was nothing to stop them from getting together even if it was just for a few days. Nothing except the damage to her heart.

  “Bye, Chase. You take care of our friend.”

  “I plan on it.”

  That’s what she was afraid of.

  Chapter Four

  After the way he’d been around her troupe mates, Faith was surprised to see him turn all business as soon as they stepped outside of Aces. Scanning the area, he took her elbow and led her to her car after finding out where she was parked.

  “Give me your cell phone.”


  “I’m going to program my numb
er into your phone, and put yours in mine. This way if you run into trouble on the way home or anytime you’ll be able to reach me.”

  “But aren’t you following me home?”


  “Do you actually think something is going to happen while I’m driving?”

  “Truthfully? I have no idea. The guy has been stalking you for what six months? Then tonight he gives you a dead bird. It’s obvious he’s escalating, and if you were my client, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight.”


  “Exactly. I know how stubborn you are. So, if I suggested leaving your car here and that we take mine, you’d give me a million reasons why it wouldn’t work. Instead, you get my number.” She wasn’t thrilled that he was right, but she had to admit he was. She didn’t want to leave her car there or anywhere. The thought of being stuck without transportation freaked her out a little. It would mean she’d have to rely on others to help her. She didn’t do the rely thing well.


  “Okay? That’s it?”

  “Yeah. You’re right, I wouldn’t want to leave my car. So, okay.” He looked surprised. Good, maybe he didn’t know her as well as he thought. She wasn’t all that stubborn. Just self-sufficient. She had no choice growing up, and it was just more comfortable for her.

  “What’s your address, I want to plug it into my GPS in case we get separated.” She rattled it off as he typed it into his phone. She got into her car, and he asked her to wait until he pulled up beside her before pulling out.

  While she waited, she contemplated all that had happened that night. It wasn’t what she’d expected. Every other performance at Aces had gone off without a hitch. No stalker, no dead birds, no notes, and definitely no Chase. It’s like tonight it all went to hell in a handbasket. There had to have been a trigger for the stalker. What changed, though? Nothing that she knew about, but who knows what could have set him off.

  The image of the dead robin, stiff and cold in the box, horrified her. She couldn’t kill a bug and seeing anything dead tore her up. Who did she know that was so warped they’d send her something like that?


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