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Protecting Faith

Page 5

by Lynne St. James

  “What’s going on between you and Faith? Usually, it’s the women that Caroline grills like this. To find out if they are really committed. Warns them there will be hell to pay if any one of them hurts one of us. But I guess it’s up to me this time.” Chase thought about playing dumb, but didn’t want to add any more tension than necessary.

  “You’re kidding me? Caroline did that?”

  “Yup. She was very protective of us and didn’t want to see any of the men hurt by a a woman just looking for bragging rights.”

  “Well, my intentions are true. If that’s what you’re asking. Three years ago, we had the beginning of something. I blew it and let her get away.”

  “I need more than that. You can’t just drop out of nowhere and make promises then waltz out like some prima donna. There will be repercussions.”

  “I know that. After that last mission they made me go to counseling, and she was my doc. Somehow she got me to talk to her, and the more I saw her, the more I realized how much she meant to me.”

  “You know that’s common, right? Are you sure you’re not building this up in your mind? And it’s been three years? A little long to wait, no?”

  “Believe me I know. But it took me a while to figure my shit out. The doctor she transferred me to helped, but I couldn’t get past losing the team. I still have nightmares about it. How could I come to her when I wasn’t whole?”

  Wolf nodded. “I get it, I really do. But I don’t know how successful you’ll be.”

  “I kissed her three years ago. It’s what freaked her out and made her walk away. She wouldn’t answer my calls or text messages. She told me that even if she wasn’t my doctor she had been and we couldn’t be together.”

  “She was right. It would have caused her a lot of trouble. She could have lost her license.”

  “I know. And I was a wreck. She was the only sunlight in my life. But I couldn’t hurt her, and I wasn’t in any place to plead my case, so as soon as I could retire, I did. Then I went to Florida to lick my wounds.”

  “And now? You didn’t come back for her, it was a coincidence, right?”

  “Yes. But I feel like fate is giving me my second chance. It seems stupid, I should have tried to contact her sooner. But, bro, I’m telling you, until recently my head still wasn’t straight. Working a one of my cases sort of straightened it out for me finally. Showed me what was important. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about her.”

  “This isn’t exactly the best time for her right now.”

  “No shit. But when is the best time? If I can convince her I love her still and will do everything in my power to protect her then maybe that’s exactly what she needs.”

  “You might be right.”

  Chase had been so invested in proving his case to Wolf he hadn’t realized they were already at Faith’s house. It was still lit up inside. He hadn’t even thought about turning off the lights earlier, his only concern had been getting her out of there.

  “So, are we good?” Chase held his breath while he waited for Wolf’s answer. He was surprised how relieved he was when it came.

  “Yeah, we’re good. But you better not hurt her. That woman has been through more than enough.”

  “I promise, and if I screw this up, you can kick my ass and send me packing.”

  “Deal. And don’t you think for a minute that I won’t, and I’d bet the entire team would take a piece of you too.”

  “No doubt. But it’s a moot point.” He had no intention of Wolf having to kick his butt over anything to do with Faith, but he was comforted to know he had her six. If he couldn’t convince her to give them a chance, at least he’d be leaving her in good hands.

  The neighborhood was quiet, but it was after midnight on a Friday night. There weren’t any cars around, and the men started their search. Even though the outside lights were on, they’d brought flashlights. Caroline had supplied some latex gloves so they couldn’t contaminate any evidence in case they found the note.

  They checked all around the front of the house and were about to give up when Wolf spotted something sticking out from underneath the edge of one of the planter boxes. Sure enough, it was the missing note. It was odd he hadn’t left it out in the open like the others.

  It was plain white paper and folded in half as all the others had been. There was nothing that stood out. And most likely it could have been printed on a laser printer anywhere.


  I thought we had something special and then I see you with those asshole SEALs. They think they’re so special, but you’ll see soon enough that I’m the only one who can take care of you.

  I hope you like your present. I went through so much trouble to make it pretty. Soon you’ll be mine forever here and everafter.

  “This guy is a piece of work. But it confirms one thing, he stayed to watch the show. But that’s what I figured. He’s obsessed, and it was an opportunity to see more of her.”

  “He has some serious issues.”

  “Forever here and everafter, huh? I don’t like the sound of that.”

  “I’m just glad Jess made her tell us,” Wolf said as they headed toward their vehicles. “Are you coming back to the house?”

  “Yeah, if you don’t mind. I know it’s late, but I’d like to talk to Faith if she’s awake.”

  “No problem. I don’t think any of us will get much sleep tonight. If we’re lucky, we might hear from Tex or your team sooner than later.”

  As Chase approached his rental car, he had his own surprise—four flat tires. The guy must have come back after he took Faith to Wolf’s house. He’d have to call for a tow tomorrow. “Hey, Wolf. Hold up. I’m gonna need to hitch a ride back with you. My rental isn’t going anywhere.”

  Seeing the slashed tires, Wolf said, “Damn. I guess you have a fan too.”

  “Oh yeah. But I can take whatever he wants to dish out as long as he leaves Faith alone.” Before he got into Wolf’s car, he scanned the area but didn’t see or hear anything. He had the same feeling he’d had earlier. Something was off, but other than the slashed tires everything looked fine.

  Chapter Six

  After the guys left for Faith’s house, Caroline grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses, and they went to wait in the living room. It was more comfortable than sitting at the table, and it kept Faith from staring at the piles of notes.

  “Quite a day, huh?”

  “Oh yeah. Not exactly how I pictured tonight at all.”

  “I’m sure. How are you holding up?”

  “I’m not going to lie, the bird was bad but seeing the squirrels is going to give me nightmares for a long time. Nailing them to the door in the shape of a heart. How sick does he have to be?” Faith took a swallow of wine and almost choked when it burned the back of her throat.

  “Do you want some water?”

  “No, I just need to not chug my wine.” She attempted to smile at her friend but figured she hadn’t pulled it off when Caroline’s brow wrinkled.

  “You know it’s not Chase right? I saw that look when you recognized him. It surprised when I realized who he was too. Coincidence, huh?”

  “That’s for sure. I don’t usually believe in them, but it really does look like it was just that.”

  “And how do you feel about it? About him? It’s been a long time.”

  “Hey, who’s the doctor here?”

  “Sorry. But I’m curious. I didn’t know him back then, but Matthew said he was one of the good ones, and took it hard when he lost his team.”

  “He did. For awhile I wasn’t sure I’d be able to bring him back from it. But he seems to be in a good place now.”

  “Yeah, he does. And very in to you.”

  Faith thought about their conversation at her house earlier. It had taken her by surprise, but maybe it shouldn’t have. He’d always been intense and told her exactly how it was. He believed what he told her, that much was crystal clear. Her body had responded to him like they’d n
ever had time apart. That one kiss had branded her, and his touch renewed all those old feelings.


  “Sorry. I was thinking about something Chase said to me earlier.”

  “Want to share?”

  “He told me he’s in love with me.”

  “Wow. I didn’t see that coming.”

  “Neither did I. If I can believe him then he’s never forgotten me, and just didn’t know what to do about it.”

  “For three years? Men can be so dense.”

  “Right? It’s my job, and I still don’t understand how they think sometimes.”

  Caroline smiled. “Probably not a good idea to go around admitting that. You might be out of work.”

  Faith giggled. “You’re right. I can see it now. It’d be news at eleven for sure.”

  They’d almost finished the bottle of wine by the time the guys returned, and they both had a case of the giggles. Maybe wine on an empty stomach hadn’t been the best idea, but it was too late now.

  “You two look a little too happy.”

  “Not us. We’re just right,” Faith answered Wolf and Caroline giggled too. He and Chase exchanged glances, and she figured they were thinking, ‘women.’ Which made her giggle harder considering the conversation she and Caroline had just had about men.

  Chase sat on the sofa next to Faith, but Wolf went into the kitchen. When he returned, he had two beers and handed one to Chase.

  “Thanks, bro.”


  “Did you find anything,” Caroline asked, as Wolf sat next to her.

  “Yeah, we did. It was tucked under one of the planter boxes.”

  “I guess that’s good, right?”

  “I don’t know about good, but it means he’s keeping to type.”

  “What did it say,” Faith asked, even though she didn’t want to know.

  “We can talk about it tomorrow. You two look relaxed, it’s late, it might be good to just drop it for tonight.” It sounded like a good idea to Faith. She’d like to drop everything. Everything except Chase, she’d like to jump him.


  “What’s wrong?” Chase asked. Oh crap, she’d done it again. Said her inner thoughts out loud. No food and too much wine were a bad combination.

  “Nothing. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I guess I was hoping he’d skipped the note this time.” He nodded at her explanation, but she didn’t think he believed it. Good, she wouldn’t have either if she were him. She almost giggled again thinking about it. Oh dear, she was in serious trouble. “What kind of wine was that? I think I’m a little tipsy.”

  Caroline burst out laughing. “Yeah, I’d say so. Your cheeks are bright pink, and you keep giggling.” Damn and double damn. She knew better. The stress of the day had caught up to her and drinking only made it worse. If she wasn’t careful, she’d be saying all kinds of things she’d be sorry for in the morning.

  “Is it okay if I crash here too? I’d rather not call a taxi right now,” Chase asked.

  “I thought were picking up your rental car when you went to my house.”

  “I was, but it had a few issues. I’ll need to call the rental place tomorrow.”

  “What aren’t you telling us?” Caroline asked as she looked at her husband.

  “It’s not a big deal,” Wolf answered.

  “They don’t want to tell us. The assclown stalker of mine must have done something.” She tried hard not to giggle while she was talking but it wasn’t working, then she hiccuped. She fell over into Chases’s side and kept laughing.

  “I think it’s bedtime for the doc. Show me where to take her, and I’ll get her tucked in.”

  “I can do it myself,” Faith said and then hiccuped again.

  Caroline shrugged. “She only had two glasses of wine. She can usually tolerate alcohol better. Faith, did you eat today?”

  “Ummm, yeah, maybe. Uh huh, I think so.”

  “Well that was definitive,” Wolf said wryly.

  “Caroline, do you have any crackers? I think she might need a few, so she doesn’t end up getting sick. I’m sure it’s a reaction to everything. I’ve seen it before. I’m sure Wolf err Matthew has too.”

  “Yup, sure have. Chase is right. And yeah, you’re welcome to stay the night. We have a lot to discuss in the morning anyway, it’ll be easier if you’re already here.”

  “Thanks. Now those crackers?”


  Armed with crackers and a couple of bottles of water, Chase half carried, half dragged Faith down the stairs to the basement guest room. It had a bed, a dresser and a couple of chairs.

  “How are you feeling?”


  “Are you sure? Want some water?”

  “Geesh, Chase. I just had two glasses of wine, I wasn’t out tying one on.”

  The thought of her in a bar getting drunk almost made him laugh, and she’d started giggling again. It was adorable. He’d never seen her like this before.

  “I never said you were.”

  “Good.” Hiccup.

  He turned to put the water bottles and crackers on the table so she wouldn’t see him smile and think he was laughing at her. He kind of was but not in the way she’d think.

  “I think I’ll take that water now.” She’d climbed onto the bed and was stretched out on top of the covers.

  He loosened the cap so it wouldn’t be hard for her and sat on the edge of the bed. “Do you want me to cover you up?

  “Okay.” He dragged the quilt out from under her legs and and pulled it up around her, but resisted the urge to tuck her in. It would have made it hard for her to hold the water bottle. Besides, he wasn’t sure she’d appreciate it.

  There was so much he wanted to say, but it really wasn’t the right time. He should go back upstairs and stretch out on the sofa and try to get some shut eye. It didn’t seem likely, but it was the right thing for him to do. The longer he stayed down there, the greater chance he’d do something he shouldn’t.

  “Do you have everything you need, baby?” The endearment slipped out, but he wasn’t sorry.

  “Yeah.” Hiccup.

  “I think you need some more of that water.”

  Giggling again, she tried to take a drink and ended up spilling half of it down her chin. She was too cute for words. He was dying to kiss her moist lips and use his tongue to catch the drop of water teetering on her lower lip. When her tongue slipped out from between her lips and licked it, he couldn’t contain a groan.

  “Are you okay, Frost, I mean Chase.” Another giggle.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I think I’ll head upstairs and let you get some sleep.”

  “No. Please don’t go. Can you lie down with me?”

  “Are you sure about that? Earlier today you didn’t even want me around.”

  “I changed my mind, it’s a woman’s perogative isn’t it?” Hiccup, giggle.

  “Okay.” He wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but if she wanted him to stay close wild horses wouldn’t drag him away. He’d waited three years to touch her, to hold her. There was no harm in that, right?

  After kicking off his shoes, he stretched out on the bed, and she slid closer. Turning onto her side, she put her head on his chest, and he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. “Are you comfortable?”

  “Yes, thank you.

  “Good.” She was quiet, and he wondered if she’d fallen asleep when she hiccuped, which was followed by another giggle. She might have been thirty something, but right then she could have been a teenager drunk for the first time. He just hoped she didn’t wake up with a hangover in the morning.

  “Why are you here?”

  “You asked me to stay.”

  “No, silly. Why are you in Coronado?”

  “Oh. I had a job in San Diego. My return flight wasn’t for a couple of days so I thought I’d see if I could find any old friends.”

  “I guess you did, huh?”

  “Yeah, you coul
d say that.”


  “Do you really love me?”

  “Yes, baby, I do. But this isn’t the time to talk about it. You told me that yourself. Remember?”


  “Just close your eyes and get some rest and we can talk in the morning.”

  “Okay. Umm Chase?”

  “Yes, baby.”

  “Don’t leave.”

  “I won’t.” She cuddled closer and and her breathing slowed and evened out. He turned off the lamp and settled in for the night. Her hiccups finally disappeared. As he listened to her breathe, he wondered if she’d only meant for the night, or forever.

  “No, please don’t. Don’t touch me.”

  Startled awake by her cries, Chase hadn’t remembered falling asleep. “Baby, Faith, shhh, it’s just a nightmare.”

  “No, no. Get away from me.”

  Gently shaking her, he tried to wake her up from whatever terrible dream had her in its grip. When that didn’t work, he ran his hand down the side of her face, and that’s when he felt her tears. Damn. She was crying in her sleep. But still she didn’t wake up, just continued to struggle in his arms.

  He reached for the light and flipped it on then slowly sat up and pulled her with him. Finally, she opened her eyes and blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light.

  “What’s going on?”

  “You were having a nightmare. Don’t you remember?” He wasn’t sure she was really awake, and then awareness flashed in her emerald eyes still shiny with tears.

  “Oh my God. He was chasing me. I couldn’t see his face, but his voice kept telling me he was going to make me his. That I wouldn’t need anyone else.” She shuddered, and he pulled her closer and tucked the quilt around her.

  “It was just a dream, baby. He’s not here, and I’m not going to let him get to you. Neither will Matthew. You’re safe.” And he prayed he was right.

  “Thank you. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “I’m glad I was here. I couldn’t wake you. I don’t know if it was the wine or you’re just a sound sleeper.”

  Her hint of a smile warmed his heart. “A bit of both, probably. I’m not used to drinking on an empty stomach.”


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