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Protecting Faith

Page 8

by Lynne St. James

  Charging up to the house, he pounded on the door, not that he expected an answer. It was locked and when he pushed against it, it didn’t budge. He had no idea if Faith was even still inside, but he ran around the house looking for any indication she was there.


  “Do you think they’re just going to let you get away with this?” Faith was getting desperate. Time was running out. A million things raced through her mind, most of them about Chase. She’d never told him she loved him. And now it looked like she’d never have the chance. This crazy SOB was going to kill them both if he had his way. He hadn’t said so, but it was obvious.

  How she wished she’d made different choices, lived more, loved more. Life was too short for not following her heart, and now hers was about to end with her alone with a psychotic serial killer. When he’d confessed to having killed ten women in ten states, she’d known her time was short.

  But it wasn’t until he told her that she’d been “the one” he’d been searching for all along and now they could spend eternity together, that she really started to freak out. She wasn’t sure if he was mad or a psychopath, either way, she was toast.

  “Haven’t you been listening to me. I told you. This is the end for us. You’re my eternity. We’re going into the ever after together. It’s what I’ve been working toward for my entire life. No one else was worthy, and I had my doubts about you when I saw you dance. But you’re still pure.”

  “I’m not. Not pure at all. I’ve been with other men.”

  “Don’t lie to me. I’ve done my research. You’ve only been with one man. And that was almost ten years ago. You’ve been waiting for me, but now it’s time for us to go. Your rescuers should have figured it out by now. If I planned this correctly, they’ll arrive in time to see you go up in flames.” Smoke poured into the room. He must have started a fire elsewhere in the house.

  “What?” Death by fire. Not fire. Anything but fire. Shoot her, stab her, strangle her. But no flames. Please God, no flames.

  “It’s the final purification for our transcendence. Are you ready to join me in eternity?”

  “No. You’re mad, totally insane.” He punched her in the jaw before she could say anything else. Blood pooled in her mouth where she’d bitten her tongue. She hadn’t expected that. But it bought her a few seconds. Oh God, please let them get here before he kills us both.

  He leaned close to her face. “You don’t know what you’re saying. But after purification, all will be clear.” She’d give him purification, and she spit the blood into his face. He hadn’t expected that. Good. She wasn’t going to give in without a fight.

  He smiled but didn’t bother to wipe away the blood spatter that covered half of his face. “Fight all you want, beloved, nothing will stop us now.” Then he pulled out a knife. Had he changed his mind? He’d stab her then burn her. As long a she was dead she’d be okay with that. But she wasn’t that lucky.

  He pulled the top of her panties down, and for a moment she thought he was going rape her with it. He didn’t but her relief was short-lived. He stabbed her lower belly then carved some kind of design into her body.

  She screamed as the knife pierced her flesh, and it filled her lungs with smoke. Excruciating pain ripped through her stomach. But all she could do was wheeze and choke on the smoke, with tears running down her face and pain cutting her in half. As the room swam before her eyes, she focused on Chase and whispered her love for him over and over in her head as she lost consciousness.

  Chapter Ten

  Chase burst through the front window just as Faith shrieked. He could barely see through all the smoke, and he pulled his shirt off and wrapped it around his nose and mouth. He needed both hands free, even if he didn’t have a weapon. Then he remembered seeing knives in the kitchen and felt for the wooden block. Luck was with him, and he grabbed one on his way to rescue Faith.

  Staying low to the floor, he followed the sound of Faith’s screams and tried to block out what meant. He would get to her in time, he had to. Before he’d burst through the window, he’d dialed nine-one-one. The Fire Department was on the way, and Wolf’s team couldn’t be that far behind.

  As he made his way down the hallway, he saw the open door to Faith’s bedroom. One, two, three more steps and he’d have her. But the screaming had stopped. Only the hissing and sizzling of the fire could be heard as it consumed everything in its path. He wasn’t ready to give up hope, she’d be okay, she had to be. He couldn’t lose her again.

  The smoke wasn’t as bad in the back part of the house yet, and he could make out Faith on the bed through the haze. Iverson was leaning over her but had his back to Chase so he couldn’t see what he was doing. Why wasn’t she screaming, fighting? Please God, don’t let me be too late.

  Using everything he’d learned as a SEAL, he crept up on the madman, and before Iverson realized someone was there, Chase sliced the tendons along the back of his legs. He dropped like a stone, unable to hold himself up. It took all of Chase’s willpower not to kill him then, but he needed to check on Faith.

  Making his way to the bed, all he could see was a bright red pool of blood all over her stomach. Quickly untying her wrists and ankles, he felt for her pulse. At first, he thought he hadn’t made it in time. But it was there, barely.

  Grabbing a piece of her clothing from the floor, he held it against the gaping cuts in her belly. He didn’t think he’d make it through the house and out the front door. That meant he had to get her out through the window. The last thing he wanted to do was put her down, but he had no choice. He couldn’t risk breaking the window with her in his arms.

  “She’s mine. You can’t have her. The purification has begun.” Chase had almost forgotten the lunatic.

  “You’re wrong. You’ll never have her. But you will pay for all you’ve done. I’ll make sure of that.”

  “Don’t be so sure,” Iverson choked out, the smoke making it almost impossible to see beyond the end of his arm now. Chase needed to get them out of there.

  He didn’t have a lot of choices, and grabbed a lamp from the nightstand and threw it at the closest window. It cracked but didn’t shatter. Screw it. Instead of looking for something else, he made a fist, and pressed his knuckles up against the glass. Focusing all his energy on his hand, he pulled back and punched forward. The window shattered with the force of the blow.

  He turned around to grab Faith, but somehow Iverson had managed to pull her down to the floor and into his lap. Thank God, she was still unconscious, but the blood continued to pour from the gaping wounds on her stomach.

  “Say goodbye. It’s time to go.” At first, Chase didn’t know what he was talking about, then he saw the lighter in his hand and their clothing was covered in some kind of liquid. The flame came to life, but Iverson never had a chance to carry out his plan.

  Then everything happened in slow motion. He leaped toward Faith to pull her away, as a bullet pierced Iverson’s skull between his eyes. The lighter fell to the floor, as Chase pulled Faith from his dead arms.

  “C’mon, we need to get out of here now.”

  Chase had never been so happy to see anyone as he was to see Wolf. He’d saved Faith, and he’d never be able to repay him. Wolf grabbed Iverson and followed him and Faith through the bedroom window.

  The Police and Fire Department vehicles arrived as they cleared the house, and just in time for it to be fully engulfed in flames. They’d barely gotten out in time. The EMTs took Faith and started triage. The police wanted answers, but he didn’t care, there was no way he was going to leave her side. Wolf spoke to the officer, and he finally relented and let Chase ride to the hospital in the ambulance.

  Faith never opened her eyes during the trip to the hospital. Chase was terrified he could still lose her. There was blood everywhere, her face was swollen, and part of her jaw had already started to turn purple.

  Over and over again like a mantra, he whispered, “C’mon baby, fight, I love you.”


  Her eyes felt like sandpaper, and she had no idea where she was. Trying again to lift her heavy lids the room came into focus. Where was she? It was bright, too bright. Attempting to lift her hand to shade her eyes was a mistake. “Damn, that hurts.”

  “Baby? Do you need something?”

  Gingerly turning her head in the direction of the voice, she realized everything hurt. What the hell had happened to her?

  “Bright. Too bright.”

  “Okay. Hold on.”

  The brightness dimmed, and Faith could finally focus. She tried again to talk, but her mouth was dry. “Water?”

  A cup and straw were held to her lips. That helped. Her throat was so sore. She wished she could make her mind work.

  “Where am I?”

  “The hospital. Iverson cut you up pretty badly, and you needed surgery.”

  Iverson. The name triggered the memories. Tears gathered in her eyes. How had she made it? She’d thought she was dead for sure.

  “How long have I been here?” her voice sounded unused and rough.

  “Three days. You needed two blood transfusions during surgery. You’re going to have to take a break from burlesque for a while.”

  Her hand went to her stomach, the pain still a bright, painful memory. What had he done to her? “Is he alive?”

  “No. I’m sorry to say it was Wolf who killed him, not me.”

  She reached out her hand for Chase, and as he wrapped his warm hand around hers, she whispered, “I love you.”

  Hours or maybe it was a day later, Chase was still sitting beside her bed. This time her brain was less fuzzy, but that meant the memories were crystal clear.

  Lifting the sheet, she looked at her bandaged stomach. It was a miracle he hadn’t killed her. So much for praying to be stabbed instead of burned. Who knew that would be the time when she’d get her wish.

  “Hi, baby.”

  “Chase. Why are you still here?”

  “Where else would I be? You’re here, so I’m here.”

  “You have work to do.”

  “Don’t worry about it, everything is being taken care of. Are you thirsty?”

  “Yes.” The water cup and straw were lifted to her mouth. Even sucking on the straw hurt.

  There was a knock on the door and some whispering. Then Caroline and Matthew came in. “How are you, Faith? We’ve been so worried.”

  “I’m good. I think. Thank you, Matthew. Chase said you helped save me.”

  “I’m just glad we got there in time.”

  “Me too.” Faith tried to smile but wasn’t sure she pulled it off her jaw hurt so bad.

  “The others want to visit, but the doctor said only a couple of us could come at a time. You need your rest.”

  “Okay. Tell them I said hi.” Faith wanted to say more, but she was just so tired. Without realizing it, she drifted off.

  Sometime later she woke and it was dark. Chase was asleep in the chair next to the bed. She wondered if he’d been there the whole time. The nurse came in and took her vitals. She asked if she could have some water and this time it didn’t hurt as much to suck on the straw. Progress.

  “What’s wrong with me?”

  “The doctor will come in a few hours, and he’ll explain everything. Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Are you okay, Faith?” She hadn’t wanted to wake him, he’d looked so peaceful.

  “I don’t know. Do you know what’s wrong with me?”

  “Yes, but only because I told them I was your fiancé or they wouldn’t have let me stay with you. Family only.”

  “I understand, it’s the rules. I follow rules.”

  “Yes, you do. You’re a good girl.”

  “A lot of good that did me, right?”

  “I’m so sorry. I promised to keep you safe, and I failed you.”

  “No, you didn’t. I did. I should have known better than to go to the house. Oh God, my house. It burned down, didn’t it? I remember smoke.”

  “I’m afraid so. We barely got out before it was immersed in flames.”

  “It’s okay, I don’t want to live there anymore anyway.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No. It’s time for a change. Life is too short.”

  “Yes, it is.” Even in the dim light, she saw the confusion on his face. He had no idea what she was trying to say. Did she even know how to explain it?

  “There’s something else. But maybe I should let the doctor tell you.”

  “No, you tell me. Please.” She reached for his hand, and he clasped it between both of his. He looked so sad, she wondered what else was wrong.

  “When Iverson cut you, he did a lot of damage, besides needing the blood transfusions, you had to have an emergency hysterectomy.”

  Hysterectomy. She repeated the word in her head and rolled it around on her tongue. She wouldn’t be able to have children, at least not her own. But she was alive. Could she really complain? She still had a chance at happiness, even if it wasn’t the whole package she’d always hoped for. If she could have Chase, they’d figure it out. They could always adopt like Alabama and Christopher.

  “It’s okay.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I don’t know what else to say.”

  “Say you love me. Because I love you. And thinking about you was the only thing that kept me alive. I don’t want to waste any more of our time. I almost lost you—twice, I can’t do that again.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, now don’t make me change my mind.”

  “Never. I love you, Faith. You will always own my heart.”


  Six weeks had passed since the fire and Faith’s kidnapping by Iverson. Even though they hadn’t taken him alive, they traced his background and found fifteen different identities he’d used over the years. Thankfully, Iverson would be his last one.

  “Are you ready, baby?” Chase asked as he checked his watch. They were due at Wolf and Caroline’s for one of their famous barbeque parties. When she’d finally been released from the hospital, he’d taken her to a hotel so she could finish healing, and he’d stayed by her side the entire time.

  He planned on making the rest of her life a fairytale. Whatever she wanted he’d find a way to give to her. He’d been surprised at how well she’d taken the news about the hysterectomy, and he often wondered what had gone on between her and Iverson. He hoped she’d tell him eventually. But he knew all too well that everyone had to deal with things at their own pace.

  Over the last few weeks they’d finally had time to talk. And after lots of back and forth, she’d convinced him that she wanted to go to Florida with him. She’d be sorry to leave her friends and her burlesque troupe, but Chase promised to bring her to visit whenever they could.

  “Ready. How do I look?” She was beautiful, would always be beautiful, even with the traces of bruises still visible on her face. At least she could go out now without people staring. He knew she’d hated that and had chosen to hide in the hotel most of the time.

  “You look great. Ready for the party?”

  “Yes, ready for everything!”

  Gently, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with all the love and passion bottled up inside of him. She’d taught him so much, but mostly patience. Because of her injuries, they hadn’t been able to make love, but when they finally got the all clear, he’d enjoy teaching her a few lessons of his own.

  About the Author

  Lynne St. James is a member of the Romance Writers of America and has been writing for as long as she can remember. Her lifelong dream to be published came true in 2012 when her first book was released with Siren Publishing. From then on there was no stopping her.

  She lives in the in the mostly sunny state of Florida with her husband and a small petting zoo. Okay maybe it’s not a zoo, but sometimes it sure feels like it. With an eighty-five pound fluffy Dalmatian-mutt horse-dog, a fourteen-pound Yorkie-poo, and three cats, it
should qualify for zoo status. Lynne likes to pretend her office is her private domain, but you can usually find one or more of her furry babies keeping her company.

  When Lynne’s not writing, she’s reading, taking pictures, and sometimes even cooking—to the great relief of her hubby. But mostly, she’s in her office with a huge mug of coffee, surrounded by books, stuffed animals, and post-it notes, while writing her next happily-ever-after.

  Where to find Lynne:




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