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Page 8

by Heather Dahlgren

  “I’m so glad you’re home Campbell.” I don’t even bother undressing either of us, I simply lie down and pull her to my chest; where she belongs.

  The next couple of days, we don’t leave each other’s sides. I am going to hate when Spring Break is over and we have to return to school. She didn’t even have work because she took off. It’s been amazing. Tonight we are ordering pizza with the gang and watching a movie. We are over at the girl’s apartment tonight.

  “How much longer until the pizza gets here, I’m starving?” Dick says while flipping through the girl’s DVD collection.

  “It should be here soon, I ordered it almost a half hour ago.” Becca replies.

  “So what movie are we watching tonight?” Maddie asks while she plops down on the couch, tucking her legs under her.

  “I don’t know, your movies suck.” Dick says back.

  “Our movies don’t suck. We have an awesome collection.” Kenz shoots back offended that he would insult their collection.

  “Why don’t we just let the girls pick tonight?” I suggest and earn a glare from both Young and Dick.

  “Dude, are you fucking crazy? They are going to pick a romantic love story. You want to sit through that for two fucking hours?” Young yells while he sips on his beer.

  “Fuck you, Young. We don’t only watch romantic love stories. But since you want to be an asshole about it, we are going to watch ‘The Notebook.’” Maddie says with a smile on her face.

  Young and Dick both groan. I chuckle, because it doesn’t matter what we watch. I won’t be paying attention anyway. I’ll have Kenz in my arms and I will spend all that time watching her enjoy the movie.

  The movie is over and all the girls are crying. I kiss Kenz on the head and hold her tighter.

  “Holy shit, that is two hours of my life I’ll never get back. Why the hell are you all crying? You’ve seen this movie before, you know what happens.” Young says walking to the kitchen to get another beer.

  “It doesn’t matter how many times you watch it Young. It’s so romantic and the way he loves her is incredible.” Becca says wiping her eyes.

  “I agree. It’s the love they have for each other, even when things are going to shit.” Maddie agrees.

  My girl says, “It just makes you believe in true love.”

  I turn her head to look at me and kiss her lips. I lean to her ear and whisper, “I believe in true love baby. That’s what we have.” I pull back to smile at her and she throws her arms around my neck.

  “I love you so much.” I am rewarded with her huge smile.

  “I love you too, Kenz.”

  The next morning I get up early because I want to take Kenz out for the day. I pack us a lunch, get a blanket, and pack it all in my bag. I then go into my room to wake up my beautiful girl. She makes my cock hard just looking at her sleeping in my bed. She is sleeping in a sexy satin night gown with her breasts on full display. She is laying on her back with one arm curled above her head, her legs are sticking out of the covers, and she has a look of pure relaxation on her face. I’m not a man to let an opportunity slip by, so I climb onto the bed between her silky legs. I pull her panties to the side and lick her sweet pussy. It is pure heaven. I absolutely love tasting her, she is so sweet. I keep lapping on her and she is starting to wake up. She lets out a soft moan and starts to move. I slip her panties off and pin her hips down with my hands. She is getting wet and I can smell her excitement. It just turns me on that much more.

  “Oh, Campbell. That feels so good.”

  I smile against her and continue to taste her. When she lets out another moan, I separate her folds and push two fingers into her. Her pussy greedily sucks them in. I begin to fuck her with my fingers and suck her clit into my mouth.

  “OH, YES.” She screams.

  I pick up my rhythm because I know she is on the verge of coming. I suck hard on her clit and curl my fingers to hit her sweet spot. She explodes with her orgasm.

  “Yes! Oh God, yes!” I pull my fingers from her and climb up her sexy as hell body.

  “Morning, beautiful.” I say with a grin.

  “Best way to wake up ever.” She leans up to capture my mouth.

  I was just going to leave it at pleasuring her but once she rubs her hand on my rock hard dick, it’s pointless. I need to be in her. I pull off my jeans and run my cock through her sweet juices. I am so thankful she is on birth control, just for times like this when I can’t wait to be inside of her. I rest my forehead on hers and slowly push myself into her sweet tight heat. It feels so fucking amazing.

  “Oh, beautiful, I love when your sweet pussy is wrapped around me. I will never get tired of this feeling.” She wraps her arms around my neck and lifts her hips telling me without words to start moving. I begin to move slowly, pulling almost all the way out then slowly pushing back it. She is moving right along with me, digging her nails into my back. I fucking love when she does that. We keep up a slow rhythm, loving each other. I feel her pussy tighten around my dick indicating she is close. I am so fucking close, but I need to make sure my girl comes too. I reach down to rub her clit.

  “Campbell, I’m going to come.”

  “That’s it sweet girl. Come on me.”

  She does just that and I follow right behind. I am holding her close while we both recover.

  I kiss her lips, “I love you Kenz.”

  She smiles at me and says, “I love you Campbell.”

  When we finally make it out of bed, we both shower and get ready for the day. Once we are both dressed, we are sitting on the couch having coffee.

  “So, I thought we could have a picnic today. What do you think?”

  She looks at me over her coffee cup. “I think that’s a fabulous idea. Central Park?”

  “Yes. I packed us a lunch, so after we finish up here we can head out.”

  We are finishing our coffee when Dick comes through the door. He is sweaty from his run and has taken his shirt off.

  “How was your run?” Kenz asks him.

  “It was good. I need to get your man to get out there with me again.” He says rising his eyebrows at me. I flip him off and pull Kenz onto my lap.

  “I get enough of a workout! It’s much more fun than running!” We are all laughing when Young comes in.

  “Where are you coming from?” I ask him. He gives us that sly smile of his.

  “I just spent the night with that chick from the diner. She was a freak. Liked to dominate. I’m used to giving the orders, but it was pretty hot when she smacked my ass and pulled my hair.” Dick and I laugh at his stupid ass.

  “Not an image I need to picture Young.” Kenz says with a look of disgust.

  Young laughs and says, “Oh Red, you jealous?”

  “Alright, on that note, we are out of here. I’ll see you guys later.” I say grabbing our coffee cups to put in the sink.

  Kenz and I are laying on our backs on the blanket after enjoying our lunch. It has been such a relaxing day. We have been here for hours and are in no rush to leave. I reach over to hold her hand. I thread my fingers through hers and place them above my heart. I like to have any part of her by my heart.

  “Kenz, what is your biggest dream?”

  She is quite for a bit before she says, “I want to be a successful journalist. I want to get married, and have babies. I want to be around to raise my babies, experience everything with them. I hate that I missed out on all those memories with my mom. I just want to live happily ever after. I know, it sounds ridiculous.”

  I turn on my side to face her. “Beautiful nothing you want out of life is ridiculous. Especially something that is so close to your heart. I can’t imagine what it was like to grow up without a mom, especially being a girl. I’m sorry you had to experience that.” I kiss her hand. “Do you want to hear my dreams?”

  She rolls over to face me now too. “Of course I do.”

  I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and smile. “I want to work with a professional football
team helping with injuries. I want to be successful, not worry about money, and live in a beautiful home. That is what I have always thought was most important to me. But honestly, I would give all of that up if I had too in order to have the love of my life. I want to be happy Kenz. You make me happy.” I move to give her a kiss. I push her gently on her back and climb on top of her. I cup her face in my hands. “I love you Kenz. These last few months have been the happiest of my life.”

  She smiles up at me and says, “Me too Campbell. I love you so much.”

  The first week back to reality after spending every day of the last week with my girl has sucked. When I have class she doesn’t and vice versa. She had to work a lot to make up for the time she took off, so we haven’t seen each other that much. Young is being a cranky bitch and Dick has been disappearing. Today is Friday and class sucked. I forgot we had a report due, so now I am down a fucking letter grade. The only thing that makes getting through this week tolerable is knowing I get to spend time with Kenz tonight. I texted her a half hour ago and still haven’t gotten a reply.

  Me: It’s been a shitty week. What time do you get off?

  Still no reply so I text again.

  Me: What time are you getting off tonight?

  I wait another hour and still nothing. This is not helping my mood at all. I am getting more heated by the minute.

  Me: Kenz ... fucking text me back!

  Finally, she gets back to me.

  Kenz: What the fuck, Campbell. I’m at work. I only check my phone when I get a break. I should be home at 10.

  Me: Come over when you get home.

  It’s fucking eleven o’clock and she still isn’t home from work. I called her cell, but there was no answer. I’m worried sick and pissed at the same time. I’m pacing the living room with my hands folded behind my head.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Young asks as he walks into the living room.

  “Fuck off Young.” I growl at him. I cannot even deal with his fucking mouth right now. Young laughs as he throws himself onto the couch.

  “What the fuck is your problem? You have a little argument with Miss Perfect tits and ass?” He throws his head back laughing at his own joke. I on the other hand do not find it funny at all. I stomp over to him and grab him by his shirt and pull his face into mine.

  “Don’t you ever fucking disrespect my girl again you piece of shit. I will beat the fuck out of you. I already told you to fuck off.” I say through clench teeth. He pushes me back to free himself from my grip.

  “Fuck you Campbell. I hope you get some ass tonight so you’re in a better mood. All week you’ve been an asshole. I’m going out.” He walks out the door and makes sure to slam it hard a hell.

  It’s eleven-thirty when I finally get a knock on my door. I swing it open to see a smiling Kenz. Well, I’m no longer worried, I am so pissed I see red. She pushes up on her tip toes to give me a kiss and I move to the side so she can’t do it. She looks up at me with a look of question on her face. I can clearly see that I have upset her, but I’m too pissed to care.

  “Sorry I’m late, Campbell.” She says with a sad emotion in her voice. She tries again, but I once again deny her and walk into the kitchen. She slowly walks into the kitchen, afraid of doing something else to piss me off further. She leans against the opposite counter from me, wanting to keep her distance now. I can see that I am getting the best of her, but I am so fired up at this point I can’t stop myself.

  “Where the fuck were you?” I ask in a growl. She snaps her head up and looks at me wide eyed.

  “What?” She has her eyebrows drawn in with confusion clear in her eyes. I move closer to her resting my hands on either side of her body.

  “Where. The. Fuck. Were. You?” That gets her attention.

  “I had to work late, Campbell. What the fuck is your problem?”

  I throw my arms in the air. I know my voice is getting louder, but I can’t fucking help it I’m so pissed. “You had to work late? You couldn’t take two fucking seconds to text your boyfriend that! You let me wait around for you like I had nothing better to do? I’m not some fucking dog that’s going to sit and wait for you to come home, wagging my tail when you decide I need some affection. You didn’t give a shit about leaving me hanging tonight.”

  She has a fire in her eyes I’ve never seen before and hurt that I never want to see again. She straightens up, with her hands clenched at her side and looks right at me.

  “You know what, Campbell? I’m not some young girl that you can walk all over. I will not take this shit from you. Do you hear me? I will not allow you to disrespect me!” She says angrily, yet her face looks like she is absolutely devastated. She has tears in her eyes and her chin begins to quiver. “Fuck you.” She whispers like any fight she had, has completely left her. She marches to the door throws it open so hard it hits the wall. She turns around to look at me and I see the tears running down her face. She leaves without closing the door or even turning back around.

  “FUCK!” I slam the door shut. I run my hands roughly on my face and grab my hair, staring at the door. I punch the door hoping that will release the feelings that are consuming me. It doesn’t do a thing to help, so I end up making my way to my room. I am no longer pissed at Kenz, but at myself for being such a fucking asshole. First thing tomorrow, I will beg her forgiveness.

  It’s Sunday morning and I am still lying in bed. I haven’t spoken to Campbell since he was an asshole Friday night. He has tried to text, call, even come over, but I refused to speak to him. How he reacted to me being late and what he said was belittling. I absolutely refuse to be treated like shit. I have been in a pissed off mood since I walk in the door Friday night. I called out of work yesterday because I just didn’t feel like dealing with anyone’s bullshit. Maddie and Becca are sick of my attitude, but I can’t help it. I finally decide to get out of bed. I need coffee.

  I walk into the living room and Becca is sitting on the couch. She looks up at me but doesn’t say anything.

  “What Becca? Shit! I need coffee alright!”

  She shakes her head at me. “Kenz you know I love you, but you need to stop being such a bitch. He has tried to apologize to you all weekend. You refuse to see him, to hear him out. The only one to blame for the way you’re feeling is yourself.” With that she goes into her room and slams the door.

  I’m standing in the kitchen thinking about what she just said. She is right I haven’t heard him out, no matter how many times he tried to contact me. I keep pushing him away. I’m just so pissed with the way he treated me. I feel like I need him to understand that. I pour my coffee and I suddenly want to bang my head on the counter. How the fuck is he going to understand if I stay locked up in my apartment? I guess he needs to hear my side as much as I do his. “Ugh!” I am such an idiot.

  I decide I better go apologize to Becca. I knock on her door and walk in. She’s on the phone, but hangs up quickly as I walk in.

  “Hey.” I say picking the bottom of my shirt. She doesn’t say anything just rising her eyebrows at me. “Look, I’m sorry I’ve been a bitch alright. You’re right, Campbell and I need to talk it out. I’m sorry I took it out on you.”

  She gets up off her bed and gives me a quick hug. “Thank you. Listen, you and Campbell love each other. You’ll work it out.” I know she’s right, I’ve let things go too far.

  I am sitting on the couch trying to find something on TV when there is a knock on the door. Part of me is hoping that it is Campbell, the other part is a nervous wreck it may be. I wanted to go over to his apartment, but I was too proud. I get up to go answer the door. When I open it, I see Campbell for the first time since Friday. Damn I have missed him so much.

  “Hey.” He says looking up at me.

  “Hey.” Wow, we sound like a bunch of morons.

  “Can I come in?” I hold the door open for him, inviting him in. I walk past the living room to my bedroom, because honestly I don’t want the girls to interrupt us. We go in and
I close the door. He turns around to look at me, blows out a breath, and runs his hands roughly over his face. “Kenz, I’m sorry I was such an asshole Friday night. I had no right to treat you so poorly; you didn’t deserve that. I’m not trying to make excuses, but it was a long shitty week. I took it out on you and I said some nasty shit. I can’t take it back, but I can ask for your forgiveness.” I know he means everything he says. I can see it in his eyes.

  “You were an asshole. You made me feel like shit, question myself. I haven’t felt that way in a long time and I won’t allow myself to ever feel like shit because of another person again.” He runs his hands through his hair. From the looks of it, he’s been doing that a lot.

  “You’re right. You should never let anyone treat you with anything but respect. I completely lost my shit and the things I said I didn’t even mean. I was so worried when you didn’t call that something happened to you. Then you show up acting like everything was fine and I lost it. I’m sorry baby it won’t ever happen again.”

  I smile at him and say, “Yes, it will.” He goes to interrupt, but I won’t allow him. “Couples fight, Campbell. For you or me for that matter, to think it won’t happen is absurd. It will happen, but the name calling and belittling is not something I will tolerate.”

  “You’re right, beautiful. I won’t do that again. I’m so sorry. I have missed you so fucking much. I’ve been going crazy.”

  I walk over to him, hug him around the waist, and rest my head above his heart. I hear him sigh loudly.

  “I’ve missed you like crazy. I’m sorry I was stubborn.” He squeezes me tightly to him.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about. I deserved your anger. Just know that I am so fucking sorry I hurt you, baby. I love you so much.”


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