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The Klaskians Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

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by Amelia Wilson

  The Earth had been in a mighty uproar when Klaskar was discovered. There was a truce signed between the hastily assembled League of Earth, made up of representatives from Earth’s most powerful countries, and the governing body of Klaskar, stating that both sides wanted peace. It was conditional of the peace agreement that neither side inhabit the other’s planet and that no humans or Klaskians could travel either to Earth or Klaskar without special permission and clearances.

  Though many Klaskians had come to Earth and brought the wondrous technology Shelly had alluded to, only human women had ever received an invitation to Klaskar.

  “All right, I’ll do it. I’ll apply with you.” Janelle’s voice was hard with a bitter edge, but Shelly didn’t pay any attention. Her shrill squeal told Janelle just how excited she was.

  Chapter 2

  The boughs of the massive tree swayed in the stiff breeze. The sun was warm, even towards the end of the day. The beautiful song of the Swiveal, something that could only be described as a bird-like creature, rang through the treetops.

  Andar bent at the roots of the huge tree. The massive structure had housed him for seventy years of his life. He had planted the seed as a youth, nurturing it, caring for it, and had watched it grow to tower over eighty feet tall. The tree was at least twenty feet in diameter and provided the perfect housing. Andar planned on treating it well. The symbiotic relationship between Klaskians and their environment was what made their planet thrive.

  If only their species could be so lucky.

  The move, years ago, of Klaskar had cost the species dearly. They’d prepared for the entrance into a new solar system with a new, life giving sun, after their old star died. They had developed the technology for the move long before they had ever attempted it. They all knew that many of them would die, and many of them had. Females and young had suffered. Oddly enough, none of the other species, which humans would term birds and animals, had experienced such losses.

  All of their tree homes, their gardens and their machines had also survived.

  The familiar stirrings of grief welled up in Andar. He had lost his sister and mother in the move. His best friend had lost his new mate, what the humans would consider a wife.

  With the population so depleted, the Leaders had come together and determined that the best plan of action would be to look for another species which had females who could carry their offspring in a shorter amount of time than their own females could. Because bearing a child was hard on any female and took years out of her life, most Klaskian females agreed readily to the plan. The Klaskians were used to living in grief. Many had lost their young. No one was unaffected by sorrow. As such, the human females were welcomed. They carried the precious gift of their young, and birthed them in only three months. Hearing the cries and laughter of new youth went a long way in mending the many broken hearts.

  Andar heard the heavy footfalls of his friend, Maslar, as he approached. He whirled around from where he had been inspecting the bark and foliage of his tree, determining if it needed another round of fertilization. He had been planning on picking a type of fungus, like a mushroom, from the trees upper branches for his dinner.

  “What is it?” Andar asked, noting the sparkle in Maslar’s eyes. He thought he knew the answer before Maslar spoke and his heart leapt. “Have we been chosen? Are we to get a human woman?”

  “We have! It is finally our turn! They are sending the pods for the next batch as soon as day breaks the sky. The pods will take a week to arrive on Earth and another week to return. We should have a woman within two Earth weeks!”

  Andar could no longer contain his excitement. His face broke into a broad grin as he ran forward and gripped his friend’s arm. He slapped him on the back and Maslar mirrored the familiar gesture, used to express happiness.

  “We will treat her like a… What do the humans call them?”

  “Princess or queen I think?” Maslar nodded. “We will revere her. She is going to have one of our young.”

  “The idea the Leaders had for two or more males to share the female ensures she will conceive much faster.” Andar stared into his friend’s deep purple eyes and Maslar nodded, still smiling.

  “Yes. Since we have started mating one human woman among more than one male, the instances of more than one young conceived have been higher as well. It’s unheard of in our own females. The human women are indeed a very special species.”

  Andar nodded. “If only they took better care of their own beautiful home. It breaks my heart to go there and see the destruction. Imagine – they eat their own animals!”

  Maslar wrinkled his nose. The ridged skin on his forehead and cheekbones moved as his expression turned to one of disgust. “The humans have strange practices. I’ll not say they are wrong, but I do agree, their planet is bleeding.”

  “It’s horribly sad.” Andar lowered his voice and leaned in so only Maslar could hear him. “We both know that our own planet is broken. I wonder how many more years we have here before we are forced to leave.” He rested his palm on the warm, ridged whirls of the bark that made up his tree. “Klaskar is not the planet it once was. The move took a toll on her, as it did on our females. I feel her tremble at times, deep in her core.”

  “I have felt it as well.” Maslar confirmed, his eyes reflecting his worry though his face remained impassive. “I wonder if there is any point in having young should we have limited time.”

  “We have to hope that we will be able to find somewhere else, should the need arise. Somewhere that will accept us.”


  “I don’t know. Even if humanity welcomed us, I don’t know if I could stand to live on a planet so poisoned with waste and overuse.”

  “We’ve helped them turn it around. Perhaps our species could live in peace. Perhaps we would make their planet a better one. Heal it.”

  Andar nodded slowly. Beneath his palm the bark of his tree trembled slightly, the tree’s own life force joining with his vitality. They had always been connected. He’d birthed the tree from seed and soil just as if he’d birthed his own young. The thought of leaving Klaskar and leaving it behind wounded him deeply.

  He squeezed his eyes shut, focusing instead on Maslar’s exciting news. In two weeks, the human woman would come.

  “Andar?” Maslar asked questioningly. He reached out and touched the bark of the tree as well and Andar felt his friend’s energy mingle with his.

  “I’m sorry, friend. Your news is most welcome. I will leave the rest to the Leaders to decide.” Andar smiled. “Come. I was going to pick mushrooms. Stay for dinner. My house will soon be shared by you and our human woman as we prepare for and welcome her.”

  “Let us hope she conceives soon. And with my young. May whatever deities exist out there help the young if it should be born of you and have your features.”

  “Ha! We both know that I am the better looking of us by far. I always have been, that’s why all the females wanted me. They used to chase me, even as a boy.” Andar watched Maslar’s face grow somber. There were no flocks of young, giggling females now.

  Maslar’s hand shifted on the tree, covering Andar’s and squeezing firmly. “Soon my friend. Soon it will be so again, and we shall be part of it.”

  Chapter 3

  “What a beautiful planet!” Janelle exclaimed in wonder. She was suddenly aware that her mouth had fallen open and she quickly shut it. Beside her in the line of twenty women, Shelly stood, clutching Janelle’s hand tightly in her own small, warm palm.

  “The pods were quite a ride. Not at all what I expected.”

  “I know. Those pills they gave us when we got in were crazy. I hardly remember a thing but I feel kind of… jetlagged, I guess.”

  “Have you ever even flown before?” Shelly’s deep brown eyes bore straight into Janelle’s light blue ones.

  “No, but I imagine that’s what it feels like. Like you’re still hurtling at crazy speeds, even when you’re standing still.”

sp; “I’m pretty sure that’s called something else. I just can’t think of what.” Shelly tossed her shoulder-length auburn curls in her hand, trying to give her hair life again after it had been squashed flat against a seat for a week. “How do I look?” A worried expression creased her brow.

  “Relax,” Janelle whispered softly, leaning into Shelly while the line of women advanced ahead of them.

  Janelle stared up at the strange structure that they were entering. It seemed like a huge cave, and she could only hope that she wasn’t being led away underground, never to be heard or seen from again. A part of her suddenly feared that the whole arrangement was an elaborate scheme and that they were really brought there to be human sacrifices.

  “They said that when we got here, we would be refreshed. I think they meant given food and water, and obviously cleaned up. I know that I must look like a disaster. My mouth feels like I haven’t brushed my teeth in years!” She ran her tongue over her fuzzy teeth and hoped very much that she was going to be provided with a toothbrush.

  “You’re right. I’ll stop worrying. Geez, I was the one who wanted to do this, and yet it’s you who is perfectly controlled and calm.” Shelly pulled a face, laughing at herself.

  “I don’t feel that way,” Janelle admitted, eying up the huge cave-like structure again. Her eyes slowly scanned the horizon, taking it all in. The sky looked very much like the sky did on Earth. She could see the sun rising overhead, but it seemed hotter here, closer and larger in the sky. Just beyond the cave was a series of towering trees. They were massive, like the Sequoia trees she’d once read about.

  Staring down at her bare feet, Janelle forced a smile for Shelly’s sake. She dug her toe into a substance that seemed very much like dirt, except that it was slightly red. She wanted to put her hands in it and bring her fingers to her nose to inhale the scent, but she didn’t move.

  During their interview process, and finally the selection process and briefing times, Janelle had been told that she would be allowed to bring nothing with her, which suited her fine as she hadn’t had anything to bring. All she was permitted to take with her was her personal identity document and the clothes on her body. Those would be kept in a locker-type storage area and returned to her before she left for the trip back home. The rest of the time, she would be cared for by the male she was assigned to.

  Janelle’s stomach clenched hard with nerves at the thought of surrendering the next few months of her life to a male that she didn’t know. She did know more about the Klaskians now than she had before. She knew that they were peaceful and kind, and that they loved and prized nature and lived in harmony with it. She knew just how precious life on Klaskar was. She just hoped that she would be able to get used to a new diet, a new home and a new man. Well… a new alien.

  What would it be like carrying the alien child inside of her? She’d been briefed on that as well, but no amount of facts or description could truly prepare her for the sensations and changes her body was soon to undergo.

  Shelly giggled nervously as they reached the front of the line. The Klaskians hadn’t been specific about how they were to assemble. If the women wanted to, they could stand in small groups or individually, as long as they walked single file through the entrance where the two large male Klaskians looked like they were standing guard.

  “I can’t wait. I hope they pamper us before they give us to our male. A spa treatment would be very welcome right about now. I couldn’t imagine going to meet him looking and smelling like I do.” Shelly raised her arm and sniffed at her armpit.

  “Shelly!” Janelle moved her friend’s arm back down to her side. “Come on! Don’t do that before we even meet our hosts. They’ll think you’re strange.”

  “I already passed all their medical tests and screenings and interviews. I think we’re good at this point.”

  “Just stop. We’re getting close to the front of the line. Would you go in ahead of me?”

  Shelly’s beautiful face with the petite features looked uncertain for the first time. Fear flashed in her dark brown eyes. “I don’t know.”

  Janelle softened. She had always felt a little protective of her friend. Despite her tough exterior and her wild attitude, Shelly was a sweet girl. She barely stood five feet tall. Her tiny body looked more like a child’s than a woman’s. She was beautiful in that pixie, fairy kind of way that made men lose their minds.

  Janelle, on the other hand, was tall – 5’9” in her bare feet, and shapely. She wouldn’t have classified herself as beautiful, even though Shelly often complained that she would have liked to have the breasts, curvy hips, tight waist, heart-shaped face and defined cheek bones that Janelle possessed. The only feature she’d ever been half vain about was her hair. Her long, thick blonde hair hung down almost to her waist. She’d inherited her blue eyes from her mother, but she wasn’t sure where that gorgeous hair had come from. She’d never known her father or her grandparents.

  “Next, please.” The Klaskian male had a list, or at least what Janelle assumed was a list. Because she wanted to spare Shelly, she stepped forward.

  “Hello,” she said softly as she approached the two large males. Good lord, they were huge! They probably stood seven feet tall. They were naked above the waist, and they wore a strange kind of clothing that looked to be what she could only describe as tight-fitting breaches which showed off the males’ defined, muscular legs. Their chests were powerfully built and heavily muscled; the skin the most interesting, beautiful shade of blue. When Janelle glanced up at the face of one of the males, she was surprised to see ridged channels on his cheeks carving in towards his mouth, and two ridged lines on his forehead that carved towards his broad nose.

  She had known, of course, what the Klaskians looked like from pictures, but the photographs truly didn’t do them justice. A still picture couldn’t capture the beautiful hue of their skin, nor depict just how vivid the alluring purple of their eyes.

  “Hello,” the first male greeted her. He checked his list. “Name, please?”

  “Janelle Speirs,” she said quietly. She watched the guard’s head bend again, and when he looked up, he was smiling.

  “Yes. Janelle. It says here that you are nineteen.”

  “That’s right.” The male’s eyes swept over her body, and she felt surprisingly comfortable. His gaze wasn’t lecherous, simply assessing.

  “Good. I hope you will find your stay here a pleasant one. We are honored that you have chosen to do this for us. Please walk forward, into the cave. There is a male waiting inside to guide you to your treatments. They should be very much to your enjoyment.”

  Janelle’s heart warmed at the kind look on the Klaskian’s face. His voice was deep and so much stranger than any human tone she’d ever heard before, though she couldn’t quite define how that was exactly. She just knew it was soothing. She could stand and listen to him speak all day.

  Shaking herself out of her mental trance, Janelle moved forward past the male and through the entrance of the cave. It was dark, but just ahead, another male stood with a lighted lantern in hand. The flame was a bright blue and danced in the glass cage, though what was animating it, Janelle couldn’t tell.

  “I am Glastar. Please, follow me. I will take you to your room.”

  “Thank you.” Janelle knew she should probably be afraid, but she was lulled into a sense of peace and trust, as though the male who lighted and led her way through the cave emitted the strange feeling.

  The male took Janelle deep into the heart of the cave. It branched off and she followed him down the twists and turns until she came to a small room carved into the rock wall.

  “This is going to be yours for the next few hours. There will be a female who comes to bathe you. She will do your hair and give you clothing as befits a Klaskian female. I’m sure you will find it much more comfortable than any clothing you’ve owned before. Most human women enjoy the treatments and the garments very much. After those are over, you’ll be taken to be presented to
your males.”

  Janelle whirled, her throat closing in tightly. “Males?” She gasped. “What do you mean? I thought that I was only supposed to be with one male.”

  “I thought that was explained to you. The Leaders have noted that when more than one male mates a human woman, there is greater chance of her conceiving or even bearing twins. Because you have been assigned two males, you will receive greater compensation. If you bear twins, even more. We value the sacrifice of your body very much. We cannot thank you enough for the generosity you human women have shown us. You have trusted us and been kind enough to help us at a time when we need it most.”

  Exhaling quickly, Janelle sat down on the stone ledge. It was surprisingly warm and comfortable with no sharp points. “I see,” she said quickly, suddenly feeling ashamed when she looked into those purple orbs that pierced the darkness. They held such sadness and such hope that her heart clenched hard in her chest. She felt a stirring of emotion that she couldn’t define. She’d never been good with feelings. God knows she hadn’t been raised to understand them.

  “Are you all right?” Glastar asked, his brow furrowing further in concern.

  “Yes. Sorry. I do remember now. During orientation, they talked about the possibility of two males. I just thought that it wouldn’t happen to me.”

  Glastar set the lamp aside and took a step closer. Sensing her apprehension, he reached out and touched Janelle lightly on the shoulder. His hand was warm and held a latent strength just under the smooth skin.

  “I sense as much pain in you as I feel in many of our own. Life has not been kind to you. You have felt much sorrow. I promise you that the males you are to be with will treat you kindly. They value you above their own lives, as you women are the only hope we have of continuing our species. Human women give back the joy that has been taken from our females and males. You are everything to us.”


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