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The Klaskians Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

Page 13

by Amelia Wilson

  She knew when the other women had their babies they were taken immediately. At least she’d had a little time with him. He came back, and she thought maybe he changed his mind about being with them.

  “Sarah, I want him to have a mother since you’re staying. We won’t live there but we will visit often.”

  He walked out again, and she was happy. At least he would be in her new life.

  “Can we name her Sahmi?” Notla asked with tears in his eyes. Sarah had never thought she would have any say in what they named their daughter.

  “Was that your mate’s name?” She asked him softly.

  He looked up and nodded.

  “Of course, we can Notla, that’s a beautiful name.” He climbed into the bed with her and the three of them settled in to a peaceful sleep together.


  Sarti carried his son out of the cave and looked down at him with wonder. A new world had been opened to him now. It was one that wanted to destroy their own. They hadn’t had to think of an enemy in hundreds of years and now they would have to fight one on their own planet. Sure, Sarah hadn’t done anything to them, but she’d planned to.

  He couldn’t help but love her. She’d given him a son. He knew eventually he’d find himself back in her bed and she may even carry another one of his young. For now, he needed time to be with his son and process everything that had happened to him.

  He felt like he’d really changed since she’d come to them. For better and worse.

  A small Swiveal landed on his arm and chirped down at his son.

  “Swiv, that’s what I’ll call you. I think you’ll be able to talk to animals like I can. I’m going to teach you so much.”

  Sarti walked back to his place cradling his son. He’d never been prouder.

  They would have to face the fact that they had enemies on earth. They’d have to band together and fight for their planet and their children.

  Not today though, today he could just enjoy his son and the peace they enjoyed now that Sarah was on their side. Tomorrow, he’d think about saving the world.

  As he was walking back to his house he turned around to see one of the humans watching him. This woman looked different than the others and he realized he’d not seen her with a mate in the time they’d been in the cave and she didn’t have any young.

  His defenses instantly went up. If they were here to spy on them then they were going to report back to earth about Sarah’s betrayal. They would have to stop her from leaving and Sarti made it his mission to pay attention to the woman and find a way to make sure she didn’t go back to earth.

  He waved and smiled holding the baby up. Look isn’t he cute, he thought. The woman waved and quickly went back inside. Sarti continued smiling.

  I’ve got my eye on you.


  The Alien Paradise

  The Klaskians Series Book 3


  Amelia Wilson

  Table of Contents:


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  The resistance started when a few human women stayed on the planet, Klaskar, after having children with the aliens. It’s debatable who the first one was; there some of the cases of the surrogacy initiative were less well-documented when it first started - it could have easily been one of them.

  It started innocently enough with those women finding love and not wanting to leave their new children. It turned into a massive problem for both the Klaskian and Earth’s governments. The reason was that they couldn’t be seen to remove the humans from the planet, publicly, without explaining why it was terrible that they were there. The government had laws that any human surrogates were to come back once they'd had the children. The whole time they had preached this they had also convinced the planet that the aliens being in their solar system was the best thing that could have happened.

  After the underground group, Scientists Against Alien Babies (SAAB) sent women up and then lost track of them, it took some time for the government to catch on to the plan to their sabotage the surrogacy program. Needless to say, they weren’t happy that it had been conducted without their knowledge, although, many might say they were just mad they weren’t included in the loop and that they didn’t care one way or another what SAAB, or anyone else, did.

  Once the disgruntled religious group, The Children of a Peaceful Nation, got wind of the missing females, they went public. The religious group comprised half the members of the SAAB together with the Institution for Higher Scientific Learning (IHSL) making up the other half. Once Earth’s government caught on to what had happened, they infiltrated both groups collecting all the necessary data and arresting those who were trying to sabotage the surrogacy program.

  It became known that one woman had been sent to release a deadly substance on Klaskar, to make the aliens leave the solar system. That woman, Sarah Overstreet, had never returned from her mission.

  The military had become involved but didn't want to send troops up to the planet, as the Klaskians were still allies, and from the intel gathered, not all the aliens knew there were human women hiding on their planet.

  It had become complicated. The government wanted to continue to hold the surrogacy over the aliens, so they'd continue to agree to the treaty, stating that Klaskar would help Earth if it was ever invaded. In addition, the program brought money to the planet and helped countless Earth women who needed it. However, the women who remained on the planet were jeopardizing this plan, because the aliens wouldn't need the surrogacy program anymore, if they had women willing to stay and give them babies.

  There was a darker side to what the government told the public about their reasoning for keeping humans from staying on Klaskar. It was because the Klaskians had also agreed to another deal with Earth when the surrogacy plan was made. The aliens would send Klaskian prisoners to Earth for scientists to experiment on. If humans stayed on Klaskar, they might report this back to Earth and tell the Klaskian people what their government was doing to their prisoners.

  The people of Klaskar might have revolted if they found this out, and they outnumbered their government. As for Earth, many people protested against the aliens, but there were far more who thought the plan was good. If the people on Earth, who supported the Klaskians, found out that some of them were lab rats, their support would evaporate. The only thing Earth’s government could do was send more females up to the planet, posing as willing surrogates, and have those women find the humans who were squatting on Klaskar and bring them back to Earth before all the government’s careful plans were ruined.

  Of course, they didn’t count on the bond that results from sex between two different species. Especially because the men of Klaskar emitted a hormone that was irresistible to human women. No matter whom they sent to the planet, it would be an uphill battle to get them to complete the mission and make sure the deal stayed in place.

  Chapter One


  As Talia Sampson climbed from the ship and put her feet on the uneven ground of Klaskar, she felt a knot forming in her stomach. The reason she’d come to the planet was clear in her mind, but that didn’t stop the nerves from making her anxious. Right from the time she was a girl, anytime she’d traveled to a new location her parents would have to give her anti-nausea medication. She never knew if it was the car ride or the fact she was going somewhere she didn’t know. She learned later in life that not having control was the cause of it. She never knew when they’d stop the car or traffic would be backed up. Not knowing killed her even as a child. Going to a new planet, on a dangerous mission, was about t
he biggest anxiety-ridden road trip she could imagine for herself.

  She knew she had to be prepared for the pull of the planet. She could already see the beauty with the purple and orange streaked sky and the strange trees that were scattered across the land. The men were literally addictive, or so she’d been told by former surrogates. The women chosen for this mission were to take safety precautions to not get pregnant. That meant slipping in protection right before the deed and a lot of maneuvering on her part. She’d practiced before leaving to make sure she could actually do it. They knew getting pregnant was a huge possibility, however. Often, the methods they used would not work for Klaskian seed as it was powerful. The ones chosen for the mission knew it was a possibility they’d get pregnant. She was ready for that to happen if it did.

  The women from her unit were placed in the program to pose as some of the richest women from Earth. That’s why they flew up in their own ships, or rentals, instead of the strange circular pods the women with less money traveled in to reach the planet. She wore expensive clothes and jewelry, but they had told her she’d be dressed the way the Klaskian women did after she arrived. They wore muted robes and no jewelry. There were so few of them left she wondered if they always dressed like that.

  Talia saw some of those pods landing near where she was, on a small strip of land that had been cleared of the strange trees that grew on the planet. While the planet was just a little smaller than Earth, only a small part of it was inhabitable. That was why there weren’t that many Klaskians and moving their planet to Earth’s solar system had made them even scarcer and lots of women and children had perished from the stress. Yet, here their team was, far from home and ready to take on a crazy mission.

  Before their arrival, not all of the women who had come up from Earth to give the aliens babies had returned home. That was the mission. Find the women and bring them home. They put too much at risk by not following the plan exactly. There was no reason to bring attention to themselves, by not doing exactly what they were expected to. Having humans stay on the planet endangered the surrogacy program which the government viewed as essential to the financial security and well-being of Earth. The Klaskians flew down some of their best inhabitants to heal the planet with their connection to nature. No one knew how they did it; they just knew it was helping the Earth and helping the people that lived there.

  When Talia left the ship, she immediately wanted to explore everything. She walked towards the strange trees and then walked into the forest. There was a black sap dripping from them she knew they couldn’t touch. The sap would bury into human skin, and it hurt according to some of the women who’d returned. She shivered as she pictured the sap crawling on her and stinging her like a living thing.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” A large blue alien man walked towards her. She could just see his form outlined through the thick trees.

  “I was just checking out my surroundings,” she said walking back out.

  “Human women stay in the designated areas. You were briefed before you left. Mess around with me, and you’ll get sent back immediately.”

  She looked up at the blue man and into his serious purple eyes, as she emerged from the woods. A chill went through her. “Not in Kansas anymore, Toto,” she said to herself.

  “What?” The large man asked, and she turned a bright smile on him. “Nothing, I’m sorry I wandered off.”

  It was best to play dumb for now.

  “It’s okay,” the big guy softened, “don’t do it again.”

  Talia walked back over to where she’d gotten off the ship and saw a line had formed for the Klaskians to check their papers. They’d been asked to bring two forms of identification and their medical history. Talia suspected the medical history was just another form of identification. As far as she knew, no one had been turned down for the surrogacy program no matter what.

  “It didn’t use to be like this,” a tall blonde woman in front of her said. It took Talia a minute to realize she was speaking to her.

  “Oh, really,” she said her eyes looking down the line for her team. Keeping a person, she recognized in her line of sight helped ease her anxiety. She saw Nina making conversation with the women around her. They all laughed. She could make friends with anyone, Talia though.

  “No,” the woman continued. “I’m Kandi. I’ve been here three times. Well, this is my third time. It didn’t use to be so strict. You just gave them your papers out of the pod, and they let you go.” She barely breathed as she spoke, spitting the words out quickly. Talia found herself sucking a deep breath in just listening to her go.

  “Is that so,” she said, “I wonder why it changed.”

  “Someone came up here with the idea she was going to make the planet sick, and they beefed up security. My man works for the company that sends the pods. He tells me everything about the setup.”

  “Your man?” Talia raised a brow.

  “Well, the guy I screw on Earth. Obviously, we aren’t exclusive,” she giggled.

  “Obviously,” Talia agreed, nodding her head. This woman had a lot of information. She didn’t even have to push her to tell her everything. She continued to give Talia information. She said the man thought the women who didn’t come back were still on the planet. He thought they were having more babies and eventually their families would revolt against the Klaskian government.

  “Especially,” she said whispering as she leaned into Talia, “if they discover their prisoners are being sent to Earth to be experimented on by humans.”

  This took Talia by surprise. Surely, people of Earth weren’t doing that. She would know, wouldn’t she? Before she had a chance to ask Kandi some questions they were at the front of the line and had to talk to the two females who sat waiting for their paperwork.

  “You need to sign here,” one of them said pointing at the bottom of a long form.

  “What’s it say?” Talia asked not looking forward to reading every bit of it.

  “You consent to a search of your person inside and out and that you will be sent home immediately if anything suspicious is found. You will leave after you have the children and return to Earth.” She said this with no emotion. They were just the facts.

  Talia signed it although she wasn’t happy with the search inside and out part.

  They told her she’d move forward to be searched and then a Klaskian woman would clean and dress her. She also wasn’t too excited about someone else cleaning her, but she knew she had to do whatever they wanted. She was going to have to have their babies too, she found out within the preliminary search. The things she’d brought for protection were confiscated. In the past, they’d fitted women with blockers for their uterus, so they wouldn’t get pregnant with the alien’s babies, but the aliens knew that now. That was why they would search for them. She couldn’t protect herself from getting pregnant, and she knew it was going to happen. Her mother always said their family’s women were as fertile as hell.

  Damn it, she thought. They don’t even know what they’ve taken. She knew at least one of her team members had a gun hidden inside her, and suspected others did as well. To her surprise, the strip search wasn’t as invasive as she thought it would be. They didn’t look all the way inside.

  Her mission was simple, find the women and make them leave. If she had to, she could use deadly force. She didn’t want to. She moved forward to where a shorter Klaskian woman waited to dress her, after the search and tried to breathe normally.

  Chapter Two


  Gianva took a deep breath as he left his friend Sarti’s house. He had more knowledge than he wanted and felt very conflicted. As he walked a flying creature landed on his shoulder and chirped at him. Hos connection with the animals had saved him many times in his life. They had helped him grieve the loss of friends when the move came, and now they would help him sort through his feelings about what he’d learned.

  “I don’t know my friend,” he said and stroked the animal be
neath the chin. “I’m very confused today.”

  His friend, Sarti, whom he’d known his whole life had a son with one of the human surrogates. He’d been holding on to a secret for a long time and just needed to tell someone he trusted. Gianva had stopped by to get some advice on meeting his surrogate for the first time. He had a nervous energy about it and, basically, wanted Sarti to tell him everything would be okay.

  He had not been prepared for the things Sarti had told him about his own mate. The human woman was still on the planet. There were rules in place to make sure the women went back to Earth. He knew this went against the government of Klaskar and put everyone in danger. The humans staying on the planet made it easier for the Klaskians to catch their illnesses and vice versa.

  The government of their people didn’t even allow bad things to be said of them without putting the one who’d spoken ill in jail. He could only imagine what they would do to people that just didn’t obey the law. He had voiced this opinion to Sarti, who’d agreed with him, saying he did not think it was a good idea at first.

  Gianva kicked a rock in his path on his way to the center of their civilization as he remembered the conversation with his friend.

  “My mate Sarah is still here along with some other human women,” he said it fast as if getting the words out was a difficult task.

  “She’s here?” Gianva had looked around startled he’d not noticed an extra being in his friend’s place.

  “No,” Sarti laughed at him, “she’s in a secret location with Notla. In fact, she’s pregnant with another child for him.”

  And they're just hiding away with no one knowing where they are? Another baby that won't be registered?” Gianva was completely taken aback by this.


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