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The Sinner Within (L.A. Sinners MC Book 1)

Page 15

by J. L. Leslie

  The Sinners are getting their supply and planning an attack ‒ a hostile takeover ‒ on the Jiminez cartel in only two days. That gives absolutely no time for planning when you’re attacking one of the most dangerous cartels in L.A. I think it’s a shit idea, but I’m not their president.

  Trying to take down Jiminez is too dangerous. I may not know as much as I should, but I know Anterio Jiminez is not an enemy anyone wants to have. Certainly not a struggling motorcycle club.

  An attack on Jiminez could also be devastating to Hell’s Fury. We depend on his cartel as our supplier. If the Sinners are successful, it means they would be our supplier and Hell’s Fury would not do that. There’s no fucking way Donia would do business with them.

  I honestly hate that we do what we do, selling product to addicts, but according to Donia, someone is going to do it. Why not us? Why shouldn’t we make the profit from it?

  We have select buyers that purchase our product, providing us with a nice income and ensuring our anonymity. As a prospect, I don’t see much of that income, but I am given a monthly paycheck from the club. Without it, I couldn’t afford my house and the upkeep on Gavin’s bike. I know that. So, I know that a strike against Jiminez would cripple Hell’s Fury, just as we crippled the Sinners by cutting them off as their supplier. The Sinners taking over the cartel is an entirely different beast.

  I hear the creak of the door, and I keep my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. Lucien is quiet as he crosses the room and rejoins me. His strong arms go around me, snuggling me to him.

  An unexpected sigh escapes my lips. Being here with him, having him hold me, makes all my worried thoughts about the club war I’m in dissipate. Without meaning to, I drift off to sleep, and when I wake up, I’m alone again and slightly disoriented. In a panic, I scurry from the bed and find my phone on his dresser.

  “Shit,” I grumble, realizing I’m late to pick Layla up from school.

  I tug on my jeans and rush out of his room only to find Layla sitting at the bar. Her head is down, her pencil eagerly flying over her notebook as she does her homework.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” Lucien smirks from the sofa.

  “Did you‒”

  “Of course. Did you think I would just let her stay at school all day?”

  I almost smile at his answer. For the past three years, I have had to do all of this on my own. Sure, I have had a lot of help from Mackenzie, don’t get me wrong, but essentially Layla has been entirely my responsibility. It’s nice to know that someone else took it on, even for only one afternoon.

  “Thank you.”

  “While you were asleep, Reid showed me how to crop dust someone!” Layla says with a sly grin, and Lucien shakes his head.

  “I’m sorry, how to do what to someone?” I ask her.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll show you later,” she winks and then adds, “Lucien said if I finish my homework, we’ll take you to work and then he’ll take me somewhere special,” Layla informs me. “I think it’s for ice cream.”

  “It’s not for ice cream,” Lucien calls over his shoulder, winking at Layla.

  “Okay,” she says, winking back at him, and then facing me. “We’re not going for ice cream.”

  I roll my eyes at the two of them and then go join Lucien on the sofa. For someone planning a major attack on a dangerous enemy, he doesn’t seem to be affected by it. This is what I don’t understand about him.

  He’s sitting here with me, a smile on his handsome face, and making jokes with Layla about not going for ice cream. He wears this mask so well that I wonder if I’m ever really seeing who he is inside or if he only shows me who he wants me to see. How do I convince him that I can handle seeing that person? That sinner within?

  “If you need to go home tonight, I can make arrangements to make sure you and Layla are safe,” he tells me, placing his arm around me.

  I glance over at Layla, who seems perfectly happy where she is. “One more night won’t hurt.”

  I’ll go home in the morning. I have to then because I have to meet with Hell’s Fury. I’ll sit with those women that I consider my sisters and decide if I’m going to tell them what the Sinners are planning. It shouldn’t even be something I’m contemplating, but the thought of betraying Lucien makes me feel sick when the thought of betraying my sisters should make me hate myself.

  I know I need to come clean with them and I will. I only need a little more time with Lucien before it’s all ruined with the truth.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I leave Layla in the capable hands of Leann tonight after dropping Harper off at work and taking her for ice cream. I swear, if that kid could sample all the flavors of ice cream at Fifty Flavors, she would.

  I assigned Ian with Harper’s watch and explained to her that I have club business tonight. She didn’t ask any questions, and I didn’t tell her that I would be doing recon on the Jiminez cartel.

  I assured her I would be back before her shift was over and I gave Ian strict instructions to call or text me if anything came up. I particularly want to know if Jiminez comes into the diner.

  He’s a good prospect. Not as good as Warren, but he’s earning his way. I know he came here as a narc for Griffin. The other Sinners don’t have a clue, but I’m not a fucking idiot. Griffin offered him the same deal he offered me. Freedom in return for intel. We both took that deal. It’s a decision I’m sure Ian would make again and one I know I will never regret.

  As I drive, I think about how differently my life would’ve been had I left with Spencer instead of going on that run. We had talked all day long about leaving, and I told her one more week. We would leave in one more week. Ford was supposed to have gone with me, along with Andy and Jay, but he didn’t show. Said he would meet us there.

  Instead, the Hades Riders showed, lead by their president Gavin. It was our territory, so we protected it. None of us had any idea that Ford had been dealing with them and had told them he would meet them there.

  We were defending our club, protecting our product. They were doing the same. I’m not even certain when or how the fire started, but Andy and Jay were already dead by then. So were several of Gavin’s men. It was a fucking bloodbath.

  My skin was on fire. Everything hurt. I was screaming, but it didn’t stop the pain. Gavin and I rolled together on the floor, both of us burning and screaming, but neither of us stopped fighting.

  That’s all I can remember.

  When I woke up, I was in a hospital. and I was cuffed to the bed. That was two months later. So much had changed. No one knew I was even alive. Ford told them I died that night and after finding out Spencer was with him, I decided it was best that I stay dead.

  Had I gone with her, had we left, where would we be? We could be living on the beach in Florida like we always wanted to. We could have a family, a normal life. I wouldn’t be planning a takedown of a dangerous cartel.

  I wouldn’t have Harper.

  That thought shakes me as I climb off my bike. I never thought I would stop thinking of Spencer Ellis. I thought of her every single day for over three years. Thought of scenarios where I told her I was alive, where we reunited and lived happily ever after. That day came, but the outcome wasn’t how I envisioned it.

  Now, my mind thinks of another woman. Constantly.

  “Come join the party,” Reid mutters, breaking my thoughts. He hands me the binoculars, and I lie down on the ground beside him. “These guards are sharp; I won’t lie about that. They haven’t taken a break all night, so there are no lapses in their routines. The cameras are on rotation, constantly viewing the parking lot as well.”

  “Anything on the inside?”

  “I can’t see much, but I’ve seen at least three guards. We know there’s more than that.”

  “Yeah, has to be,” I agree.

  “Harco get anything on Jiminez’s whereabouts?” he asks me, and I nod.

  “Yep,” I answer. “Shouldn’t be too hard to get to tomorrow n
ight. We still don’t know who it is that’s monopolizing his business though, but after this, we will.”

  “Are we sure we want to do this?” Reid asks. “I mean, I’m all for this dangerous shit, but once this is done, if it doesn’t go right, we can’t undo it.”

  “Yeah, we want to do this,” I tell him. “I think it’s time we take L.A. back.”


  I smile when I see Mackenzie walk in, her boyfriend in tow. I feel like it’s been weeks since I’ve seen her when it’s only been a couple of days. I put my bag underneath the counter and walk over, giving her a hug and saying hello to Suggs.

  “How’s Layla? I miss that little sass,” she tells me.

  “She’s fine. We’re coming home tomorrow, and we should get together. I doubt we were ever in any real danger,” I let her know. As far as I know, Lucien hasn’t heard anything from the Sicarios since that day at the park.

  “Sounds good and just be careful,” she says, giving me a look to let me know that the Sicarios are no joke.

  I’m not sure how much Suggs knows about her, if he even knows she owns a bike, but I’m certain he does not know anything about Hell’s Fury. Mackenzie is more closed off than I am when it comes to her personal life and the club is not something we are allowed to speak about.

  “I see you have a bodyguard,” she smirks, motioning her head toward Ian.

  He’s still sitting in the same booth he’s been in since we came inside. He’s not as talkative as Warren, who is not really talkative at all, but he’s nice. I took him a dinner plate a little while ago, and he’s only asked for a refill once.

  “I do,” I roll my eyes.

  “I figured he would have sent Warren,” she comments while Suggs goes to sit at the counter.

  “You almost sound disappointed.”

  “Hmm, Warren is better looking,” she shrugs. “And he has a big dick.”

  I gasp. “You didn’t! You slut!” I tease.

  She only smiles as she joins Suggs at the counter. She leans over, looking at his menu as though she doesn’t know what we have here and as if she didn’t just admit to fucking Lucien’s prospect. I decide I will pump her for details on how that happened later.

  I take their order and furrow my brow as Anterio Jiminez struts in. He’s with the same two bodyguards he was with before, and he goes to sit at the same booth he did last time he was in here. He flashes me a smile, and I give him one in return, pretending that I do not know who he is or the type of awful things he does.

  I find it strange that he’s suddenly coming into the diner. I haven’t had any run-ins with him since I moved back to L.A. The food here isn’t that damn good.

  “Hi there, what can I get you tonight?” I ask him, greeting him in my perfect waitress tone.

  “Are you always working?” he asks me, his dark gaze raking over me.

  “Well, I believe you have only been in here twice, and I happened to have been working both of those times. That doesn’t mean I’m always working.”

  “Hmm, but you do work quite often. I’ve seen you in here as I’ve passed by,” he muses.

  “Hmm,” I mimic him. “That makes you sound a little like a stalker.”

  He laughs at this and I see Ian slide over in the booth as though he’s going to interrupt. I shake my head at him, telling him not to approach us. I watch him pull his phone out and I have no doubt that he’s calling or texting Lucien.

  “Not a stalker, Ms. Hyland. When I take an interest in a subject, I like to know about it.”

  I arch my eyebrow at him, not commenting on how he knows my name. “Subject?”

  I should not be engaging with him, however, I fear that if I’m not friendly to him, that could be a mistake as well. I want to tread carefully when it comes to this man.

  “Yes, right now you are a subject that interests me.”

  “Okay, I’m not sure how I feel about that, but I do know that if you would like to order, then I need to know because I have other tables to take care of. The special tonight is pretty popular if you like fried chicken.”

  He smiles, his eyes going over my body again. “I would like a piece of pie. Whatever kind you have. I’m certain it’s delicious.”

  I jot his order down on my pad, ignoring his obvious innuendo. When I turn to walk away, he grabs my wrist.

  “If you ever want to know how I treat my subjects, Ms. Hyland, I could show you after your shift.”

  I ease my wrist from his grasp. “I will keep that in mind.”

  I walk behind the counter and cut him a slice of pie, ignoring Mackenzie while she makes obnoxious gestures with her hands. She really is a piece of work. I glance over at Ian, who is still texting on his phone. At least Lucien has not shown up and made a scene.

  I deliver the pie to Jiminez, managing a polite smile, and then decide to go check on Ian. I don’t want him flipping out over this. I find his plate empty and his glass in need of a refill.

  “Everything is fine,” I assure him as I pick up his plate. “Do you need a refill?”

  “Yes, please. And the check.”

  I shake my head, holding his plate and glass in my hands. “It’s on the house.”

  He smiles kindly and then pulls my pad from my apron, tearing his ticket off. “I can’t do that.”

  I watch him fish his wallet out of his back pocket as I walk off to get his refill. I see that he’s put a twenty on his ticket when I return with his drink. I thank him as he hands me my pad back and I tuck it back in my pocket.

  “Lucien said to be careful with Jiminez. He doesn’t like that he’s coming in here.”

  I nod, well aware of that, and then return to Jiminez’s table to see if he needs anything else before giving him his ticket. Just like last time, he pays with a one-hundred-dollar bill and leaves me the change.

  Chapter Thirty


  Jiminez was long gone by the time I arrived at the diner. I knew that cocksucker was making a move on my old lady. The sooner I take him out, the better. Not only for my club, but for my damn sanity.

  I picked up Harper, and when we got to the clubhouse, Leann already had Layla up and ready for school. She wasn’t eating warmed over Chinese though but was eating sausage and eggs instead. I swear, if Soco doesn’t knock his old lady up soon she may go to extreme measures to get pregnant. I tell him this, and he flips me off before leading Leann to his room.

  “We need to go, baby. I have to go to my appointment and then run some errands before going home,” Harper says.

  “Appointment?” I ask, turning my attention to her.

  “Yeah,” she shrugs as Layla runs off to get her backpack. “I don’t plan on getting knocked up any time soon so that appointment is pretty important.”

  I’m hit with this vision of Harper pregnant with my kid, and it shocks the fuck out of me. I have no idea why that came to my mind. Sure, I like Layla, but I’m not ready for a kid and may not ever be ready for one. I think Layla is a damn trip, but she’s not a baby.

  “Okay, I can take you,” I offer, and she approaches me, pressing her body against me as I lean against the counter. I’m immediately rock hard.

  “Actually, do you mind if I borrow the Suburban? I think me and Layla could use some girl time. Her usual routine has been thrown off a little the past couple of days. I can call you when I finish running errands, and you can meet me at my house if you want.”

  I don’t really like the sound of that, but I know if I push too much, she will pull back. I can’t just throw around my authority with her like I can with the Sinners. She won’t take it.

  Besides, I need to trust her if I’m going to be bringing her around. I shouldn’t expect the worst out of her even though I’ve been fucked over more times than I can count.

  “Yeah, that’ll work. I have some club stuff to do.”

  We’re getting our trucks from Wakeford today. Our general fund is pretty much wiped out, but we will have our supply and can start selling it. Those s
ales will bring in some much-needed income.

  Tomorrow, we are attacking our most dangerous adversary. The Jiminez cartel may be considered low-level, only supplying L.A., but it is a cartel nonetheless. Once the attack is underway, there’s no turning back, and everything will change for us, regardless of the outcome. I need to stay focused and make sure we have everything in order. Go over our plan again and do as much recon as possible.

  Layla comes rushing back into the room. “I’m ready!”

  Harper manages to sneak a kiss against the nape of my neck. I get the keys for her, having to subtly adjust my dick without Layla seeing me. Harper is grinning, knowing the effect she has on me. I hear her telling me she’ll take care of that problem later as she walks out the door.

  Once the two of them are gone, I head outside to the storage shed we have out back. Warren and Reid are inside, and they’re gathering up our weapons for the attack on Jiminez tomorrow. I’ll give Soco the time alone with Leann. I know she’s worried, just like any old lady would be.

  “Do we need any other supplies or are we good?” I ask them.

  “We’re low on bullets but Reid is getting those today, so we’ll be fine,” Wiggie answers. “You got anyone going with you tomorrow?”


  Warren looks over at me. “You gonna have anyone on Harper?”

  “I’m taking care of that.”

  As much as I hate it, her best friend is dating a pretty dangerous man, but one that is on my side. Suggs will look out for Harper if I ask him to. I’ll need all the Sinners with me when I hit Jiminez. I hate asking that fucker Suggs for a favor. It’s a call I don’t want to make, but I will for her.

  “Make sure Reid gets the bullets in and we’ll have church tonight to go over everything one more time. We’ll get the trucks, and then you fuckers can have the rest of the night off.”

  I’ll give them that, just in case it’s their last night off.



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