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DILF_Dad I'd Like To F*ck

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by Jenika Snow


  Sam Crescent

  Jenika Snow


  By Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Copyright © May 2018 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: May 2018

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Cover Created by: Popkitty

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  David knew about staying in control, about focusing at the task at hand. It was because of those traits that he was the CEO of his company, knowing that playing by the rules was how to get to the top.

  But when it came to Lisabeth all bets were off.

  She was his daughter Rachel’s best friend. Lisabeth was too young for him, too innocent. But that didn’t stop him from wanting her or ultimately making her his.

  But being with Lisabeth would be wrong, crossing lines that could potentially ruin everything.

  And yet with all of that at stake, he still knew he would go after her. Lisabeth was the only one he wanted.

  She shouldn’t want him because of who he was, but that didn’t stop Lisabeth from lusting after her friend’s father. He was older, refined and experienced, and she compared all other men to him. And for years she had managed to stay in control of herself and her emotions.

  But what would happen when they were finally together? What would happen when Rachel found out that Lisabeth and David had been sleeping together? Would everything be ruined?

  But in the end it didn’t matter how wrong it all might be, because being with David was where she should have been all along.


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Where to find Sam

  Where to find Jenika

  I. Excerpt: Claimed As His

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Mail Order Brides

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  Also by Crescent Snow

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  She was much too young for him, too innocent, vulnerable.


  Just thinking her name got him hard. David shifted in his chair, his cock straining against the zipper of his slacks.

  He could see her out the window of his office at home, sitting by the pool, her raven-colored hair piled high above her head, wisps of onyx strands falling across her cheeks. Her skin was the color of alabaster, and the red bikini she wore was a stark contrast to the creamy tone of her body.

  He groaned, thankful that he had been smart enough to shut his office door. The last thing he needed was Rachel—his daughter and Lisabeth’s best friend—walking by.


  Yeah, he wanted his daughter’s friend.

  They were both home from college for the summer, and although Lisabeth was twenty, well over the legal age for him to not to feel so guilty, that didn’t stop David from feeling shame.

  He was twice her age, far too old for the likes of her. But hell, he’d wanted her for the last year. Ever since she came home from a semester abroad over a year ago, something in him had shifted toward her. Maybe it was her womanly curves, the large mounds of her breasts pressed against her T-shirt.

  Or maybe it was the simple fact she was smart as fuck, gorgeous as sin, and a temptation the likes of which he had never felt before.

  Or maybe it is the fact that I want her and that’s taboo as hell.

  David watched as she took her sunglasses off, stood, and adjusted the strings on her bikini, the ties barely holding the tiny triangle of fabric over her intimate parts.

  He groaned again at the visual that conjured. And then she slipped into the water, swam around for a little bit, and all he could envision was being in the pool with her, her body pressed to his, his hands memorizing every inch of her.

  He curled his fingers around the edge of his desk, his cock so hard the fucker jerked. His balls were drawn up tight, and he knew if he reached down to palm himself he’d most likely come in his damn hand like a teenager.

  What made matters worse was that Lisabeth was at his house more times than not, the girls catching up from being at school all year. Seeing her in the house, looking at her wearing nothing but shorts that were the size of underwear, T-shirts that slipped off her shoulders, and inhaling the intoxicating scent that was naturally her, played havoc on his self-control.

  He cleared his throat and ran a hand over his face, exhaling roughly. He needed to get his shit together.

  David didn’t know how long he sat there, his head in his hands, his eyes closed, trying to control himself, trying to not feel like a dirty bastard. But the sound of someone knocking on his door roused him. He glanced up just as the door opened and his daughter stuck her head inside.

  “Hey,” she said and smiled.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” he responded and sat back in the chair, thankful he’d calmed himself down.

  “Maybe this is a bad time, but…” She leaned against the door, and he could tell that she was slightly nervous.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing, but I was wondering, since I overheard you speaking with Bridget on the phone, that maybe I can help you out with that temp position?”

  He felt his eyebrows lift in surprise. She must have overheard him speaking with his secretary about needing a temporary assistant during the busy summer months. “You want to come work for me for the summer?” She shook her head before he could finish.

  “Not for me.” She smiled and he knew what she was about to say before she uttered the words. “But Lisabeth, as you know, is going to school for business administration.” She smiled wider, that look on her face that had tended to get her whatever she wanted when she was growing up. “I haven’t talked to her yet, because I wanted to make sure with you first, but I thought maybe it would be good experience for her.” She shrugged. “And you need the help anyways.”

  Instantly he thought it was a bad idea, not because he didn’t have faith in Lisabeth’s ability to be there and help manage his multi-million dollar company, but because having her so close to him for that long would have his self-control all but snapping. He cleared his throat and glanced out the window again. She was out of the water and toweling off. Yeah, it would be hard as hell to control himself with her

  “Dad, you know how smart she is—”

  “I know. She’s smart as hell, just like you.”

  Rachel smiled. “Too bad I didn’t go into business. I could have helped you run the company.”

  He chuckled. “And you’d do one hell of a job at it too.” He ran a hand over his jaw. “Let me think on it. I want to make sure Bridget hasn’t already got something lined up.” But he knew even if Bridget did he’d pick Lisabeth over anyone else. He wanted her there … needed her there.

  Needed her there?

  God, I am fucked. Royally fucked.


  Two weeks later

  Lisabeth bit the top of the pencil as she glanced over the latest contracts that she’d just printed off for David. Unable to resist, she looked up and saw him on the phone in his office. Those clear windows were both a pleasure and a torture.

  She appreciated her friend asking for this job. It would help with her degree in business but it also meant that she’d get a chance to see David regularly.

  For as long as she could remember, David had been the one guy that had a starring role in all of her fantasies. It was why, at twenty years old, she was still a virgin, and there was no chance of that ever happening. She couldn’t bring herself to sleep with anyone else.

  Even now she couldn’t stop staring at him. His shirtsleeves were rolled up, and he’d already removed his jacket. He was a large, muscular man, and she knew that because she stayed over at his home regularly. It was agony and ecstasy.

  Get your thoughts out of the gutter.

  She was wet between her legs, and her nipples ached.

  When she was younger, she’d put her need down to a girl’s crush. Now it was something more, deeper. He affected her constantly and her nights were filled with dreams of him touching her, having his wicked way with her.

  Running the pencil across her lip, she wondered, not for the first time, what it would be like to have him completely let loose.

  She wanted him desperately.

  He put the phone down, and his gaze turned toward her.

  Gasping, she looked down over the contract again, feeling her cheeks heat. Had he seen her staring?

  She couldn’t avoid him, not even now that she was humiliated. She picked up the contracts and went to his office. Her hand shook a little as she knocked on the door.

  “Come in.”

  She opened the door and stilled as she stared at him. His pen was flying across the page as he wrote. He was probably working on something brilliant.

  “Do you want to have a look over these?” she asked.

  Every single morning he set her projects to do. Today he’d asked her to print off the contracts and to highlight the key words for his meeting later in the week. He was teaching her as well as allowing her to experience a workplace environment.

  “Sure, sure. Come on in.”

  Approaching his desk, her skirt seemed a little too tight, and she ached all over. He took the papers from her, and she was struck by how long his fingers were, aroused by it in fact.

  She wanted them all over her body, touching her, stroking her.

  “Are we still heading to that little Italian place?” David asked.

  “Yes, I got it set up but Rachel said she’s going to be a bit late. She’s got a couple of things to handle.”

  “Knowing Rachel, she’s got her eye on a dress that is about to go on sale or something.”

  She chuckled.

  Rachel did love a good sale even though she could afford anything full price.

  “You still like Italian? You’ve not gone all vegan on me or anything?” David asked.

  “No, I still eat a good piece of steak.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  She felt thrilled when he said that.

  He went through the paperwork, marking through it and making a few notes. She watched him, more than happy to do so. After ten minutes, he was finished, and showed her what she’d missed, but also what she found as well.

  “You’re good. You can spot a load of bullshit and in business you need to be able to do that.”

  “Thank you.”

  “When is the next meeting?” he asked.

  “In twenty minutes.”

  “You can sit in on that and type up some notes.”

  She tried not to show her giddiness.

  The rest of the day flew by. She sat in on all of his meetings, listening to the business that was being bantered back and forth. Deals were made, some going stale, but throughout all of it, David never once lost his cool.

  He remained focused, sharp, and totally in the moment.

  Before she knew what was happening, they were already at the restaurant.

  David checked the time, and she watched him.

  “Any news? I’m starving and there’s no way I’m letting you go hungry for much longer.”

  “Let me see if she’s left me a text,” she said, pulling her cell phone out. “Shoot. She’s working late and not going to make it.” She put her cell away. “We can go home if you want.”

  “No, of course not. Let’s enjoy some food.”

  He called the waiter over and she smiled at how he took control, ordering for the two of them. They both had big appetites and she’d never been embarrassed about eating in front of him.

  “So, have you met a special man at college?” David asked when they were alone again, but she didn’t miss the growl in his voice, or the way his jaw seemed to tense after he spoke.


  “Not one?”

  “No, there is no one,” she said. There’s only one man I want. You.

  “A pretty girl like you. There’s got to have been offers?” He looked…angry.

  She stared at him, running the tips of her fingers around her glass. The tension seemed to be thick and her nipples tightened. Staring at him, she felt his intense gaze as if it went right through her.

  “There may have been offers but it’s…not what I’m looking for.”

  “You know what you’re looking for?”

  “I’ve got a pretty good idea.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, I do.” She licked her suddenly dry lips.

  Her heart pounded as she watched him.

  Could she do this?

  Could she tell David that he was the one that she wanted?

  “What are you looking for then?” he asked.

  “A man.” She stared at him and watched as he sat up.

  “A man?”

  “Yeah, I don’t want someone my age. They are too immature, and don’t know how to handle themselves.”

  What the hell am I doing?

  Maybe it was the wine but she just couldn’t seem to stop herself.

  “You want a man who’s established?”

  “An experienced man.” She tilted her head to the side. “I don’t just want to be with anyone in my life.” She bit her lip, watching him. “He’s got to want me as well. The boys at college, they only want one thing, and I’m not interested in being the topic of conversation during lunch break.” It was now or never. She wanted to tell him how she felt, but didn’t know if this was the right time or place. For years she’d held back. But it had only been a few weeks since she started working for him. This was a dream job, and telling him how she felt could possibly ruin everything.

  She grabbed her glass of water and took a long drink as the waiter came over. Maybe she should just go through with it, tell David how she felt, but worry ate at her and she kept her mouth shut.

  If I don’t do it now I never will.

  Maybe, but she wasn’t strong in the sense she could be open and brazen about these things, especially with the man she loved, her best friend’s father.


  Lisabeth leaned back in the chair, her plate empty in front of her, her thoughts still on David. She watched as he paid the bill and then stood and held his hand out for her to take. She slipped hers in his much larger one, chills racing ove
r her spine at the feel of his warm skin.

  She grabbed her coat and her purse, but before she could slip the former on he was taking it from her and helping her do the task. If she let herself imagine things she could see herself on a date with him. It might be a silly, foolish thing for her to think about, but she wanted that, desperately.

  They headed out of the restaurant and she was very aware that David had his hand on her lower back, gently guiding her out the front door.

  Although she had a vehicle of her own, she took the train into the city, where his office was, and where she interned.

  “Come on,” he said gently, his voice deep, commanding. “I’ll take you home.”

  She didn’t know why her heart started beating so fast at that thought. Maybe it was the fact she’d be in close quarters with him, his body pressed against hers, his scent invading her head.

  “Let me take you home,” he said again, his voice so deep and husky, the way she pictured a feral animal might sound as he was about to pounce on his prey.

  God, where the hell were her thoughts going? Oh, she knew. They were going right in the gutter.

  “I don’t mind taking the train to my place. I do it every day.” She smiled, although inside she was screaming at him to take her back to his place. She was begging in her head for him to show her what it was like for a man to really take a woman.

  The look he gave her had her laughing. It was one where if it had spoken it would’ve said, “Hell no.”


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