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DILF_Dad I'd Like To F*ck

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  You shouldn’t.


  Don’t do it.

  The temptation was simply too hard to ignore.

  Grabbing her hips, he turned her so that her ass was against the chairs. She didn’t fight him and as he touched her, she released a little gasp.

  Her hands landed on his chest but didn’t push away.

  Cupping her face, he stroked her cheek, relishing the smooth flesh against his touch. Sliding his hand into her hair, holding the back of her head, he couldn’t deny himself any longer.

  He slammed his lips down on hers. At first, her mouth didn’t move. She seemed frozen to the spot and he was about to stop when the hands on his chest gripped his jacket, holding him close.

  She kissed him back with a fever that took his breath away.

  Pressing her up against the desk, he pushed the chairs out of the way, lifting her up as he licked across her lips. She opened up, and he plundered inside, stroking her tongue.

  Her grip on his jacket loosened as he stroked up, gripping the back of her neck. Grasping her hair, he held her tightly as he deepened the kiss. The little moans she made didn’t help to relieve the pressure of his cock.

  He couldn’t bring himself to stop. The kiss was heady, wild, and fucking raw. Her inexperience was shining through with each second.

  Suddenly, he had no choice but to stop, as there was a knock on the door. He shouldn’t be kissing Lisabeth. Not here in the office for everyone to see.

  This wasn’t over though.

  Not by a long shot.


  Her heart was thundering, and as David pulled away, she kept her focus on him. She felt desire, intense arousal, and anxiety. Although this was everything she wanted, fantasized about even, it was hard to imagine this actually had happened, was happening.

  There was another knock on the door and David made this low sound in the back of his throat, one that sounded more animalistic than anything else. He looked her right in the eyes, and for a moment she thought he wouldn’t move, wouldn’t bother answering the door.

  But he made another low, frustrated sound and turned.

  He walked over to the door and she pushed herself up but stayed leaning against the desk, her hands slightly shaking. Lisabeth curled her fingers around the edge of it, trying to steady herself, knowing she needed to get control. She had so many questions, so much confusion.

  David had touched her, kissed her. He wanted her in the same way she wanted him. But this was all going so fast, and it was so confusing yet arousing.

  “Sir, I have Mr. Harris on the line.”

  “Take a message, Marcella.” David’s voice was gruff, and he cleared his throat. Lisabeth looked at his hand, which was braced on the wall beside the door. He had his fingers curled in, his knuckles white from strain.

  “Sir, with all due respect, he’s very adamant about speaking with you right now. He’s called three times already. He says there’s an issue with the contract that was proposed.”

  Lisabeth heard David curse under his breath.

  “Tell him I’ll call him back in five, that I’m on the other line with a client.”

  “Of course, sir.” Marcella turned and left and David shut the door softly. He stared at Lisabeth and her heart jumped into her throat.

  He stared right in her eyes, not saying anything, not even moving. It seemed like time stood still, like the air thickened, threatening to suffocate her. She curled her hands on the edge of the desk harder, tighter. And then he started moving toward her.

  She felt like she was prey and he was a predator stalking her. But she wanted that, desperately needed it. This was David, the man she was in love with, the one person she thought she would never have.

  But he’d changed the game, twisted everything up, and made her question what was really going on, how this was really happening.

  When he was a foot from her he reached out and cupped her cheek. His hand was big, masculine. His skin was warm, heating her to her very core.

  Lisabeth pressed her thighs together, moisture pooling between her legs, her inner muscles clenching, her clit throbbing. She wanted to be filled by David, his cock stretching her pussy. She wanted him to claim her in every way. Lisabeth wanted him to take her virginity.

  “David,” she whispered softly, her mouth suddenly so dry. Her lips tingled from their kiss and she reached up and touched them instinctively, still feeling his mouth pressed against hers. He had his hand on her cheek and a shiver raced up her spine.

  “Lisabeth.” He said her name in return.

  “What’s going on?” she asked. It was the only thing she could think of saying. Long seconds passed and still he didn’t respond, just stared into her eyes, then dipped his gaze low to her lips.

  She licked them again, unable to stop herself.

  “What’s going on?” He repeated her question and looked into her eyes again. “I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on.” He leaned in close, so close she felt his breath along her lips. Goosebumps popped on her arms and she forced herself not to shiver in arousal.

  “I don’t know what’s happening.” But she knew what she wanted to happen.

  He moved his thumb along her cheek. “This is the beginning, Lisabeth. This should’ve happened a while ago, because I wanted you for too long.” A stuttering breath left her. “We are just getting started.” He leaned in another inch. “You are mine.” But then he pulled away and she exhaled.

  “I’m yours?” she found herself whispering.

  “You’ve been mine.”


  A couple days later

  Since David got the call it had been nonstop at the office. Mr. Harris had certainly thrown a kink in the works when it came to the contract and now everyone was rushing around, jumping at the sound of David’s voice.

  With the clause Mr. Harris wanted within the contract not being there in the first write-up, he’d decided to withdraw from any arrangement, and of course David wasn’t happy. So it had been nothing but meetings. He’d already fired the man who had written up the contract, as it had just cost him a fortune. Now negotiations were once again happening, which was taking them back six months.

  From what Lisabeth could see, this was a takeover bid that allowed Mr. Harris to oversee certain changes within the company. He was a family man and David wanted the company enough to offer him that.

  In the past few weeks in his office, she’d come to see that he was indeed a fair man. Ruthless, cunning, and everything in between but also fair. She’d seen the respect he had for Mr. Harris as well, so this was really causing some trouble.

  At every turn David was having to fight his competition back and, where Mr. Harris would normally come in for meetings, they were finding him increasingly absent, and sending in a PA, or someone else. This showed a lack of trust and it was pissing David off.

  So that meant no conversation about the hot-as-fuck kiss.

  No repeat either.

  Everyone was sent home while he worked twenty-four seven to resolve this matter. With all the hard work he was doing, she made sure he had a packed lunch or something to get him through the day. It was the least she could do, especially as she didn’t think he was eating well, and she liked the idea of taking care of him.

  Which was another reason she was sitting in the downtown Greek restaurant waiting for Rachel to arrive. His daughter had made the last-minute arrangements and he’d sent her in his place.

  Sipping her iced water, she glanced around the restaurant, recognizing nobody when Rachel finally entered. She immediately sat down and began apologizing.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late. Traffic is a nightmare at this time of day. I mean, seriously, why does it have to be so busy like all the time?”

  “I figured you were going to ditch me.”

  “I had thought of it. Daddy asks so many questions and you know I freeze up and can’t lie to him.”

  “Why don’t you just tell him the truth?” Lisabeth asked, pi
cking up a menu.

  “That I’m seeing someone, twenty years older than I am, and he has a reputation for being a man whore? No, not going to happen.”

  “Won’t you at least tell me his name? That way if anything happens, I know how to contact you or if anything happens to you, I can get in touch. Something that guarantees you’re safe.”

  “Mason won’t hurt me.”


  “Yes. That’s his first name and he’s … he’s wealthy, okay? He goes in Dad’s circles.”

  “Oh my God, are you talking about Mason Cole? The one that is like BFFs with your dad?”

  “Enough, Lis, keep your voice down. You don’t have a clue who here could be listening for my dad.”

  “I know for a fact that he’s busy with this takeover deal that fell through, otherwise he’d be here himself. I can’t believe you were going to ditch him until you found out it was me.”

  Rachel sighed. “Believe it or not, I’ve never actually lied to my dad. Avoided the truth, hell yeah. Made him feel guilty about something, totally. But I’ve never told him a lie, and you know what? I don’t want to start now.”

  Lisabeth stared at her best friend. They’d been close with each other since kindergarten. The moment they were in the playground together waiting to head into school, they’d just clicked. They’d both been terrified of what was going to happen. Of course, once they found each other, nothing could touch them.

  Now that she knew Rachel was seeing Mason Cole, she felt a little uneasy.

  That man didn’t have the reputation of being a nice guy. In fact, most of the women who were with him often looked like they regretted it. Unless they wanted to make some quick money by telling their story to the tabloids or a glossy mag. She’d read many a gossip page with Mason being the primary focus from one actress or model telling all about their sexy time together. He was a total bastard and what was worse, Mason basked in it as well.

  She’d seen him at some of the functions and even though he seemed nice, knowing what he did made her really uncomfortable.

  “Rachel, if this ever gets out, your dad will kill him,” Lisabeth said, needing her friend to know murder would happen. Blood would spill.

  “No, he won’t. He’s not ever finding out. I mean, seriously, Mason is fine. He’s totally different from the way the world paints him. You shouldn’t worry.”

  “I’m not worried. It’s you I’m concerned about, not me.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Please, don’t worry. I like him and this is a bit of fun.”

  “A bit of fun you want to keep secret?”

  What about you, wise ass? You want to tell her about your secret? The one that features her father and how you wish David would take your virginity and show you what fucking is really all about?

  “I know you worry about me and I love you for it, I do. Please, everything is going to be fine. You’ll see.” Rachel grabbed the menu. “Tell me that Daddy is taking care of himself. I’ve heard the news about the deal with Mr. Harris. I read it in the papers and when I spoke to him I could hear the stress in his voice.”

  “He’s doing okay. Stressed, you know. He really wanted this deal and someone has decided to fuck it up for him, so he’s now at the end of his rope so to speak. He just wants to get this deal back on track.”

  “And you’re taking care of him? Making sure he’s eating.”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  I’m also kissing him, dreaming about him, and wanting him to fuck me.

  She figured those were not the needs Rachel was talking about and so she kept her mouth firmly shut.

  Staring down at the menu, she glanced over at her friend, who looked completely happy. Maybe Mason would be different with her.

  Either way, she didn’t want to be part of the falling out if it was to happen. Once Rachel’s father found out, would there be hell to pay?

  Was Mason really different with Rachel?

  She was so stressed right now.

  Keeping secrets was not her forte. The only reason Rachel didn’t know about her crush on David was because she kept it to herself. Well of course she kept it to herself, but she pretended to have a crush on an asshole at school that even Rachel hated.

  Her best friend had been so intent on her not wanting this guy, she’d never noticed how much attention she paid to David.

  Now, though, she felt like that was biting her in the ass because her friend didn’t keep anything from her.

  “Are you okay?” Rachel asked. “You’ve gone a little pale.”

  “I’m good. Just thinking about everything. I’ll be fine once I get something to eat.”

  Rachel signaled the waitress, who took their order. She just hoped she could stomach some food now.

  She wished she’d never come to this restaurant now.


  Lisabeth closed her eyes and rolled her head back and forth, a kink in her neck, the long hours at the office starting to take a toll on her. With the issues with the contract coming to a close, and everything being squared away, Lisabeth was looking forward to leaving at a decent hour every day.

  Although she loved working with David, enjoyed his company, and wanted to see him constantly, she wasn’t here for a free ride. She was learning, trying to better herself and make something for herself once her internship was done.

  She wanted to be successful, and that included going above and beyond to make things work, even if she wasn’t getting paid for it.

  Lisabeth grabbed a stack of paperwork that needed copied and headed out of the file room and toward the copying room. The office was silent, everyone mostly gone. There were a few stragglers lingering here and there, but the part of the office she worked in, where David worked in, was empty. She didn’t even know if David was still here, but she assumed he was. He’d been pulling really long nights trying to get a merger, the contract issue, and a handful of other things done. He was dedicated, but then again, to run a successful company like this she supposed he had to be.

  Once she had the paper in the machine she started making the first round of copies. The light and sound was almost hypnotic, and she rested her hands on the counter beside her and exhaled. Her feet hurt, her neck ached, and she was tired.

  But despite her fatigue she couldn’t help but think about David, how fierce and strong he was when he worked, how much it turned her on. She had to be insane not to put her desires to the side, not to think about her best friend’s father in this way. But she loved him, and she knew there was no getting around that. There was no trying to pretend or ignore.

  Lisabeth thought about the meeting she’d been in this afternoon. How she’d been taking dictation for David, listening to him, seeing the dominance in the way he held himself and spoke. He commanded the room and everyone had paid attention.

  And then she’d seen him staring at her. A lot.

  She exhaled and opened her eyes, the flash of light from the copy machine slightly blinding in that moment, but strangely mesmerizing, as well. Lisabeth finished the copies, stacking them and rubbing the back of her neck once more. She was ready for bed. On the heels of that thought she couldn’t help but envision being in bed with David.

  Her cheeks heated at that thought.

  She picked up the papers and turned, her heart jumping in her throat and this small cry leaving her from being startled. David stood there on the other side of the door, leaning against the frame, his focus on her. He had his arms crossed, his tendons and sinews bulging under his button-up shirt. He didn’t have a suit jacket on, and his sleeves were rolled up his forearms, showing off his muscles. She felt herself become wet at the sight of him, at the masculinity that poured from him.

  His shoulders were broad, his hips narrow. And maybe she shouldn’t have lowered her gaze to his crotch, but Lisabeth couldn’t help it, especially not when his slacks were a little on the snug side and the outline of what he was sporting between his thighs was evident.

  God, he looks huge.
r />   For long seconds they just stood there staring at each other, their gazes locked, her breathing increasing. She felt her nipples harden, felt herself get wet between her thighs.

  “You’re working late again,” he said in his deep, gravelly voice. “You’ve been doing that too much, too often.”

  “There’s a lot that needs done,” she said, her voice whisper soft. “I don’t want to fall behind.” She inhaled roughly, feeling her heart race faster, her belly clench tighter.

  He nodded, his focus still trained on her.

  He didn’t respond for a moment, just stared at her. He seemed calm and collected, whereas she felt like she was spiraling out of control. “Can you come to my office? I have some things that needed taken care of.”

  “Of course,” Lisabeth managed to say in a surprisingly calm voice.

  He turned and headed down the hallway and she followed, her knees feeling like pudding filled them. She curled her hands more tightly around the papers she held.

  If she wasn’t careful she would ruin things, not just with her position there, or her relationship with David, but also quite possibly tarnishing things with Rachel.

  But despite her better judgment she loved this man, and she knew that the affection he’d shown her, that kiss he’d given her, proved this wasn’t just one way, even if they were both clearly fighting it.



  They were back in his office, and he knew what he wanted to do, what he’d probably do, was crossing so many lines. But David couldn’t help himself. He shut the door once they were inside, and for a second he just stared at her, looked at the curves of her body, the way she was innocent yet erotic all in the same breath.

  Reining in his desires was hard as fuck, but he controlled himself the best he could and moved over to his desk. He’d been lying when he said he needed her in his office for work-related things. Truth was he just wanted her alone again, wanted to feel her body pressed against his, her breath moving along his lips as he kissed her.


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