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DILF_Dad I'd Like To F*ck

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  She focused on the paperwork in front of her. She had to input it into the computer system so all the partners at the company could access it, but her mind was so wrapped up in her personal life she couldn’t focus. Exhaling, she ran her hands through her hair, knowing that when she finally did speak with David her heart would be on her sleeve.

  Glancing at the clock on the wall across, she knew David had a lunch break right about now. Maybe she should have waited until he was not at work. It certainly wouldn’t have been the more professional thing to do, but truth was she couldn’t think straight until this was resolved.

  Standing, she braced her hands on the table to steady herself. She was nervous, scared shitless to be honest. The fact she was going to spring this on David was nerve-wracking, but necessary.

  She made her way toward his office. The door was closed, and so she gave three light knocks on the wood.

  “Come in,” he said in a booming voice.

  She pushed the door open and saw him seated behind his desk. He had the bagged lunch that had been ordered an hour ago still sitting wrapped up beside him. His computer was on, and a stack of paperwork was scattered around his desk. Lisabeth contemplated doing this another time, especially given the fact he looked stressed as hell. His hair was slightly mussed, as if he’d been running his fingers through it, and he had his suit jacket off, the sleeve of his button-up shirt rolled up his forearms. Although he looked sexy, bringing this up right now probably wasn’t the best thing.

  She was about to excuse herself and leave him alone, but he lifted his head and looked at her. His expression changed from strained to relaxed, and he smiled.

  “Hey,” he said and straightened in his chair. “Come in.”

  She swallowed and stepped inside, shutting the door behind her in the process.

  For long moments they didn’t say anything, just stared at each other. She thought about their night together, how he’d made her come too many times to count. He’d made her weak in the knees, soft in the heart. When it came to David he was her world.

  And she wanted to know if it was the same for him.

  “I wanted to talk to you,” she said softly, knowing she couldn’t beat around the bush, that she wouldn’t prolong this.

  He stood and made his way around the desk, leaning against it and looking at her. “You okay?” he asked, the worry in his voice coming through.

  Looking down at her hands, which she twisted together in front of her, she took a long, steadying breath, and just told herself to do it. “David, I wanted to talk to you about…” She swallowed and closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them she lifted her head and stared at him. “I wanted to talk to you about what’s going on between you and me.”

  “What’s going on between you and me?” He repeated her question.

  “We were supposed to talk about us the other day, but things didn’t go exactly to plan.” She felt her cheeks heat at the images that slammed into her head, ones of what they did, how he played her body like an expert until she’d begged him to stop because she was far too sensitive. “I want to know where we stand.” She stared him right in the eyes, wanting David to know how much this meant to her, how she couldn’t just postpone it anymore.

  For her own sanity she needed to bring this up. Lisabeth needed to know the truth.

  “I want to know what this”—she waved her hand between them—“What is this between us?” He throat was thick, her heart racing. She felt her pulse pounding almost violently at the base of her throat.

  He pushed away from the desk a second later and moved toward her, his focus never leaving hers. When David was right in front of her she felt the air get sucked from her lungs as they looked at each other.

  “What’s going on between us?”

  She licked her lips and nodded. “I won’t, can’t be a notch in your bedpost. I care about you too much.” She was just going to say it, open herself up, bare her heart and soul to him. “I love you too much to just be a warm body in your bed.”

  He slanted his mouth on hers as soon as she was done speaking, kissing her passionately, possessively. When he pulled away she gasped for air. “Does that tell you—show you—exactly what I want with you, with us?”

  She nodded and licked her lips, tasting his flavor on her mouth.

  “But just in case you don’t know—” He ran his thumb over her cheek. “I want you.” He stared at her eyes. “This isn’t just about sex. I meant what I said when I had you in my bed. I mean that you were mine, that it wasn’t just a one-time thing.”

  Her heart was racing painfully.

  “I love you, have for a long time, Lisabeth. I was too afraid of saying anything, of acting on it. I didn’t want to cross a line, step on toes.” He kept running his thumb over her cheek. “But I can’t hold back anymore. I won’t.”

  He loved her.

  Her fantasy had now become a reality.

  “Say it again,” she whispered.

  He smiled. “I love you, Lisabeth. I really fucking love you.”

  She closed her eyes and couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. But as her happiness engulfed her she knew what they still had to do. Looking back into his face, she pushed back her own need to just enjoy this moment and bask in it.

  “Rachel needs to know.”

  He nodded. “She does. And we’ll do it together. We’ll let her know what is going on between us.” He kissed her softly. “Because I’m not letting you go. You’re mine.”


  David couldn’t get enough of her. Staring down into her eyes, he felt like she was the only woman in his world that he gave a fucking damn about. Lisabeth had come out of nowhere and in the space of a few months, become everything. This wasn’t just about the sex, even though that was hot. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  “I want to be the one to tell her. I think it should come from me,” she said.

  “Does this have something to do with her date that you’re keeping from me?”

  “Who she is or isn’t dating is her business. I’m not going to tell you her secret. That’s up to her.”

  “It’s tempting to try and tease it out of you.” He kissed down her neck, sucking on the pulse, driving himself wild in the process. He wanted her again, right now, spread out on his desk.

  “Please, you can have me any way that you want me, but I’m not telling you her business.”

  He cupped her full hips, and stepped back until her ass hit the edge of his desk.

  “People are still working,” she said.

  “I don’t care.” He pressed his cock against her stomach so she knew exactly how much he didn’t care. No one would ever enter his office without his permission but right now, he had no intention of stopping until he had a taste of her.

  Lifting her up, he pushed some of his papers off the edge of the desk. He’d sort them out later. For now, he needed Lisabeth to understand that this was more than just sex for him. He was fucking addicted to her.

  She’d gotten beneath his skin and now there was no shaking her. She affected him that much. She consumed every waking thought until there was nothing left.

  Pulling out the clip that bound her hair on top of her head, he ran his fingers through the strands, marveling at how soft they felt against his fingers. Wrapping the length around his wrist, he gave a little tug, hearing her gasp.

  “Are you wet for me, Lisabeth?” he asked.


  “Spread your legs. I want to see how fucking much.”

  She lifted her skirt up and opened her legs wide. Before she could touch herself, his hand was there, feeling how wet she was. Her panties were already soaked from her arousal.

  He released her hair and opened the jacket she wore, followed by a few buttons on her blouse, revealing the white lace bra.

  “Pull your tits out,” he said.

  She eased her tits out of the cups and he stared at the red tipped breasts. Leaning forward, he flicked his tong
ue across one peak before trailing between the valley to do the same to the other one. She whimpered and with his other hand, he cupped her pussy. Sliding a finger between her panties, he touched her clit.

  His name spilled from her lips in a cry, and he loved the sound, wanted to hear it more than once.

  “We shouldn’t do this here,” she said.

  “This is my office. We’re going to do whatever the hell we want. You think I just want you as another notch on my bedpost? Baby, I’ve never been counting. I only want you. No other woman would ever do, and it has been like that since you came to work for me.”

  Kneeling down on the floor, he stared up her body, seeing the flash of surprise sparkle in her eyes as he tore her panties from her body. The heavy scent of her sex filled the air and he wanted a taste of her. He couldn’t go another second without tasting her, and so he slid his tongue across her clit, sliding down to fill her pussy.

  She gripped the edge of his desk.

  Once again, his name echoed around the walls as he teased her pussy. Sliding his tongue down to her cunt, he plundered inside, cupping her hips, holding her in place as he continued to tease her. She was so fucking hot in his hands as he sucked and licked at her pussy.

  Lisabeth belonged to him in every single way that counted. There was no way in hell that he’d ever let her go. Her orgasms, her thoughts, her very feelings, they all belonged to him, and he was a possessive bastard. There was no way he shared that shit, not now, not ever.

  “Shit, David, I’m going to come.”

  “Then come. Just make sure I hear my name as you do.”

  He held her in place and licked her pussy until she cried his name. Her cream wet his tongue as she came hard and he relished every second, every single drop as she let go, giving him her orgasm. His cock pressed against the front of his pants, needing inside her, to feel that tight pussy clenching him, sucking him inside.

  Only when her orgasm had finished did he press a kiss to her clit. He wasn’t done though. Standing up, he stared at her.

  “Stay there,” he said.

  She raised a brow. “You think I’m that cruel I wouldn’t let you have your turn?” she asked.

  “Did I ask you for permission?” He released his cock and stepped between her thighs. His words caused her to gasp but he’d noticed that she liked it when he used a little force. When he told her rather than asked.

  He had no problems ordering her about. In fact, he found it fucking hot to make her do exactly as he wanted. Craved it even.

  David wasn’t a selfish lover and would give her everything her heart desired and more. Lisabeth would want for nothing. He knew he’d have to deal with Rachel. He didn’t have a clue how his daughter would react to this but it also didn’t matter to him.

  She’d be pissed but in time she’d get over it. She wouldn’t have a choice. There was no way he’d choose between Lisabeth and his daughter.

  Stroking the tip of his cock between her slit, he bumped her clit and she gasped out.

  “You want my cock, baby?”

  “Yes. I want it. Please.”

  “I love it when you beg.”

  He pressed the head to her entrance and as he stared into her eyes, he slowly began to fill her tight cunt. She opened up to him, moaning as, inch by glorious inch, he took her. She squeezed his shaft, little ripples from her orgasm still affecting her, and he groaned. There was no way this was going to last, not with how fucking perfect she felt wrapped around his cock.

  She was heaven, and she was everything to him.

  They were the perfect fit and that was the way it was going to be forever.

  “You feel so good. Please, I need you.”

  “I know, baby.”

  Grabbing her hips, he slammed in deep. They both cried out, and he cupped the back of her head, slamming his lips down on hers, kissing her as her pussy fluttered around his length.

  Easing out of her, he thrust back inside, taking his time, getting her used to the feel of him inside her pussy.

  She was so slick that he slid in and out with ease. Glancing down, he saw her cream coating his dick and he growled, taking her a little harder, needing more.

  “You’re not a notch on my bedpost, Lisabeth. You’re the only woman I want in my bed, in my life. I’ll do whatever you want, but this is not going to end now, or ever. The moment you came to me, that you took my cock, you belonged to me.”

  She looked up at him, and he could see the love shining in her eyes, clear for him to see. “There’s no one else that I could ever want, David. It’s only been you. Always. Now, fuck me, please.”

  He smiled.

  Listening to her dirty talk would never get old, at least not to him. Pulling out of her, he drove back in, doing so with a little more force. He would show her how he fucked, all right.


  They sat at David’s dining room table, Lisabeth’s heart in her throat, her palms sweating, everything about her on edge. Today they were going to tell Rachel about them. All the bad things that could happen played through her mind. She had no clue how this would play out, but what she did know was that they had to be honest with her. There was no more trying to hide this, not when it was clear David wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Lisabeth looked at David, saw he was calm, cool … collected.

  “Are you not nervous?”

  David glanced up at her and smiled. He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “No. I’m not nervous. This is the right call, and I should have said something to you right from the beginning, right when I knew you were mine. And I should have told Rachel about us before things got this deep.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “But we are doing this now, openly, honestly.”

  “She won’t like this.” Lisabeth needed him to hear those words, to really comprehend that Rachel might hate them both after the words were finally said, after their relationship was out in the open.

  He smiled and shook his head slowly. “She may not, but she’ll have to understand that this is our lives. She’ll have to realize that I’m not going to walk away from you.”

  She felt her heart pound fast and hard at those words.

  Lisabeth looked at the clock, knowing that Rachel would be here any moment. Lisabeth had asked her to meet at David’s place, that she had something really important to discuss.

  Then she heard the sound of Rachel's car pulling into the driveway. A moment later the car door shut and she heard Rachel speaking on the phone. Although the conversation was muted, it was clear that whoever she spoke to, she was very happy with what was being said.

  “Are we really doing this?” Lisabeth asked David.

  “Everything will be fine. I’m not letting you go.” He said the last part with so much determination that Lisabeth had no choice but to believe him. “I love you, and that’s the damn truth.”

  She smiled, feeling her face heat at hearing him say those words.

  When the front door opened then closed Lisabeth felt her heart race. Then there was Rachel, standing in the entryway to the kitchen, looking at both of them. “Hey,” she finally said, her brows lowering as confusion settled in her.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” David said and stood, embracing his daughter in a hug. “Have a seat.” He held the chair out for Rachel and she sat down.

  “What’s going on?” Rachel was looking at Lisabeth first, then glanced at her father. “If this is about me being absent a lot lately, I’ve just been busy. I don’t need an intervention or anything,” she joked.

  “It’s not about that,” David responded.

  “Okay,” Rachel said, that word hanging between the three of them.

  Lisabeth was scared to say anything, but this had to happen. Rachel needed to know. She deserved to know that Lisabeth was in a relationship with David.

  “Listen,” Lisabeth finally said, her heart in her throat. She glanced at David, and although she knew he would do this, say the words, Lisabeth wanted to be the one that told Rachel
about what was going on.

  Just do it. Tell her the truth.

  “I love David.” There. The words were out there.

  “And I love her,” David said before Rachel could give her response.

  Long moments passed where Rachel just stared at them, back and forth, not saying anything, probably processing all of this.

  “I’ve wanted Lisabeth for a long time, but it wasn’t until recently that we got together.”

  “And by together you mean together?”

  Lisabeth nodded.

  More silence stretched between them.

  “So let me get this straight,” Rachel said as she glanced between David and Lisabeth.

  She didn’t speak for long seconds as she looked at them both, probably choosing her words wisely. Although Lisabeth couldn’t blame her if Rachel decided to go off the deep end. This was one hell of a revelation.

  “You and my father are seeing each other, as in you’re in a relationship together?” Rachel sounded clear, her voice steady.

  Lisabeth looked at David, then glanced at Rachel, nodding. “Yeah,” she said softly, bracing herself for whatever would happen.

  Rachel leaned back in her chair, her face void of emotion. “Huh,” she said finally. “I guess I’m not that surprised.”

  Lisabeth felt her eyes widen. “You're not surprised?” She found herself saying, stunned, so damn shocked over what in the hell was going on right now. Lisabeth probably looked like she was a deer caught in headlights with the expression covering her face.

  Rachel shook her head. “I mean, I figured something was going on. It was obvious, at least it was to me.”

  Lisabeth glanced at David, and although she probably looked like the world had just opened up and about swallowed her whole, David looked calm. He appeared like he didn’t have a care in the world, like hearing his daughter tell him that she knew about them didn’t affect him in the slightest.


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