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DILF_Dad I'd Like To F*ck

Page 8

by Jenika Snow

He’d have to go out there soon, as he was fucking starving.

  “Knock, knock,” Mason said.

  David stared over at his business partner and once friend. Hell, he couldn’t be the latter after this shit.

  “I can see that you’re pissed.

  He didn’t say anything.

  “Yeah, you’re quiet and that means you are pissed.” Mason sighed. “I never expected this to happen. I hope you can believe that. I respect Rachel.” He watched as Mason smiled. “Your daughter is a beautiful woman, David. I will do everything to keep her.”

  “You think I’ve not seen and heard your shit before? How you get bored and dump them? That you have no interest at all. You think I’m going to accept you being with my daughter? That I’m going to be okay with that?”

  He and Mason stared at each other for what felt like eternity but in truth was only a few seconds. In the distance he heard Lisabeth and his daughter talking. They were probably serving dinner for themselves.

  “I don’t expect you to be okay with that now or ever, to be honest. I only hope that in time, like Rachel, you’ll see that all it took was the love of a good woman.”

  He snorted. This was all the crap he’d heard before. He didn’t believe it, not any of it.

  “Rachel is mine, David. Whether you like it or not. We can fight or we can go back in that room and have a nice meal with our women. We both know what they want.”

  He’d been focused on Lisabeth and growing his relationship with her and in doing so he’d not paid close attention to his daughter.

  Walking past Mason, he didn’t stop but kept on moving. Entering the dining room, he went to Lisabeth, who smiled at him a little sheepishly.

  “This looks amazing, baby. I love it when you cook for me.” He kissed her lips as he stroked her cheek, letting her know he wasn’t angry with her. Lisabeth and Rachel had been friends for a long time, and he wouldn’t hold that against her. He’d deal with this soon. Mason would show his true colors and he’d deal with the mess.


  Several days later

  Lisabeth sat across from Rachel, the diner they were in busy, the noise around them loud. It had been a few days since they’d had dinner and Rachel had brought Mason over. Things were strained, but Lisabeth knew everything would work out.

  It had to, because the alternative was not an option.

  “Maybe I made a mistake bringing Mason over the other night,” Rachel said, her focus on her coffee cup in front of her. The croissant she’d ordered was left uneaten, and the worry and strain on her face was evident. “I should’ve eased my father into it,” she said softly. “I shouldn’t have just brought Mason over and thought he would be okay with it.”

  “I don’t think any amount of easing David into it would have made things easier,” Lisabeth said truthfully. She reached out and placed her hand on top of Rachel’s, giving her support. “He’ll come around, don’t worry.” She smiled at her best friend, but Rachel looked distant. “You really care about him, huh?”

  Rachel finally lifted her head and stared Lisabeth in the eyes. It was then that that sadness washed away from her face and she smiled. Yeah, she loved Mason. That was clear, even if she never said the words.

  “I really do care about him, and I know he cares about me too.” She exhaled and closed her eyes briefly while shaking her head. When she opened her eyes again there was this sad look in them. “It’s gonna take a lot of time for my father to accept me being with Mason. I know he thinks he’s not the best guy to be in a relationship with, but he doesn’t know him like I do.”

  Lisabeth couldn’t speak on any of that. David had known Mason for many years. Whether there was conflict there or not, Lisabeth had a feeling no one would have been good enough for Rachel.

  But Lisabeth didn’t say any of that. She wasn’t here to judge. Hell, she was dating Rachel’s father. If Rachel was happy with Mason, believed that he was a good guy, and if he treated her friend like the queen she was, then who was Lisabeth to say anything?

  Besides, she knew if Mason did screw up, David would hand him his ass on a platter.

  So, there was always that.

  “You know your dad is just looking out for you,” Lisabeth finally said and removed her hand from on top of Rachel’s. She brought her coffee mug up and took a long sip of her latte. When she set it back down she smiled. “But he’ll see how much you care about Mason. Surely he can’t stay upset forever.”

  Rachel smiled but it looked forced. “You know my father better than that,” she said and laughed.

  Yeah, Lisabeth did. But she was trying to make Rachel feel better. “Besides, he doesn’t have much room to talk.” Lisabeth shrugged. “Because if you would’ve said you didn’t approve of our relationship we still would’ve been together.” Lisabeth didn’t say that to be like a slap to Rachel’s face. It wasn’t about saying she didn’t care about her feelings.

  That wasn’t the case at all.

  “It’s just that we love each other.” Lisabeth felt her face heat and knew she was smiling from ear to ear. “I really love him and I know he feels the same way. Mason just has to prove that he cares deeply enough for you that he won’t hurt you. That’s what your father is worried about. You being hurt.”

  Rachel nodded and slowly licked her lips. “I know his anger comes from love, but it’s still hard to process that he doesn’t trust my judgment.”

  “He trusts your judgment. I guess he just doesn’t trust Mason’s.”

  Rachel nodded slowly. “Yeah, that’s evident. I guess he likes Mason only as a business partner.”

  “I’m sure he likes Mason as a friend as well, just not a friend dating his daughter,” Lisabeth said and started chuckling. “Kind of crazy that we would be in the same situation together, huh?” Rachel nodded and smiled. “Who would’ve thought I would be dating your father, and you would be dating his business partner?” At that, both women started laughing.

  “Hey, maybe we should start our own soap opera?”

  Lisabeth started really laughing. “Listen, I’ll work on your dad, trying to get him to understand where you’re coming from.”

  “Thanks. He’s stubborn as a mule though.”

  Lisabeth smirked. “Oh, don’t I know it.” She glanced down at her coffee. “You’re really okay with us being together?” She looked at Rachel again.

  “I am. As long as you two are happy so am I.”

  Lisabeth exhaled and smiled. “Honestly, I don’t know how I would have dealt with it if you wouldn’t have been okay with me being with your dad.”

  “Maybe if I hadn’t been in the middle of a relationship with Mason it would have been harder, but I know how love can take control and not let go.”

  Lisabeth knew what she meant. “And you’re okay with us living together?” She held her breath, waiting for Rachel’s response.

  “In the end it’s your life. Do what makes you happy.” Rachel reached over and touched Lisabeth’s hand. “If you’re happy I’m happy for you. End of story.”

  It was funny how things worked out, but in the end, they always did. They had to.


  The following Friday David sat at the table in the restaurant and stared down at the ring he’d purchased a few weeks ago. It was an engagement ring. The single diamond had caught his attention and he knew immediately that he had to get it for Lisabeth.

  He loved her more than anything else in the world, apart from his daughter of course. She’d never be like any other woman in his life. She was important, special to him. He wanted to be with her for the rest of their lives. Make a family, have a life with her.

  When he thought about the future the only person he saw was her.

  Of course, that would mean asking her to marry him. He knew she loved him but marriage, that was a big fucking step.

  Tapping his fingers on the table, he glanced down at his watch. Lisabeth had spent another day with Rachel. She was trying her best to make amends between him and Ra
chel. Nothing was wrong with him and his daughter. He simply refused to have anything to do with Mason. Their business relationship was strained, but seeing as they dealt with different areas of the business, he didn’t mind. He could handle everything else.

  Taking in a deep breath, he stared down at the ring a final time just as Lisabeth was being led into the restaurant. She loved Italian food, and so he’d made sure to book a table at the best place in the city.

  “I’m so sorry I took so long. I was helping Rachel out at her apartment, and time just got away from me.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek, and as the maître d’ went to pull out a chair, David was already on it.

  “I’ll deal with that.” He slid the chair beneath her and waved the man off. The only person who needed to be near his woman was him.

  “Well, thank you. This place is nice. I was worried I wasn’t well dressed enough.”

  She wore a plain black cocktail dress that molded to every curve of her body. Most of the women were wearing flashy gowns or something that screamed attention.

  To him, Lisabeth held his complete attention and heart with just being herself. She looked utterly stunning.

  “You’re fine. You’re beautiful.”

  “You didn’t have to wait too long, did you?” she asked.

  “I got here a few moments ago.” More like half an hour, but she didn’t need to know that he’d been waiting that long. “How was Rachel?”

  “She’s doing good. She wants you and Mason to get along. Maybe have an intervention of some kind.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” he said. “I’ll deal with the fallout and then I’ll kill Mason.”

  Lisabeth chuckled. “You don’t think you’re lashing out. They’ve been together for a few months now. He’s not broken her heart.”

  “Give it time.”

  She reached out to take his hand. “You know the same thing could be said about you.”

  “And how could it be?”

  “You’re a charmer. You’re used to getting what you want. I am younger than you and you’re a known heart breaker.”

  He gripped her hand and pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist. “Not going to happen. I love you and I will never do anything to break your heart.”

  He saw the smile on her lips even as she tried to bite them to stop herself from doing it.

  “You like that?”

  “Oh, David, I like you a hell of a lot.”

  “Just like?” He gritted his teeth as he felt her toes against his ankle.

  “You know I love you more than anything and I will do anything for you.”

  Locking their fingers together, he stared into her eyes. There was no other woman that could make him feel this way just from playing footsie under the table.

  “You know I would do anything for you as well, Lisabeth.”

  “Good. Then you’ll consider being nice to Mason and allowing Rachel and him to come to dinner Sunday?”

  He groaned. She was using her powers over him and he fucking loved it.

  “Come on, David, you know you want to. She’s your daughter, who you love more than anything else in the world.”

  “Wrong. I love you as well.”

  “But it’s different and I know for a fact she just wants her dad. So please, for me.”

  “Fine, I’ll do it for you.”


  He hadn’t thought of doing this here, now. He’d bought the ring and was going to propose to her in the way she deserved, but as he stared at her he was overcome with the need to do it now. “Marry me.” He pulled out the velvet box with the engagement ring and showed it to her. God, he should have waited, but he couldn’t. With Lisabeth it seemed things moved at lightspeed.

  Her mouth fell open and he smiled.

  “I guess I took you by surprise.” Hell, it took him by surprise, too. He did have an entire big speech planned and hoped to tell her how he felt but right now, he felt like he’d completely fucked up.

  “You’re sure you want to marry me?”

  “Yes. This is me proving to you, Lisabeth, that I don’t want anyone else. I don’t want anything like that. I want you, just you.”

  “That’s a ring.” She took a deep breath and he saw the tears in her eyes.

  “Yes, it’s a ring.” He stared at her, wondering if he’d gotten everything completely wrong. She was suddenly nodding her head.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you.”


  She kept nodding and tears spilled down her cheeks. He saw they’d gotten some attention from fellow diners but he didn’t care. All that mattered was getting his ring on her finger.

  Removing the diamond ring, he slid it on and was amazed at how truly perfect it fit.

  He’d picked the right ring for her.

  Pressing a kiss to her ring, he then kissed her lips.

  A round of applause erupted in the restaurant and, breaking from the kiss, she pressed her face against his chest.

  “She’s going to be my wife,” he said.

  “Did you have to say that?”

  “I want everyone in the world to know that I have found the love of my life, finally, and not only that, I’m going to marry her.”

  “And you still want more kids?” she asked.

  “Do you want kids?”

  “Yes. My feelings haven’t changed.”

  “Then we can have as many kids as you want.” Gripping her waist, he pulled her in close and took possession of her lips. She really was perfection, and now she belonged to him.


  Two months later

  Lisabeth exhaled and leaned back in the leather chair, staring at the computer screen in her office. She was finishing up her last course of summer classes, and although she was excited about her internship ending and being able to focus on the last leg of her studies, she knew she’d miss seeing David at work every day.

  At the thought of him she turned and looked down the hallway to the open doorway of his office. She’d moved into his house just last month, made it her own, and she loved it. And although only two months after they had decided that’s the route they wanted to go, Lisabeth couldn’t deny she was happy and felt like she was right where she was supposed to be.

  She stood and made her way down the hallway and into his office, leaning against the door frame and watching as he worked. She loved him when he was in his element, his attention on the computer in front of him, papers strewn all about the desk. He was focused on the task at hand, but then again, that’s what he had to do, how he had to be in order to run a successful multimillion dollar business.

  “Hey, you,” she said and smiled when he looked up at her. That stern focus on his expression changed as happiness took over.

  “Hey,” he said in a husky, deep voice. She stepped inside and made her way toward him. He enveloped her instantly, and she sat on his lap, molding herself to his hard, big body. “You’re feeling okay?” he asked softly.

  “More than okay.” She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, just enjoying the feeling of him holding her. They’d talked about having a family, and she wanted that, but she wanted to finish school first. She also wanted to have a big wedding, which they were planning for next spring. Lisabeth figured there was no point in rushing things, not when she knew David was hers for keeps.

  He lifted her hand and looked at her ring finger. The diamond sparkled under the light.

  “I love you,” he said softly.

  She lifted her head and looked down at him. “I love you, too.”

  Lisabeth had no doubt that the future was bright and long for them, and because of that they had all the time in the world.

  The End

  Where to find the Sam Crescent:





  Where to find the Jenika:






  CLAIMED AS HIS (Mail Order Brides, 2)

  By Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Copyright © April 2018 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: April 2018

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Cover Created by: Popkitty

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  First came marriage, then came a baby, then came the drama of being a mail order bride.

  Lucy had become a mail order bride, and although she should’ve backed out she was lonely. Upon first meeting Ian his arrogance got under her skin. She should have left right then, but her attraction to him went deeper.

  And so she found herself staying married to a man who was used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it.

  But what he didn’t know about her was that Lucy wouldn’t bend to his will. And what she would soon find out was that Ian got turned on by that.

  But the longer they’re married the more she sees that he is a good guy who got a bad rap. And her attraction soon grows to love. Even if she has no intentions of leaving Ian, his family has other plans, ones that don’t include Lucy.


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