The Shadow Moon: Wolf Awakenings
Page 8
“Uh, huh,” She says. “Okay, and so that means you’re not ready to talk about whatever just friends might mean?”
I purse my lips and face Gracie’s judgmental look. “I’m telling you this just to ease your mind. Nothing happened in my room last night that you wouldn’t approve of. I’m not like that, nor am I ready to commit to anyone after everything Frankie did.”
My BFF is satisfied with my explanation for now. “Okay, I’m going to head off now. I’m running downtown to the diner to catch some breakfast there, and give you guys some peace.” With another wink, she leaves. I wave at my friend and smile across the bar at Channing.
I’m amazed that he fixed such a good breakfast. “Now I’ll try that awesome steak. Nice to know you cook.”
After breakfast, I ask him if he wants to go hiking. “Sure, I need the exercise,” he says. “And it would be nice to get out of town for a while.”
Channing helps me wash the dishes, and we take off in his car toward the park. I’m relieved that he believes my story about the wolves. But how does he know about them? And why didn’t he tell anyone? He’s a puzzling guy.
We trek into the woods to a nearby hiking trail, talking all the way. I enjoy the tall shaded trees and the chirping of crickets. With twigs snapping beneath my feet and tree branches yanking at my clothes, I forget my other problems. The warm, toasty smells coming from the forest tug at my spirit and I’m enjoying my freedom.
I ask Channing what he thinks about Fletcher accusing him of murder. He shrugs the Fletcher thing off. “He’s just a frightened little guy. I’m not worried about him.”
If my partner’s okay with what Fletcher did—so be it. I won’t let it ruin my day—I’m happy for once. Soon, we’re so deep in the forest the light barely gleams through the mist that hovers over the trees. The woods are beautiful in the morning, and we are enjoying being together. We are having fun, laughing at the look on Gracie’s face earlier that morning, when suddenly...wolves appear.
When I see the wolves again, I stop cold in my tracks. My heart kicks hard against my chest, and fear grips my body like hands of steel, but this time I’m not on my own—I have Channing.
“Stay back!” Channing orders. “Stay behind me!” My mind goes blank. I don’t know what to do so I listen to everything that he says without hesitation. He jumps in front of me, waving me behind him. He leaps toward the wolves, waving his arms and shouting for them to leave. He lunges toward them like a wild animal protecting its young, all powerful and vicious, ordering them to return to their den. The wolves had been circling and snarling, but now they stop what they’re doing and gaze at him. They seem to understand the words he is saying though they clearly do not like it by their deep-throated growls. It’s like he’s controlling them even though their mouths are drawn back exposing fangs. He’s ordering the wolves to leave and it’s working. I watch in shock as he frightens the wolves away. But there’s something about him that causes my instincts to heighten. Then I see the side of him that’s not only brave but also, graceful.
I sigh with relief and amazement, when I realize that Channing has some kind of control over the wolves. It’s hard to explain but it’s new and different and I’ve never seen anything like that before. Except, when the wolves attacked me. I had to fight them off or they would have killed me. They wanted blood and had marked me for death. Then something happened inside me…my inner strength increased, and I became superpowered.
This is different, the wolves are listening and obeying Channing. The fur stands on their hunched backs, yet they lower their heads to his commands. The low growling continues deep inside their throats. Their glistening fangs remain bared…but they back down. The wolves are not pleased, but they tuck their tails and scurry off through the woods.
“How did you do that?” I ask Channing. He shrugs and brushes it off as coincidence—but I know better. That’s not normal.
The wolf thing is still eating at me. On our way out of the woods, I corner Channing. “I know there’s something more to what you did back there with the wolves—and I want to know what it is.”
Channing keeps walking. “Tala, believe me it’s really nothing.”
“Okay, if it’s nothing spit it out. I’m a big girl—I can handle it.” I walk for a while without saying a word.
He keeps walking too, then stops abruptly. “If you really have to know, I have a rare blood type that makes me stronger than other humans during a full moon. There’s a shadow moon coming the end of this month and when it appears—I can turn into a superman.”
We don’t talk about what happened with the wolves anymore or the shadow moon. There’s something between us for now that needs to remain unspoken. I think it’s cool that we have a connection like that. After the hike, Channing takes me to a diner on the highway. It’s not technically part of the town and that’s why he says he likes it.
We enjoy a peaceful lunch together in the quiet ambiance of the little diner. With honesty shining in his eyes, Channing tells me that meeting me is the one good thing that has happened to him since he made the decision to keep living here. His declaration makes me feel special and I want more than anything to believe him. I hope he's not another guy playing games—I’m afraid to trust a man again. Although there are still many questions to be answered, I take his words as truth.
When we get back from the diner, the cops are waiting to arrest Channing. Someone else has just been killed. And of course, since they haven’t even tried to look around for the real killer, they think that he’s their man because he was seen near the bridge. Shoot, he lives in the woods near the bridge. Of course, he’s seen around there all the time.
The cops don’t ask any questions or give much of an explanation, they just handcuff Channing and drag him to the patrol car. I’m fed up with their lack of professionalism. With my blood boiling, I hurl myself in front of them before they drag him away. “This is ridiculous. You have no idea who the real killer is. It isn’t Channing, he’s been investigating the case all day—the real case...the one involving the wolves. And last night…he was with me!”
The officers look at me like I just grew fangs. “We just want to question him,” the driver says. “And no one has reported seeing any wild wolves here.”
I feel a fiery flame burning inside my body, wishing I could grow fangs. I can’t stop myself. I jump in his face, “Why? He couldn’t have killed anyone,” I hiss at the officer. “He’s been with me ever since you released him.” I clench my fists, trying to calm myself, taking short slow breaths. Breath in slow, now, breathe out. I watch in total astonishment as they drive away with Channing in chains.
About the same time as the officers’ haul Channing off, Ian shows up. He hurries to my side, throwing his arm around my shoulders to comfort me, and I’m so distraught—I let him. Moving near a window we share a coffee, and I start talking about what happened and break down into tears.
Ian’s forehead wrinkles. “Don’t worry,” he says, “Channing’s a big boy. He can take care of himself.” Ian takes my hand and looks deep into my eyes with concern. “Tala, the truth is…you don’t realize what you are getting yourself into—stay away from Channing.”
Heaving a deep breath, I pull my hand away. I like Ian, but he has no right to tell me what to do. “I’ve got this.”
Chapter 14
I’m so furious I could kill someone. “What are these people thinking? Channing was with me all day. We went hiking and then out to lunch. I gave the cops the address and the name of the waitress because they told me that they must still corroborate the story. They arrested him regardless, leaving me alone with Ian, feeling like a complete idiot for even trying.
After calling Gracie to rescue me and take me home, I shower while worrying about how I can get Channing out. He’s innocent, but to prove that I’ll need to catch the real killer—that means using myself as bait. I tell her and she flips out.
“You’re insane. There is no way
that you should be doing this, but if you’re going to do it, then there’s no way that I’m going to let you do it on your own. Not with all those wolves running loose.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
My BFF grabs my shoulders. “Oh, yes I do. We’re best friends, remember.”
I smile at my soft-hearted friend and hug her. Leave it to soft-hearted Gracie to come to my rescue, even if it means we are both crazy. “Okay, the first thing we do is stake out the cliff above the woods where the last murder was committed.”
Gracie looks puzzled. “How will that help us catch the killers? You’re taking about recording a cold-blooded murder!”
“We’ll catch them on film. Why risk ourselves when we can keep our eyes open and catch the wolves in the act. We have a phone to record everything we see and to call the cops when we record the evidence.”
Gracie looks like I smacked her. “That’s a crazy idea, Tala! Even if we do catch a murder on film—we could get killed!”
I nibble my lip and try to explain what’s on my mind to her. “We won’t be out in the open…we’ll be inside the car—safe and sound.”
Gracie smiles. “Great idea. It may just work.”
We pull the car near the cliff overlooking the woods where we can easily see anything that moves. Then we get comfortable and wait. Gracie pulls out a thermos bottle filled with hot chocolate. “Remember the girl scout motto, always be prepared.” I grin and join her.
We keep watch as we catch up on our lives and what we’ve been doing. It seems the both of us are in opposite predicaments, relationship wise. I’m in the middle of possibly a new romance, and she is still searching for the right guy to come along. Good luck with that, I think.
Gracie takes a short sip and turns to me. “So tell me, what’s the scoop with you and Channing?”
I knew that was coming. I’ve been waiting for her to ask, but I’m not sure myself about Channing. “I like him and care about him—but I can’t do anything until I find a way to stop these deaths. It’s one of the reasons why I’m here. I want to solve the crime. How about you, Gracie, any prospective Prince Charming’s’ in your life?”
Gracie huffs. “Huh, I’m not like you, Tala, I repel good-looking guys.”
“No, you don’t,” I insist. “You just haven’t met the right guy yet.”
“Well, we’ll see,” she says, pouring more chocolate into both our cups.
A halfmoon lights up the valley, almost as bright as day. The long night goes slowly on, and we see nothing. Finally, we just call it a day and go home.
But I won’t give up—not without finding real proof.
I’m captain of the Witherfell Police Department and here I am at the station, locked up securely in my own jail. After being arrested for the second time, I’m fit to be tied. I can’t sleep, and I can’t defend myself from inside a jail cell.
I thought I knew my men and the Chief, but after they accuse me twice without any evidence or without proper cause, I’m having second thoughts about their loyalty. Why aren’t they out looking for the real killers instead of sticking the crime on me? Maybe they just don’t care? Or maybe someone in the force is pulling strings to set me up, but why? Unless, they are hiding something. Perhaps...the real killer.
As the night gets longer, I grow more and more suspicious. I sit quietly on my bunk in the dark, watching and listening to everything in the station. I hope to get a clue to what is happening. The clock is ticking, and the killers are probably stalking another victim. I can’t do a damn thing to prevent it from happening. Not without freeing my inner wolf.
My worst fear nags at me constantly...that Tala will try to free me by uncovering the evidence herself. Although, I’ve told her more than once to stay out of it, I know in my heart that she won’t listen. She’s probably out there now, risking her life, searching for them. The rare-breed wolves know to follow my commands. They know to obey me because the moon makes me twice as strong—almost invincible. But they are not to be messed with or trusted. She doesn’t understand the danger—the bloodlust. If she shows herself to be vulnerable, they will tear her to pieces. And if anything happens to her, I’ll blame myself.
How do I fix things this time?
Chapter 15
I go into work the next day as if nothing has happened. I’m not in charge, but I’ll do what I can. Channing needs all the help he can get. Most of the day passes without seeing a single person around the station. And those who do come in are only there to gossip and look for something to talk about.
Rafe begins bad-mouthing Channing. “I knew something wasn’t right about Channing. He is just too nice. And he just happens to show up at the same time someone is killed? Not a coincidence.”
I let him talk for a few minutes just to see what is rolling around in that thick skull of his. He walks closer to my desk, mumbling about the deaths and putting Channing down, saying how he has everyone fooled, except him. Rafe squints one eye and looks down at me. He grins and opens his mouth to say more.
That does it. I shove my chair back hard and stick my face in his. “Don’t you care that you are accusing one of your fellow officers of a crime that he didn’t commit, just on someone elses’s say so? Someone that’s afraid to show their face. And I bet you haven’t tried to help Channing by looking for the real killer. That shows what a dumb ass you really are!” My insides are burning with contempt. I stomp away from Rafe and go outside for some fresh air before I really tear into him. The crime situation is wearing me down, causing my temper to explode. I’ve got to get control of myself. I can’t help Channing by committing a murder myself. Rafe isn’t worth it.
Although I can feel my fingers crushing around his neck.
It’s getting late and I’m sick and tired of looking at three walls and steel bars. The more I walk the floor the more anxious I grow. The killers are running loose, but my hands are tied. I wipe sweat from my forehead and begin to pace the small cell, wringing my hands like wringing a chicken’s neck. I have to escape. And the only way to do that is to turn.
As I pace back and forth inside the cell a sickening feeling grows inside my gut. What if Tala heads out alone and ends up dead? The knot in my stomach twists tighter as my blood surges like lava in a volcano ready to blow.
Sharp pains pulsate through every bone and muscle in my body. My bones and ligaments begin to separate, one excruciating link at a time. I try to refrain from crying out, but I lose control and fall to the floor in agony. This has happened to me before. My flesh twists and warps from human form to that of a wolf. I feel my eyes glaze over, and then ignite with a fiery blaze. My head aches as I watch a thick fur coat cover the skin of my body.
I pry the steel bars apart with my paws and leap silently from my prison. I lie in the corner until fur replaces skin, and bones shift, tingling and racing back to my human form.
Sometimes being a shape shifting wolf pays off.
Later I go inside the station and Rafe has gone home for the night. It’s just me at the station with Channing, and I hear a noise. The sounds of metal bars clashing. I take my 380 pistol from my handbag and storm toward the noise not sure what to expect. I check the offices and the break room before darting into the cell block with my pistol drawn—ready to fire. But I stop short when I see him. It’s Channing—he has escaped.
Channing invades my space; grabbing me in a tight hug. Concern is etched on his face when his pale blue eyes meet mine.
“I was worried about you. Here I am locked up like a serial killer, and I get word from someone about you staking out the cliff—looking for wolves. Do you have any idea of how that made me feel? My mind went crazy. What were you thinking?”
“I’m fine,” I say pushing him back. “You’re making everything worse. Breaking out while I’m the only one in the office makes you look guilty and me too. Now, they’ll think for sure they’re right. And they�
�ll lock us both up for good!”
Channing scoffs and turns away. “What am I supposed to do, just sit in jail and wait for them to realize their mistake? Or for you to put yourself in harm’s way again? I can’t do that, Tala. I know and you know that I’m innocent, but no one cares. And nothing is going to change that...unless I do.”
The seriousness of the moment dawns on me. “Well, I’m okay. You should know by now that I can take care of myself. What I don’t understand is why people think that you are the murderer. What do they know that I don’t? That’s one of the things I’m trying to find out.” I brush my hair back nervously. “Enough talk. You broke out while no one was here but me. You need to go—they’ll check here first.”
“Okay,” says, Channing, “but don’t worry about me or try to track me down. I’ll be in touch.”
“But I am worried about you,” I whisper. “And I won’t stop until your name is cleared.”
“Then do me a favor…I want to show you something. I’ll wait out back.” Channing heads out the back entrance of the station.
I finish filing away some paper work and leave out the back way to see what Channing’s up to. When Rafe and the other officers discover he’s missing in the morning, it will look like he escaped sometime during the night. At least that’s my plan. Maybe things will go right this time.
When I open the back door warm air nearly takes my breath. He hops off the hood of his squad car. “You ready?” he asks.
I wipe sweat from my forehead. “I’m not sure I’m up to this. I need to get home and jump in the shower.”
“I’ve got a better idea—lets’ take a ride.”
I skid to a halt. “Will Channing, you just broke out of jail and told me not to follow you.”