Trust Us, We're Experts PA
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Bhopal, India
Boggs, Patty
Boots Pharmaceutical company
Bork, Robert
Bridgman, Percy
Brinkley, Joel
Bt (bacillus thuringiensis)
Callaway, Wayne
cancer ; prevention ; tobacco and
carbon dioxide (CO2)
Carruthers, Gary
Caruba, Alan
Catholic Church
Cato Institute
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
Chlorine Chemistry Council (CCC)
Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination (CACC)
Clearinghouse on Environmental Advocacy and Research (CLEAR)
Clinton, Bill
Coalition for Vehicle Choice (CVC)
Cohen, Neal
Cohn, Victor
Colborn, Theo
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Comte, August
Concanavalin A (Con A)
consensus conferences
Consumer Alert
Consumers Research
Consumers Union/Consumer Reports
corn industry
crisis; managing (see also rhetorical tricks); preparing for
Crossen, Cynthia
Cutlip, Scott
Dairy Coalition
Davidson, Richard
Davis, Devra Lee
De Victor, Maude
Denko, Showa
DNA technology, recombinant
Doble, John
Dong, Betty
Doublespeak (Rapaille)
Edelman Public Relations Worldwide
Edison, Thomas Alva
Edleman, Richard
endocrine disrupters
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ; tobacco industry and
environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) ; PR strategy and
eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome
Epstein, Samuel
Ernhart, Claire
Ernst & Young
Ethyl Gasoline Corporation
Ewen, Stuart
Excerpta Medica
“expert witnesses,”
experts; at being experts;
failure to predict disasters
Exxon Valdez oil spill
Fagin, Dan
Farrell, Pat
fear, manipulative use of
Feather, Kenneth
fen-phen (diet drug)
Flavr-Savr tomato
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Ford, Henry
Fox News
Freeman, Neal B.
Freud, Sigmund
funding, corporate(see also specific topics); importance of tracking; investigating sources
Galileo Galilei
Galileo’s Revenge (Huber)
gasoline, lead
Geer, Daniel
Gelbspan, Ross
General Electric (GE)
General Motors (GM)
“generally regarded as safe” (GRAS)
genetically modified (GM) foods
genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Georgetown University’s Credit Research Center
Gifford, Kathie Lee
Gingrich, Newt
Glantz, Stanton
Glass, Stephen
Global Climate Coalition
Global Climate Information Project
global warming; Clinton and ; ICE and; “lobbying for lethargy,” ; petitions from scientists and; weather events and
global warming treaty negotiations ; industry groups and
GNA (snowdroplectin)
Gore, Al
Gough, Michael
Graebner, William
Graham, Cynthia
Great Depression
Greenberg, Stan
greenhouse effect
Greening Earth Society
Greider, William
Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA)
Halloran, Jean
Hamilton, Alice
Hammond, B. G.
Hansen, James
Hawk’s Nest tragedy and scandal
Hawthorne Studies
Heartland Institute
Heidelberg Appeal
Henderson, Yandell
Hilgartner, Stephen
Hill & Knowlton
Hoban, Tom
Holmes, Paul
Holt, Tom
Hoover, Herbert
Huber, Gary
Huber, Peter
Hudson Institute
Hunter, Gordon D.
Idso, Sherwood
Independent Institute
Independent Women’s Forum (IWF)
Industrial Hygiene Foundation (IHF)
Information Council for the Environment (ICE)
Institute for Propaganda Analysis (IPA)
insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
International Food Information Council (IFIC)
International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes (IJC)
Jacobson, Michael
James, Philip
Johnson, Lyndon
Journal of the American Medical Association
journals, research
Jungian psychology
“junk science,” defined
Junk Science Home Page
Kamer-Singer & Associates
Kern, David
Ketchum Communications
Ketchum PR firm
Kettering Foundation, Charles F.
Kirschenmann, Frederick
Koop, Surgeon General C. Everett
Kraus, Margery
Krebs, Hans
Krimsky, Sheldon
Kurtz, Howard
Kyoto treaty
Lavelle, Marianne
lawsuits, frivolous and abusive
Le Bon, Gustave
lead exposure
lectins. See Concanavalin A; GNA
Leipzig Declaration
Lesly, Phil
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, H. W.
Light’s Golden Jubilee
Lindheim, James
Lippmann, Walter
Little, Clarence
Living Downstream (Steingraber)
Loka Institute
Lukaszewski, Jim
lung disease
mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy [BSE])
“Maloney, Alana,”
Manhattan Project
Manning, Anita
Marshall Institute, George C.
martini study
McCarthy, James
MCM Research
meat and dairy industry (see also mad cow disease)
media: manufacturing false realities ; political facades erected in the
medical research: influence of private funding on
Merritt, Colin
Michaels, Patrick
Michaelson, Martin
Milgram, Stanley
military funding for research
Miller, Henry
Milloy, Steven
Mines, Bureau of
mining industry(see also Hawk’s Nest; silica)
Moghissi, A. Alan
Mongoven, Biscoe & Duchin (MBD)
Montague, Peter
Mothers Opposing Pollution (MOP)
Murray, David
Myers, Pete
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
National Anxiety Center
National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
National Pork Producers Council
National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
National Restaurant Association
National Review
National Smoker’s Alliance (NSA)
National Toxicology Program
National Wildlife Federation
“natural” products
Needleman, Herbert
Nelkin, Dorothy
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
Noble, David
nuclear energy
Nutrasweet (aspartame)
occupational illnesses
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
O’Dwyer, Jack
Olivieri, Nancy
Ong, Elisa
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM)
Oregon Petition
organic foods and agriculture
Our Stolen Future (Colborn)
outrage, calculating and managing
Ozonoff, David
peer review
pesticides and herbicides (see also Alar)
Petroleum Industry
pharmaceutical companies
Philip Morris
Pike, Samuel T.
Pioneer Hybrid
“plain folks” device
potatoes, GM
Potemkin, Grigori
precautionary principle
Prince, Jeff
Proctor & Gamble
psychiatry(see also Freud)
psychopathologizing complainants
public participation, inviting
Public Relations Society of America
publication bias
Pusztai, Arpad
R. J. Reynolds
Raffensperger, Carolyn
Rapaille, G. Clotaire
Rathjens, George
recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH)
Rennie, Drummond
reputations, rehabilitating
research: community-based; funding and predetermined outcomes ; secrecy; university
restaurant industry
rhetorical tricks, propagandist
Richardson, Amy
risk(s); assessment and analysis ; turning to crisis; voluntary vs. coerced
Robinson, Arthur B.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roundup and Roundup Ready crops
Rowell, Andy
Rowett Research Institute
Rundle, Janet
Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri
Sandman, Peter
Sansoni, Brian
Saro-Wiwa, Ken
Scanlon, John
Scarr, Sandra
Schannon, Mark
Schering-Plough Corporation
science; history, philosophy and ; and the “intelligent few,” ; money and ; secrecy in; truth and the power of
scientific management
scientific method(s)
Sclove, Richard
Scott, Rachel
Seitz, Frederick J.
Shaw, Greg
Shell Oil Company
Showa Denko
Siefert, Dave
silica and silicosis
Simpson, O. J.
Singer, S. Fred
snowdrop lectin. See GNA
Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC)
Soviet Union
Speicher, Jenny
Stare, Frederick
Stefani, Bea
Steingraber, Sandra
Stossel, John
Stunkard, Albert J.
Sullum, Jacob
Surgeon General(see also Koop)
Swearington, Terri
Taylor, Frederick
Taylor, Michael
Theroux, David
think tanks
third party technique
Tickner, Joel
Tissue, Brian M.
tobacco industry (see also environmental tobacco smoke; Philip Morris); junk science and
Tobacco Institute
Tobacco Institute Research Committee (TIRC)
toxic waste incinerators
Tozzi, James
“transfer” device
Tyson, Mike
uncertainties(see also precautionary principle)
Union Carbide
Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
university research: industry and
unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Verakis, Dan
video news releases (VNRs)
W. R. Grace
Walker, Joe
Wambaugh, Bush
Washington Legal Foundation (WLF)
Waste Technologies Industries
Waters, Theodore C.
Weinberg, Alvin
Weltner, Linda
Western Fuels Association
Whelan, Elizabeth
whistle-blowers; violence and threats against
Whitecoat Project