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Page 11

by Angelica Chase

  “No, I need you around,” he snaps.

  “I wasn’t asking permission. The only thing you need me for is a place to hide money—”

  “You better watch yourself—”

  “You better remember, threats mean shit to a man who doesn’t value his next breath or fear losing it. You have the combinations to my safes, use them. I have people managing my clubs and surveillance cameras making sure they don’t fuck up. You’re the only one, other than me, who knows they’re there and how to skirt around them. You’ll be just fine.”

  I close my suitcase and stand toe to toe with him. It is not often I see defeat in his eyes, but over the past seven years I have given him very little to be disappointed in me about. I have even sensed from time to time that he is proud of me. I don’t love the man but I know he works hard and that he is proud of that. For that reason, I have stayed connected with him.

  ‘He is your father,’ I remember Luciana saying to me.

  I don’t like to think of her, I don’t like to think about my mama. I let them both down; I will never pretend to be anyone’s eroe again. That way I can never be the cause of another’s devastation.


  After a few weeks, I am more relaxed than ever before. I return, having met a man who I can call my friend. He is different from me and I like that. There is no competition, no judgment, nothing but a good time. Zandor Steel is like a fucking party.

  I have returned to an angry father and my help, my girls, are not the same as I left them. They are skittish and seem untrusting. They came to me this way and I fixed it. I have a responsibility to them; I will get to the bottom of the issue and make it right without causing them further stress. If he is connected, I will make him pay.

  Two weeks pass and Zandor is going home to the United States; his family is apparently in crisis. “Fuckers are dropping like flies. One’s married and the other is about to do the same damn thing. I gotta stop them.”


  Three months pass and Zandor comes back to visit. Apparently, he too got caught in that nasty little web. He is happy, truly happy and I am pleased for him. We still go out, except now he brings a girl with him. It is funny as hell to watch him ‘control’ her. She seems to like what control brings, but is resistant to it outside of the scene.

  His family follows. I find them interesting. You can tell there is strength in their brotherhood but it is always foreshadowed by what the matriarch of the family says.

  They respect her; she not only demands respect but she has earned it. I have heard stories now. It isn’t often that I accept the invitation to dinner with all of them. Quite frankly, it’s difficult and I find myself face to face with my past. However, the draw to them is undeniable and the bond they share seems extended. They are a good family. One I would never allow myself to believe I could have again, but being entertained by them is never dull. It douses a flame in me, but only for a moment.

  When they return to the states, I don’t feel like something was taken from me, even though I should miss them. I decide it is because I did not claim them. Doing that would result in devastation to them.

  Within days, I am unaffected.


  It is a Monday night. Privato DesIdErio’ Laverno is closed to the public. It’s card night. I love to play poker and I love to take the money of men who bow to my father, yet feel they don’t have to bow to me. I don’t desire power in that sort of way but Monday nights give me a taste.

  Dominic Segretti has been around lately. I don’t trust him; he is Benito’s relation and Benito is father’s closest ally. I have allowed him to come because I want to figure out what it is he is up to. I also know he is considered a fierce competitor, practically un-beatable and when I take his money, he’ll know I am not to be toyed with.

  He is a formidable opponent, very hard to read, unlike the other clowns were tonight. He is hanging around the club, yet seems unaffected by the women and I know he’s up to something. I watch him. He’s had three drinks in the past two hours; he hasn’t touched the women, he is watching me and I want to know why.

  When he walks up to me in the corner table, I dismiss the girls and he sits down.

  “You took all my money,” he half jokes.

  “You seem to be playing a different kind of game.” I expect him to deny it but he doesn’t.

  “I need your help.”

  “Why would I give you my help?”

  He looks around, “Is it safe to talk here?”

  I don’t answer. I stand up and walk to the back; he is following, I know it without looking. I walk out the back door, “Is this your car?”

  “Yes,” he answers.

  “Have you had it swept?”

  “I have, but it’s been here for a few hours, can we walk?” He starts walking without waiting for an answer.

  My curiosity is peaked and I follow.

  When he stops and turns, he runs his hands over his head. “My cousin Zandor seems to like you, trusts you, says you’re a good person.”

  “Keep going.”

  “I need your help.”


  “I’m going to bring down Benito DeLuca. In doing that, I am going to more than likely bring down your father and in doing that, you may be in danger too. The clubs you run—”

  “Own, they are not his, they are mine.”

  “Fine, which makes it worse. Benito is laundering money and millions of dollars are being shifted from DeLuca—”

  “I am going to tell you this once. I don’t give a shit what you do. Don’t come back here and because you are Zandor’s friend—”

  “Cousin. He doesn’t even know what is going on here.”

  “Walk away and I will act like this conversation never happened. You keep me out of this—”

  “They’re stealing from your friend’s family’s company. Is that okay with you?!”

  “It has nothing to do with me!”

  “Your businesses are a fucking cover for it.”

  “That’s where you are wrong, my businesses are legit and legal.”

  “I hope so, for your sake,” he starts walking away and stops. “I am taking them down. My family started this company and it will once again be called Segretti. I will do this with or without you. Do not stand in my way. Do not tell Zandor, by doing so you’ll put him and his family at risk.”

  “Then why the hell are you doing it?” I am angry.

  “Something was taken from me a long time ago and I want it back.”

  “Opening doors to the past is never a good idea.”

  “That my friend, is a personal preference.” I turned to leave and stopped. “You have a couple weeks. Make sure you have everything in order.”

  “Don’t threaten me,” I caution him.

  “It’s not a threat, it’s a kindness.”

  I am not panicked I know I will be fine. I have taken precautions. I am, however, wondering what I will do with myself and some of my girls if I end up shut down.

  I will think of something, I always do. I never get too comfortable. That is a luxury. I just have to figure it out.


  “Hey bro, long time no hear from,” Zandor answers the phone.

  “I am considering a visit.”

  “Well fuck yes, come on over!” He laughs.

  “And I am considering expanding.”

  “Nice, what do you have in mind?”

  “Do you know of any fool that bought a club thinking he wanted to be just like me and then dropped like a fly?”

  “Fuck you. You saw my Kitten.”

  “Oh yes, the one with the sharp tongue to match her claws?”

  “She’s learning, so am I. Fuck man, I want it all. Best of both worlds,” he’s spewing off like a teenage girl with all the happy ever after shit.

  “Great, sell me the club.” I interrupt.

  “You really want Steelettos?”

  “I want the club; the fucking name, not so much.” I can
’t help but laugh, “That’s why you like those dancing shoes, huh? Let me guess, it’s all lights and bling.”

  “Screw you man, it’s actually fucking perfect.”

  “Then sell it to me.”

  “I get to come play in one of the private rooms, a VIP and you have yourself a deal.”



  I stand outside father’s office, my blood is boiling, and I am going to kill him. I am going to kill him with my bare hands. I am going to do it slowly and in the most painful way I can devise.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I see a message.

  This is Dominic. Are you in or out?

  It doesn’t take me long to respond, I’m in.

  I thought so, heard you bought a place in Jersey. How did your old man take it, will it make him suspicious?

  No. It will be fine. He will never know what hit him.




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