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Rinaldo’s Inherited Bride

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by Lucy Gordon

  Rinaldo’s Inherited Bride

  Lucy Gordon

  Rinaldo Farnese and his brother Gino had just discovered that an Englishwoman, Alexandra, had inherited part of their estate. There seemed only one solution to reclaim their missing land: they would flip a coin and the winner would marry her! Alex liked Gino, but sparks flew between her and the dark and brooding Rinaldo. He seemed to hate her… yet attraction simmered between them. Had Rinaldo won the right to propose?

  Lucy Gordon

  Rinaldo’s Inherited Bride

  The first book in the Italian Brothers series, 2004

  Dear Reader,

  When two brothers love the same woman, the result is a mighty clash in the fierce heat of Tuscany, a place where the colors are darker, and the air crackles with danger.

  Rinaldo and Gino share a powerful love of the land, and have the same emotional, virile intensity. But fate has turned Rinaldo into a gruff, hard-bitten cynic, while Gino, his younger brother, likes to laugh and still has traces of the boy in his carefree nature.

  Their peace is wrecked by Alex, from England, who has unexpectedly inherited a claim to some of their farm. Then no amount of brotherly love can count against the passion for a woman both see as an interloper, yet whom neither can resist.

  Elegant, determined, a success in her high-powered career, Alex is sure she can deal with the Farnese brothers. She doesn’t know that they have tossed a coin for her, nor would she care. She will choose the man she wants.

  One will win the prize. The other will be cast out to find his destiny among strangers.

  Best wishes,

  L G


  ‘H E HATES me . He really hates me!’

  Alex had expected some resentment, but not this bleak hostility. All the way out from England to Italy she had wondered about Rinaldo and Gino Farnese, the two men she had partly dispossessed.

  Now, meeting Rinaldo’s eyes across his father’s grave, she thought she had never seen so much concentrated bitterness in one human being.

  She blinked, thinking it might be an illusion of the brilliant Italian sun. Here there were sharp edges like sword blades, and dark shadows that swallowed light; hot colours, red, orange, deep yellow, black. Vibrant. Intense. Dangerous.

  Now I’m getting fanciful, she thought.

  But the danger was there, in the fury-filled eyes of Rinaldo Farnese, still watching her.

  Isidoro, her elderly Italian lawyer, had pointed out the two Farnese brothers, but even without that she would have known them. The family likeness was clear. Both men were tall, with lean, fine-featured faces and dark, brilliant eyes.

  Gino, clearly the younger, looked as though he had a softer side. There was a touch of curl in his hair, and a curve to his mouth that suggested humour, flirtation, delight.

  But there was nothing soft about Rinaldo. His face might have been carved from granite. He seemed to be in his late thirties, with a high forehead and a nose that only just escaped being hooked. It was the most powerful feature in a powerful face.

  Even at this distance Alex could detect a tension so fierce that it threatened to tear him apart. He was holding it back with a supreme effort. His grim, taut mouth revealed that, and the set of his chin.

  There would be no yielding from him, Alex thought. No relenting. No forgiveness.

  But why should she think she needed forgiveness from Rinaldo Farnese? She’d done him no wrong.

  But he had been wronged, not by her, but by the father who had mortgaged a third of the family property, and left his sons to find out, brutally, after his death.

  ‘Vincente Farnese was a delightful fellow,’ Isidoro had told her. ‘But he had this terrible habit of putting off awkward moments and hoping for a miracle. Rinaldo took charge as much as possible, but the old boy still left him a nasty surprise at the end. Can’t blame him for being a bit put out.’

  But the man facing her over the grave wasn’t ‘a bit put out.’ He was ready to do murder.

  ‘I guess I shouldn’t have come to their father’s funeral,’ she murmured to Isidoro.

  ‘No, they probably think you’re gloating.’

  ‘I just wanted to meet them, reassure them that I’ll give them a fair chance to redeem the mortgage.’

  ‘Alex, haven’t you understood? As far as these men are concerned they owe you nothing, and you’re a usurper. Offering a “fair chance” to pay you is a recipe for bloodshed. Let’s get out of here fast.’

  ‘You go. I’m not running away from them.’

  ‘You may wish you had,’ he said gloomily.

  ‘Nonsense, what can they do to me?’

  It had seemed so easy a week ago, sitting in the elegant London restaurant with David.

  ‘This inheritance will probably pay for your partnership,’ he’d observed.

  ‘And a lot of other things too,’ she said, smiling, and thinking of the dream home that they would share after their wedding.

  David didn’t answer this directly, but he raised his champagne glass in salute.

  David Edwards was part of Alex’s life plan. At forty, neatly handsome in a pin-striped kind of way, he was the head of a firm of very expensive, very prestigious London accountants.

  Alex had started work for them eight years ago, after passing her accountancy exams with top honours. She had always known that one day she would be a partner, just as one day she would marry David.

  Eight years had transformed her from a rather shy, awkward girl, more at home with figures than people, into a stunning, sophisticated woman.

  It was David himself who had unknowingly started the transformation in her early days with the firm. Struck by his looks, she had longed to attract his attention.

  After six months, without success, she had overheard him casually asking a colleague, ‘Who’s the pudding in the red dress?’

  He had passed on, unaware that the ‘pudding’ had heard him and was choking back misery and anger.

  Two days later David announced his engagement to the daughter of the senior partner.

  Alex had plunged into her work. For the next five years she allowed herself only the most passing relationships. At the end of that time her long hours and excellent results had made her a power in the firm.

  By then the senior partner had retired and David had taken over the position. Now he no longer needed his father-in-law’s influence, although it was only ill-natured people who openly made a connection between that and his divorce.

  Alex had worked as hard on transforming herself as she had on her job. Her body represented the triumph of the workout. Her legs were long and slender enough to risk the shortest skirts. The tightest of dresses found no extra pounds on her.

  Her fair hair was short, expertly cut and shaped, nestling close to her neat head on top of a long, elegant neck. She was a highly finished work of art, her mind as perfectly ordered as her appearance.

  She and David became an item, and everyone knew that soon the firm’s two stars would link up and run the place together.

  Now it seemed that nothing could be better structured. Her inheritance would be followed by her partnership, and then by her marriage.

  ‘Of course it might take a little time to arrange,’ David mused now. ‘You haven’t actually inherited part of the property, have you?’

  ‘No, just the money that was loaned against it. Enrico assigned the debt to me in his will. So the Farnese brothers owe me a large sum of money, and if they can’t repay in a reasonable time, that’s when I can claim some of the actual farm.’

  ‘Either that or sell your interest to someone else, which would make more sense. What would you want with one third of a farm?’

but I’d feel uneasy about doing that. I have to give the Farneses every chance to pay me first.’

  ‘Sure, and, as I said, it may take time. So don’t rush back. Take as long as you need and do it properly.’

  Alex smiled, thinking fondly how understanding he was. It would make everything easier.

  ‘You haven’t seen much of your Italian relatives, have you?’ David asked now.

  ‘My mother was Enrico Mori’s niece. He came to visit us a couple of times. He was an excitable man, very intense and emotional. Just like her.’

  ‘But not like you?’

  She laughed. ‘Well, I couldn’t afford to be intense and emotional. Mum filled the house with her melodrama. I adored her, but I suppose I developed my common sense as a reaction. One of us had to be cool, calm and collected.

  ‘I remember Enrico frowning and saying, “You must be like your English Poppa,” and it wasn’t a compliment. Poppa died when I was twelve, but I remember he never shouted or lost his temper.’

  ‘And you don’t either.’

  ‘What’s the point? It’s better to talk things out sensibly. Mum used to say that one day we’d visit Italy together, and I’d “see the light”. She even raised me to speak Italian and some Tuscan dialect, so that I wouldn’t be all at sea when we visited “my other country”.’

  ‘But you never went?’

  ‘She became ill. When she died three years ago Enrico came over and I met him again.’

  ‘Are you his only heir?’

  ‘No, there are some distant cousins who inherit his house and land. He was a rich man, with no wife or children. He lived alone in Florence, having a great old time, drinking and chasing women.’

  ‘So where did Vincente Farnese come into this?’

  ‘They were old friends. A few years ago he borrowed some money from Enrico, and charged it against Belluna, that’s the farm. Last week, apparently, they went out on a binge, drove the car home, and had the accident that killed them both.’

  ‘And his sons had no idea that there was a hefty mortgage against the land?’

  ‘Not until Enrico’s will was read, apparently.’

  ‘So you’re going right into the lion’s den? Be careful.’

  ‘You surely don’t think I’ll be assassinated down a dark lane? I shall go to Florence, make an arrangement with the Farnese brothers, and then come home.’

  ‘And if they can’t raise the money, and you sell your interest to an outsider? Will they sit quiet for that?’

  ‘Don’t be melodramatic, David,’ she said, laughing. ‘I’m sure they’re reasonable people, just as I am. We’ll sort it all out, somehow.’

  ‘Reasonable?’ Rinaldo snapped. ‘Our father charged a huge loan against this property without telling us, and the lawyers want us to be reasonable?’

  Gino sighed. ‘I still can’t take it in,’ he said. ‘How could Poppa have kept such a secret for so long, especially from you?’

  The light was fading, for the evening was well advanced. Standing by the window of his home, looking out over the hills and fields that stretched into the distance, earth that he had cultivated with his own hands, sometimes at terrible cost, Rinaldo knew that he must cling onto this, or go mad.

  ‘You and I are Poppa’s heirs and the legal owners of Belluna,’ Gino pointed out. ‘This woman can’t change that.’

  ‘She can if we can’t pay up. If she doesn’t get her cash she can claim one third of Belluna. Poppa never made any repayments, so now we owe the whole amount, plus interest.’

  ‘Well, I suppose we gained from having all that money,’ Gino mused.

  ‘That’s true,’ Rinaldo admitted reluctantly. ‘It paid for the new machinery, the hire of extra labourers, the best fertiliser, which has greatly improved our crops. All that cost a fortune. Poppa just said he’d won the lottery.’

  ‘And we believed it until the wills were read,’ Gino said heavily. ‘That’s what hurts, that he left us to find out like that.’ But then he gave a heavy sigh. ‘Still, I suppose we shouldn’t blame him. He didn’t know he was going to die suddenly. Do we know anything about this woman, apart from the fact that she’s English?’

  ‘According to the lawyer her name is Alexandra Dacre. She’s in her late twenties, an accountant, and lives in London.’

  ‘I don’t like the sound of her,’ Gino sighed.

  ‘Neither do I. This is a cold-blooded Anglo-Saxon. She works with money, and that’s all she’ll care about.’

  He raised his head suddenly, and there was a fierce intensity in his eyes.

  ‘We have no choice,’ he said. ‘We have to get rid of her.’

  Gino jumped. ‘How? Rinaldo, for pity’s sake-!’

  At that moment he could have believed his brother capable of any cruel act.

  Rinaldo gave a brief smile, which had the strange effect of making his face even more grim than before.

  ‘Calm down,’ he said. ‘I’m not planning murder. I don’t say the idea isn’t appealing, but it’s not what I meant. I want to dispose of her legally.’

  ‘So we have to pay her.’

  ‘How? All the money we have is ploughed into the land until harvest. We’re already overdrawn at the bank, and a loan would be at a ruinous rate of interest.’

  ‘Can’t our lawyer suggest something?’

  ‘He’s going soft in the head. Since she’s single he had the brilliant idea that one of us marry her.’

  ‘That’s it!’ Gino cried. ‘The perfect answer. All problems solved.’

  He spread his hands in a triumphant gesture and gave his attractive, easy laugh. He was twenty-seven and there was still a touch of the boy about him.

  ‘So now we have to meet her,’ he said. ‘I wonder if she’ll come to Poppa’s funeral?’

  ‘She won’t dare!’ Rinaldo snapped. ‘Now, come and have supper. Teresa’s been getting it ready.’

  In the kitchen they found Teresa, the elderly housekeeper, laying the table. As she worked she wept. It had been like that every day since Vincente had died.

  Rinaldo wasn’t hungry, but he knew that to say so would be to upset the old woman even more. Instead he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, silently comforting her until she stopped weeping.

  ‘That’s better now,’ he said kindly. ‘You know how Poppa hated long faces.’

  She nodded. ‘Always laughing,’ she said huskily. ‘Even if the crops failed, he would find something to laugh at. He was a rare one.’

  ‘Yes, he was,’ Rinaldo agreed. ‘And we must remember him like that.’

  She looked at the chair by the great kitchen range, where Vincente had often sat.

  ‘He should be there,’ she said. ‘Telling funny stories, making silly jokes. Do you remember how terrible his jokes were?’

  Rinaldo nodded. ‘And the worst puns I ever heard.’

  Gino came in and gave Teresa a big, generous hug. He was a young man who hugged people easily, and it made him loved wherever he went. Now it was enough to start her crying again, and he held her patiently in his strong arms until she was ready to stop.

  Rinaldo left them and went outside. When he’d gone Teresa muttered, ‘He’s lost so many of those he loved, and each time I’ve seen his face grow a little darker, a little more bleak.’

  Gino nodded. He knew Teresa was talking about Rinaldo’s wife Maria, and their baby son, both dead in the second year of their marriage.

  ‘If they’d lived, the little boy would have been nearly ten by now,’ he reflected. ‘And they’d probably have had several more children. This house would have been full of kids. I’d have had nephews and nieces to teach mischief to, instead of-’

  He looked up at the building that was much too large for the three people who shared it.

  ‘Now he only has you,’ Teresa agreed.

  ‘And you. And that daft mutt. Sometimes I think Brutus means more to him than any other creature, because he was Maria’s dog. Apart from that he loves the farm, and he’s possessive about
it because he has so little else. I hope Signorina Dacre has a lot of nerve, because she’s going to need it.’

  Rinaldo returned with the large indeterminate animal Gino had stigmatised as ‘that daft mutt’. Brutus had an air of amiability mixed with anarchy, plus huge feet. Ignoring Teresa’s look of disapproval he parked himself under the table, close to his master.

  Over pasta and mushrooms Gino said, lightly, ‘So I suppose one of us has to marry the English woman.’

  ‘When you say “one of us” you mean me, I suppose,’ Rinaldo growled. ‘You wouldn’t like settling down with a wife, not if it meant having to stop your nonsense. Besides, she evidently has an orderly mind, which means she’d be driven nuts by you in five minutes.’

  ‘Then you should be the one,’ Gino said.

  ‘No, thank you.’ Rinaldo’s tone was a warning.

  ‘But you’re the head of the family now. I think it’s your duty. Hey-what are you doing with that wine?’

  ‘Preparing to pour it over your head if you don’t shut up.’

  ‘But we have to do something. We need a master plan.’

  His brother replaced the wine on the table, annoyance giving way to faint amusement. Gino’s flippancy might often be annoying, but it was served up with a generous helping of charm.

  Rinaldo would have declared himself immune to that charm. Even so, he regarded his brother with a wry look that was almost a grin.

  ‘Then get to work,’ he said. ‘Make her head spin.’

  ‘I’ve got a better idea. Let’s toss for her.’

  ‘For pity’s sake grow up!’

  ‘Seriously, let Fate make the decision.’

  ‘If I go through with this charade, I don’t want to hear it mentioned again. Hurry up and get it over with!’

  Gino took a coin from his pocket and flipped it high in the air. ‘Call!’


  Gino caught the coin and slapped it down on the back of his hand.

  ‘Tails!’ he said. ‘She’s all yours.’

  Rinaldo groaned. ‘I thought you were using your two-headed coin or I wouldn’t have played.’


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