Cries from the Earth: The Outbreak Of the Nez Perce War and the Battle of White Bird Canyon June 17, 1877 (The Plainsmen Series)
Page 51
—Jerome A. Greene
The U.S. Army and the Nee-Mee-Poo Crisis of 1877
The Battle of White Bird Canyon was one of the worst defeats suffered by the United States Army during the period 1865 to 1890. Perhaps only the Fetterman disaster in Wyoming in 1866 and the Custer disaster in Montana ten years later rival it in ignominy, [but] in both those cases the Indians outnumbered the military units in great proportion.
—John D. McDermott
Forlorn Hope
“Based on careful research and field study, [Terry C. Johnston’s] novels follow the adventures of Seamus Donegan, sometimes scout, sometimes sergeant … Johnston can be considered king of the Indian wars’ fiction writers.”
—John D. McDermott, retired historian and administrator for the National Park Service and the Council on Historic Preservation, author of Forlorn Hope: The Battle of White Bird Canyon and the Beginning of the Nez Perce War
“Rich and fascinating … There is a genuine flavor of the period and of the men who made it what it was.”
—Washington Post Book World
“Rich in historical lore and dramatic description, this is a first-rate addition to a solid series, a rousing tale of one man’s search for independence in the unspoiled beauty of the Old West.”
—Publishers Weekly on Buffalo Palace
“A first-class novel by a talented author.”
—Tulsa World on Dream Catcher
“With meticulous research, vivid dialogue, memorable characters, and a voice uniquely his own, Johnston has once again written the finest of historical fiction, seamlessly blending together both time and place to bring to life a world as real as our own.”
—Roundup magazine on Dance on the Wind
“Compelling … Johnston offers memorable characters, a great deal of history and lore about the Indians and pioneers of the period, and a deep insight into human nature, Indian and white.”
“Johnston’s books are action-packed … A remarkably fine blend of arduous historical research and proficient use of language … Lively, lusty, fascinating.”
—Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph
“Terry C. Johnston pierces the heart and soul of the nineteenth-century men and women he writes about so well, capturing in unforgettable and gracious stories the joys and agonies of the great westward expansion of a young America … he will make your heart sing.”
—Richard S. Wheeler, Spur Award–winning author of Sierra
“Excellent … very forceful and moving.”
—Turner Kirkland, Dixie Gun Works
Copyright © 1999 by Terry C. Johnston.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
ISBN: 0-312-96907-4
EAN: 80312-96907-3
St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / April 1999
St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
eISBN 9781466843233
First eBook edition: March 2013