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Throne of Vengeance: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Throne Duet Book 2)

Page 9

by Rina Kent

  So instead of getting lost in my own head, I choose to go back to V Corp and busy myself with work. Kai called to schedule a meeting, and I asked him to come today. I need all the distractions possible.

  Ruslan and Katia accompanied me silently. They’ve been sulking ever since I freed Kyle. I left before Vlad could catch me because he’d have my head on a platter, but I’ll deal with him later.

  Ruslan even told me that Kyle isn’t the type who will disappear just like that, but he forgot that Kyle has no choice because if he comes near my family or the brotherhood again, I will have to kill him.

  Kai shows up on time, as usual, gives a firm handshake, and joins me in the lounge area. His guard remains outside with Ruslan and Katia.

  While I wanted this meeting to happen so I could distract myself, I should’ve prepared more for it. Kai is a bit like Adrian. He doesn’t give up and runs a lot deeper than his nonchalant façade. So when he plans something, he goes the extra mile that not many people know exists.

  Kai is the brain of the Yakuza here and has strong ties to their counterparts in Japan. In fact, he has often been asked to go back to lead one of the clans in his country, but he prefers staying here.

  At one of the parties we attended, he once told me that New York is more fun with all the warring clans and organizations. A man who gets off on chaos should never be taken lightly, because you never know when he’ll get bored and instigate said chaos.

  He sips leisurely from a cup of green tea while I opted for a coffee. Truth is, I prefer to just throw everything out and hit the bar.

  If it were a few weeks ago, I would’ve spent ample time studying Kai’s movements and trying to hold the upper hand in any negotiations.

  But now my mind feels kind of blank, and instead of shooing it away, I hold on to it. The blankness means I don’t have to think about what happened in the warehouse. About Kyle’s bloodied face and tortured about. About whether or not he already left the country now.

  “I heard you’re having problems with the Irish,” Kai starts nonchalantly.

  “A little.”

  “Isn’t that an understatement?”

  “Perhaps, but it’ll end one way or another.”

  “Don’t you think it’s taking more time than it should?”

  “It is.”

  “It’s natural, though.”

  “Natural, how?”

  “You and the Irish were always on bad terms.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I might have heard tales.”

  “What kind of tales?”

  “The interesting kind.”

  Ugh. He’ll keep dragging me along before he finally divulges it. “Care to elaborate?”

  “Let’s say that you were friends once upon a time.”

  “We…were?” The brotherhood and the Irish have always been at each other’s throats for as long as I can remember. Damien’s dispute is only the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  “Yes. Nikolai never mentioned that?”

  “Not really. I know our Bratva counterparts in Russia, Boston, and Chicago can get along with the Irish, but that was never the case for us.”

  Kai’s eyes twinkle as he takes a steady sip of his tea. “You got along with them a long time ago.”

  “How long are we talking about?”


  “How would you know? You couldn’t have been present at the time.”

  “No. But I have birds.”

  A bird is Kai’s word for a spy. He has lots of them. Birds.

  “And what did your birds tell you?”

  “Birds talk a lot and make so much noise, so I don’t always take their word for granted.”

  “You wouldn’t have mentioned it if you didn’t already suspect something.”

  “This is why I like you.” He snaps his fingers. “You’re quick-witted and understand the situation just like that.”

  “Does the compliment mean you’ll tell me?”

  His lips move in a soft smile, which completely contradicts the tales I’ve heard about how he mutilates his opponents with his sword. He takes his love for kendo to another level that I’m sure isn’t instilled in the noble form of the Japanese martial arts.

  “What if I told you there are some illegitimate ties?”

  “Illegitimate ties?” I repeat.

  “As you said, I wasn’t present. I’ve only heard passing birds talk about things that might not be true.”

  “What type of things?”

  “Things that include secret alliances and meetings in the dark.”

  “Between who and who?”

  “Someone Irish and someone Russian, and by someone, I mean they held—or hold—some importance in both organizations.”

  “And I guess you’re not going to divulge the names?”

  “I’m afraid my birds aren’t that talkative.”

  More like he is not that talkative. He’s keeping his cards to himself and won’t reveal them unless he deems it necessary. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “You seem quite stressed about this situation, and I don’t like my partners stressed. See, that takes away from their efficiency.”

  I raise a brow. “Am I supposed to take that as a jab or a compliment?”

  “I prefer the latter. I don’t mean to offend you.”

  “Then there’s no offense taken.”

  “Good, good.” He savors his tea. “Now to the reason I’m here.”

  I place one leg over the other, getting comfortable. “Pray tell.”

  “Are you going to sell me more shares at a price fit for partners?”

  The clever jerk. Kai knows V Corp’s net profit will keep on rising, and he’s one hundred percent behind profit. He will keep his octopus hands around us as long as it keeps doubling and tripling his initial investment.

  “I would love to, but I Igor mentioned that you’re not very sure about our partnership. I heard the meeting with Abe didn’t go so well.”

  “Yes, that. He came to ask us for help, but we don’t offer help. We believe partners benefit each other. In a partnership, you give as much as you take.”

  “Does this mean if I give you a profitable price, you will send your men over?”

  He takes a sip of his tea before his sharp, dark eyes meet mine. “This means it’ll be a good start of a partnership.”

  “And you’ll personally see to it?”


  That’s a good sign, because even though Abe, the head of the Yakuza, isn’t open-minded, he listens to Kai. Not only is he the second man in command, he’s also quite cunning.

  “In that case.” I raise my coffee mug. “I’ll ask my secretary to send you some drafts.”

  “I will be waiting.”

  The door opens and I grit my teeth. The only people who would barge in like that are either one of the elite group or Sergei. Since my granduncle has an appointment with a doctor today, my options are narrowed down.

  Sure enough, Vlad saunters in, eyes flaming and face tightened in a permanent scowl. Of course. It was only a matter of time before he followed.

  Kai smiles at him. “Vladimir, long time no see.”

  “Kai.” Vlad greets back, barely tipping his head in the Japanese’s direction.

  He looks like a man on a mission and in no mood for small talk. Not that he ever is.

  Kai’s smile remains in place as he stands up and buttons his jacket, then shakes my hand. “I’ll be in touch.”

  “Looking forward to it.”

  His hand remains in mine for a second too long. “Before I go, may I give you a piece of advice?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “History does repeat itself, so you might want to look closely at that.”

  And with that, Kai releases my hand and steps out of the office.

  As soon as the door closes behind him, Vlad is in my face. “Why the fuck did you let him escape?”

  I sit down and continue d
rinking from my coffee even though it’s turned cold. “Because he was useless.”

  “Useless? You had to feign amnesia for useless?”

  “I overestimated the information he has. Turns out it holds no value to us.”

  “We get to decide that after we torture him. Besides, since he obviously kept things from the Vory, he deserves death.”

  That asshole has too many enemies to count. Vlad would be the first person to shoot Kyle in the face if he got the chance. Damien, Mikhail, and even Kirill would follow. None of them actually like him because he rose in the ranks so fast and didn’t work hard enough like the rest of them.

  And while Kyle’s sin—the fact that he plotted the brotherhood’s demise—is punishable by the worst form of death, I just couldn’t do it or let anyone else do it for me.

  The breaking of my heart that I heard earlier is still resonating in my chest like an echo. Even though I tried to ignore it during the afternoon, now all I want to do is curl up in a ball in a dark place and stay there.

  “Just let him go, Vlad.”

  “I can’t just let the motherfucker go. He needs to pay in blood.”

  “Have you forgotten that he’s still my husband?”

  “That doesn’t make him untouchable.”

  “No, but if everyone else finds out he’s a traitor, it’ll reflect badly on me. Kirill and Mikhail are already plotting my fall, and if I give them this chance, they won’t hesitate to chop my head off. So…just let it go. For my sake, Vlad.”

  His lips twist and I’m sure he has a thousand objections, but I played the card he can’t refuse—me. It’s a low blow, but it was the only way he’d ever agree. Besides, none of what I said is a lie.

  “Fine, but if he shows up again, I’ll fucking murder him.”

  “If he shows up again, I’ll do it myself.”

  Vlad gives me an undecipherable glance as if he doesn’t believe me, but leaves it at that.

  I leave work late and barely check on Anastasia before my numb feet lead me to my room.

  When I open the door, the first thing that hits me is his distinctive scent, and I hate that. I hate that his presence is a breathing being in every corner of the room.

  It’s not only about his jacket that’s casually flung on the chair or the masculine traces he left behind. That’s only the beginning of it, because everything in this place reminds me of him.

  It reminds me of how he sneaks up on me from behind and picks me up just so he can fuck me on the bed.

  Or when I wake up to him either spooning me from behind or eating me out until I scream.

  Or when we wrestle to see who gets the upper hand and I end up losing—mostly on purpose—just so he’ll fuck me roughly.

  Or when he thrusts toys into me, his gleaming eyes never leaving mine, because we both love the depravity of it.

  It hasn’t been a long marriage, but he’s became such an inseparable part of my life. Now that he’s gone, I have no clue how the hell I am going to pick up the pieces.

  I wish I really had amnesia so all of this would be easier.

  But would it, really?

  I don’t bother with a shower or with changing my clothes.

  Removing my dress, I kick it and the shoes away and flop on the bed in only my underwear.

  Even the damn sheets smell like him, clean and masculine.

  It won’t be long before his presence completely vanishes. It’s for the best. I know that, but a tear slides down my cheeks as I close my eyes.

  God, it hurts. It’s not supposed to, but I can almost hear my heart shattering to pieces all over again.

  The pain is so raw, I gasp for air. It’s like I caught a nasty disease with no cure.

  I try telling myself it’ll be better with time, but I said that lie seven years ago and it never worked. If anything, I kept thinking about him day in and day out like an addict.

  I hated it.

  I hated myself back then.

  So why am I repeating it again?

  No answer comes to mind, but tears do. They won’t stop, and I fall asleep with my eyes wet and my heart in shreds.

  Soft fingers wipe them away before they slide down my body.

  I startle, eyes snapping open.

  A large shadow looms over me. I scream, but his hand muffles any sound I might make.

  I pause as his scent fills my nostrils and seeps into my bones.

  Is this a dream or a nightmare? Perhaps it’s both.

  “You didn’t really think you would get rid of me, did you, Princess?”



  At first, I think I’m hallucinating. Perhaps this is another play of my imagination, or maybe I’m still asleep and lost in the dreamland where everything is possible.

  However, when my eyes clash with his in the darkness of the room, something inside me shatters, and it’s not the same sensation I had the entire day ever since I left him in the warehouse. This one is harsher and leaves me gasping and finding nothing but the distinctive taste of his hand.

  His hold on my mouth forbids me from saying anything, but I couldn’t speak even if he allowed me to. It’s like being trapped in an out-of-body experience where I keep levitating with no plans to come down to the ground.

  In the dark, his face is shadowed by the night, but due to the small light coming through the balcony, I can still decipher the bruises on his lids, the diagonal cut across his lip, and the smudges of blood all over his face. But even with those, strangely, all I see is the Kyle I knew from before, the arrogant handsome jerk who infuriated me most of the time.

  I didn’t think I would forget his face this soon, but isn’t it odd that I can recall exactly how he looked? Or that I can easily imagine that face while I’m sleeping or in my darkest hours?

  When he speaks, his voice is quiet, but it feels like being slammed into a sturdy, impenetrable wall. “Here’s the thing. I’m not leaving.”

  I mumble against his hand, my body arching off the bed to fight him off. Not that it works. He pins both my wrists above my head and his thighs are caging mine. The position is so familiar to my starved body, but that’s not what I force my brain to focus on.

  It’s his words.

  What the hell does he mean by saying he won’t leave? I already broke my heart for this, and it needs to be done for everyone’s sake.

  I attempt to lift my leg, but his thighs tighten, holding mine in place, and he digs his fingers into the soft flesh of my wrist.

  “Stop fighting.”

  “Mmmm…” I mumble what is supposed to be a ‘Let me go.’

  “You should know by now that the harder you fight, the more ruthless I become, so stop it.”

  I open my mouth and bite his hand. Kyle groans but doesn’t release me.

  “Go ahead, Rai. Do whatever you like. You can bite me, shoot me, or bury me in a construction site, but that won’t change the decision I made. Do you know what that decision is?” I shake my head frantically against his palm, and he lowers his head so he’s speaking in a low tone against my lips. “We made vows, and I intend to keep them. Till death do us part.”


  Why can’t he understand that this isn’t only about me? It’s about the brotherhood and his unforgivable betrayal. If Sergei or any of the others find out about what he’s done—and what he’s planning to do—they will execute him Bratva style. I gave him a way out no one would have offered him. I gave him the chance to leave the brotherhood alive, but he just bounced right back.

  I buck against him, trying to hit him in the crotch, but he releases my mouth and catches my knee. “I think you got me beaten enough for one day after you betrayed and poisoned me.”

  “I didn’t poison you.” They were sleeping pills, and I read the instructions a thousand times before I slipped them in his drink.

  “You only handed me over on a platter so Vladimir could do the job for you.” His voice is calm, but I sense the rage beneath it. “You betrayed me.”

nbsp; “You betrayed me first. You stabbed me in the back first! So excuse me if I stopped your master plan and stood up for myself!”

  I wiggle against him with everything I have. I’m well aware that he’s stronger than me and can subdue me easily, but I don’t stop squirming until I free my wrists. I punch him in the chest where he’s already injured, and when he winces, I use the chance to push him down and get on top.

  Unlike what I expected, he doesn't fight me or try to wrestle me down. I’m breathing harshly, the sheets tangled around my feet as my thighs splay wide on either side of his taut abdomen. My palms are fisted in his shirt, nails digging into his skin, but Kyle’s hands remain inert on either side of him, as if he doesn’t want to touch me in this state.

  It’s for the best, because I feel like I’m one breath away from combusting, and my voice translates the pent-up energy. “Pretend this is seven years ago and leave without looking back.”

  “I’m not doing that again.”

  “Why the hell not? You did it just fine before.”

  “I can’t do it again.” The quiet in his voice, the vulnerability in it shatters my walls one by each damn one.

  “You said I’m nothing. I heard you talking on the phone and you said you’ll leave me behind, so do it!”

  “Those were lies to misguide my insider.”

  “Do you expect me to believe that?”

  “Do you think I would’ve come here and risked death if you were nothing?”

  “Why can’t you just leave?” My voice breaks and an onslaught of tears blurs my vision. “I already let you go.”

  “But I didn’t.”

  God, he really needs to stop saying shit like that because I can’t hold in the influx of emotions hitting me out of nowhere.

  “If you stay, they will kill you.”


  “The elite group of the brotherhood.”

  Both his palms wrap around my hips, and it feels familiar, his touch, the sensation of his hand on me. “Not you?”

  “I’m part of the brotherhood, Kyle.”

  His grip tightens on my hip. “My question was clear. Will you do it?”


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