She's All That: Club 3, Book 3
Page 21
He gave her a hug. “Sara, I know best. Now I’m gonna do what we both know will wipe the guilt away.”
Her eyes widened, and Kai watched him, ready for whatever he planned.
Trace rose from the bed and motioned to a spot a few feet from the bed. “Sara. Present.”
She stared at him, her soft, kiss-bruised mouth opening in a pretty “O” that begged to be filled. Hurt filled her eyes, and then her cheeks flamed. He waited, feeling the battle of her will against his, and then the surge of triumph and rightness when she gave in.
“Yes, Trace.”
She slid off the bed, stepped to where he indicated, and bent over, feet apart, head down, pretty ass in the air, palms holding her thighs. Ready for his discipline.
Trace looked proudly at Kai, who nodded, his admiration clear. Kai waited, quietly supportive as Trace moved to her side and laid his palm on her back.
“All right, honey. Gonna spank you, because you’ve been a naughty girl today. You’ve done things you’re not used to, not what society says you should do, not how the churches tell you to behave. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Trace.”
He pressed harder, letting her feel that he was in charge now, not her. “I love you, Sara. And when you’re naughty, I’m gonna spank you, and when I’m done, you know it is over. We’re straight. You don’t worry about it anymore. Nobody gets to judge you, none of those voices in your head. Not your colleagues, your ex-husband or anyone else. No one gets in there.”
“Yes, Trace.” Even more quietly this time, her voice a whisper.
“Here we go.”
He spanked her, hard enough that the sound of his hand on her flesh cracked through the quiet room and Kai flinched visibly with each slap. Long enough that his palm was stinging and her ass was red all over. He was careful to vary where he struck, until the last few crucial smacks, the ones that drove home his discipline and brought those sobs that tore at his heart, but that he knew would let it all out, let the guilt go.
Then he gathered her into his arms and held her while she wept, curled in his arms with Kai beside them.
When she was calm, Trace gave her a squeeze. “All right, honey. You did good. I’m proud of you.” His pride filled him, rousing his cock again. He loved her; he wanted her. But he’d wait if he had to. Tonight was about her.
“We both are,” Kai said, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
She smiled at him, then tipped her head back and looked up at Trace. A look filled with trust and something else. She loved him, even if she didn’t know it herself yet.
“But Trace, you didn’t…you didn’t come.”
He smiled at her. “I don’t always need to. This time was for you.”
She looked at Kai and then back to Trace. “You don’t want us to…”
He raised his brows, biting back a smile. “To what?”
“Whatever you want.”
“Yeah, whatever you want,” Kai echoed, cupping Trace’s head in his hand. “Both of us, or either of us.”
Sara opened her mouth, and Kai laid his finger on her lips. “Let him decide, wahine. No topping from the bottom.”
The two men chuckled at the look on her face.
“I think,” Trace said, “I want both of you.”
He stayed where he was while Sara moved beside him. He watched her wince as her sore bottom rubbed first his thighs and then the bed.
Then Kai knelt before him and used his mouth to get Trace wet and even harder. Sara squirmed as she watched.
Trace stilled Kai with a hand on his cheek. “Thanks.” Then he looked at Sara. “Can you take me? I want to finish in your sweet pussy.”
She nodded eagerly. “Yes, Trace.”
He kissed her. “You like watching Kai on me?”
She nodded again, her gaze soft. “Yes, Trace.”
“Thank you. On your hands and knees for me. Kai and I want to admire your pretty red ass.”
“Yeah, matches your hair,” Kai added, leaning in for a quick kiss on her mouth.
She gave them both an uncertain look, and Trace raised his brows. She moved quickly onto her hands and knees, and he pulled her gently back toward the edge of the bed again.
“Head and shoulders down on the bed,” he instructed. “That’s right.”
As Trace put on the condom Kai handed him, he and Kai admired her pretty ass in the air, on display for them, her toned, round ass cheeks red from Trace’s spanking, her pussy wet from Kai’s ministrations.
“You got to make her come three times,” Trace said. “Let’s see if I can match that.”
Sara whimpered, and Trace and Kai laughed. Kai leaned over to kiss the reddest spot on her ass. “Go for it, kane.”
Trace moved to her and positioned his cock in her wet, swollen slit. “You want my cock, Red? Ask me sweet.”
“Please fuck me, Trace,” she begged, just the way he loved.
She was a smart, gorgeous, feisty, independent woman, and when she begged him like this, he felt like the master of not just these two but of the known universe. Especially with Kai watching in clear admiration.
He slid into her, carefully, because he was bigger than Kai, and then while Kai lay on the bed beside her, petting her hair and watching, Trace fucked her with long, luscious strokes until she broke around him, coming with shivers and squeezes and those high moans. And then he made her do it again before he let go himself.
He came so hard he staggered, and Kai stepped up behind him, wrapping him in a warm embrace, supporting him. Sara collapsed in a heap on the bed, and Trace lay down beside her.
He nodded to Kai to lie on her other side. The two of them wrapped their arms over her, and Trace pushed her hair gently back from her flushed, drowsy face.
“You wore us both out tonight,” he said.
She smiled at him, her green eyes full of tears and joy. “I thought…that I wasn’t ever going to be enough for even one guy. Now here I am with both of you. I feel like this is some crazy dream, that I’ll wake up and be alone again.”
“Now you know you’re wrong,” Kai said.
“And you never have to be alone,” Trace added.
“Try to get away,” Kai threatened. “After tonight, we’ll chase you.”
She smiled over her shoulder at him. “You really think I can please you two?” she asked both of them. “I thought women who could do that were…I don’t know, powerful, sexy and wild.”
“Sara, don’t you get it?” Trace asked. “You are all that…and more.”
Chapter Nineteen
Trace sighed. He supposed there always had to be a morning after, but this was looking like being a long one.
Sara had cold feet. Hell, she had the shakes, as if she were coming down with some horrible virus. She stood in the middle of his big condo, arms wrapped around her middle, lower lip sucked in through her teeth, eyes full of shadows. He’d been waiting a while to see her here against the backdrop of expensive leather, wood and the muted colors he liked. He just hadn’t expected it to be like this.
He’d brought both her and Kai back here from the club, carrying her out to his car, while Kai had followed them in his rented pickup. They’d slept together in Trace’s king-size bed, and waking in the night to feel their warmth and hear them both breathing had sent happiness singing in his veins. He’d lain there for quite a while, counting his blessings and thinking how they could make it work.
They’d awakened, had their showers, and now Kai was cooking them breakfast in the big kitchen off the great room.
Sara wore one of Trace’s smaller T-shirts and a pair of boxer briefs with tiny golfers embroidered on the fabric, some old gift from his mom he’d stuffed in a drawer. They looked cute as hell on Sara. The fear in her eyes did not.
“I’m not ready to move in, Trace,” she said. “Last night was…amazing, but it’s all so new.”
He sighed. “All right, honey, we’ll talk more later.” He walked over to slip his arm around her waist. “But
you need to know one thing—I am not giving up.”
A tiny smile quirked up her soft lips. “I’d be shocked if you did, Bowen.”
He tipped her chin up. “You call me Trace. I’m not one of your teammates.”
She wrinkled her nose. “I hear you’re one of those switch-hitters. Playing on both teams.” Then she pulled away and darted around the island, headed for Kai. She grabbed him and slid in between him and the counter where he had just dished up a platter of steaming scrambled eggs. Giggling, Sara wrapped her arms around him, peering at Trace over his shoulder. “Save me.”
“Whoa,” Kai said. “Careful, babe. Hot food here.” But he held her close and looked over his shoulder at Trace, who stopped in his tracks as both of them grinned at him, their faces together. A beautiful sight.
Trace clapped a hand over his heart, which ached, but in a sweet way. He shook his head at them. “What have I done, throwing you two together? Thing One and Thing Two are in the house.”
Kai laughed, gave Sara a smacking kiss and swung her around with her back to Trace. “Here she is, kane. Have at her.”
Sara shrieked as Trace swooped, but he wrapped his arms around both of them and stepped in close. He and Kai smiled at each other over her head. “I’m thinking somebody’s gonna get another spanking later.”
“Not staying,” Sara said, her voice muffled against Kai’s neck.
Kai looked at Trace, his smile slipping. Trace gave him a look that said, We’ll work on her.
“Breakfast time,” Kai said. “I’m starving.”
They sat at the granite island on tall stools, Sara in the middle, and dug in. They were nearly finished when Kai’s phone rang. He picked it up, looked at the display and scowled. “My realtor. You guys want me to go in the other room?”
Trace and Sara shook their heads, so Kai took the call. Trace watched as his expression changed, his eyes lighting up. He looked at Trace and clicked a button. “Ah, that’s a lot to take in, Sondra. Can you repeat that?”
The lilting voice of a woman sounded in the quiet room. “I know, yeah? So, your first offer on the surf shop heard about the second offer, and now suddenly they’re back in. Seems they thought they could take their time, get you to take a lower price. Moke, we have us a bidding war!”
Trace gave Kai a thumbs-up. Sara grabbed Trace’s hand and hung on.
The realtor quoted the newest offer, and Kai threw his head back and hooted. “Au’e! Cannot believe dis.”
“I think they’ll go higher,” she said. “My new partner, Jack, really has his ear to the pipeline. He thinks things are going to continue to heat up in Kona Town now that the recession is easing. So let’s wait a couple of days, yeah? You okay with that?”
“I’m okay with that,” Kai said. “Thanks, Sondra.”
He ended the call and looked at the two of them. “Oh, man, if this works, I’ll be free. I can move here and start up my own business.”
“What do you want to do?” Sara asked.
He shrugged. “I don’t know. But nice to have the choice.”
“You’ll find something,” Trace said.
“Oh, I’m so happy for you,” Sara said. She leaned on her elbows, her hands wrapped around her coffee mug. “I’d like to find something else too, but all I’m trained for is teaching PE.”
“Quit,” Trace said. “I’ll support you.”
She stared at him, dumbfounded. “Trace. I couldn’t do that.”
He was pushing hard, he knew this. But he was tired of her bullshit. Did he expect her to move in tomorrow? Quit her job today? No. But he didn’t like her automatic refusal to think about anything he said either. He looked her in the eye.
“You know, for a teacher you sure are dumb sometimes. It doesn’t matter who else believes in you, if you don’t believe in yourself. Your mom, your girlfriends, your lovers can believe in you. But that don’t mean shit, baby. You’ve gotta make it happen. You’re the one who has to believe. Kai does. He’s open to possibilities. Why can’t you change? What would you do if you could do anything you wanted?”
She looked at him as if he’d punched her. Kai laid a hand on her back but stayed quiet.
“Well, I guess I’d like to be a fitness trainer.”
“Then do that,” Trace said instantly.
She frowned at him. “Like it’s that easy.”
He threw out his arm. “Uh, sitting right in front of the owner of a large, busy gym. With no fitness trainers on staff. Have you spoken to him about the possibilities?”
She blinked and leaned back into Kai’s supportive arm. Something which Trace didn’t miss. He and Kai shared a sweet look as Kai slipped his arms around her, his chest to her back.
“No,” Sara said quietly. “I haven’t. I guess you’re right.”
“I know I’m right,” Trace said. “So we’ll discuss that with Jake and Dack. We’ll come up with a plan, and when the time is right, you can move. Doesn’t have to be tomorrow, but you need to be moving toward what you want, honey.”
She nodded. She patted Kai’s encircling arm and smiled at Trace. “Thank you. Guess I needed that wakeup call. But today we should be celebrating for Kai.”
“We will,” Trace promised. “It’s huge, and we will. But first, got something else to say. So brace yourself, Red.”
She did, visibly. Trace leaned closer and put his hands on her bare thighs, wrapping his fingers around them, strong and soft at the same time.
“Red, you are enough woman for me and for Kai. Together, the three of us have something special, something precious. Not just two people supporting each other, but three. When one of us is down, there will be two others ready to carry them through it.”
His mouth quirked in a naughty smile. “Not to mention I love sharing you with him. Love how we can make you go crazy, begging to get off, and when you do, it’s sweet and wild.”
She blushed, and Kai grinned, pressing a kiss to her cheek. His eyes sparkled at Trace.
“So,” Trace went on, “I want you to think about moving in here with us. This place is huge. I have three bedrooms, a study and an empty room that could be whatever. Later, I’ll buy a house if we want more room, more privacy. But I want you with us, full-time.”
“I’ll think about it,” she said. “I will, Trace.” And now she looked excited, not scared.
“Good,” Kai put in. “’Cause what Trace said, wahine? You’re all that. And you’re ours.”
About the Author
Cathryn Cade lives with her husband in the lake country of North Idaho, where she loves to boat, bicycle, hike and garden. Indoors, she’s usually writing or plotting the wicked doings of her next hero and heroine. She plays hooky to chat on Facebook, read voraciously, try new recipes, shop and sew odd items for hapless acquaintances. She wishes she had time to catch up with her favorite TV series and that she could meet all her readers.
Contact her @ —where you can also sign up for her newsletter!
Look for these titles by Cathryn Cade
Now Available:
The Orion Series
Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bryght
Her Commander
Prince of Dragons
Deep Indigo
Hawaiian Heroes
Walking in Fire
Rolling in the Deep
Blooming in the Wild
Burning up the Rain
Club 3
She’s All In
She’s All Tied Up
For her sexy Dom, she’ll open up…but only love will take her all the way.
She’s All In
© 2013 Cathryn Cade
Club 3, Book 1
When Daisy joins Big Iron Fitness, it’s to get fit and more comfortabl
e in her skin. But what really makes her sweat is gym owner Dack Humboldt. Watching him pump iron sets off an endorphin rush that has nothing to do with exercise.
Dack isn’t looking for love, and doesn’t usually waste time on vanilla even when it’s packaged in a bombshell blonde. Until he hears Daisy’s been asking questions about the goings-on at his private sex club. He’ll be happy to show her the ropes…on his terms.
Daisy gathers the moxie to ask Dack out on a date, and gets an offer she can’t refuse. The chance to explore some of her most private fantasies and move beyond her fears about her body.
As Dack leads Daisy by the thong into the Dom/sub world, she feels as if she’s finally in her element…until Dack issues a command that brings her up hard against her last emotional barrier. And Dack must decide how far he’ll go to bring his bombshell back into his arms.
Warning: Body builders showing off their physiques, blondes looking to have more fun, and members of a private club sharing more than conversation.
Enjoy the following excerpt for She’s All In:
“Hey, Dack, what’re you doing chatting up my girl?” It was Mason, appearing at Dack’s elbow, a frosty salted margarita in each hand. He was scowling.
Daisy blinked. His girl? She’d agreed to have a drink with the guy, that was all.
Now Dack was scowling. At her. “Daisy?”
She could only handle one disgruntled male at a time. “I’m not sure why you’re upset,” she said to Mason.
He gave her a what-the-hell look. “Because you accepted my key,” he bit off.
“What? She took my key.” Oh, great, now the blond guy, Kevin, was back at Dack’s other elbow, and he was looking daggers at her as well.
“Hey, I don’t know what all this fuss is about,” she protested, her voice quavering embarrassingly.
“Daisy.” Dack cut her off, his deep voice full of authority. “Explain.”
She wanted to quail before the three alpha males glaring at her. Stiffening her knees, she faced them, glaring back defiantly. “Explain what? I don’t even know what you’re so mad about.”