Book Read Free

Burn to Ashes

Page 8

by Brynn O'Connor

  At least in this place I won’t have to deal with violent bikers. No way would any self-respecting biker get caught dead in this place. Unless of course that bike were flamboyantly gay or transgender or something. This is actually a pretty safe place for two women to hide out. I don’t see anyone who would be even the slightest interested in women; especially normal looking women like us.

  I order us each a strong drink with some name I can barely pronounce and before I can even put any money down someone lays a fifty dollar bill on the counter in between us and the bartender.

  “Take care of them Lenny,” says a very tall and feminine looking man in a dress. “You need any more money you bill me.”

  “Got it Christine.”

  I turn again to thank our benefactor. He must be in his early thirties and actually doesn’t look too terribly bad for a man trying to be a woman. Given what doctors can do these days, he/she will probably end up being one gorgeous lady.

  “Thank you,” I say to him…her. “But I’m not sure what we have done to earn your favor.”

  “Relax honey; I’m not after your body. You both just looked like you could use a break, if not a friend.”

  I smile back. I like her. “You’re right about both Christine.”

  “Anything to help a fellow fugitive.”

  She ends with a whisper on the word fugitive.

  “What makes you think we’re…fugitives?” I ask.

  A sickening feeling of dread is creeping over me. Christine must be an undercover cop or something.

  “Relax honey. I saw you come in.”

  “And just by watching us walk you could tell?”

  “Well, by being observant. You drove here in a Ford, an old one but the key on that key ring you plopped down on the counter by your glass says you drive a Prius. Plus judging by your scrubs you still have on, you can afford more than a twenty year old Ford.”

  “Wow…I don’t know what to say. We got into some trouble and had to ditch the Prius and find other form of transportation…and I really have no idea why I’m even telling you this…”

  “It’s okay baby girl, everyone in here’s hiding from something or someone; including me.”

  “Thanks,” I say, and I really mean it.

  We spend the next half hour just talking about life in general. She’s had a rough one. She left home at sixteen and been on the streets till someone showed her an act of kindness. Thanks to that person she has a roof over her head and a decent job that pays for everything.

  “But I still come here every month or so an on July 18th, the day he found me and plucked me off the streets. It’s important to remember where you came from; your history so you don’t repeat it. I’ve been able to take a few young girls off the streets over the years as well. I try to help anyone who comes through these doors who needs it.”

  “The man who plucked you off the streets, you ever see him?”

  “Yeah, in fact, given that it’s July 18th we’re supposed to meet tonight but he hasn’t shown up and he’s an hour late.”

  “Maybe he just got tied up or something.”

  “No…not Adam. He has-”

  “Wait a second, what’s his name?”

  “Adam something. I don’t know his last name but he runs with the-”

  “Sons of Ash!” I chime in with her.

  “Oh my god, you know him?”

  “Yeah…he’s kinda sorta my boyfriend…or ex-boyfriend. I…I’m not sure where we stand actually.” I finish lamely.

  “I can’t believe it! This is freaking crazy. The night we’re supposed to meet and his girl/ex-girlfriend walks in. How weird is that?”

  “Very…” I agree.

  “So now I’m wondering…is he okay?”

  “Some serious shit is going on right now Christine, so him now showing up is not surprising. But he was okay last I saw him.”

  “I wish I could know for sure, but I have no way of contacting him.”

  I pull my cell phone out.

  “I think I can solve that problem.”

  I punch in the numbers and hand her my cell phone.

  After a short pause. “Hey Adam, you’ll never guess whose sitting next to me; Kari and her sister. You okay. We were supposed to meet an hour ago. This is the 18th remember? I’m sure you remember. Anyway I’ll stay here another hour or so then I have to leave. But I’ll be back at midnight tomorrow. I miss-”

  The recording cuts her off. She hands me back her phone.

  “Why didn’t you give him your number?” I ask.

  “He helps so many people. He has for years now. Imagine if every one of them had his number. Eventually he’d get swamped with calls to help. He saved my life. I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “Maybe you’re right. I hope you two can get together at some point. I’ll let him know I ran into you when I see him next.”

  She slips off the bar stool and steps in to give me a hug. It’s warm, natural, and sincere. Given different circumstances I’m pretty sure we would have become good friends.

  But something tells me it’s time to go. I am exhausted! I’ve been operating on adrenaline alone for hours and it’s catching up to me. But at least I am used to this life. Anna must be seriously traumatized! I’m sure she is still having issues about her being kidnapped and now she’s riding around with her crazy criminal sister; this can’t be easy.

  We get into the car and pull out of the lot. It’s time to double back and pick up my own car and then drop my sister back home.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as we head into traffic.

  “Are you seriously asking me that?” She says. “You do a hit and run, assault an innocent…maybe innocent man, run from the police, get us shot at, and steal a car. How could I possibly be okay Kari? Who the hell are you anyway?”

  “I’m the sister who loves you so much that she’d do anything to keep you safe! That’s who I am and I refuse to apologize for what I had to do tonight to keep us both safe.”

  “You stole a car. Did you have to do that?”

  “Yes! Otherwise every cop in the city would be gunning for me and that guy back there, the innocent one who tried to shoot us; well next time he won’t miss.”

  “Why won’t he miss?”

  “Last time he was aiming at the car to disable it. I don’t think he’ll make that mistake again. He’ll just kill or injure us and take us or our bodies to Ripper. Look, I am so sorry you’re in the middle of this mess. If there was any way I could keep all the heat on me and none on you I’d do that.”

  “Maybe if you would have stayed with Adam and not tried to play house with the doctor we wouldn’t be in this position; or at least I wouldn’t be in this position with you.”

  She’s probably right. I hope not, but she may be right.

  “So what’s your plan, anyway?”

  That’s a good question. “I’m working on it.”

  “Well work fast or drop me off and work on it alone. I’m beat!”

  Yeah…I’m not so sure I am either anymore. How fast one becomes acclimatized to comfort. I take one last look at the time before I close my eyes; it’s nearly one in the morning.

  Suddenly my phone begins to ring. The number is labeled as private. I almost don’t answer it but thoughts that it could be Adam or Dr. Mike compel me to answer anyway.


  “I have some information for you Kari.” An unfamiliar voice says.

  “Who is this?”

  “Let’s just call me a concerned friend.”

  “Well…concerned friend, why are you calling me at this time?”

  It’s nearly two in the morning.

  “Just thought you’d like to know Ripper’s VP is passed out in a certain motel room.”

  He’s got my attention. “Is he alone?”

  “He was with a couple whores who are also passed out.” He replies.

  “How do I know they’re going to stay asleep? And what do you expect me to do about it anyway?” />
  “Aren’t you interested in those people who participated in your little sister’s kidnapping? This man, Marco was one of the crew who snatched her.”

  Now he really has my attention!

  “Does he…does he have a criminal record?”

  “Really?” He asks. “Are you just going to tip off the police? I thought you were a take charge kind of girl. You really are gonna call the cops and roll the dice? He’ll be out on bail in two hours looking for whoever put him there. Believe me; he knows you’re looking for him. You won’t get a better chance than now. Go even the score Kari!”

  “Who was that?” Anna asks.

  “Marco…one of the guys who grabbed you is passed out in a nearby motel.”

  It’s too dark to see her expression but I can hear the sharp intake of air as she gasps. I’m about to find out if she is going to be a help or a hindrance; I’m thinking hindrance, but she just might surprise me.

  “And who called you?”

  I consider lying to her but decide to just be honest. “The caller didn’t offer his name.”

  “And you’re going to believe him?” She asks incredulously.

  Okay, maybe honesty, absolute honesty isn’t the best way to go.

  “He did say he’s a former Son’s of Ash biker who quit when Adam split off from the club.” Sometimes a little lie is the best option when clearly the truth will just cause problems.

  “Hmm… So you trust him?” She asks.

  “Sorta…It won’t hurt to check things out.”

  “So if he’s there, then what? You’ll call the police right?”

  “He’s not wanted for kidnapping you Anna. He’ll post bail and walk unless of course you can identify him.”

  I threw that last bit in because I know she already went through police questioning and gave them all she could and did not see any faces. I also know my sister wouldn’t lie either and just say that she recognizes Marco.

  “So what’s the plan then?” She asks again.

  I know what Adam would do in this scenario. He kill then son of a bitch! I’m not a killer. If he was partying with hookers there’s a good chance they were doing drugs. There’s also a decent chance one or both hookers are under age. That’d be enough to keep him behind bars for good. Before calling the police I need to make sure the girls are still with him. If they are I’m willing to roll the dice on the drug and underage girl part.

  I explain that I’m going to go there and try to verify my ideas about drugs and minors. I’ll be gone twenty minutes; thirty tops.

  “I’m going with!” Anna announces.

  “Too dangerous!” I reply. “I’m doing this one alone.

  “He kidnapped me, not you! I’m going and I’m not taking no for an answer.”


  We get dressed and ten minutes later we’re standing in a dark corner of the parking lot to the Highlander motel. Wow, and I thought our place was bad…

  My mysterious caller also mentioned that the front door would be unlocked. I have no idea how he accomplished that but I’m not complaining. Although I do wonder why he didn’t just take matters in his own hands instead of calling me.

  “Follow my lead,” I instruct my sister. “We’re just going to sneak in and make sure he’s in there with the hookers, and then we’ll leave and call the cops.”

  “Got it.”

  An alternate plan is beginning to form in my mind. This is a guy that will kill us if he gets the chance. He may even be the guy who has the contract on mine and my sister’s life. Getting him off the streets would be a favor to everyone; not just me and my sister. Anna doesn’t know that I have a 9mm handgun in my purse and a long knife in my jacket pocket.

  We stop at the door and I take a long deep breath trying to will myself to calm down. My heart is pounding so hard Anna must be able to hear it. If afraid as soon as I open this door Marco will wake up. With great care I turn the knob. It easily turns and the door just pops open with a soft whoosh. Fortunately his room is not nearly as dark as ours. I can clearly make out someone lying sprawled across the bed but it looks like just one person. I take two steps into the room and pause at the side of the bed. Crap! Marco is alone. He’s passed out on the side of the bed near me. I squint my eyes, trying to see if there’s any evidence of drugs or drug usage. I move one step closer.

  Suddenly the bathroom door opens up and the room is bathed in the orange glow of a nightlight.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Asks one of the two girls exiting the bathroom.

  “Shit…sorry. Wrong room.” I apologize.

  I take a step backwards and run into my sister who’s directly behind me.

  “Marco wake up!” The second girl shouts. “Someone’s in here!”

  Marco wakes with surprising speed considering he was passed out in a drug induced sleep. I turn and trip on Anna’s feet and fall hard, my head literally bouncing off a table by the window. The room begins to spin as I fight to stay conscious.

  “No please!” My little sister screams. “Please don’t hur-”

  I hear a thud, then a louder crash as she hit’s the table next to me and falls to the floor. This is not what’s supposed to happen! I’ve still got my purse. I reach inside trying to get my hands on my gun when the lights turn on in the room.

  Two, clearly underage girls are standing on the other side of the bed trying to cover themselves in a bed sheet. My sister is lying at my side in a widening pool of bright arterial blood. Marco towers over me holding a wicked looking knife as blood drips from the blade; my sister’s blood! My hand finds my gun at the moment Marco delivers a swift kick, striking my hip. It feels like he just broke the bones there. My eyes tear up in pain as I draw my gun. Marco stops. His knife is poised in the air mid strike. A drop of blood lands on my neck.

  “You can’t do it!” Marco hisses.

  Suddenly the side of my head explodes in even more pain as a lamp thrown by one of the whores glances off my skull by my right ear.

  “Fuck!” I scream. That hurt worse than when my head hit the table. Somehow I manage to rack the slide back chambering a bullet. All I have to do is pull the trigger. That’s it; problem solved.

  “Do it bitch!” Marco rages.

  His already scary face becomes a mask of otherworldly rage. He doesn’t even look human in the orange glow of the room’s only light. He’s become a monster! He raises his foot like he’s going to stomp me in the stomach when my finger depresses the trigger. The deafening boom even startles me and I was ready for it. I’m just about to wonder if I got him when his foot finally connects. All the air in my lungs explodes outwards leaving me to gasp for air like a fish out of water. The room is spinning and I can feel the pool of my sister’s blood soaking into my tee shirt. Blindly I yank on the trigger; twice. I have no idea if I hit him or not. I just hear the door slam. I force my eyes open. The room is empty! Marco’s gone and so are his underage companions. A gurgling noise reminds me my sister is lying her next to me dying. I stuff my gun in my purse and pull out my phone. I hit 9 and 1 when I hear the sirens closing in. Too late, someone heard the commotion and called. I give my sister a quick kiss on the forehead and stand up shakily. I have to leave now. I can’t be caught breaking into someone’s room shooting a gun that is not even registered to me. I’ll go to jail for sure. They’ll take care of Anna. There’s nothing I can do for her now. I run out of the room and am surprised no one is even out in the parking lot. Maybe this happens a lot and people don’t want to get involved or be seen staying here.

  I run across the dark parking lot and then half way down a neighboring alley to my car. I get in and slump down in my seat as low as it will go. I can see blue and red lights reflected in the windows as cops and rescue vehicles pass by the mouth of the alley. I was just going to stay here but any time the cops will cast a wide net around the motel and I’ll never be able to slip through. I have to leave now. I start my engine and do a quick U-turn. It’s a good thing I know the area. I take the q
uickest way to my own motel and pull into the darkened lot at four in the morning. What a freaking night. It’s not until I finally collapse in my bed that it all hits me like a freight train coming down the tracks. My little sister is dying in a filthy motel room and I’m in a completely different room; alone. As images from tonight’s debacle flash across my mind I wonder if any of the two or more shots I fired actually found their target. Another scary thought crosses my mind. What if I hit one of the two girls? Somehow I have to find out; but not tonight.

  Right now I need to find out if my sister’s alright. The only way I know how to do that without giving myself away is to call Dr. Mike. He will be none too happy about taking my call, but he has spent time with me and my sister and they actually hit it off so he’ll be concerned and I’m sure will know the latest. He is probably at work so I decide to call on his cell phone. To my surprise he answers on the first ring.

  “Well this has got to be important! What mess are you in now Kari?” He asks. His tone alone tells me just how supremely unhappy he is with me. On the other hand, he did take my call so…

  “My sister,” I begin without preamble. “She just came in, either to our hospital or Providence. Can you check and call me back when you know something please?”’

  After a long pause he replies. “What happened? Or do I want to know?”

  “Less you know the better. I just need to know she is going to be alright.”

  “Fine. I’ll do some snooping around but it might be awhile if I don’t find her right now. Pretty soon I have to do an assist so I’ll be tied up for the next four hours or more.”

  “That’s fine. I just have to know.”

  “I sincerely hope,” he begins. “That for your sake you’re not involved in what happened. You know if there’s suspicious circumstances they’ll come asking me because of our relationship. You know that right?”

  “Actually I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

  “I call you when I know something.”

  “Thanks,” I reply, then hang up my phone.

  I lie back on the bed and close my eyes. There’s no way I’m going to be getting any sleep until I know my sister is okay. I only have to wait ten minutes before my phone rings again.


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