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Cheri's Erotic Ten - Vol. 1

Page 10

by Jean-Luc Cheri

  “Emma, what’s wrong, baby?”

  “I had a bad dream, Daddy.”

  “What did you dream about?”

  “I was lost and I couldn’t find you or Mommy.”

  I picked her up and held her against me. “You know Mommy and I wouldn’t let that happen.”

  “I was scared.”

  “I know, but you’re safe now.”

  She snuggled her face against my chest as I rubbed her back. “Go to sleep, baby, nothing to be scared of.”

  Glancing down, I saw her heavy eyelids closing, and soon she was drifting off in my arms. I heard a small sound and looked up to see Erica standing in the doorway, her belly swollen with pregnancy.

  “What are you doing up?” I whispered. “You need your rest.”

  She smiled. “I didn’t want to miss this.”

  I grinned “Kinda like déjà vu, isn’t it?”


  “Mommy, what’s going on?”

  Our oldest child appeared beside his mother, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  “Kevin, you should be in bed,” Erica whispered.

  “I heard Emma crying.”

  Erica smiled at me. “He’s a lot like his father.” She picked him up and rested him on her hip. “Back to bed for you.”

  I watched my wife and son, and thought about the night he was conceived in the heat of passion in that hotel room eight years ago. We had been together ever since and hadn’t looked back.

  Erica disappeared in the direction of Kevin’s room, and I laid the sleeping Emma back down into her bed, covering her with the blankets. My wife and I met back at our bedroom door and got into bed.

  We lay staring at the ceiling for a minute before she spoke.

  “Are you sleepy?”

  “No, you?”

  “No. Feel like doing something else?”

  I grinned and rolled towards her. “What do you have in mind?”

  She smiled back. “I think you can guess what I have in mind.”

  I leaned down and kissed her. “I love you.”

  “And I love you, baby.” She reached down and pressed her hand against my growing erection. “Mmm, you guessed correctly.”

  # # #

  The Boss’s Wife

  I rang the doorbell and we waited.

  “I’m not going to kiss you, if that’s your plan,” Kate said, giving me a mischievous grin.

  Rolling my eyes, I said, “Please. I just ate.”

  She giggled. “So, why am I here again?”

  “It’s a party.”

  “I know, but why am I at this party?”

  “Because you owe me a favor.”

  “Owed. I owed you a favor. We’re even now.”


  The door opened, and a woman in a maid’s uniform appeared, looking at us expectantly. I handed her the invitation. She glanced at it, smiled, and opened the door wide.

  “Welcome,” she said with a foreign accent, “follow me.”

  She led us through the ornately decorated house, past marble floors and staircases, and paintings that probably cost more than my college tuition. We exited through the back of the house onto a wide, sweeping lawn, which was filled with a couple hundred of my co-workers and their families, and a few large tents. The maid left us, and we stared out over the crowd.

  “Great,” I muttered, “I spend all week with these people, and now I’ve got to spend Saturday with them too.”

  “You didn’t have to come,” Kate said.

  “Yeah, I did. It was explained to me very clearly that you don’t get anywhere in the company unless you attend Mr. Terranova’s parties.”

  “Kiss ass,” she said with a smirk.

  “That’s me.” I held out my hand. “You ready?”

  She sneered at my hand, and then placed hers in it. “When this is done, you’re going to owe me.”

  We walked down the gently sloped lawn, as I looked for a friendly face in the crowd. Finding one, I veered towards it, pulling Kate with me.

  John was one of my fellow mailroom workers, and had shown me the ropes when I started two months ago. He was sitting at a picnic table under one of the tents, next to a busty redhead who I recognized from the photo on John’s desk. He smiled when he saw us approaching.

  “Brent,” he said, standing to offer his hand. “Glad you could make it.”

  I gripped it firmly, like I had been taught by my father. “Well, you’re the one who told me not to miss it.”

  He laughed. “You’re on the fast track to a VP position. Brent, this is my wife, Cheryl.”

  “Nice to meet you, Cheryl, this is my girlfriend, Kate.”

  We shook hands all around, and sat down. John said, “Cheryl, Brent is working at the company as an intern for the summer, and is hoping to be picked up for a permanent position after he graduates in the spring.”

  “Good luck with that,” she said. “Are you introducing him to all the right people?”

  John laughed. “If I knew the right people, do you think I’d still be working in the mailroom?”

  She laughed with him and squeezed his hand. “Just a matter of time, babe.” She turned back to me. “So, Brent, what do you think of Mr. Terranova?”

  I shrugged. “He seems sharp, a real go-getter. A take-charge kind of guy.”

  Her lips curled up into a smile. “Honey, you’re not on an interview. Knock off the bullshit.”

  John laughed, and I said, “Well, if you want to know the truth, he seems like a bit of a douchebag.”

  She nodded. “I see you’re an excellent judge of character.”

  We all laughed.

  “So, Kate,” John said, “why has Brent never mentioned you?”

  “He hasn’t?” she said, looking surprised. She turned to me. “Baby, why didn’t you tell them about me?”

  I shot her a glance, and then smiled. “It’s never come up.”

  “How long have you two been together?” Cheryl asked.

  “A long time,” Kate said, “Very long. Years and years.”

  I kicked her under the table, and quickly said, “Yes, we were childhood sweethearts. Grew up next door to each other.”

  “That is so sweet,” Cheryl said. She looked at us appraisingly. “You know, I can see it. There’s something about you two, like you were meant to be together. And you’re both so good looking, I bet you’re going to have some beautiful children together someday.”

  I grimaced, and Kate snorted. “I think you’re right,” she replied, then turned to me. “Brent, how about we get started on making those babies tonight?”

  “How about no?” I said, then looked over at John and Cheryl, who were giving us curious looks. “Um,” I added, “it’s just that Kate and I have a difference of opinion. I think that sex should only be shared between people who are married, while Kate’s morals are, well, let’s just say they’re a bit more relaxed.”

  She gave me a dirty look, then smiled and moved closer to me, sliding her arm around my shoulder and nuzzling into my neck. I tried to lean away, but she held me in place.

  “Can you blame me?” she said, speaking to the couple. “Look at this guy. He’s so sexy. Is it my fault I don’t want to wait?” She ran her lips lightly over my cheek.

  I couldn’t take any more, and pushed her away, giving a shudder of revulsion. “Please Kate, you know how I feel about public acts of affection.”

  Kate laughed. “Oh yeah, I forgot.”

  I glanced over, were John and Cheryl were looking at us like we were insane.

  “Well, ok,” Cheryl said, “I didn’t mean to start an argument between you two.”

  “It’s ok,” I said, waving my hand. “We’re like this all the time.”

  “Hey Brent,” John said, “you in the mood for some ass-kissing?”

  “What do you mean?” I said.

  He pointed with his chin. “There’s Mr. Terranova and his wife. You should go over and introduce Kate. And make sure you tell
him how nice his house is.”

  I turned and looked over my shoulder. Sure enough, my boss was standing there next to a stunning looking blonde, who looked to be many years younger than him. I turned back to Kate. “Let’s go.”

  John was making kissing sounds with his lips as we got up from the table, and Cheryl was laughing and swatting his arm, trying to make him stop. I ignored them and took Kate’s hand, leading her over to Mr. Terranova.

  He was in the middle of talking to another employee, and Kate and I waited patiently until he was through. I took the opportunity to check out his wife, who was even more incredible close up. She looked to be around thirty, with long, blonde hair that reached halfway down her back. Her body was amazing, from her large, rounded breasts, to her lovely apple-shaped ass, and her full lips a bright shade of red, she was the perfect trophy wife for a man of Mr. Terranova’s wealth and stature.

  As I glanced up from looking at her legs, I was shocked to discover she was looking back at me with a curious expression. I felt my cheeks get hot and averted my eyes, pulling Kate slightly closer to me. After a minute of staring at Mr. Terranova, watching his lips move without paying attention to what he was saying, I decided it would be ok to take another peek at the wife, to make sure she wasn’t upset.

  But when I did, she was still watching me with a bemused expression, and my eyes quickly refocused on her husband, who seemed to be ending his other conversation.

  Mr. Terranova was tall, probably an inch over my even six feet, and had an aura of being physically powerful, even though I had never seen him in anything other than a business suit. One of which he was wearing today, despite the fact it was a picnic. I’d guess his age to be around fifty, with clear blue eyes, and steel grey hair that was closely cropped, almost military style. A neatly-trimmed moustache and goatee completed the look, giving him the air of a distinguished gentleman.

  After shaking hands and saying goodbye to the other person, he turned to me and smiled.

  “Brett! I’m glad you could make it.” He held out his hand in my direction.

  “Brent,” I said, and placed my hand in his. “Thank you for having me.” I had shaken his hand before, so I knew what to expect. He locked onto me with a fierce grip, squeezing it tightly. It hurt, but I didn’t let it show, instead returning the favor and gripping his just as hard.

  We held for a moment, our machismo put to the test, until we both relented at the same time and released the other.

  His eyes turned to Kate. “And who is this lovely creature?”

  “Mr. Terranova, this is my girlfriend, Kate. Kate, this is Mr. Terranova.”

  Kate held out her hand, and Mr. Terranova took it in his, and then leaned down to kiss it. Kate’s eyebrows went up.

  “So charmed to meet you,” my boss said as he straightened. “And for more reason than your beauty. I was beginning to worry about Brett here, thinking he might be a Nancy boy. Glad to see he prefers the ladies.”

  Kate smiled. “That explains a lot.”

  “And this,” Mr. Terranova continued, “Is my lovely wife, Nikki.”

  Nikki held out her hand to me, and I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to kiss it, but decided to just shake it normally. Our eyes met, and she was still wearing that smile.

  “Nice to meet you, Nikki,” I said.

  “And you, Brent.” She was tall also, just a few inches shorter than me.

  “And it’s nice to meet you, Kate,” she said. “Welcome to our home.”

  That reminded me. “Oh, your house is very beautiful. From the little we saw of it walking in.”

  “Perhaps I’ll give you two a tour of it later,” she said, but she was looking right at me when she said it.

  “Love to,” I said.

  “How’s life treating you down in the mailroom, Brett?” Mr. Terranova asked.

  “Fine, sir. I’m learning a lot about how the company works.”

  “Excellent. Did I tell you that I started in the mail room?”

  Yes, he had. It was his favorite story, and he told it to everyone. And that’s why it was company policy that everyone started in the mailroom. From the vice presidents to the janitors, they each spent at least their first week in the mailroom. No better way to see how a company runs, Mr. Terranova would constantly remind us. Never mind the fact that even though I was still a year away from graduating with my degree, I knew more than most of the people I delivered mail to. Based on their desks and computer screens, I could see what they were working on, and knew I could do the job. There were times when I even could have offered them suggestions to do it better, but decided I’d better keep my mouth shut. No need to rock any boats.

  “Yes you did, sir, and I want to follow in your footsteps.”

  “Excellent,” he said again, clapping me on the shoulder. “But Brett, keep in mind that my job is taken.” He laughed, swatted me again, then turned his attention back to Kate. “And you, young lady, I have my eye on Brett here, so you should too. He’s going to be quite a catch someday.”

  She grinned and nodded. “I agree. We were just discussing the possibility of having babies together.”

  I blanched, but Mr. Terranova laughed and said, “I like it. You’re planning ahead. After dinner, we’re going to have some dancing. Would you save a spot on your dance card for me?”

  Kate smiled. “Sure, I would love that.”

  “Excellent! Now we’d better be off. Lots of people to meet.”

  “Thank you sir,” I said. We shook hands again, and too bad there wasn’t a lump of coal between our palms, because it would have come out as a diamond.

  After they left, Kate turned to me. “So, that’s why I’m here? To be your beard?”

  “My beard? What are you talking about?”

  “You know, beard? Women that gay men hang around with so people don’t think they’re gay?”

  “I’m not gay.”

  “No, but he thought you were. So you dragged me here to prove to him you weren’t?”

  “I’d heard he really doesn’t like that, and if he was thinking I was, my chances of being hired next spring were zero.”

  “That’s sick. Someone’s sexual preference shouldn’t be a factor in that.”

  “I agree. But the reality is that at this company, it is. And I needed to show him I wasn’t. You heard him, he’s got his eye on me.”

  “Yeah, Brett, I can see he does,” she said sarcastically.

  I waved my hand. “An easy mistake to make.”

  “Besides,” she said, “I don’t think he’s the only one who has an eye on you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You didn’t notice how his wife was watching you?”

  “Huh? No she wasn’t.”

  “She certainly was. I’ve seen other women get that same look around you. I’m not sure why but they seem to find you attractive.”

  I grinned. “Just because you’re immune to my charms, doesn’t mean everyone else is.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Please, spare me. But you better be careful. I know that look. And if you’re trying to impress this guy, screwing his wife isn’t the way to go about it.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m not screwing anybody’s wife.”

  “It’s been known to happen.”

  “One time. I was seventeen and she seduced me.”

  “She was your high school guidance counselor.”

  I grinned. “And she certainly guided me.”

  “Just keep it in your pants tonight, Romeo.”

  “How about you and Mr. Terranova? He seemed to like you.”

  “He’s kinda hot, for an old dude.”

  “That’s gross.”

  She grinned. “I’ll sleep with him if you think it would help your career.”

  “You’re sick.”

  “Yeah, I’m being judged by the guy who screwed Mrs. Feldman. And I’m supposed to take you seriously?”

  “Ok, I’m tired of arguing. Let’s go back and sit down. An
d try to keep your hands off me this time.”

  She laughed. “Whatever you say, Brett.”

  We went back with John and Cheryl, where a few other people from the mailroom joined us, and we all talked until dinner was served. It was an elegant buffet, and we loaded up our plates and headed back to our table. When we got there, I realized we had forgotten to get drinks, so I headed over to the bar to get some for Kate and me. I was just turning from the bar with a drink in each hand, when I almost ran into Nikki. We stopped and looked at each other.

  “Hey, Nikki,” I said, “nice party.”

  She smiled. “Glad you’re having fun. Your girlfriend is pretty.”

  I nodded. “I guess.”

  She gave me a curious look. “You guess?”

  “Um, yeah, of course. She’s beautiful.”

  “How long have you two been dating?”

  “Um, years. Many years.”

  “Impressive. So you two are serious?”

  I shrugged. “Not really.”

  She gave a soft laugh. “You’re an odd man, Brent Barrow.”

  “How do you know my last name?”

  “My husband told me.”

  “He doesn’t even know my first name.”

  She laughed. “Don’t worry, your career is being watched carefully.”

  I looked at her in surprise. “Really?”

  “Certainly. You have a lot of potential. Believe me.”

  “He said that?”

  “So,” she said, “about that house tour? You interested?”

  “Oh. Yes, of course. I’d love it. I mean, we’d love it. Kate and I, that is.”

  “Yes, Kate can join us. Or not. I’ll leave that up to you.”

  “Up to me?”

  “Yes. But you should know there are certain areas of the house I wouldn’t feel comfortable showing to two people. Do you understand, Brent?” Her bright blue eyes locked on mine.

  My green ones stared back. “Yes, I believe I do understand, Nikki.”

  She smiled. “Good. I’ll find you when the time is right.” She turned and walked away, leaving me holding my drinks in a daze.

  When I got back to the table, Kate asked what took me so long. When I didn’t answer, she looked at me with a puzzled expression.


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