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WRAPPED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Two

Page 13

by Juliet Braddock

  “Now…I know you’re in an awkward position, but I need you to drink, okay?” he said. “I don’t want you to become dehydrated.”

  “Yes, Sir…please, Sir…”

  “Slowly, Maxine…” He tilted the bottle back while she swallowed. Greedy little one when she wanted to be. How he wanted now more than ever to feel her lips around his cock…

  No, Mack, no blowjob tonight. You have far too much to accomplish with her right now. Fuck, he hoped they’d finish by four. Oh, well. At least he’d locked the salon doors. And the couch was quite comfortable, if not fuckable. They were safe, he reasoned, until at least seven.

  “Good girl…” he said, then combed his fingers through her already messy hair. “Now, I want to have a little conversation. You see everything here on the table, Maxine. Now is your time to ask questions…”

  “Well, I’m going to assume that scarf is to blindfold me, Sir?”

  “Wrong!” he said, tweaking her nose. “I’m sure you know the old joke—when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me. Guess again.”

  Her hands were already restrained. A sigh fluttered through her lips in frustration. Perhaps he planned to prevent her from kicking him? “You’re going to tie my ankles to the chair, Sir?”

  “No, Maxine,” he said. “I’m going to teach you two major lessons this evening with just one small act of Dominant affection. I’m going to gag you with it. And hopefully, you’ll learn to curtail that wise-cracking mouth of yours…and find another level of trust in me as we play.”

  “Aw, fuckballs,” she muttered under her breath.

  Propping his fists on his hips, he said, “Exactly. The pouting, the swearing—are you going to say ‘fuckballs’ in front of my parents, Maxine?”

  Aghast, she struggled against her restraints with the belt buckle pressing into her tummy. “I would never, Sir…”

  Internally, Drew chuckled. If Maxine even had a clue as to how much swearing occurred at a McKenzie family function, between himself and Adam alone, her pretty little head would spin.

  However, he wasn’t finished schooling her on their play that evening. They still had some negotiating to settle. “So what are we going to do about your safewords, Maxine?” he asked. “You won’t be able to speak…”

  “You said before that you’d touch my hand, Sir,” she reminded him.

  “Points for paying attention there, little one. So how shall we work this?”

  “One squeeze for distress…and two for yield?”

  “You’ve been reading up, haven’t you?”

  “I had nothing else to do in my Kind Sir’s absence this week,” she said rather mournfully.

  “Oh, poor little Maxine. Her Master’s working nights now. Absence makes the heart grow fonder…”

  She squirmed again, her lace-clad ass scooting all over the seat of the chair. “And the panties wetter, Sir.”

  “Yeah…I know…” His wicked smile and devilish laughter filled her with trepidation. “So…what else is on the table?”

  Choosing her next query carefully, she pursed her lips while she pondered the possible consequences of the items left to explain. “Uh, the plume, Sir?”

  “I’m told that the Captain hates to be tickled.”

  Dammit, Benjamin, she cursed her nearest and dearest friend silently. Why did he always have to figure somehow into the drama of her sex life? Now she wanted to know what else he could have possibly told Drew. She loathed tickling. And Ben used and abused that knowledge at every possible turn. In fact, she could still hear her mother’s bellowing voice—threatening to ground them both—as Ben held her down on the living room floor at her parents’ house, refusing to stop or to let her go.

  Restrained, she had no choice in this matter. She had to suck it up. She couldn’t even make her usual weak attempts to punch back like she did with Ben. Anxiety rushed through her veins. Why, oh, why couldn’t he have just cracked her with that belt instead?

  “How about the earrings?” Drew asked suddenly, ignoring that pained look upon her face. “I already bought you a pair.”

  “Perhaps Sir thinks they’re a better match for my outfit now that I’ve changed for him?”

  “Perhaps…” he began as he moved in front of her to crush his hands against the underside of her breasts before he pushed them both over the demi-cups, “…I have no intention to place them on your earlobes…”

  “Ohhh…” Realization washed over her face with a suddenness that Drew hadn’t quite expected. “You’re gonna…”

  “Yup. And I’m happy to do it now,” he said, his wicked blue eyes daring her, “if you’re ready…”

  Ever since he’d given her a taste of nipple torture the previous Saturday, she’d craved more. In fact, in her studies that week, she’d even ventured to choose a few sets of clamps that she thought she might enjoy herself. The gold clasp of the earring hardly looked menacing, but she had to try it out just to satisfy her own curiosities.

  “Yes, now!” she jerked with excitement, nearly lifting the chair with her quick movements. “I mean…yes, please, Sir, do affix those things as soon as you desire…”

  “Alright, but you must use your safewords until I gag you. Understand? You’re in pain, I need to know. Immediately.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  Tossing her head back against the chair rest, she offered him complete access to do whatever he wished. This was the moment she’d been waiting for, this next introduction to pain. She watched every move he made closely, drinking in each second. Those slow and steady hands carefully removed those God-awful earrings from their little designer box. If Mr. de la Renta only knew what Drew planned to do with his creation, he was certain to turn in his grave!

  Fingers pinching the clasp, he held up the long tassel before her eyes, allowing her the time to study the weight and the closure. Maxine would never look at another pair of clip-ons without some memory of that evening slipping into her thoughts ever again.

  “Don’t you even get the hiccups right now, Maxine.”

  “Please don’t make me giggle, Sir…”

  There he was, readying to give her another little slice of the lascivious life he lived, and she laughed. That could easily change, however, in a matter of seconds once he moved forward with his plan. She could be in tears before the party even started. However, it was now or never. He couldn’t keep things Vanilla forever. She consented to share this lifestyle with him. Now, he had to prove to her that this was what she wanted and craved all along.

  “I’m going to remind you one last time, Maxine,” he began, his voice admonishing, “that you will be incapacitated this evening. Pay attention. Don’t fuck around. I could hurt you without intending. And I need you to focus.”

  Suddenly, her body went rigid with his words. Sobered by the reality of the scene, she realized that the severity of his play could indeed cause her harm. With a nod, she braced herself and whispered, “Yes, Sir. I shall focus. I promise.”

  “And we’ll communicate—with each other?”

  “I will, Sir.”

  In truth, Drew was more frightened than Maxine. To her, all of this was new. She knew, intuitively, that she had an out. Drew, though, still had so much to prove to her. He wanted her to enjoy herself, free from fear and hesitation. He needed her to ignore all taboos and allow herself the chance to embrace his sinister side. Even the tiniest mistake on his part could send her walking out that door forever…and nothing terrified him more than losing Maxine.

  While she didn’t quite pick up on the method behind his madness, he chose to clamp her before he gagged her, just in case the pain was too much for her to withstand. She would adjust, he hoped, before he silenced her.

  With precision, he opened the earring clasp and held it so very close to his intended target.

  Maxine squinted her eyes shut as the metal closed around her tender, swollen bud. She breathed steadily, filling her lungs, and waited for the pain to seize her.

that hurt, little one?”

  “No, actually, Sir...”

  “Just wait...” He allowed the tassel to drop for just a moment, then tugged once, twice—a third time—before she frowned. However, Maxine wasn’t sour over the pain, but by the lack thereof. A quick twinge shot from the tip of her breast, but much to her disappointment, faded just as quickly as it began. This was the non-event of the evening as far as she was concerned.

  Then Drew leaned back on his heels just to look at her writhing against the chair before he reached for the second earring.

  The prickle of the gold clasp continued to pinch ever so slightly at the pucker of her nipple as Drew merely touched his hand between her legs to torment her while closing the second clasp. Rolling her head from side to side, she could feel the brush of the tassels against her chest and tummy. Again, she fought hard to maintain control.

  “You’re having a bit of a rough time there, aren’t you, little one?”

  “Yes, Sir...” He was purposely manipulating her, tempting her with the promise of an orgasm that she knew he wouldn't allow just yet.

  “Oh, little one, you need to work on your self-control,” he taunted.

  Stiffening her legs, she pulled her thighs together, essentially trapping his hand for a moment before she forced herself to relax. Opening her eyes, she met his somewhat chilly gaze, challenging him.

  “Before we continue, Maxine,” he whispered, “safeword?”

  “Oh...” she moaned, unfulfilled. “Green, Sir...”

  So fucking precious was she…and how desperately he needed to be inside her.

  As he tugged once again at those tassels, she held her breath as a slight pang claimed first her right nipple, then her left.


  “Still green, but thank you for trying...Sir...”

  So tempted to break from the scene just to make sure that she wasn’t hiding her discomfort in an effort to impress him, Drew shook his head. He had to trust that she truly was fine. He knew those earrings wouldn’t hurt her much. This was a mere taste—an introduction—to bigger and better things, so he hoped, for his little one.

  “I’m going to gag you now, Maxine. And I want you to remember our hand signals…”

  “One squeeze for Red. Two for Yellow. And nothing if I’m feeling fine, Sir.”

  “So sweet when you behave for me…I wish you’d mind your obedience more often.”

  She said nothing, and he draped the silk scarf over her mouth and chin, stopping just short of tying it behind her head. “Nod for me. Can you breathe?” Affirmative. With that, he knotted the scarf, then circled around the chair to face her again.

  Catching both tassels in his hand, he pulled once more—just hard enough so that they didn’t fall off. “Look at your pretty breasts, Maxine.” With his other hand, he stroked gently along the curve of her bosom from one side to the other. “I love it when you’re all dressed up for me.”

  With her hands, mouth and body restricted, Maxine took that quiet moment to ponder their play. Again, she sought to understand these awakening feelings that left her feeling so deliciously raw. The delicacy of his hand, so soft against her, mingled delightfully with the pressure of the clasps. She wasn’t in pain—merely some mild discomfort that oddly seemed to just arouse her. She wanted to beg him for just a little more, but she couldn’t voice her needs. She had to deem to Drew and rely upon his decisions implicitly.

  “Now that I have you completely at my whim, what shall I do with you next, Maxine?” Drew asked as he strolled around the chair rather leisurely, forming one complete circle before stopping behind her.

  This left her wondering again. He could do anything, but she couldn’t see him.

  As he merely lifted her thick auburn hair from her shoulders and leaned in close, she could feel the warmth of his breath heating up her chilly skin, accentuating the goose bumps dotting her arms. Nearly jumping in her seat, she reared her hips that were pinioned by the belt and kicked her feet along the carpet. Maxine’s only consolation came with the hope that she could touch and kiss and feel him later. She was determined to make patience her greatest virtue yet, with a little guidance from fortitude along the way.

  “What would you enjoy, Maxine?”

  An angry groan, suppressed only by her gag, resonated between them.

  “Oh, yes—can’t talk. I forgot. Silly me,” Drew mocked her. “Kisses always seem to work with you. Perhaps a few of those?”

  If only he could see her grin beneath the scarf. She loved her kisses—any time…anywhere…

  The tip of his tongue barely traced along the line of her bra strap, flicking ever so gently in its sweep along her pale skin, yet Maxine swore she could feel the quick shocks of arousal shooting throughout every last nerve ending in her body. As she arched her back, she could feel a slight pinch from the earrings, heightening her excitement to a new plateau. However fevered she felt, though, she had to exude some sense of self-restraint. She was not permitted to come until Drew issued the order.

  Before his tongue slithered across her shoulders, he stopped—just to assure her—and took her hand. No motion at all. Drew was thoroughly pleased.

  Nibbling his way down her arm, he stopped to peck her at the sensitive skin inside her elbow, prompting a cry of shock from Maxine behind her gag. No, the Captain certainly didn’t like to be tickled, but Drew was a man who reveled in pushing limits. This would be another lesson for his newly chosen submissive.

  “Oh, that didn’t even hurt,” he said as he stood up. “You’re so sensitive, Maxine. You need to toughen up if you want to play harder.”


  “Poor little thing…” He rolled up his sleeves, one at a time, folding each cuff with precision. “Her master gagged her, and now she’s grouchy. What are you going to do, little one?”

  Bound wrists pulling at the seatback, she unequivocally offered him a bit of a show. Her struggles thrilled him—that Maxine knew for certain. She could feel his eyes lingering at her breasts as they jiggled, the tassels fluttering. While Maxine was still learning to play the game, she loved nothing more than to see the pleasure returned to her in Drew’s lust-cloaked gaze.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s been too long since I’ve been inside you,” he said, sitting down on the table and purposely spreading his legs just enough to give Maxine a look at his own arousal. “There’s nothing more that I could possibly want right now than to just…well…have you. However, if you’re always given exactly what you want, there’s a chance that you’ll never learn how to behave like a proper submissive.”

  “Awooow…” she blathered behind the gag.

  “And you forgot the ‘Sir’ again,” he reminded her and picked up the plume. Waving the black ostrich feathered pen through the air, Drew was so tempted to play tug-of-war with those tassels again, but he had other plans in mind for her at that moment.

  As that damn feather moved near to Maxine’s face, she shut her eyes and twitched her nose. No sneezing, please. And no hiccups!

  Dusting over her forehead, Drew smiled, so amused that a mere feather could send her into such a tailspin. Maxine’s eyes popped wide open and glared with aggravation as he continued his journey along her cheek and down to her neck. The labored breaths that siphoned through her scarf accentuated her agitation.

  “Ever play that game when you were a kid? ‘Light as a feather…stiff as a board?’” he asked. “I think we’re playing a variation of it right now…”

  In spite of all of her accouterments, Maxine could feel nothing but that feather, just the faint brush of the tip, as it passed over her bare midriff and circled her belly button. As she squirmed, the belt buckle dug into her tummy, and her wrists bore the scuffs of her own fighting. However, she could focus on nothing but that dreadful sensation that was far too soft for her tastes as Drew continued to wield the plume.

  “You know, I’m going to have to have a long talk with Ben to uncover more of your erogenous spots. He was so astute w
ith this tickling thing,” Drew rambled on, ignoring Maxine’s muffled pleas to stop. No, those little cries of irritation only encouraged him while he ruffled the feather back and forth over her thighs.

  Meanwhile, her mind shouted, “There’s nothing erogenous about this. Sir!” as her mouth muttered, “Eeerfingeeenusa-ah-ihhs. Irrrr.”

  And Drew just picked up the pace, sweeping over her lap and her legs then back to her belly like a Merry Maid on a mission. He was almost afraid that she just might kick him inadvertently and closed his legs appropriately. The last thing he needed was a sore cock before he had the chance to ravish her that night.

  When he pulled back rather suddenly, Maxine’s eyes questioned his next move with much trepidation.

  “I think you’ve had enough of the feather,” he said, returning it to its place on the table. Walking around her once again, he surveyed the damage. Her tummy looked a bit scratched from the belt buckle, but nothing that a little antibiotic ointment wouldn’t heal with ease. As he bent down to his knees to check her wrists, he noted that the leather was soft enough to keep her safe, then held her hand for a long moment in his. “Safeword, little one…”

  Nothing. She was fine.

  Until he decided to begin his tickle torture again.

  Reaching around the chair, he circled his arms around her, gripping her. “Settle,” he said, squeezing her tighter to give her a start. “I thought the restraints would help you this evening, but obviously, you just can’t obey my basic rules, Maxine. This is getting tiresome…”

  Disappointment filled her. She wanted to please him—to be his “good girl” now and forever. But there were just so many things to concentrate on—her posture, her manners, her fidgeting. Yes, she was still learning—in training—but she couldn’t pull that card all the time. At some point, her education had to end, and she had to figure it all out.

  Drew sensed the swing of her mood, but he merely chuckled to himself. Little did she realize that he thought she was doing quite fine in her role. He’d even venture as far as to admit to himself that she could quite possibly be his most perfect choice yet. She’d just begun to grasp the concept of her own control within their sexual play, but she had yet to learn fully how her own misdeeds would afford her great pleasure. Baiting him with her bad behavior, she would come to seek that reward of punishment.


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