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Playboy in a Suit (Cockiest Suits Book 2)

Page 12

by Alex Wolf

  It was endless, how much he could teach her beyond the classroom.

  Each thought quickly filled him with shame. He was the professor, and she was the student. The last thing he should’ve been thinking about was spanking her tight little ass while she squirmed on his knee.


  He could lose his job, his teaching credentials. It was a serious moral dilemma.

  But fuck, the way her ass swayed in the skirt, and the way she blushed every time he glanced at her. He definitely loved a woman in a skirt, and even more so the way Kristen filled out hers.

  Was she even a woman yet?

  She probably wasn’t older than twenty.

  But then again, it wasn’t like this was high school. She was easily past the age of consent, and he’d witnessed plenty of relationships between students and professors in the past.

  Usually, nothing came of it, though they tried to keep it private. Maybe something could happen between them and never be spoken of again? Something brief and enjoyable?

  But would it be enjoyable?

  She was so young and innocent and he—wasn’t.

  If given the opportunity, he would do things to her she’d never experienced. He wouldn’t be able to control himself, once put in that position.


  He looked down and noticed the chicken he’d been pan-frying was black on one side, and smoke rolled through the kitchen. He ran with the pan in his hand and dumped it in the sink.

  He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t even think about it any longer.

  Other teachers might fuck their students, but that wasn’t him. It wasn’t how he ran his classroom.

  It didn’t matter how attractive she was or how she looked at him. He was the professor, and that’s exactly how it would stay.

  Grant reached over and smacked the loud alarm clock. He lay there for a moment staring at the ceiling, then turned his gaze down to his rock-hard dick. He usually stuck to a tight schedule, going through his morning workout routine, taking his time with his coffee before he’d leave for class. Today was different. He hadn’t slept well at all and felt it in every part of his body.

  He glanced over at the clock and then back to his dick. His hand slowly glided down his stomach, and his eyes closed. He still smelled the perfume she’d worn to class a few days before, laced with a hint of body wash.

  The sight of her bent over his desk played through his mind, and he stroked his cock, gently at first. The same way he would in real life, while he made her stand there, eagerly waiting for him.

  He’d demand for her to stay still and tell her to offer him his pussy, however he instructed her to do so. His hand sped up on his dick as he thought about teasing her, tasting her. Fuck, her pussy tasted so sweet on his tongue as he went to his knees behind her and buried his face in her ass. He licked and sucked and bit, all the while noting every sound she made with each stroke of his tongue.

  Then, he stood and asked her if she’d been well-behaved. She naturally shook her head, and he smacked her on the ass with a loud thwack that echoed through the classroom.

  Her whole body tightened under his fingertips. That power, that control—that was what did it for him. His balls had already begun to tighten, and he thrust into Kristen’s sweet, innocent pussy. It was like heaven in his mind—euphoric—tight, hot, wet, and snug. She jolted forward on the desk with his first thrust, and he took everything from her. Every innocent little look was his. He stood still with his arms behind his back and told her to fuck his cock, and to make it pleasing to him or he’d turn her ass red with his hand.

  She bucked back against him, needy and helpless, like she couldn’t get enough of it. He enjoyed how hungry she was. She needed his cock like she needed air to breathe. She begged him to let her come, but he refused. The naughty little bitch had to know who was in control.

  He stroked his cock furiously in the bed, gritting his teeth and grunting like a wild animal. He thought of all the different ways he could fuck her, and how he would angle his cock to hit all the perfect spots she probably hadn’t yet discovered herself.

  He was a professor. His job was to teach. And he would teach her how to come on his cock correctly, or she would be met with discipline. Finally, on the verge, he couldn’t take it any longer. He gripped her hair and fucked multiple orgasms out of her, then came inside her smooth, slick cunt.

  A groan echoed through his bedroom, and his toes curled as he filled Kristen Monroe with every last drop from his balls. Afterward, he shoved her to her knees, and allowed her to clean him with her tongue while she stared up at him with those helpless doe eyes.

  He let out a large gasp, not realizing he’d been holding his breath. His chest rose and fell as he panted, and a fine sheen of sweat coated his body. Fucking hell, what was this girl doing to him?

  His mind was a haze, and slowly the fog cleared and his wits returned. It wasn’t how he’d planned to start his day, but he didn’t mind. He was focused now.

  Grant stared up at the ceiling and muttered, “Jesus Christ.”

  A rush of anxiety pounded into his stomach.

  He didn’t want to go to class again and see her after what he’d just done. But, there was another part of him that wanted to. What would she wear? What would she smell like? How would her voice sound? Had she just had a similar fantasy about him in the comfort of her own bed?

  He pulled himself up and walked to the shower, stopping to look at his reflection along the way. Looking at his face, he knew what he had to do. He had to push her away, keep her at arm’s length. If he got her alone, there was no telling what he would do.

  He needed to be cold. Make it known through his actions that it would never happen, and if she wanted to pass his class, she would work hard and conduct herself properly.

  He stepped into the shower and welcomed the hot water on his body.

  When he got out, he gave himself another once over.

  He knew he was attractive and kept himself in excellent shape. But shouldn’t she be infatuated with the drunken frat boys on campus or the athletes? He wasn’t arrogant about how he looked. But he flirted with enough women his own age to know he could turn heads.

  Even though he’d just gotten out of bed, his hair still looked good, his beard didn’t need to be trimmed, and his body was tight and toned from all the hard work he put into it.

  But, he had to admit it was a pleasant surprise that a girl so young would be interested in him.

  What was he doing? Critiquing himself over what some infatuated student thought of him? It was insane. He knew he’d have to tread carefully, or he’d wind up in trouble. He didn’t know anything about this girl, save for what was shared with him through school records. There wasn’t much there, either.

  He didn’t know what her home situation was like, where she came from, what she was trying to accomplish other than a degree in journalism. And what was she trying to get out of him?

  She was a journalism major. Surely, she was capable of passing an introductory course on her own merits. Maybe it had nothing to do with being physically attracted to him or a passing grade. Maybe she had daddy issues or some sort of childhood trauma that prompted her to dress so slutty yesterday. Maybe it was attention-seeking. Maybe she just had a fetish for older men. Some girls experimented with other girls when they came to college. Maybe Kristen wanted to try her hand with a more experienced sexual partner.

  His thoughts made more sense to him as he toweled off, but there were still too many unanswered questions. He couldn’t reconcile some of them in his brain no matter how hard he tried.

  Throughout his life, Grant hadn’t had the best luck with women. There was something that wouldn’t allow him to fully commit to the idea of one person for the rest of his life. There was a girl when he was young and foolish who’d almost changed that, but she chose another man at the last minute. It’d wrecked him for a long time and molded him into the man he was today.

  He’d tried to act like i
t didn’t matter, that he wasn’t hurt by the situation, but he’d never considered committing to a woman after that. He’d resigned himself to the fact he would be alone for the rest of his life and decided to focus on his own career and happiness.

  He wasn’t old by any means, but compared to his students, he was practically ancient. And he was still old enough to feel like chasing random women was something he needed to give up. Maybe he could settle down with someone, if the right woman came along.

  Despite his current thoughts, he was convinced the right one wouldn’t be one of his students.

  Even with the thoughts swirling through his mind, Grant couldn’t help but notice he took extra care shaving the sides of his beard, and he wore a little more cologne than normal. He slicked his hair back over to the side of his head with some hair gel and took one final, critical look.

  He stuck with the normal attire he wore every day—some things were too sacred to change. His suits were a wall he put up. They represented authority, the clear line between student and teacher. And that’s how it would remain between himself and Kristen Monroe.

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  Player in a Suit coming May 18th!

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  I’m a player in a suit.

  I was a good man once.

  Had a woman I loved. We were supposed to run away together.

  She didn’t show. Never saw her again.

  Lesson learned.

  My family worked for her father on their ranch.

  When she stood me up I made a vow to conquer the world, come back, and buy their piece of sh*t property and sell it off for parts.

  She turned me into the man I am today.

  I loved her with all my heart. She ripped it out of my chest and stomped on it.

  Now, I’m a partner at a powerhouse law firm in Dallas. I don’t even think of her. I’m done with women. They’re nothing but sexual transactions in the bedroom. I get off and move on.

  Imagine my surprise when Jenna Jacobi strolls into my law firm and asks me to handle her divorce.

  I should turn her away or pawn her off on some junior attorney.

  I was done with her a long time ago.

  But something deep down inside of me filters back to the surface. No matter how hard I fight it, she still gets to me. We were meant to be together forever.

  I can’t let her hurt me again. Idiots repeat history. I’m a different man now. A cold bastard. I can’t be reformed.

  I’m Jaxson Parker, Attorney at Law.


  Jenna Jacobi is my life.

  I grin while I wait for her to show up.

  Never thought we’d go from two kids that hated each other to where we are now. When we were younger we fought non-stop. Constant bickering.

  Jenna’s family has money. More money than I’ll probably ever see.

  None of that matters now, though. We grew closer in our teen years.

  We love each other. You can’t put a price tag on something like that.

  Staring at the letter on the counter, I can’t wait to give her the news. We finally have our ticket out of this shithole. Away from her asshole father who thinks I’ll never be good enough for her.

  I haven’t even told my dad yet. He’s still out in the field repairing fences. He works his ass off to put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads. I’m not sure how he’ll take the news.

  I hate how hard he works for basically nothing.

  He does whatever Carver Jacobi wants and that prick acts like we aren’t good enough to look in their direction.

  Dad thinks I’m going to follow his footsteps and work at the Jacobi ranch, but I’ve been busting my ass studying, making good grades. I applied for every scholarship I could, and it just paid off.

  I have a full ride to Duke. I have bigger dreams outside of this farm.

  I want to take Jenna with me and prove to her old man we don’t need his money. We can both get jobs and if we get married we can live in family housing.

  Grabbing the letter, I fold it in half and shove it in the back pocket of my jeans.

  When I get to the barn, Jenna’s waiting for me up in the hayloft.

  We sneak up here all the time. It’s our place.

  Our first kiss was in this barn as well as our first time. It’s like the world doesn’t exist when I’m up here with her.

  I never thought I’d find myself in love with snotty little Jenna Jacobi but she’s my entire world.

  When I climb up the ladder, I find her curled up with a book. She’s so damn beautiful she takes my breath away.

  Long sun-kissed hair that hangs over her shoulders. Toffee eyes that melt me with one look. There’s a dust of freckles over the bridge of her nose and a smile that just screams—hope. Any time I look at her I know we’ll be okay.

  “Hey.” Her word comes out on a soft breath.

  “Hey.” I pull her into me and claim her delicious cherry lips.

  One kiss turns into a heavy make-out session. I find myself pushing her down on the blanket spread across the hay and moving the straps of her dress down, so I can kiss her freckled shoulders.

  “God, I love you.” I trail my lips up and down her throat.

  “I love you too, always.”

  “You’ll always be mine. No matter what.” Pushing her dress up her hips, I work her panties off, eager to be inside her. When I’m with Jenna I truly feel at home. Like I matter to someone.

  To Jenna’s dad I’m a loser with no future. The son of a broken man with nothing to offer the world.

  But Jenna sees me.

  She believes in me and I believe in us.


  Tonight’s the night. Jaxson and I will finally leave this town behind to start our forever.

  I’ve had my bag packed for weeks. He got his scholarship and has an apartment lined up for us to live with three other people. I’m terrified of what my father will do when he finds me gone, but I love Jaxson and want nothing more than to be with him. I’ve loved him since I was a little girl when he’d pick on me and put dirt in my hair.

  I’m supposed to meet him at the barn then we’re walking to town to catch the first bus out in the morning.

  At dinner I can’t stop fidgeting. My knee bounces up and down uncontrollably. My stomach’s been in knots for weeks. I’ve been afraid my dad will know something is up. Mom keeps asking me if I have ants in my pants. I lie and tell her I’m nervous because I haven’t heard from any of the schools I applied to. Dad shoots me a weird look, like he knows something I don’t. The way he grins makes me want to vomit. It’ll be hard leaving my family behind. I love them, but Jaxson is my life. I can’t live without him.

  I ask to be excused and start pacing the second I walk into my room, waiting for the right time to slip out of the house. Every night after dinner Dad goes into his study to have a drink.

  It isn’t long after that he goes to bed. That’s when I’ll make my escape.

  Taking a look around my room I wonder if this is the last time I’ll see it. Dad will probably cut me off when he finds out what I’m doing.

  I don’t need his money though. I wish he’d give Jaxson and me his blessing.

  I don’t know why he hates him so much. He hates Jax’s father too, even though he has them living in a guesthouse on the far end of the ranch.

  I look at the clock. Dad should be in bed by now.

  An unexpected knock sounds at my door.

  It’s my mom, and her face is pale. I’ve never seen her look so—frightened.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Your father wants you in the study

  My stomach drops.

  He knows.

  I’ll play dumb, and when he’s satisfied I’ll make a run for it.

  When I walk into the study there are three men I’ve never seen before.

  Dad sits behind his desk smiling.


  He looks up at me like he’s won. In his own way, I know he loves me. But he loves business more than anything, even my mother. It’s something everyone knows but never says.

  “Princess, I have someone I’d like you to meet.”

  “Umm, okay.” The men eye me up and down like I’m cattle at an auction.

  The youngest of the three has a devilish grin spread across his face.

  I want to turn and run. Bolt straight into Jaxson’s arms.

  He’s probably wondering where I am by now.

  “This is Mr. Reyes, his son Leonard, and one of their associates.” Dad nods at them.

  My body tenses. Something seems very wrong about these men. “What’s going on?”

  “Sweetheart, you and Leonard are going to be married. It’s been arranged.”

  My world flips upside down, and a cold sweat breaks out along my hairline. “What?”

  Leonard steps forward. “I know you don’t know me. But, you’ll learn to love me. I promise.” He winks.

  My stomach curdles, and I fear I might lose my dinner. What is this? The nineteenth century? This can’t be happening.

  I pull my hand behind my back and shake my head. “I won’t marry you.”

  “It’s for the best, sweetheart. We’ll merge the two ranches.”

  I shake my head, tears stinging the corners of my eyes. “So, it’s about business? I’m a business transaction?”

  Dad stands up and scowls. “Did you think I’d just let you run off with that derelict piece of shit?”


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