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KNOTTED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Three

Page 9

by Juliet Braddock

  Shyly, she batted her lashes. Her wide green eyes minded him with uncertainty. “It’s…it’s okay?” she asked, her quiet voice rising with anticipation.

  Yeah, Captain Kirk still needed her Uncle Benjy.

  “It’s more than okay, Max—you’re going to be the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen,” he assured her, then leaned close to whisper. “And Drew’s got a million buttons to deal with on your wedding night!”

  At last, he made her chuckle. “I love you, Benjamin. With my entire heart.”

  Somehow, Maxine managed to curtail her emotion until she caught her father’s loving eyes gazing upon her through the small iPad screen which they’d set up on the counter. Tom’s face mirrored Ben’s, awash with undying adoration and simultaneous trepidation.

  How Maxine wished he was there to savor this moment with her, but technology had to suffice for the time being.

  “Times like these, I hate living so far away from home,” she said, mopping at the tears streaming down her face with the back of her hand.

  “Oh, dear…” Maggie scrambled. “Tissues?”

  While her future mother-in-law dabbed at her cheeks, careful to look out for Maxine’s gown, she just continued to cry.

  “Not even gonna tell you to stop, Princess,” Tom said, his own waterworks flowing. “Let me just tell you, the only prettier bride I’ve ever seen was your mom. Drew’s a lucky man, and I’m glad he realizes all he has in you, sweetheart. And…” Tom had to stop, and he turned his face away from the screen. “And I’m trying very hard here not to feel like he’s taking my baby away—but to remind myself that he’s keeping her safe for me.”

  “He is, Tom,” Maggie whispered. “And he always will. And that’s a mother’s promise.”

  When Tom finally looked at the screen again, all Maxine could see was his red nose. She couldn’t resist and reached out to touch the tips of her fingers to his face.

  “So you’ll walk me down the aisle in this?”

  “I’d walk you down the aisle in jeans and tennis shoes, just as long as you’re happy, Maxie,” Tom said. “Seeing you in that gown, though…your mom would be so proud of you. Just keep that in mind…”

  “Oh, Daddy…” she sniffled.

  “Ben, you tell her to change her clothes now before she gets dirty!” Tom called out in an attempt to lighten the mood. “You hear me?”

  “Why is it that I always get saddled with all the responsibilities between us, Captain?” Ben groused.

  After she said goodbye to her dad with a promise to call him a little later that night, Maxine turned to head back to her old room, but Maggie took her gently by the elbow. “Need some help?”

  Actually, Cora was more than enough to get her out of that lovely gown, but Maggie seemed to want some time with her alone. With a wide smile that almost made everyone forget about her tears, she nodded. “I would love the help, Maggie.”

  Dutifully, Maggie followed behind Maxine, careful to lift the short train while she walked. Down her back, Maggie unfastened each of the thirty covered buttons, then held her hand as Maxine stepped out of the gown.

  A pang of sadness struck her for a second as Cora returned the dress to the garment bag. She wouldn’t see it again until the week of the wedding. Before Cora headed out the door, Maxine gave her a huge hug and thanked her again.

  “She is so delightful,” Maxine said, struggling back into her jeans. “And she’s always been so kind to Drew and me…”

  “You both seem to have that effect on people,” Maggie said, combing her fingers through Maxine’s now ruffled hair. “Max…listen…I just…I want you to know…Declan and I couldn’t be happier about this marriage. You’ve got such a beautiful, genuine soul. Honestly, you’re everything I always imagined for Drew, but I never thought he’d find you.”

  “Oh…” Now she was crying again, so surprised and touched by Maggie’s sweet words. “I adore you both. You’ve truly become a second set of parents to me.”

  “I’m glad, Max,” Maggie whispered. “Because there are times—like today, or when you come over to help me with foundation work—when I feel like you’re the daughter I never had.”

  “Maggie…” Maxine wrapped her arms around her future mother-in-law and squeezed her tight. “And I thank you for accepting me and taking me under your wing.”

  “Darling, I know you won’t admit it, but you’ve done so much for Drew,” Maggie began. “And you’ve brought such warmth into our lives that I know we’ll all be embracing for years to come.”

  “And Maggie, you’ve done the same for me,” Maxine insisted. “Daddy adores all of you. And I know he loves to tease Drew, but he couldn’t be prouder to call him a son-in-law.”

  “Well, that’s what any good father is supposed to do. My own dad put Declan through the ringer,” Maggie admitted. “And we hope to see much more of your dad in the future. Especially once those grandbabies start to arrive…”

  Of course, Maxine wanted a family of her own—preferably two children, if fate permitted. However, she didn’t’ want to be the one to break it to Maggie that there would be no Mini-Macks in the near future.

  Maxine was still so very young, and Drew recognized that she had a huge career ahead of her. Volunteer work also played a significant role in her spare time. She wanted to involve herself in outside projects that were close to her heart. In between, Drew wanted her to absorb every last bit of this marvelous city in which they were so fortunate to live and to spend time with her friends. He wanted her to see the world, and he wanted to give her his own personal guided tour.

  While certainly not the greatest factor in their family planning, their indulgence of kink also figured into the puzzle. They were both enjoying her submission far too much to disturb their groove with a pregnancy.

  This unexpected discussion on grandbabies left her feeling slightly uncomfortable—especially in the same room where Drew had taken her virginity. However, she knew she had to prepare herself for this and any future inquiries into the status of her empty womb.

  Slapping on a smile, Maxine said through her gritted teeth, “Oh, those grandbabies!”

  “They’re going to be so adorable!” Maggie squealed. “I cannot wait to hold them! And smell them…and kiss them….and—”

  “Those grandbabies!” Maxine said she put her arm around Maggie’s waist and led her into the kitchen.

  “You’re pregnant now, too?” Ben shouted, completely interrupting a conversation between Jeffrey and Jillian.

  “No,” Maxine said simply. “I am not.”

  “Babies…schmabies…” Jillian sighed.

  Maxine thought she noticed a trace of estrangement in Jillian’s mood, but she quickly dismissed her thoughts. There was absolutely no animosity between them, and Jillian harbored no ill will about the wedding. In fact, she was usually the one person to step in and ease Maxine back from the chaos. However, something just wasn’t right.

  “Well, I think it’s time to leave Ben and Max to their little slumber party this evening,” Jeffrey reminded them all. “That Real Housewives marathon should be starting soon.”

  “Do I get a kiss now?” Ben asked, his lavender lenses peering up at Jeffrey.

  “Just because you’re kinda cute,” Jeffrey said with a buss to Ben’s lips. “I’ll call you both later to see if you need anything.”

  “Now you sound like Drew!” Maxine teased and slipped between them for a kiss of her own. “I understand why you’ve been best friends for so long.”

  “And it’s all good,” Jeffrey winked. “Come on, Jill, I’ll hail ya a cab if you drop me off in Chelsea…”

  “Don’t be silly, I can have Petey drive you both home,” Maggie insisted. “Let me just get my bag…and Aunt Frannie…”

  “Max,” Jillian began, “I hope you had the best wedding shower ever today—and I hope you’re not mad at us for setting you up!”

  “Never, Jill,” Maxine assured her with a hug. “You and Ben are the best!”

/>   And while their guests sorted out their transportation issues as they headed out the door, Ben uncorked a bottle of wine, poured and passed a glass to Maxine.

  “To one of our last nights together before you get married on me, Cap,” Ben lifted his glass to hers.

  “Ben, my marriage isn’t going to change my friendship with you in any way,” she promised him. “I’m sure Drew won’t mind a sleepover here or there. Hell, you pass out on our couch now! Has he ever said a word?”

  “Never,” Ben admitted. “He gets us. Which is why I like him.”

  “And I wouldn’t be marrying him, if he didn’t have room in his heart for you, too, Uncle Benjy.”

  “And likewise with Jeffrey,” Ben said pensively. “It’s all so circuitous how all of this happened over the last few months.”

  “I think all of this love in the air even might have inspired Jillian and Adam.”

  “Speaking of—what was up with Girlfriend this afternoon?” Ben wrinkled his forehead. “Even Jeffrey noticed.”

  “You know, she wasn’t feeling well this week,” Maxine said. “Maybe she just needs some rest.”

  “Well, I hope she’s not having problems with that other McKenzie brother...”

  “I don’t think so,” Maxine said. “She said they were going somewhere tonight, and she didn’t sound pissed off at him.”

  “I’ll pump Jeff later for details—maybe she’ll confide while they’re alone,” Ben said. “But right now…I have this urge to sit around and get really drunk with my best friend—in our underwear.”

  “Uncle Benjy, you’re the best…” Curling up on the sofa, Maxine hugged a pillow to her chest. “You know, I can’t believe my wedding is only a month away…”

  Suddenly, Ben smacked himself in the forehead and winced. “My Captain is getting married…”

  “Are you…uh…” Maxine needed another sip of wine before delving into this conversation. “Ben, are you alright with everything?”

  “Oh, I will be, Max,” he reached out and fluffed his hand through her hair. “Stuff has just happened so fast here, but I keep reminding myself that you must think the same with Jeffrey….”

  “You know, I have a new perspective on this romance thing since I fell in love with Drew,” she said. “I don’t think it’s a matter of being quick—I think it’s just about finding the right one.”

  “And I think Jeffrey might be, Cap,” Ben said, his face warming like a log on an open fire. “He’s the greatest guy I’ve ever met. Smart…funny…knows what he wants and knows where he’s heading.”

  “I wouldn’t disagree with any of that,” she said. “He’s been nothing but wonderful to me—at home and at the office. And he plays fair, not favorites.”

  Playfully, Ben pulled a pillow in front of his face. “Yeah, I might be done looking here,” he admitted with a shy smile. “If he’ll keep me around for a while…”

  “I think Uncle Benjy has fallen in love!” Maxine clapped her hands together. “This is so exciting!”

  “Yeah, well, don’t start talking marriage and babies and all that stuff yet,” Ben said. “I’ll leave that to you and Broadway Boy for now.”

  “Everyone’s wishing babies on me today!”

  “At this point, you and Drew are on the closest path out of every couple we know,” Ben reminded her. “And…even though you don’t like to talk about it…I would bet money that you’re getting more sex than any of us, Captain…”

  “Well, actually…since you brought it up…” Taking her wine glass with her, Maxine flopped onto her belly, then reached for the bottle that Ben had placed on the coffee table. “About this sex thing…I…”

  Leaning in closer until their lips were nearly touching, Ben whispered, “You…?”

  “I…need some…” She swallowed her words. But Ben never missed a trick.

  “What did you just say?” Ben hopped back on his cushion, nearly spilling her wine and his. “Did Little Miss Subbie of the Year ask her silly old best friend here for advice? On X-E-S?”

  “Benjamin, I am being very serious here!”

  “Honey, at this point, you could probably teach me a thing or two!”

  In frustration, she tossed her head back to stare at the ceiling. “Oh, Mother Jude! Help me!”

  “Okay, alright!” Ben relented, then settled back to listen. “Talk to Uncle Benjy. What is it you need to know of this sex thing…?”

  “Well…Drew’s trying to be very—conventional—about our marriage,” Maxine began, “and also with regard to our wedding night.”

  “Ha!” Ben cackled, but then caught himself and slapped on a serious demeanor. “So…you’re aiming for a traditional wedding night. And you need my input on how that should be carried out?”

  “Oh, no!” Maxine shook her head. “We’re good on the basics, but thank you. What I need is…”

  Both brows lifted as he inquired, “What you need is…?”

  “Well…Drew…he’s sort of going for…uh…he’s…taking my virginity. Again.” While Maxine took a gulp of wine, her eyes never left Ben as she waited for his reaction.

  Confusion tightened his face for a moment, then softened with an understanding of what Maxine was trying to tell him.

  “If ever there were a true ‘fuckballs moment’ in my life, this is it,” he finally managed to say. “So you’re telling me that…you and massively hung Broadway Boy…are going to engage in the buttsex thing on your wedding night?”

  Nodding almost too convincingly, Maxine slapped on a smile. “Yes, Uncle Benjy, that’s exactly what I’m trying to say here….”

  “Fuck!” he said and pushed himself up from the couch and began to pace with the wine bottle in his hand. “This is a day I never imagined!”

  “Okay, cut the dramatics and give me some pointers here…”

  “Oh, I’m sure that thing is pointy…” Ben muttered, then finally sat down right on the coffee table and took a swig straight from the bottle. “Well, Captain, I’m speechless…”

  As she stood up to head to the kitchen to open another Merlot to call her own, she said, “So I see…” When she returned with her beverage of choice and a corkscrew, she caught Ben’s suspicious glance. “What? You have yours, now I have mine.”

  “Reminds me of that night you got drunk on Boone’s at the English Department Christmas party,” Ben recalled. “Who held you up over the train tracks while you hurled your guts all over the place?”

  Entwining her fingers with his, she sighed. “What a sordid history we share…”

  “Not as sordid as the one you share with Butt-Way Boy, Cap,” Ben said. “Now…back to ass sex.”

  “So poetic…” Maxine flopped back down to the couch and rested her feet in Ben’s lap. “I just…I guess I need a primer…”

  Still, Ben hesitated. Maxine was the sister he always wanted. Talk of tush-time left him engulfed in mortification. However, if she was going to get a lesson from anyone, Ben was glad that she came to him.

  “Well, believe it or not, it’s actually possible to have an anal orgasm.”

  Raising a dismissive hand, she shrugged him off. “Oh, I know that!”

  Maxine’s revelations were just becoming far too much for Uncle Benjy’s ears. How she knew about anal orgasms, Ben just did not want to discover. “Alright, Cap…”

  “Anal plugs,” Maxine rattled on, watching Ben squirm. “You don’t think Drew’s the type of man who would just rip me apart on our wedding night, do you? He’s readying me…”

  Touching his hands to his face, Ben shook his head. “Wow. Is it that hot in here, or have I never been this embarrassed in my entire lifetime?”

  “I actually thought that maybe we could light a fire tonight…”

  “Apparently…you, uh, already have…with Drew,” Ben stammered. “If you’re, um, playing around…with it…then you don’t need my input!”

  “Yes, I do, Uncle Benjy! Yes, I do! You’re the expert…”

  “Oh, dear Lord…bless
me and keep me through this night.” Ben sunk his head into his hands and scratched his fingers over his scalp. “Cap…no matter which way you slice his salami…it’s gonna hurt…”

  “No pain—no gain?”

  “You know, your Uncle Benjy here never had the luxury of stretching out first,” he carried on, hoping to embarrass her. They so loved to pass chagrin back and forth. “All I had was a tube of numbing lube and—”

  “Numbing lube?” she interrupted.

  Ben pushed himself up on his knees to hover above her. “The greatest Dom in all of Broadway history hasn’t introduced you to numbing lube?”

  “What…um…it does what it says?”

  “Oh, yes, ma’am. You won’t feel a thing.”

  “But…but…my anal orgasms. How can…to not…if you…” Now she was stumbling over her words as if she had just slipped into subspace and Drew was standing behind her with a whip in his hand.

  Under the heavy weight of the conversation, Ben couldn’t resist, and pulled a pillow in front of his face with a groan. “Captain’s not supposed to be talkin’ to me about buttgasms!”

  “Buttgasms…” she snickered. “Kinda tingles and makes you feel all—”

  Without further comment or question, Ben took her shoulders in his hands for a shake. “Stop talking about sex!”

  “You know,” Maxine began, “Drew overcompensates in every possible way…”

  “I actually did not need to know that, Captain Kirk,” Ben turned away again, his face furrowed in pain. “And we have drifted into the Land of TMI.”

  “Not like I’m telling you what he does to me in the Dungeon…”

  “I did not hear what you just said,” Ben covered his ears. “And if I did…I’ll just shoo that thought from my mind and—”

  “Hic…cup…” Maxine gulped for air and set the bottle down on the table so that she didn’t spill its precious contents. “Oh…hic…fuckballs!”

  “Yeah, fuckballs…” Ben said, diverting her attention toward the window. “And it’s fucking snowing again!”


  “Aw, screw it. Cap, get your boots on. Let’s go clean the sidewalk and have some drunken fun in the drifts.”


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