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KNOTTED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Three

Page 16

by Juliet Braddock

  “And I do mean it,” Adam said. “She supported you through all of that shit with that vile woman whose name I refuse to speak. Not many young ladies would do that. In fact, if it were anyone else, we probably wouldn't be celebrating your wedding this weekend, would we?”

  “You're right,” Drew agreed, then slung his arm around his brother. “Adam, it's all gonna be fine.”

  Drew always enjoyed these moments of bonding with Adam, which were so few and far between these days. There was a lot of affection between those two McKenzie boys, even if they were both reluctant to admit it.

  At the moment, though, Adam had one thing on his mind, and he leaped from the porch in one giant stride the second the car pulled into the circular drive in front of the house. However, his shoulders dropped in disappointment as the tinted window slowly rolled down. The sounds of two screaming children in the backseat were the dead giveaway. His long wait would indeed continue.

  “Hi, Zo-zo,” his voice dull in its carry as his favorite cousin hopped out of the brand-new Mercedes convertible.

  “Adam, what kind of trouble are you getting into now?” Zoe proceeded to unbuckle her little ones from their lengthy drive from Manhattan. “Lyle, please tell me that you didn’t pee-pee in the new car-car...oh, these kids are making me crazy today!”

  Zoe Cavanagh was the daughter of Declan’s now deceased brother Aiden. Born just three months before Adam with a head of hair in that same ginger color, she was often taken for his twin growing up. And the two were inseparable.

  Time, however, had not been kind to her. In just three years, Zoe witnessed her happy family fall into a tragedy she never imagined possible. Not long after her father’s death, her husband and soulmate, whom she’d met in college, had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Their twins, Lara and Lyle, were just barely a year old. Cancer took him fast—so swiftly that she didn’t have time emotionally to prepare. However, she’d found common ground with Maxine in her grief.

  With her curly red hair, Zoe, who stood at five-nine, was a commanding woman. In fact, she could see almost eye-to-eye with those two brute cousins of hers. With soft blue eyes and plump lips that always revealed the underlying sentiments in her mind, she pulled no punches with anyone—including her dear cousin Adam. That afternoon, though, her mouth pursed almost in anguish, as she dealt with her young daughter and son.

  “Please tell me that you’re not starting anything with Drew this week?” Zoe asked Adam on the sly, as she helped Lara, from the backseat.

  “Zoe, would I ever toy with my brother just hours before he’s set to wed his beloved?”

  “Yes!” she laughed as she hauled her son out of the car. “Sometimes, you cause more trouble than the twins!”

  “You know, Zoe, sometimes you—”

  Suddenly, Lara and Lyle took off, bombarding the front steps to the house where Maxine stood in the doorway. “Hey—no running! Dylan's Candy Bar next week if you two behave...”

  “Do I hear munchkins? Where's my two favorite little kiddos?” Maxine bent down to her knees to meet Lara and Lyle on their own level, but her arms were full with the two of them before she made it to the ground.

  A sing-song chorus of two little voices squealed, “Maxine!”

  Over the last few weeks, Maxine had spent quite a bit of time with the twins. Zoe actually worked part-time in development with Maggie, so Maxine relied on her advice for the volunteer projects she’d taken on. The two women grew very close, and Zoe wanted to be a part of the wedding festivities in any way she could help.

  Naturally, Maxine always lavished attention upon Lara and Lyle. In fact, she’d even babysat those two rambunctious siblings when Zoe had events to attend in the evenings. Maxine simply had to have them in the wedding party.

  Oddly, Maxine was also one of the few people for whom those kids behaved.

  “Maxine, we missed you!” Lara snuggled closer. “Can't wait to wear my dwess tomorrow!”

  “I bet you're gonna be the prettiest one at the wedding!” Maxine said.

  “Maxine, can we see the kittens?” Lyle begged...but then his mood suddenly transcended from sweet…to sour…to raging as Drew stepped outside.

  “Hello, Cousin Dweew,” Lara offered over her brother's wailing cries that could likely be heard back in Manhattan.

  “Hi, Lara...and hey, little buddy,” Drew put out his hand to the shrieking little boy who blatantly ignored his offering of peace.

  “Lyle—stop crying!” Zoe ordered.

  “That child hates me,” Drew lamented.

  “Oh, that's just because the last time he saw you, you were screaming bloody murder at Adam on the phone. He'll get over it,” she assured as she planted a kiss on Drew's cheek, then turned to Maxine and winked. “How's the groom today?”

  “I was not screaming bloody murder,” he insisted. “I was simply explaining to your cousin Adam that his tropical bird vest was not appropriate attire for a wedding. And I’m doing just dandy, so thank you for asking.”

  “Just remember…” Zoe said, as she stepped up to Drew and tugged at his shirt collar. “This is your wedding. Enjoy it, okay?”

  Pulling Zoe close for a hug, he said, “That’s one order I’ll heed.”

  “I don't like Cousin Dweew!” Lyle suddenly called out, prompting both his mother and Drew to mind him with a bit of disdain.

  “Listen,” Maxine's voice was soft and gentle, “if you stop crying, we'll go play with the kittens. Alright?”

  “Lyle, that sounds like a good deal to me,” Zoe was quick to add.

  “Oh, shit, the hell with kids and cats!” Adam's voice boomed as he headed back down the driveway, “Jillian's here!”

  “Watch your mouth around the children!” Drew warned.

  “Yeah,” Zoe said as she tapped Maxine on the back. “Max, come back and talk to me after you two have a child, and let me know if this guy cleans up his own potty mouth at all...”

  Finally, the door opened, and Ben slowly made his way out of the front seat, watching Adam with a knowing, silly smile. Just as leisurely, he released the seat so that Jillian could climb out of the back...and she also took her good, old sweet time.

  “Hi...” Adam said, taking her hand. “How are ya?”

  “Quite well,” Jillian said as she examined his feet.

  “Would you like a soft drink or something to eat? Or maybe use the facilities?” Adam asked. “And then...perhaps accompany me while I mind my litterbox duty?”

  Jillian rubbed her hand over her lips just to mask the laughter that threatened to explode over his revelation. “So that's what Drew put you up to? To work for that new car?”

  Adam. Just. Shrugged. “Yeah...”

  “As long as you're scooping the poop,” she began, “...lead the way, gent...”

  And on the steps, the snickering continued.

  “Oh, Adam’s just smitten....” Zoe said with a smile. “It’s nice to see…”

  “Yeah,” Drew began, “we think she’s the one—but don’t tell him that!”

  Far too much, however, was happening at once. Before Maxine could even think of quip to add to the discussion on Adam’s love life, Ben swept her off the porch and into his arms.

  “My Captain is getting married!” Ben bellowed, swinging her toward Drew. “Here, catch!”

  “Benjamin, you assho—”

  “Children, Maxine!” Drew shouted.

  Quickly, after Ben plunked her on the ground, she scooted over to assuage Drew with a kiss while Ben introduced himself to Zoe.

  “So, wait…?” Zoe shook her head. “Do you work for Jeffrey, too?”

  “Some people might see it that way,” Drew snickered.

  “Watch it, Broadway Boy,” Ben glared at Drew rather playfully. “Jeffrey and I are dating—introduced by these two.”

  “It’ll all fall into place before the weekend is over,” Drew explained. “You’ll figure out who’s sleeping with whom. Even Maxine’s dad caught on!”

  “Oh, and I
get to meet the infamous Papa Kirk!” Zoe clapped her hands.

  “You sure do!” Maxine squealed. “He’s right inside…”

  Their attempt at conversation, however, was not without interruption. “Zoh-wee…!” Jeffrey shouted across the drive.

  “Shit…” The word hissed from Zoe’s lips so naturally. “What now?”

  “Your son is in the back of my friggin new Lexus!” Jeffrey shouted. “With sticky paws!”

  Feet clomping down the steps, Zoe continued to curse. Now, she wanted a cigarette, too—if only she hadn’t quit at the onset of the New Year. She saw a trip into town in her very near future. “Lyle—don’t you touch anything!”

  Around Maxine’s tiny waist, Drew’s arms tightened, holding her still in her place. They still had some very important business to take care of that afternoon.

  Turning her to face him, Drew took Maxine’s hands in his. “We should probably go get our marriage license before the town clerk’s office closes.”

  “Whisk me away—I’m all yours…”

  “Almost, little one...almost...”

  # # #

  Officially, as of that Saturday afternoon, Maxine would be Mrs. Kirk-McKenzie. With all of the paperwork filed, they’d strolled triumphantly from the Town Clerk’s office with a marriage license in hand.

  To celebrate that final step before heading down the aisle, Drew and Maxine found a quiet French bistro in town. There, he’d teased her relentlessly, unzipping her jeans and playing with her through her panties under the cover of a red and white checkered tablecloth.

  Drew truly loved watching her suffer in this abstinence, and he carried his taunting back to the house when he’d tucked Maxine in for the night once again. They’d stayed out just a little bit later than planned, and dinner was already cleared from the dining room when they returned. As she fell asleep once again in his arms, he slipped his hand inside her panties just to feel her need and then left her in a restless slumber as he made his way to the cottage.

  However, she hadn’t yet drifted into a deep sleep, and Maxine stirred at the knock on the door.

  As Emile stretched his tiny body beside her, Maxine wondered if that could have been Drew tapping ever so gently. However, just as her eyes fluttered open with hope, the entire bed began to shake as if there was an earthquake rocking Long Island.

  “Wake up, Captain!” Ben whispered, now playing out his surfing maneuvers on the mattress. “Time to play!”

  Fuckballs. Maxine was so tired that she couldn’t even remember if Drew had left her wearing any clothing. As she pulled the comforter tighter around herself, she began to laugh almost maniacally at the hilarity of the entire scenario.

  With Ben, she always found her second wind.

  “Benjamin, what the hell are you doing here?” She could barely breathe through her amusement as she reached out to turn on the Tiffany lamp beside the bed while Ben hummed “Wipeout.” Surely, he was probably about to awaken the entire house. “What time is it?”

  “It’s only eleven o’clock. We got plenty of time left this evening.”

  “Alright, will you just sit down—before you fall over on my little babies here…?”

  “Nellie, Nellie, Nellie,” Ben took her into his arms and smooched her right on her sleepy little head. “Are you gonna tell Daddy that there’s another man in Mommy’s bed tonight?”

  “Uh, Ben…I believe that Drew knows you’re G-A-Y.”

  “You told him, Captain?” Ben mocked himself. “You tell everyone. Remember when your mother was sick and dying in that hospital bed, and Aunt Tessa came barreling in there with husband number forty-two? And she just made the assumption that we were next in line for marriage?”

  It was the one funny moment they shared throughout her mother’s rapid illness, and Maxine would cherish that memory forever. They were at the final family meeting not long before Judy passed, and Tessa couldn’t help but speculate if Ben happened to be Maxine’s boyfriend. One comment led to another before Maxine just couldn’t take it anymore.

  “You mean when I announced your sexuality to an entire room of people, including my mother’s oncologist?”

  “If your mother had been awake, I’m sure she would have found amusement in it.”

  “Ben, all you ever had to do was walk into a room, and she giggled.”

  “True, Cap. Mama Jude always loved me more.”

  Waving her index finger in front of his face, she whispered, “Come here, you…”


  Maxine just pulled him close and held him tight. Sometimes, she just didn’t want to let Ben go—ever. “I love you. That’s all—just love you.”

  “I love you back, Cap, and that’s why I’m here,” Ben said. “I know that I’m being a little greedy, but I wanted some time with you before you run off and get married. And I figured the only time to do it was now.”

  “And I’m glad you woke me up.”

  “Well, good. So let me tell you the real reason I’m here,” Ben began. “No cable in the room where Jeffrey and I are staying, and there’s a Real Housewives marathon on—”

  If he didn’t have her kitten in his lap, Maxine would have swatted Ben with the nearest pillow. “Benjamin!”

  “I’m kidding, Cap,” he said, tapping her shoulders so that she’d settle down. “I actually have a couple little gifts for you that I wanted to pass along before things get crazy tomorrow.”

  “You didn’t have to get me anything, Ben, and you already threw me a shower,” Maxine said. “Just the fact that you’re in my wedding is an honor.”

  “Know why you’re so special, Max? You give yourself—and your emotions—so freely, and you genuinely expect nothing in return.”

  As she pulsed his hand, Maxine could feel those damn tears welling once again. “You’ve given me so much, too, Ben. And I know how lucky I am to call you my best friend. Some people search an entire lifetime and never find someone to share their lives with as we do with each other.”

  Now, he felt that melancholy sting pinch him once again. However, one thing Ben knew for certain was that although Maxine might become Drew’s wife in a couple of days, she’d still always be his Captain.

  With a trace of timidity, Ben placed the silver gift bag between them, then crossed his legs as he waited for Maxine to peer inside.

  “Go ahead…” he encouraged her.

  The first gift, tucked inside the envelope of the card, tugged at her heartstrings. Ben and Jeffrey had made quite a generous donation to Maggie’s foundation and a smaller contribution to an animal shelter in Manhattan. That alone, for Maxine, was the only gift she needed.

  “Do you know how much this means to me—and how much it will mean to Drew?”

  “That’s why we did it, Captain,” he said, arms opening for her hug. “Now, open that larger box next.”

  Carefully, she wedged her finger into Ben’s perfect corners of the Tiffany blue tissue paper. So thoughtful was he to consider her wedding colors in his choice of wrapping. He always knew, just like her mother, that the tiniest details could make a person smile.

  However, as she pulled the lid away, she felt her lips quiver as if she were about to cry. “Is this…is this what I think it is?”

  Ben had to fold his mouth together to stop himself from laughing with her. Reaching into the box, he pulled out the monogrammed white sailor’s cap and perched it on Maxine’s head.

  What hid beneath that cap is what had them both in stitches. In fact, Ben was actually blushing over his own gift.

  Between her thumbs and forefingers, she picked up the wispy bra with the blue and white sailor trim and held it against herself.

  Ben bought her naughty nautical lingerie!

  “Captain…” he managed to spit out before falling back at last on the bed. “My Captain!”

  And then, Maxine was right beside him, with their laughter so raucous that the cats dashed off the bed to hide in the closet. They both knew better than to look at each other b
ecause one sideways glance would start the giggles all over again—only harder.

  “Fuckballs…” Maxine panted.

  “Please promise you’ll text me immediately after you wear that for Drew,” Ben begged. “I need to know his gut reaction…”

  “Turns him on when I swear like a sailor…” she said with pride. “Did I just say that?”

  “Girlfriend, you could fart and it would turn him on,” Ben said. “Shit, you look cute in that hat!”

  “Maybe I’ll wear it instead of a veil,” Maxine suggested.

  “I think your dad would put his foot down.” Ben couldn’t resist pulling the cap down over her eyes. “Leave fashion foibles to your brother-in-law.”

  “He’s gonna pull some shit, I can just smell it already.”

  “Brothers McKenzie Beatdown—Saturday at three, following the wedding ceremony.”

  “Hey!” Maxine thumped her new hat over Ben’s head. “No playground madness on my wedding day….”

  With a smile and a shrug of his shoulders, Ben shook his head. “You really are getting married this weekend, aren’t you?”

  Chin held high, she grinned, “Yup.”

  Ben scooted closer and rubbed his hands together like a mischievous little boy. “And then Broadway Boy is gonna sling you over his shoulder, carry you off into the moonlight…and split your ass apart!”

  In spite of the fires burning out of control on her hot pink cheeks, she refused to waver in her composure. “I’ve already explained my training. He’s been very careful to—”

  Shoving his fingers into his ears, Ben winced at the thought of whatever it was Maxine and Drew did together. “Can’t year you, Cap! La la la la la!”

  Once he removed his fingers, Maxine added just for sport, “Anal plugs!”

  As he rolled his eyes upward into his skull, Ben clutched his stomach. “Oh, Captain…how did we go from drooling over Drew McKenzie on the Tony Awards to…to you, taking his cock up your ass?”

  “Well, because…he’s giving it to me!”

  “Ohhh, Lord…” Digging back inside the gift bag, Ben found a tiny box and tossed it to Maxine. He’d had enough sex talk. “Open that.”


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