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KNOTTED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Three

Page 34

by Juliet Braddock

  “One more thing…”


  “Yes,” his voice soothed. “I want you to lie flat on your back now, between my legs…while I’m still inside you…”


  “Shhhhhhh,” he kissed her lips again. “I’ve got you…”

  In her state of arousal, all of this choreography left her confused. However, he held on to her hips with one hand and supported her back with the other, almost as if he were putting an infant down for a nap. All the while, their union remained steady—their bodies joined in both lust and adoration. Once she was settled and smiling, he bent forward, still inside her all the while.

  “It’s all about kisses, little one…right here…” The tip of his tongue traced the outline of her slackened mouth. “Here…” Effortlessly, his lips cascaded over her neck, then down the center of her breasts before he suckled one between his lips. “And here…”

  “I’m coming…”

  “Of course, you are…”

  Readily, he led her into his slow and steady rhythm. As she tossed her head to and fro, he fed upon her delicate skin—tender, rough, nibbling, biting. Maxine couldn’t get enough, and she clasped his hands upon her hips and just held them.

  So vulnerable yet so trusting, Maxine opened her eyes to see that comforting gaze, clouded with both love and longing, peering down at her as he continued to thrust so leisurely inside her.

  Maxine closed her legs around his waist, savoring in the feel of his cock and quickening with every tempered move. As she continued to thrust with him, in unison, she wanted nothing more than for his pleasure to coincide with her own.

  “Ohh…fuck…” Drew whispered against her breasts.

  However, Maxine knew that he wasn’t yet ready…he still had more to give her. He was simply as lost in passion as she was. This dizzying obsession between them propelled them both to want more, do more, give more in every aspect of their relationship.

  With that, she arched her back and cradled his head against her. She couldn’t get enough…but neither could he.

  It was that feverish build in which they both indulged—that climb, together, that pelleted them on toward satisfaction, giving her more than she ever thought possible.

  “Kisses while you come for me…” he said, his lips sliding along the path between her breasts, over her neck and chin, until he found her mouth. “Kisses while you come with me…”

  How she loved that final plunge as he found his own pleasure. She rejoiced in the tremble of his entire body, shuddering against her…that simultaneous seism together as they drifted into their own collective haze of satisfaction.

  Always so quick to move, to discern how Maxine was feeling, Drew attempted to shift in their embrace, but she clamped her legs around his back, holding him as still as she possibly could with minimal strength. Much to her surprise, he didn’t fight her.

  “Not too heavy…” she preemptively whispered directly into his ear. “Don’t’ leave me yet…”

  That sweetness—that tenderness—that resounded in her voice stilled him.

  Outside, the ambient noise of a warm spring evening played out in the Paris night. There were street musicians entertaining the passers-by with the sound of a tenor sax flowing through the still of the night. Other young lovers passed through that same square from where they’d just strolled.

  Perhaps they were just one in a million couples, but Maxine often felt as if they were the only two people in the world.

  Beneath him, she huddled closer to Drew, feeling that all-encompassing tenderness blanket them with its warmth.

  “I won’t ever leave you, little one,” he muttered as he rested his head on her shoulder and reached out to retrieve her nearly forgotten nightie. “Ever…”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  It was early afternoon, Paris time, and Maxine and Drew had already been shopping on Rue St. Honorée, arguably one of haute couture’s chicest streets in the world. Certainly, they could have just spent a day at McKenzie’s Paris, but he wanted her to experience the true essence of fashion in the heart of the city—and he wanted to do a little shopping of his own.

  Naturally, Drew couldn’t miss a trip to Brooks Brothers, but for fun, they both played a little at the John Galliano boutique right up the street. There, Maxine found an adorable little black dress trimmed in pearls, in an ode to Jackie Onassis, for the opera that evening. They’d also made a couple of quick stops in Dolce and Gabbana and Prada before heading to Ladurée for some macaroons.

  A full morning they’d had, for certain, but Maxine wasn’t tired in the least. Although her arms were full with shopping bags, she turned both Drew and the bellman down when they’d requested to carry her packages up to the suite for her. She almost felt like a teenager again, combing the mall for the latest trends.

  As they headed into the Imperial Suite with their grand finds from their little spree, Drew was quick to note, “Time to take care of some business—family business.”

  “So excited!” Maxine flopped down to the sofa.

  “This is going to be a shitstorm, you do realize?” he asked, taking the seat next to her as he fiddled with his iPad on the coffee table.

  “Oh, don’t be so sour on our honeymoon, Drew!” Maxine said. “Besides, I can’t wait to see our babies today!”

  “I miss our fluffy little Macks,” Drew said. “At least Adam and Jill are there this morning to help Mom and Dad.”

  Maggie and Declan had some trouble with that thing called SKYPE, so Maxine and Drew had to settle for mere phone reports on their little gray twins. Grandma and Grandpa promised, however, to have Adam log on for them that day. Maxine and Drew could only hope that Jillian hadn’t had any major bouts with morning sickness, derailing their video conference with their kittens.

  As she watched Declan waver in and out of the camera angle as he clutched Emile in his lap, Maxine had to turn her head away to chuckle. That little boy was such a wiggly one. And Declan hadn’t had a minute’s worth of experience with cats until the kittens came along.

  “Dad, shit!” Adam’s voice boomed in the background. “Will you look at the camera?”

  It was obvious, especially when Maggie finally came into view with Nellie on her lap, that Adam had made some technical adjustments.

  “Hi, McKenzies!” Jillian popped her head in between Declan and Maggie. With her eyes drooping and dark circles, it was evident that pregnancy was taking its toll on her that morning. “How’s Paris?”

  “Magnifique, Mama McKenzie!” Maxine called out. “We went shopping this morning…and we even found a couple of things for the baby!” Maxine couldn’t resist stopping at one of the countless souvenir shops on Rue de Rivoli for a few French themed onesies.

  “As long as you picked ‘em out, P!” Adam said. “That brother of mine has no sense of fashion!”

  “I seriously hope that child’s feet never touch a pair of sandals, Adam,” Drew pounced. “That baby is my blood, too, and as Uncle, I must protect…”

  That was Drew—always looking out for his loved ones, including his brother’s unborn child.

  “Okay, you two…” Declan began, his tone almost nervous. “Let’s discuss these little creatures here. I have a meeting with my buyers this morning.”

  “Oh, it’s only seven-thirty, darling. You have plenty of time.” Maggie reminded him as she gave Nellie a good petting on the head.

  “My baby girl….” Drew cooed to his kitty on the screen, and much to his delight, Nellie’s little ears perked. “Where is your daddy? Did he leave you?”

  “You know, these two are…” Declan stopped and looked down at Emile as if he were laboring to choose his words very carefully. “These two are very smart. And one of them likes to open doors…”

  “That would be Emile,” Maxine beamed like the proud mommy she was.

  “And they like to go in the garbage can…” Declan continued as Maggie elbowed her husband.

clan, we promised we wouldn’t tell them about the B-A-D stuff until they got home…”

  “Margaret, there were remnants of dinner last night all over the kitchen floor this morning!”

  “And Her Royal Highness Nellie never goes in the garbage can, does she, Daddy?” Maxine dropped her chin down on her husband’s shoulder, and Drew tried his hardest to avoid her gaze. He was so horrible with disciplining Nellie! A squirt bottle was all that was needed to deter her efforts in misbehaving, but Drew said he refused to engage in water torture.

  “Well, Dad, don’t have salmon again until we take them back!” Drew suggested as if the world did indeed revolve around those two growing kittens.

  “You know, son, your little Nellie here….”

  “…is just adorable! And this little Emile is so good about his medicines, Maxine,” Maggie cut both Declan and Drew off. “Hasn’t fought his Nana once!”

  “Nana?” Adam muttered with a touch of disdain. As he curled his lips, he leaned in toward the screen as if he were lunging at Drew. “It’s a cat, Mom. We’re having the first grandbaby…”

  Now, in competition yet again, Adam embraced the Grandbaby War.

  “Technically, she never specified two-legged or four-legged,” Drew corrected him. “And Mom loves all living creatures—right, Mom?”

  “Gentlemen!” Maxine admonished. She only wanted to have a moment with Emile. He needed her so very much, and she hated that she’d left him. As her hand reached out toward the screen, Emile stretched out his own little paw, as if to tap his mommy on the face like he often did when he wanted attention. “Oh, you’re breaking my heart, little man!”

  “You know, Nellie can wave good-bye…” Drew said so that Emile’s talents didn’t steal the show.

  “Yeah, when you wave a treat up and down in front of her paw!” Maxine reminded him. “Admit it, Mack, Emile’s just a bit smarter than…”

  “Oh, don’t you go there, Mrs. Mack…”

  “Hey, hey, hey!” Jillian finally chimed in. “We all have stuff to do back here in slimy old New York! Unlike you two lounge lizards, playing around in France all day. See the cats—they’re alive. And they’re pretty happy here! They’ll be even happier when you get home. Enough of all this—we’ll all talk again tomorrow. Right now, I’m going back to bed.”

  At long last, Adam dared to open his mouth, but the look of shock hadn’t left his face. “Yeah—what the pregnant lady just said.”

  “We love you both,” Maggie said quickly, her own chagrin brimming. “Be careful!”

  Always a mom, Maxine thought with a smile.

  “Have fun, kids!” Declan managed before Adam cut them all short, and the screen went dark.

  “Wow…” he whispered, shaking his head and blinking his blue eyes. “Oh, dear lord, Maxine…I hope you don’t turn into the Angry Pregnant Lady when we have kids….”

  “Oh, Drew…” she sighed and threaded her fingers through his. “We don’t know what pregnancy will bring to us, but we don’t have to worry about that for a while…”

  “A long while…” Drew grinned as he moved his hands around to her tummy. “But I can’t wait to see you with a baby in this little belly.”

  “I wonder what Pregnancy Sex will be like. Is it as good as Department Store Sex—or joining the Mile High Club?” However, she stopped herself. The sudden look of horror that washed over her face filled him with abject fear. “Oh, fuckballs…Drew…?”

  Caressing her hair away from her face, Drew panicked. “Little one, what’s the matter?”

  “How do we…I mean…the Dungeon?” she said at last. “How will we scene…when I’m pregnant?”

  “Oh, Maxine…” he sighed. “Honestly, we’ll have to see how you’re feeling. And if you decide you want to play, I know you’ll miss it, but there are things we can do without harming you or the baby.”

  “You’ve apparently given this some thought already,” she mused and raised an eyebrow. “Still…it’s gonna be a long nine months, Mack…”

  Unable to resist, he gave her tummy a quick tickle. “And think of how wonderful it’s going to be after that baby is born and we return to the Dungeon…”

  Visibly shuddering, Maxine hugged herself as if to ward off a sudden chill. “Thank goodness we have…separate quarters for our play. Could you imagine having our Kinky Boudoir right next to the nursery? What if we left the door unlocked and little Mack decided to explore?”

  “As you just said, little one, I think ahead.”

  Slowly, her mouth opened, and then her jaw sunk with the rush of realization. “You mean…you bought that apartment—our dungeon—with our future children in mind?” she asked, a smile edging across her lips.

  “I told you, Maxine,” he began, “I knew you were the one immediately. And I didn’t plan on letting you go—ever.”

  “Every day, I learn something new and wonderful about you, Drew…” she said. “And I’m so very touched right now.”

  “Same here, little one,” he said. “You never cease to amaze me in the most tantalizing fashion…”

  For just a few stolen moments, they needed the tranquility those precious seconds allotted them. Hustle and bustle had a way of taking over their lives, sometimes, regardless of their locale. Sitting still in his arms was an unexpected treat for Maxine.

  “So, Kind Sir,” she whispered gently, luxuriating in the feel of the strength of his chest, “any chance we’ll play with my Naughty Sassy Maxine App this afternoon?”

  Shaking his head, Drew said with regret, “Still, we’ve learned nothing about Patience and Fortitude….” He pushed himself up off the couch, taking her leg with him. After pulling off her flat, he took her big toe into his mouth for a suckle. “Last I checked it was my Naughty Sassy Maxine app. And no, we’re not playing this afternoon! I’m taking you to a late lunch.”

  “Mmmm…” she said, wiggling her toes while he still held on to her ankle. “If it’s anything like breakfast was this morning…”

  “Sorry, little one, we’re going out—to Pirouette. They’re known for their wine list.”

  Slithering closer, she snaked her arms around him. “Get me drunk, then have your way with me again?”

  “Get you tipsy, then get you dressed up for the opera this evening…”

  “And then…tomorrow?”

  “Your stalling is only to your own detriment!”

  “Damn…you won’t tell me, will you?” Maxine huffed as she stomped off the couch toward their bedroom. “I need to go talk to Marie!”

  # # #

  “My darling little one,” Drew said and followed it up with a whistle as Maxine stepped out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom early that evening. He had been straightening his Mustang cufflinks that Maxine got him for Christmas but stopped immediately as his wife took center stage. “Gimme a Big Mac with that shake…”

  With a groan, Maxine stepped up to straighten his tie. “Oh, Mack…you did not go…there…”

  “Sorry,” he winked at her. Playful Drew was on the prowl. “Sometimes, you just bring out the adolescent in me.”

  Taking her hand, he twirled her around for the full three-sixty on the outfit she bought at Galliano that morning—just a sleeveless, little black sheath of a dress, encrusted with pearls down the sides and along the front hem. Oh, how his groin was now repenting for those seven sexless days prior to their marriage…

  “You like?”

  “You have this knack for choosing clothes that I simply cannot wait to rip off that lithe little body of yours, Mrs. Mack,” he said, waving his index finger at her. “Tsk. Tsk.”

  “Well, you’re stuck with me for a few hours in this little number…”

  “Yeah…we’ll see…”

  “We’ll see?” she raised an eyebrow. “Oh, Sir, you’re looking quite dubious…”

  As he tossed his hands in the air, the rogue emerged. “And you are so presumptuous!”

  “What’s on that dirty mind of yours?” she leaned tow
ard him, readying herself to reach inside the breast of his Armani suit jacket.

  “Nothing!” he said far too quickly, as he attempted to divert her attention by helping her into her jacket. “You know, we should get going, Maxine…”

  “Oh, it’s just right around the corner…”

  “Maybe I’d like a drink before the show begins…”

  “Oh, Marie,” she folded her arms across her chest and pouted for a second as she looked up at that portrait once again. “Do you see what this man—my husband, no less—does to me?”

  “And do you see how much she begs for it?” Drew stopped suddenly as he realized the hilarity of joining in Maxine’s conversation with the dead Queen of France. “Oh, fuck…now, I’m talking to a damn painting of Marie-Antoifuckingnette!”

  Rising up on her toes, Maxine gave him one quick peck on the cheek and then wiped the lipstick stain away. “Why do I feel like this isn’t going to just be another old night at the opera?”

  # # #

  There was indeed something absolutely thrilling about attending a performance at the Opera Garnier. Pulling up in front of the theater’s recently renovated façade was breathtaking, and there were so many details to absorb. Nearly every opulent square inch of the opera house was adorned with a sculpture or engraved with an intricate scene.

  Maxine’s eyes first drifted upward to the angelic, gilt figures that were connected by the gold buttresses lining the roof of the building. Flanked by the columns, bronze busts of the most renowned classical composers, including Beethoven and Mozart, watched down upon all who entered.

  With this majestic display of art and architecture, Maxine quickly came to understand why the building was the most expensive work of construction of its day. In fact, she thought she’d like to visit again just for one of the private tours offered.

  Inside, that enormous—and infamous—chandelier hung beneath a dome embellished with frescos illustrating a variety of lively theatrical scenes. Even in the darkness, the fine, aged crystals glimmered. Yet what a monstrous history the bronze ornament beheld! She just shivered as she recalled reading this account of the tragedy when the seven-ton chandelier plummeted from the ceiling, killing one theater patron…and then later inspiring a timeless novel.


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