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Deceiving The Corsair

Page 13

by Dixon, Ruby

  She smiles shyly. “So you won’t get mad if I tell you that I think you’re doing it wrong?”

  Doing it wrong…? I stare down at her.

  “Penis goes inside,” she whispers helpfully, and gives me a little nod. “I watched several vids about that.”

  I bark with laughter, my shoulders shaking. She…thinks I don’t know how to mate her? “My gorgeous Zoey,” I murmur, leaning in and pressing kisses on her face. “Your helpfulness knows no bounds.”

  “Not that what you’re doing doesn’t feel good,” she says quickly. “It feels great, but I want you inside me.”

  Kef me, I want to be inside her, too. All of my humor vanishes, replaced with hunger. I cup her jaw, holding her mouth open as I lick her, and loving the way she goes from playful to needy within a heartbeat. She moans my name, and I nip at her lip. “You want what I can give you?”

  Zoey shivers. “I do. Don’t make me beg.”

  “Another time,” I tell her. “We will play those games after I have claimed you thoroughly.” I move a hand between us, adjusting our bodies until my cock fits at the entrance to her core. She moans, shifting against me, and I begin to press forward. Immediately, I realize just how tight she is, and I lean in to kiss her hard, capturing her mouth and taking it with deep, sensual kisses to distract her from the invasion of my cock.

  The feel of her is exquisite, though. I want to lose myself in the sheer pleasure, but I can’t.

  Zoey feels differently, it is clear. Her cunt clasps me in a squeezing grip, and I kiss away her little whimpers of distress. “I won’t hurt you, love. Relax. I have you.”

  She nods, trusting me, and lifts a finger to my mouth.

  I nip at it, and she shivers again. “God, you’re sexy.”

  “My heart,” I tell her and kiss her again. Little by little, her body takes me deeper, and I flex my hips with controlled, careful movements, easing into her. It seems an impossible length of time, and I’m sweating with how badly I need her, but I don’t want her to feel pain. I want this to be as good, as amazing for her as it is for me. So I kiss her, and kiss her, and work my cock in little strokes.

  Eventually, the tension in her body eases and she meets my kisses hungrily. When I pump into her, she gasps, and then lifts her own hips to meet mine.

  “Tell me how you feel,” I demand, brushing a stray lock of hair from her lovely face. “Do you hurt?”

  “It feels different than I thought,” she admits. “You feel…so deep. I just…I can’t describe it.” And she hides her face against my neck.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I think I might die if I pulled out of her now, but if she asks me to, I will. I slide my hand down her shoulder, touching her body and caressing one taut nipple in silent encouragement.

  Her cunt tightens around my cock and she sucks in a breath. “No,” she whispers. “Feels good.” Zoey reaches between us and her fingertips graze my spur. “You know where that’s hitting me?”

  “The nub in your folds?” I ask.

  She moans and nods. “Oh yeah. That’s…gonna be wild.”

  “Want to try it now?” I circle my hips, moving in my first full stroke. My impatience is getting the better of me. I should wait longer, let her set the pace, but I need her so badly that I feel as if I might shatter if I don’t claim her soon.

  Zoey closes her eyes, sucking in a breath. The sound she makes is strangled, but when I try to pull off of her, she digs her nails into my shoulders. “Don’t leave. Do that again.”

  A surprised laugh rumbles out of me. “My pleasure.” I pull back and then stroke deep, claiming my mate the way I’ve dreamed for so long.

  She gives a choked cry, her eyes closing. “Oh, kef me. I don’t know what feels better—the ridges or the spur.”

  “Shall we try again and give you another chance to decide?” Without waiting for an answer, I pump into her again, flexing my hips. My tail flicks hard against the bedsheets, and when her legs clench tight around me, I wrap it around one ankle, anchoring her against me. “Better?”

  Zoey just moans, her little nipples tight as they rub against my chest.

  She’s so keffing beautiful. “My mate,” I growl low in my throat. “My Zoey.”

  “My god,” she whispers as I thrust deep again. “Oh my god.”

  “Hold on to me.” I kiss her once more, then begin a slow, steady motion. “Just hold on.” I rock into my mate in steady, even thrusts, trying to establish a rhythm that will be as pleasing for her as it is for me. It’s difficult, though, because with every thrust I make, she cries out and her body quivers around me as if she’s on the verge of coming all over again. It makes every muscle in my body tighten in response, and my movements get jerkier, wilder, until I’m thrusting into her with all my might and she’s crying out my name, our bodies rocking together with noisy slaps of flesh that make me feel as if I’m about to lose control. I need her to come first, though.

  Nothing matters but her pleasure.

  “Sen…torr,” she pants between strokes. “I can’t…I can’t…need…” She makes a noise of frustration.

  Needs more? More what? I palm her breast, rubbing the nipple, and she arches against me even as I pound into her. It’s not enough, though, and I feel my own desire starting to overwhelm me. No.

  Have to wait for her to come.

  With a growl, I reach between us, searching for the spot where my spur shuttles against her clit, teasing her sensitive flesh. Zoey breathes my name again, and on a hunch, I reach down and squeeze her cunt tight, so when I stroke forward again, my spur touches her everywhere.

  She breaks with a cry, and then her cunt is clenching and rippling around me, over and over, and my climax rips through my body. I plunge into her as I fill her body with my seed, claiming her as mine once and for all. Her tight channel is wet with my release, but I still rock into her, my movements slowing until they’re mere twitches of my hips as I lie, panting, on top of her.

  And yet I can’t find it in myself to stop moving.

  She gives a gusty sigh, her hands moving over my shoulders, and I press small kisses to her face. Even though I’m sated, I’m not ready to let go of her yet. I like being here over her far too much. I like seeing the flush in her cheeks, the sweaty tendrils of hair at her brow, the way her pupils are dilated with pleasure. Zoey reaches up and caresses my jaw, smiling sweetly at me.

  “I’m an idiot,” she says.

  I press a kiss to her palm, chuckling. “Not what I expected to hear after claiming my mate. Why are you an idiot, my heart?”

  Zoey smiles. “Because I didn’t realize what I was missing out on when I chose to stay with my brothers. Now I could kick myself, because we could have had a month more of that.”

  Was ever a female so flattering to her male’s ego? I can’t help but grin. “You’re loyal to your family. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  She slides her arms around my neck and pulls me down against her, snuggling against my neck. “Thank you for understanding.” She inhales deeply. “Even your sweat smells good. I’m such a goner.”

  Fierce joy pounds in my chest, beating in time with my heart. “You are mine and I’m yours. Nothing else matters.”


  “Any regrets?” I can’t help but ask.

  “A month lost,” she says again, and when I roll off of her, she makes a sound of protest. “We’re done?”

  “Well…you probably don’t want me crushing you.”

  “Don’t tell me what I want,” she says impishly, pinching the tip of my tail as it flicks lightly over her body.

  That sends a shudder through me that I feel right down to my cock. Minx. “Okay then, what do you want?”

  “I want…” Zoey tilts her head and then teases my nipple with a fingertip. “I want to see where I’m going to sit.”

  “Where you’re going to sit?” I echo, still dazed from our mating. Her nipples are taunting little buds dangerously close to my mouth still.

p; “On the bridge, silly.” She flicks her finger over my nipple, tickling it and making my sac tighten in response. “I’m going to be navigating two ships now, you know. I’ll need a prime seat. Near yours, preferably.”

  I laugh, because I love her eagerness. “You want to look now?”

  “Well,” she drawls, and thinks for a moment. “I mean, this is a warbird. But I can be convinced to stay in bed.” Her eyes gleam with enthusiasm.

  “Can you, now?”

  “Oh, absolutely.”

  I smooth a hand down her belly. “Is this a shameless ploy to have me lick your cunt again?”

  Her breath catches, and her eyes go dark with need. “Oh god, yes. Is it working?”

  “Yes, yes, it is.” And I grin at my mate and press a kiss to her belly.

  “I’m all…we’re both messy,” she admits, a shy flush on her cheeks as she touches me.

  “Not for long,” I tell her, and I’m pleased with her low moan of response.

  My beautiful, eager, filthy little mate. How I love her.



  “They’re here!” With glee, my mate flings herself out of her seat on the bridge and races toward the berth of the ship, where the ramp has been lowered. I follow behind a few steps, not racing myself, but also not willing to let Zoey go anywhere on Haal Ui Station without me nearby.

  I get there just in time to see Zoey launch herself off the ramp and into the arms of Mathiras, who hugs her close, swinging her around. The moment he sets her down, Adiron grabs her, and I know Kaspar’s just waiting his turn for his hug.

  You’d think they haven’t seen each other in a year. It’s been more like two weeks. But I don’t mind, because once they’re all done hugging, Zoey launches herself back toward me, grinning. “Come say hi.”

  “I’m staying out of Adiron’s grip,” I warn all of them as I approach. “No ‘noogies’ for me, thank you.” I learned that lesson last time.

  Adiron just smirks.

  “You been taking care of our little sister?” Kaspar asks.

  Zoey heaves an enormous sigh. “Oh my god, yes. He treats me great. Always makes me come at least twice before he nuts. Satisfied?”

  I rub a hand down my face, reminding myself that she’s a female raised by three foul-mouthed males. Of course she’s going to say the same shocking things they do. It doesn’t change how much I adore her, and when I growl low in my throat, she only winks at me and gives my tail a subtle little rub with her fingertips that tells me she’ll make it up to me later.

  “So you have cargo for us?” Mathiras asks, heading up the ramp toward the interior of the Jabberwock. “Or is this just a family reunion?”

  “Both,” Zoey says. She pinches my ass, then moves toward her brothers. Taking Kaspar by the arm, she leads the group into the ship. “You guys are staying for dinner—we’re having chicken noodle soup. It’s an Earth thing. Well…chicken equivalent, noodle equivalent soup. It’s not exactly the same, but Fran’s got it pretty close.”

  Adiron shoots me a look of fear and I just shrug. We’ve all had to endure the dinner parties where the females fix “human equivalents” of their foods and…they’re not pleasing to mesakkah palates. But we endure it, because it makes Zoey happy to share these things with the other human females. She’s not a fan of the food, but she likes trying them anyhow.

  “And the cargo?” Kaspar asks his sister, as I fall in behind them, a few steps carefully away from Adiron.

  “You’ll never guess,” Zoey says, shooting me a wicked look.

  I smile back at my beautiful mate. I don’t mind these visits with her family. Lately we’ve been scheduling our refueling stops to the same station that the Little Sister does so we can meet up for dinner and Zoey can catch up with her brothers. It always puts a brilliant smile on her lovely face, so I can endure Adiron’s endless teasing.

  How she tolerated him for ten years is amazing, because half the time I want to beat his head in. Of course, I suspect Adiron has that effect on everyone.

  “Not more of those keffing worms, I hope,” Kaspar says.

  Zoey snickers.

  Mathrias groans. “More inukni worms?”

  “More,” I agree. “There’s been a high demand for them on the Outer Rim. Seems like food shipments are scarce and the locals are price gouging.” I hate it. Zoey knows I hate it—it’s one reason why we’re offloading the worms to her brothers instead of taking them there ourselves. She knows I can’t stand to see the starved, hopeful faces of the farmers as we arrive. They always hope we’re a supply ship and all we’ve got are keffing worms.

  Reminds me too much of my childhood.

  “Almost sounds like someone should hijack a couple of supply ships and dump the cargo where it’s most needed,” Kaspar says casually.

  Zoey’s eyes light up. “If only we knew some pirates. Or two crews of them.” She looks to me, hope in her expression.

  A chance to work with her brothers and feed some hardworking people? The Jabberwock’s got some time between our next contraband shipment. “We’re in.”

  The only thing better than the happy squeal my mate lets out is the kiss she plants on me next. I haven’t talked to Kivian and the others yet, but they’ll come around. They know I’ll do anything for Zoey.

  I’d cross the entire universe for my female.

  Author’s Note

  Hello again!

  I feel like I should start every author’s note with a TADAA! Look at this thing I made! But I think that’s because I’m excited to have you guys read it.

  I loved writing this book. Loved, loved, loved. Sentorr was so very different from Zoey, and I adored pairing them up and watching them react. I also liked revisiting the Fool, and I’m a little sad that we’re done with them.

  Well, not DONE done, as I imagine that Zoey’s brothers are going to pop up in my head at some point again, demanding their stories. For now, though, the focus will be on Ice Planet Barbarians and Fireblood Dragons until I catch up on those storylines. I’ve had to do a lot of schedule juggling this year and so those haven’t gotten as much attention as I wanted and I miss them! Especially my barbarians. I’m trying to narrow my focus so there’s not such huge gaps between where I’m taking stories in the future. I know several of you have been waiting anxiously to watch the Icehome storyline progress and I feel the same anxiety you do! We’ll get there!

  Until then, I hope you enjoy spending a little more time on the Dancing Fool. Excuse me, the Lovesick Fool…now the Jabberwock! Whatever they call themselves, I love this crew. Heck, I love all my characters, but some more than others. These definitely hold a special place in my heart.

  <3 <3 <3


  PS — I didn’t say what I’m working on next. That’s because it’s a project for my New York publisher and I’m focusing on it at the moment! Once it’s in the can, I’ll talk a little on Facebook about what’s coming next, but most likely it’ll be Icehome. We shall see!

  The Corsairs

  Sexy blue space pirates and the human women they fall madly in love with!


  Kivian, a too-slick alien pirate, meets his match in a scrappy human female.


  Tarekh’s so ugly no female will ever want him, but it doesn’t stop him from loving Catrin with everything he has.


  Alyvos only feels settled when he’s in a fight. But then he meets Iris and finds out that he’s got so much more to live for…if only she can trust him.

  Want More?

  For more information about upcoming books in the Ice Planet Barbarians, Fireblood Dragons, or any other books by Ruby Dixon, ‘like’ me on Facebook or subscribe to my new release newsletter.

  Thanks for reading!

  <3 Ruby

  Also by Ruby Dixon


  Fire in His Blood

  Fire in His Kiss

>   Fire in His Embrace

  Fire in His Fury

  Fire In His Spirit


  Ice Planet Barbarians

  Barbarian Alien

  Barbarian Lover

  Barbarian Mine

  Ice Planet Holiday (novella)

  Barbarian’s Prize

  Barbarian’s Mate

  Having the Barbarian’s Baby (short story)

  Ice Ice Babies (short story)

  Barbarian’s Touch

  Calm(short story)

  Barbarian’s Taming

  Aftershocks (short story)

  Barbarian’s Heart

  Barbarian’s Hope

  Barbarian’s Choice

  Barbarian’s Redemption

  Barbarian’s Lady

  Barbarian’s Rescue

  Barbarian’s Tease

  The Barbarian Before Christmas (novella)

  Barbarian’s Beloved











  Bedlam Butchers, Volumes 1-3: Off Limits, Packing Double, Double Trouble

  Bedlam Butchers, Volumes 4-6: Double Down, Double or Nothing, Slow Ride

  Double Dare You


  SHIFT: Five Complete Novellas


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