Book Read Free

Hunks: Opposites Attract

Page 7

by Marie Rochelle

  “Your sandwich looks pretty good. I stocked up the refrigerator before I went upstairs earlier. I think I’m going to fix me one of those,” Sapphire said.

  She was trying her best not to look back over her shoulder at Brian. The light scent of his soap mingling with his shampoo was wreaking havoc of her traitorous body. She hadn’t been with a man in over a year and she couldn’t handle being this close to Brian. He was driving her celibate body crazy!

  Why did he have to be so damn good-looking?

  “Have I upset you by eating your food? Do I need to leave and go buy my own food?” Brian questioned. “I’m not interested in having Chance coming back out here and arresting me for robbery. One visit from my buddy in a professional manner was enough for me.”

  She knew it! Brian was still pissed off about the police coming out to the cottage.

  Stopping in her tracks, Sapphire turned back around and found Brian watching her with a slight smirk on his face. Okay, maybe she shouldn’t have jumped down his throat about the sandwich.

  They both were going to be staying here and picking at every little thing wasn’t going to help either one of them. Brian shouldn’t have her harassing him at every turn because she wanted to strip him naked and have her way with him.

  “How about we start over?” Sapphire suggested. “Our two best friends are in love with each other, so we’re going to be around each other a lot. It’s best if we bury the hatchet now rather than later. What do you say?”

  Sapphire was woman enough to be the one who apologized for getting off on the wrong foot with Brian. She was already having a hard enough time keeping her desire for him at a minimum until she figured out what she was going to do about it.

  Brian was a stumbling block she hadn’t been expecting when she decided to take this trip. A deliciously sexy roadblock, but still something to keep her mind off what she came to do.

  Pushing his chair out from the kitchen table, Brian got up and sauntered towards her like he had all the time in the world. Sapphire couldn’t look away from how the well-worn jeans molded his thick thighs. He looked as good coming as he did walking away. She’d never seen a more perfect man.

  “I shouldn’t have brought up our earlier altercation, so how about we start over?” Brian suggested as his stuck out his hand, a light dusting of hair on his knuckles. Sapphire shivered imagining how they would feel when they touched her body.

  “Hi, I’m Brian Terry,” his deep voice said. “I’m usually pretty laid back and don’t take things too seriously unless I get pushed too far which seldom happens. I love working on crossword puzzles in bed on a Sunday afternoon with a cup of black coffee on the night stand. My favorite holiday besides Christmas is New Year’s Eve.”

  Sapphire’s eyes glanced down at Brian’s long fingers not believing what she was hearing. Brian’s favorite holiday was the same as hers. What else did the two of them have in common?

  “Hi, I’m Doctor Sapphire Rhodes and most of my friends tell me that I’m pretty fun loving, insightful and self-sufficient. I’m not usually as crazy as I came off earlier with you,” she answered, shaking Brian’s hand. A tingling of excitement shot down the length of her arm as his fingers engulfed hers.

  A mischievous look came into Brian’s gray eyes as he pulled her a tiny bit towards him. She tried not to get lost in the sexual charisma that made him so damn appealing.

  “What’s wrong with a little craziness? In the right woman, it could be considered sexy. I mean some men do like living on the edge once or twice in their lives especially when the female is as beautiful as you are.”

  Brian was good. He must have a lot of practice at apologizing, because he did it quite smoothly. He apologized to her and threw a compliment in there for good measure. She was going to have to watch out for him more than she thought. Besides, she would bet with the way he looked that Brian had drawn more than his fair share of attention from females on his delivery routes.

  “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll make sure to stay away from you when all unbalanced women are surrounding you,” Sapphire teased as she tried to remove her hand but Brian held on to it a minute longer before finally releasing it.

  “Are you going to join me?” he asked, gesturing over to the kitchen table and the empty chair in front of his. “I would love to get to know my unexpected roommate better.”

  Brian’s suggestion was very tempting, but she was finally on a roll with her blog and she didn’t want to mess it up. There would be other times while they were here for her to eat and do other things with Brian. Besides that, she couldn’t come across as too eager since both of them felt the allure brewing between them.

  “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to pass. I’m just going to fix me something to eat and head back upstairs. I need to get some work done.” Sapphire walked around Brian, but stopped in mid-step when his hand wrapped around her arm.

  “I’ll hold you to that rain check,” he said, then let go of her arm. Moving away from her, Brian retook his seat and picked up his sandwich again taking a nice sized bite.

  Blowing out a deep breath, Sapphire prayed she would be able to get through the rest of her time here with Brian. Seeing him deliver the mail at her office each and every day was nothing like having him here with her away from the rest of the world.

  Reluctantly, she dragged her eyes away from Brian’s wide back and continued over to the refrigerator. Opening the door, Sapphire pulled out different items for her turkey with Swiss cheese sandwich and placed everything on the counter.

  A slight tickly sensation began at the very back of her neck as she felt Brian’s eyes caressing her back and butt. She got the sense he wanted to ask her something but decided to check out her body instead.

  “Tomorrow morning I’m going into town to get some more food because what you bought isn’t going to be enough for the both of us. I have a huge appetite and it needs to be fed,” Brian told her as she glanced back at him. “Do you need me to get anything for you?”

  Her body jumped at the double meaning of Brian’s words, but Sapphire chose to ignore the unspoken statement. “Okay, I’ll think about what I might need and leave my list on the kitchen table. It’s nice of you to make a trip into town.”

  Picking up his empty plate, Brian got out of his seat and brought his plate over to her. Leaning closer to her body, he reached around her and laid his plate inside the sink. She breathed in the woodsy scent of his cologne as he peeked at her from the corner of his eye.

  “I think it’s only fair since I’ve been eating your food since I got here. I’m not the kind of man who leaves a woman hungry and wanting more. I want her to just as fulfilled as I am,” Brian flirted then winked at her. “I’ll be in the family room if you need anything from me.” He brushed his body against hers before taking a step back. Turning around, he walked away from her and went out the kitchen door leaving her alone.

  If any other guy’d had enough nerve to talk to her like that, Sapphire would have torn him a new head but coming from Brian it was more of a turn-on than a turn-off. God, she wanted him so badly! Her body’s normal reaction to him was getting harder and harder to keep under control which was just plain ridiculous since she’d been around Brian less than twenty-four hours.

  Standing in front of the sink, Sapphire, with mixed emotions, stared at the door Brian had just strolled through. He’d kept her on her toes by re-introducing himself and taking some of the blame for what happened. He might actually be able to challenge her in the way she wanted to be.

  Under the right circumstances, Brian came across like he might be up for a good adventure. She was looking for a guy who could jump in and love life with some gusto, instead of being so wrapped up in the stock market, he forgot their six month anniversary when it came around.

  Yet, on the other hand, Brian might not be able to live up to what she wanted from him. He did act like he might take life too seriously. Sure, there were times to be concerned about the future but why harp on it when
life is supposed to be a celebration? Where was the value in spending time worrying about the future or languishing in emotions that were bound to drag you down for no good reason?

  Having a straight-laced guy in her life wasn’t going to happen anymore. She’d done that time and time again and she was finished with it. But she did need a man who gave her the freedom to think and express herself when she felt like it. Those qualities in any guy she dated now meant more to her than she willingly admitted to Emerald or Shauntie.

  Okay, enough soul searching for tonight. She had better things to do with her time. Sapphire hurried up and finished making her food and then placed everything back in the fridge.

  Picking up her plate, Sapphire headed for the door wondering if Brian could keep her body racing for his the time they would be together. With his good looks, nothing about Brian would be boring because if he did turn out to be dull as dirt, Brian should be shot for allowing one hell of a body to go to waste.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rushing around her bedroom, Shauntie made sure she wasn’t leaving anything behind she might need for her trip to New York with Nash. She didn’t want to be worried about anything while she was on her mini vacation. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gone away with a man instead of her two best friends.

  “Baby, slow down or you’re going to wear yourself out before we leave,” Nash complained, wrapping his strong arms around her waist. He picked her up and carried her over to the bed.

  “Nash put me down,” Shauntie shrieked, shoving at her boyfriend’s shoulders. “We don’t have time for this. We have to get to the airport.”

  “Sweetheart, stop worrying so much. We aren’t going to miss our flight,” Nash promised as he laid her down in the middle of the bed covering her with his hard body. Lowering his head, he kissed the side of her neck while pulling her wrists above her head.

  “Have I told you how much I love you today?” Nash asked, staring lovingly into her eyes. “I know I promised to do it every day for the next fifty years or longer if it’s possible.”

  “Yes, you have but I’ll never grow tried of hearing it because I love you too, baby,” Shauntie admitted. “I can’t believe how happy I am with you. Thank you for not giving up on me. I almost lost you because I couldn’t get over my past with your cousin J.T.”

  His green eyes melted into hers and a smile tugged at the corner of Nash’s full mouth. “I’m so glad your first impression of me changed because I would hate to spend another New Year’s Eve alone at home.” Nash planted another kiss by the side of her mouth.

  “I know I always hated not having a guy to ring in the New Year with. I love my girls but it isn’t the same and while we’re on the subject of New Years how do you think Sapphire and Brian will be able to get along living under the same roof? I still can’t believe we sent both of them out there and neither one of them decided to leave. What do you think is going to happen?” Shauntie asked, staring up into Nash’s face. “I know for a fact that Sapphire is attracted to Brian, but if she acts on it is a total different story.”

  “If Brian is the guy that I know and love then he is probably thinking of a way to get Sapphire in the exact same position that I have you.” Easing his hands underneath her shirt, Nash’s fingers worked on removing her bra.

  “Hey, we can’t be doing this,” Shauntie complained, trying to squirm out of the way “I warned you earlier about your sneaky fingers.” She pushed at Nash’s chest and laughed when he stuck out his bottom lip and pouted at her. “Also my best friend isn’t going to allow Brian to charm her out of her panties that fast.”

  “I have something I want to show you. It’s a lot better than us wasting our time talking about our good friends.” Grabbing her by the hips, Nash pulled her closer to his hard-on. “Do you feel how much fun we can be having instead of wasting time talking about Brian and Sapphire?”

  Shauntie bit back a moan when Nash’s erection brushed over her soaked underwear. She knew she should have worn jeans instead of a skirt. Nash wasn’t playing fair and he knew it! She was going to get him for this!

  “Stop,” she moaned, softly. “We need to go.”

  “Can’t we just catch a later flight?” he suggested, spreading her legs even wider as he continued to brush his cock against her. “There’s no way I can get on the plane in this condition. Can’t you feel how hard I am for you? I need some relief and I can give you some too...please baby.”

  Lowering his head, Nash nibbled at her earlobe making a delicious shudder roam over her already heated body. Shauntie fought her overwhelming need to break down and give into Nash since if he couldn’t be the strong one than she would step up and do it.

  “Baby, you know we can’t do that. It’s time for us to go.” Shauntie pushed Nash off her body.

  “What about him?” Nash pouted, “How am I supposed to walk around the airport with him poised and ready for action?” Grabbing her hand, he placed it directly over his erection. “All he wanted to do was come out and play for a few minutes. How can you deny him?”

  Shauntie ran her finger down the length of Nash’s cock and it jerked under her light touch. She felt herself giving in when Nash slipped two fingers underneath her skirt, past her underwear and into her waiting wetness.

  “Shauntie, you’re already wet for me. You want this as much as I do. Shouldn’t we get rid of our stress before boarding the plane unless you want to be a part of the mile high club?”

  “We’ll be late,” Shauntie whispered as her fingers played with Nash’s belt and she stared into his eyes reading the lust there.

  “Just trust me. I promise you everything will be okay.”

  Shauntie heard a slight rip as Nash’s hand tore away her underwear. She wrestled with his belt and zipper until his cock sprang free. She loved the days Nash decided not to wear underwear.

  “I need you too much to go slow. I promise next time I’ll give you everything you want.” Lifting her by the hips, Nash rolled on his back and positioned her over his cock filling her with one powerful thrust. He growled in the back of his throat when he was fully seated inside of her.

  “God Nash,” she whimpered. “You feel so good.” Shauntie moaned as she placed her hands on Nash’s shoulders and moved her hips up and down against his hard thighs.

  “I think I can make you feel even better,” Nash bragged. Flipping them over, he pulled her left leg around his waist thrusting into her with a steady rhythm.

  Closing her eyes, Shauntie wrapped her arms around Nash’s shoulders tugging him closer to her as she caressed the length of his back.

  “Please...she panted.” Shauntie tossed her head back against the pillows. The bed moved underneath their bodies as they found a perfect harmony with each other.

  “Please...what Shauntie. Tell me what you want.”

  “I need to come.”

  “Come for me baby,” Nash whispered in her ear. “Let me hear you scream.” Moving her legs from his waist, he held them down to the mattress as he sped up his movements. “No one will hear you, but me.”

  “YES!” Shauntie screamed as the orgasm raked through her body.

  The sweet sound of Shauntie’s release pushed Nash over the edge and he came with a nice powerful thrust inside of Shauntie filling her with his seed. He collapsed on top of her as his arms gave away. They remained in that position for a while until Nash’s weight got too heavy for her.

  “You do know that we won’t make it to the airport on time for our flight now,” Shauntie pointed out as she slipped her hand inside of Nash’s shirt to stroke his chest.

  “Honey, you should have more faith in your boyfriend,” Nash retorted as his hand slapped her bare ass.

  “Ouch, that hurt,” she complained, poking him in the chest with her fingertip. “Besides, you already know how much I trust you. I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you if I hadn’t.”

  Flipping the over, Nash laid her on his chest. She didn’t miss the love shining back in his stunni
ng eyes. Shauntie loved that she’d finally opened her heart to love and allowed Nash to enter it.

  “Good,” he grinned at her. “We aren’t going to be late for our flight because I changed them. Our new flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow morning and the hotel reservations got moved too. It took some talking to the hotel manager but he finally agreed when I told him I would pay extra. I thought it would be nice to have some alone time with just the two of us.”

  Shauntie’s first instinct was to be upset at Nash for changing their plans without telling her, but she wasn’t. Nash was right. They did need to spend the night here and leave for New York in the morning.

  They both had been so busy with work and hadn’t been spending a lot of time with each other except an hour or two here and there during the day when they could grab it which was the main reason they’d decided to take the trip.

  Getting up off the bed, Shauntie removed the rest of her clothes until she was standing totally naked in front of Nash. “If you’re up to it, I would like to show you my appreciation in the shower. Are you up for some fun?”

  Nash jumped up off the bed and stripped out of his remaining clothing in record time. “I have never been a man who turned down gifts and I’m not about to start doing it today. I would be out of my mind.”

  Reaching out, Nash wrapped his hand around her wrist yanking her to him. “How about that shower now; I mean you did offer and I don’t see any reason to wait.”

  “I thought you’d never ask Mr. Wentworth,” Shauntie replied as Nash swung her into his arms and made a beeline for the bathroom.

  Chapter Twelve

  Pushing her empty plate away from her, Sapphire glanced over at her laptop on the other side of the room. She’d been putting off checking out her blog while eating. She wasn’t too sure what kind of comments she might get, but the suspense was killing her. A cynical inner voice taunted her that her followers hated it and would make sure she got the message loud and clear.


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