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Hunks: Opposites Attract

Page 14

by Marie Rochelle

  Slipping out of the bed, she glanced over her shoulder making sure Brian was still asleep and a soft smile pulled at her lips. He was curled up on his side with her pillow tucked against his chest. She never saw a more appealing sight in her life. If she wasn’t overdue for her blog update she wouldn’t have left that big, comfortable bed for any reason.

  Sapphire walked the short distance to the desk and her laptop. Sitting down on the chair, she folded her leg up and left the other one to dangle above the floor. Pushing the small button at the top of her laptop, Sapphire let her computer come to life while she thought about Shauntie and Emerald.

  Since she came to the cottage she hadn’t spoken to Emerald once which was very surprising because Emerald loved checking up on her and Shauntie like a nosy mother hen. Emerald couldn’t help herself from wondering what was going on in the lives of her best girlfriends.

  God, if Emerald knew she was out here with Brian all alone her girlfriend would break every speed limit known to man to get out here to check out Brian in the flesh. Luckily for her, Shauntie must be too busy with Nash to have informed Miss Busybody about her current living arrangements which was for the best.

  Sapphire already had her hands full with Brian so adding her friend Emerald to the mix just wouldn’t work, at least not right now.

  Glancing at her laptop, Sapphire noticed it was up and ready to go. She went through the steps of getting onto the internet and then maneuvered her way to her blog. A huge sense of accomplishment filled her chest when she spotted more comments than the last time.

  Her personal blog was becoming a hit and her followers were looking for more and more from her which she had no problem giving them at all as long as she stayed somewhat anonymous. Sapphire clicked on the comments and began reading through them one by one.


  Sapphire’s World

  8 Comments: (new)

  Keli Babe: Make the next move. What are you waiting for? This guy sounds super hot! I mean what is holding you back?

  HorseLover1743: I say you should wait for him to make the next move. Some men don’t like overly aggressive women.

  Tina Stripes: You just teased us with his looks. Give us more of a description. Is he Hugh Jackman or the guy from White Collar with the killer blue eyes good-looking? I need more before I can give you any kind of answer.

  Daredevil Guy: Being a guy, I think it takes some of the pressure off when a hot chick makes the move. I’m assuming you’re hot so let him know you want him. It’s a turn on!

  Honesty Girl: First ignore Dare Devil Guy. Go after him. Looks aren’t everything to everyone. Please, let us know how it goes. I love following your life through this blog. It’s so much fun. Thanks again for sharing.

  Sexy Kitten: I have never approached any guy in my life, so I’m against you going after him. You’re the prize worth winning. Let the hunky guy fall all over you.

  Wall Flower: I’m not going to give my opinion either way. I only wanted to stop by to let you know how happy I am you came back. I used to check daily for your posts, but stopped after finding nothing after two weeks.

  Nosy Betty: Okay, since no one else had enough nerve to ask I will do it. What almost happened in the kitchen between the two of you?


  Sapphire grinned at the last post because Nosy Betty reminded her of Emerald. She wouldn’t have thought twice about typing those same exact words. Placing her hands on the keyboards, Sapphire let her fingers do the walking as she gave her impatient fans of Sapphire’s World another new update on her hunks challenge.


  Sapphire’s World

  December 28

  I would like to thank everyone again who took the time to post their opinions. I read over them and got encouragement from all of your feedback. A lot has happened since my last post about Brian. We’re growing closer. Well, I believe we are. I find it so hard to feel these emotions after knowing a man for only a few days.

  Yesterday, Brian surprised me by going ice skating with me on the pond by the place where we are staying. Everything about being outside in the snow with us gliding across the ice was so romantic. So romantic that we ended up kissing and to top it off it started snowing on us.

  I didn’t make the move, but we both made it at the same time. Something is happening between us, but there is just one tiny problem. Brian doesn’t know something and I’m wondering if he finds out will he be okay with it.

  So, my question is should I tell him now or later?

  Bye for now.


  Reading over her entry Sapphire made sure everything looked good before she logged off. Brian needed to be told about the challenge Emerald put them up to but she didn’t have the words to tell him. What if he hated her and thought she was just using him the last couple of days.

  Things were going so well for them it was almost like her and Brian were in the honeymoon stage of getting to know each other. The part of the relationship most couples loved including herself. She couldn’t ruin it by telling Brian the truth. Not just yet...she needed more time to get her thoughts together. Sapphire jumped when a soft kiss was planted at the side of her neck.

  “Hey gorgeous,” Brian whispered against her skin.

  She quickly closed the laptop hoping Brian hadn’t seen her blog. She wasn’t too sure how much he would enjoy being talked about on the internet. She just got a feeling he wouldn’t be pleased about it at all.

  “Hi, Brian,” Sapphire replied.

  “Should I be jealous you decided to leave our bed to get on your laptop. Makes me feel like I didn’t do my job correctly.” He nibbled at her neck as his fingers worked on the buttons on her borrowed shirt.

  Sighing, Sapphire tilted her head to the side giving Brian more access. She loved when a man found her ‘spot’ without being told. Brian definitely didn’t need any pointers in the bedroom from her. He was truly the best lover she’d ever had.

  Now, all she had to do was keep Brian in her life. Damn, the hunks challenge. Sapphire no longer wanted Brian to fulfill her obligation to Emerald’s crazy bet.

  “Do you think you can take a break?” Brian asked, slipping the shirt off one of her shoulders. “I have something I want to show you over on the bed. I believe you’ll find it more exciting than the internet.”

  Sapphire turned around in the chair making Brian drop his hands. She glanced down noticing his cock was hard and ready to go. Her vagina grew even wetter at the thought of going another round with Brian.

  “I think you can drag me away for a few minutes,” she teased.

  “Darling, what I have planned for you will take more than a few minutes,” Brian promised as he dragged her out of the chair tossing her over his shoulder as he headed back towards the rumpled bed.

  Sapphire made a mental note to herself to send Shauntie a thank you basket from one of her favorite lotion stores when she got back home for introducing her to Brian. He was beyond the perfect man for her.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  New York

  “Sweetheart, are you almost done?” Nash complained as Shauntie handed him another dress to hold. He didn’t think their rental car had any more space for one more shopping bag. “I’m worn out and I’m ready to head back to the hotel. We’ve been out shopping for hours.”

  Hanging the black one shoulder dress back on the rack, Shauntie slowly turned back around and took the clothes away from Nash. If he wanted go back to the hotel then she wasn’t going to make him stay here with her. But she wasn’t about to miss this 50% off sale. No way. No how. Not even for the man she loved.

  “Nash, why don’t you leave me here and I’ll come back to the hotel later. I haven’t even been through half the store yet. I can’t leave.”

  Nash hated the thought of leaving Shauntie here, but it would give him time to work on the surprise he had for her. He wanted everything to be more than perfect when he proposed. Shauntie spending the day shopping would give him all the time he required
to get everything set up at the hotel.

  “Are you sure? I don’t like the thought of leaving you here all alone,” Nash said.

  “Honey, I’ll be perfectly fine,” Shauntie assured him. “After I’m finished here I’m going to check out a few more places. I’ll be back at the hotel before you know it. I’ll just catch a cab.”

  Nash wasn’t about to let his woman hail a cab in New York. He didn’t want to be worried about something happening to her. Besides, he was pretty sure Shauntie would need the rental car more than he did.

  Digging the keys out of his jeans pocket, Nash dangled them in front of her watching how her pretty face lit up with excitement.

  “You’re going to leave the rental car here with me?” she asked, taking the keys from him.

  Nash could practically hear Shauntie’s thought about a longer shopping trip. He only hoped she wouldn’t be gone too long and ruin the element of his surprise.

  “Yes, I can take a cab back to the hotel, but don’t keep me waiting too long. I don’t want to think you love cashmere and leather boots more than you do me,” he teased.

  “Nash, you come in a very close second to the boots.” Shauntie grinned at him.

  “Hey, watch what you tell me because those boots won’t have the ability to rub your back tonight in bed.” Grabbing Shauntie by the waist, he tugged her closer to him. Nash couldn’t wait until she was his wife.

  “Be good while I’m gone,” he whispered against her full lips then he kissed her. The kiss was fast but not lacking for passion. Nash slowly eased away from Shauntie’s tempting mouth because if he didn’t stop now then he wouldn’t be able to.

  “I love you,” Nash said, staring down into Shauntie’s beautiful eyes.

  “I love you more, sweetheart,” Shauntie replied smiling at him.

  Nash took one final look before spinning away and heading for the front door. He had a lot of stuff to do before Shauntie arrived at the hotel later on.


  Three hours later after Nash left her to spend more time shopping, Shauntie carried as many of her shopping bags as she could on the elevator. There were still more in the car, but she knew Nash would help her bring them up later.

  She wasn’t sure how she was going to get all of her new clothes home, but where there was a will there was a way. Pushing the number to her floor, Shauntie watched as the elevator closed then slowly make its way towards the honeymoon suite Nash had booked for them.

  She still didn’t know why he’d spent so much money on the room. Didn’t he know by now that she wasn’t interested in him going this over the top for her? She loved him for the man he was not the man he thought he had to be for her.

  The elevator finally stopped and Shauntie walked off carrying her bags in one hand while she pulled the room key out of her purse with her free hand. Stopping in front of their room, Shauntie slid the key card in.

  She walked in and the hotel room door closed behind Sapphire at the same time all of her packages dropped from her hands hitting the floor.

  This couldn’t be real. Her eyes were playing tricks on her. Sapphire couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Was she in the right room? If Nash hadn’t been there, she would have turned and left thinking someone was playing a prank on her.

  Hundreds of red rose petals were spread out across the floor spelling out the words ‘Will You Marry Me?’ Nash was down on one knee holding out a ring box in his right hand towards her.

  “Shauntie, I love you so damn much. I’ve been in love with you for so long that the love I have for you feels like the best part of me. I know we haven’t been together for that long and you might have doubts about us getting married so soon but I promise I will make you the happiest woman in the world if you give me half the chance. Baby, will you marry me?”

  Tears of happiness streamed down Shauntie’s face like a waterfall as she tried to take in everything going on around her. Nash was proposing to her! He wanted them to spend the rest of their lives together. She couldn’t believe she was finally getting everything she ever dreamt of having in her life.

  Brushing her tears away with the back of her hands, Shauntie took a deep breath and gave Nash her answer. “Yes, I will marry you. I would love to become Mrs. Nash Wentworth with every ounce of my heart.”

  “Hell yeah!” Nash yelled. Getting up off the floor, he rushed over to her slipping the ring on her finger. He picked her up and swung her around before planting a kiss on her mouth.

  “Baby, you almost gave me a scare there because you took so long to answer me,” Nash admitted.

  Shauntie raised her hand staring at the diamond which was almost the size of a marble. She loved the ring but she would have been thrilled with anything Nash would have given to her. The size of the ring wasn’t what mattered to her. She only wanted to be with Nash.

  “Nash, I was in shock. I wasn’t expecting you to pop the question on our trip. The ring is stunning. I still can’t believe all of this is happening.” Wrapping her arms around Nash’s neck, she let her fingertips play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. “I need to call Emerald and Sapphire, so I can tell them the good news. They’re going to be so happy for us.”

  Shauntie started to move away, but Nash wrapped his arms around her waist holding her in place. “You can call the other members of the Three Musketeers later,” Nash teased. “I want to celebrate our engagement first.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Shauntie asked, growing enthused at the idea of making love to her new fiancé. She loved her girlfriends but, he was right, they could wait to hear the news. This time was for her and Nash.

  “Let me take you into the bathroom, so you can see what other surprise I have for you.”

  Her interest was piqued instantly. Had Nash fixed a bath for them? She had been trying for weeks to get his gorgeous body into a tub with her, but he told her numerous times real men didn’t take a bath.

  Was her wish finally going to be granted?

  “I’m ready. Take me there,” Shauntie said as Nash picked her up and carried her out the bedroom heading towards the bathroom for another surprise.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The delicious smell of fresh coffee woke Sapphire from her peaceful sleep. As she opened her eyes, Sapphire found a freshly showered Brian sitting next to her on the bed wearing a black workout suit with a cup of coffee in his large hands.

  Did she really sleep so late he was already up? Yesterday after Brian found her working on her laptop, they had spent the majority of their time in bed making love and getting to know each other better. She’d never done that with another man before. Brian was opening a whole new world to her.

  “Good morning, sleepy head.” Brian smiled, handing her the cup of coffee as she sat up. “I hated to wake you but I wanted to let you know I was going for a run. I haven’t been on one since I came here. My body is screaming for some fresh air.”

  Holding the cup with both hands, Sapphire took a sip and sighed when the familiar flavor touched her tongue awakening her senses.

  “Isn’t it too cold to be going for a jog?” she asked, sitting up straighter in the bed.

  “No, the small amount of snow we got the other day has already melted and it’s not as cold as it was when we went ice skating,” Brian told her. “I shouldn’t be gone that long. I fixed you some breakfast and left it inside the microwave. After I come back, we can plan the rest of our day unless you have something else you need to get done.”

  Sapphire thought this would be the perfect opportunity to bring up her blog to Brian, but decided against it. She wasn’t ready to let him know about it just yet. Soon...she would tell him about the hunks challenge and writing about him on the internet before they left to go back home.

  “I might call Shauntie and Emerald to see how things are going with them. I also need to check a few emails but besides those things I don’t have anything else pressing to do today.”

  “Great! I’ll be back soon.” Brian gave her a
quick kiss and then got off the bed and left the bedroom.

  After Brian had been gone for about twenty minutes, Sapphire’s conscience kicked in about keeping him in the dark. Everything was going so well between them and the last few days had been quite good...outstanding for her. Brian treated her with such respect. He acted like he would do anything in the world for her.

  Something deeper was growing between them and she was scared of losing it by not being 100% honest about why she made the long drive here to the cottage. Brian only knew part of the truth, but not the entire story.

  Keeping secrets from another person really wasn’t who she was at all, but Sapphire wasn’t sure how well Brian would take the news that her initial interest in him was because of a bet.

  Would Brian understand now that she viewed him as more than a guy she needed to accomplish her hunks challenge deadline?

  God, Sapphire had to talk with Shauntie about this. Shauntie would be the one who could give her the best advice. It didn’t matter if Sapphire liked it or not. Shauntie wouldn’t hold the truth back from her.

  Placing the coffee cup down on the night stand, Sapphire picked up her cell phone and dialed Shauntie’s number. She crossed her fingers that she wouldn’t be disturbing her friend and Nash from anything important.

  Shauntie’s cell phone rang a few times before she finally picked up on the other end.

  “Hello girl, what are you up to?” Shauntie asked her.

  Sapphire noticed how Shauntie’s voice sounded more cheerful than usual. “What are you so happy about this early in the morning?”

  “I have some news, but I’ll tell you later. You called me. I can only guess this call is about Brian. How are things going with him? I haven’t heard from you since you called the police on him. Did you try to pepper spray him again?” Shauntie teased her.


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