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Magic Man

Page 5

by Matilda Martel

  “Kendra! Talk to me! What are you thinking? Do you not want to keep it? Do you not want me to be a part of its life? You’re freaking me out.”

  She swings around and hollers as she cries.

  “Of course, I’m keeping it. I’ve wanted a baby more than anything. This is my chance! I won’t keep you from it. Never. But I don’t think we should see each other anymore. You didn’t sign up for this and if everything turns out okay, I don’t want to confuse the baby being in a relationship that doesn’t work long-term. We can raise the baby as friends. It’s better that way.” She squeaks, brings her hand to her mouth and runs into her bedroom.

  Now, I’m stunned. Standing in her living room, my face grows hot with rage. I clench my teeth until my jaw aches and then tread to her room. She’s not doing this.

  Friends? Raise the baby as friends!

  I bang on the locked bedroom door, asking her to let me in, but she begs me to leave. She’s claims she’s too upset, and she fears it’s not good for her or the baby. That’s a cheap shot. What can I do? Endanger her and my own child? She can’t be more than a month pregnant for crying out loud.

  “This isn’t over, Kendra. You’re not shutting me out.”

  With angry steps, and a heavy heart I cross the hall and leave her place.

  For now.

  Chapter 16


  Fearful I’ll give in or sob uncontrollably at the sight of him, I skip work on Thursday, but by Friday I need to go in for our monthly board meeting. I need to pull myself together. This pregnancy just started and I’m already a blubbering mess. This isn’t me. Kendra Emmerich is a strong, capable woman who will not let herself get sidetracked by a hot piece of ass, or is it dick? Piece of dick? That makes no sense. Who cares? I need to stay focused.

  Sure, Logan was wonderful in the sack. Sure, he was sweet and kind. He made me laugh and gave a great foot massage, which I could totally use right now. Sure, he made my biggest dream, the one I long gave up hope of ever realizing, come true.

  Stop talking. You’re going to cry again.

  I arrive early. Super early. It’s so early, I need to search for the light switch when I creep on to the 23rd floor. Logan typically arrives before me, but at 6:30am, he’s still showering and firing up his espresso machine. Stepping into my dark office, I feel relieved that I can now hide behind a closed door for the rest of the morning, until I turn on the light.

  Goddamn it.

  I drop my bag, then stifle a scream when I see Logan. “What are you doing here?”

  He stands and retrieves my bag from the floor. “Sorry, I scared you. I know you. I knew you’d sneak in here early to avoid me.”

  When he draws closer, my knees weaken. How the hell am I supposed to stay strong when the man I love, the only man I’ve ever loved is inches away?

  “Kendra...” He angles his glance down at me and lifts my chin.

  “Yeah?” My bottom lip quivers as I gaze into his big brown eyes. He’s so beautiful. I really hope this baby has his eyes.

  “Do you know how long I’ve loved you?”

  I shake my head as tears trickle down my cheeks.

  “I’ve loved you for ten years.”

  I crease my brow in bewilderment as he walks back around my desk. Running his hand through his hair, he tells me about the day we met, a day I’ve almost forgotten. He was just a teenager. Why would I remember that? He says he loved me through college. After years of working with us and watching me with Baker, he thought about leaving. The torture of seeing me with another man became too much to bear. They offered him a better job with Rafferty Industries, but in the end, he turned it down. He refused to give up on us.

  “I probably should have given you time after your divorce, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I’ve loved you for so long and I convinced myself that maybe you needed me.”

  Sniffling, I nod. I did need him. I still do.

  “You think I’ll stop loving you, the way he did, don’t you?” He caresses my arms, turning me towards him and holds me still.

  “But you already know he never truly loved you.”

  He’s right. Baker never loved me. Not like him. Not like this.

  “He was never going to stay. But I will never leave you.”

  With those words, my mouth falls open and he takes it as his moment to crash his lips to mine and kiss all my doubts away.

  “I’m yours and you’re mine. This baby is ours. We’ll be together. We’ll raise him or her together and we will get married before you start showing. Do I make myself clear? I’ve already asked your father for your hand. He gave me a big hug, welcomed me to the family and wants me to come to dinner to meet your Mom on Sunday.” He kisses my hand and I stare into the distance, stupefied.

  “Logan! You didn’t! That’s not fair. You know how much Daddy likes you.” I cover my mouth and desperately try to keep from crying again.

  “I’m not playing fair. You made my life hell this past week and I’m not putting up with your sass anymore.” He steps towards the door and locks it, peeling off his jacket as he approaches my desk.

  “Logan! Not here. This is work!” I wipe my tears and rush towards the other side of my desk. It’s a pathetic attempt at playing hard to get but it’s been four days since we’ve had sex and I don’t want to do too much to discourage him.

  “Get your ass over here.” He taps the top of my desk while he unzips his pants and pulls out his stiff erection.

  Biting my lip, I salivate at the sight of it. It’s not just the cock, it’s the whole package. He’s the best man I know, and he loves me. He’s the best lover I’ve ever had, and he gave me a baby. He’s my Magic Man.

  And my God, he has a big dick.

  I wiggle my ass and cover my mouth demurely. “What? This ass?”

  He smiles and taps the desk again, stroking his cock with his free hand.

  Raising my skirt, I slide down my panties. While I try to wind them out of my heels, bent over in an incredibly awkward position, I hear someone unlock my door and swing it open.

  “Oh my God! Kendra!” Della jumps back in her stilettos, covers her eyes and scurries away.

  Fucking Della. I will never hear the end of this.

  “I hope you’re ashamed of yourself.” My peeved assistant strolls into my office after a two-hour break to recover from seeing my ass and Logan’s dick.

  “I am not. We’re engaged. I’m the President. It was before work hours. Why did you barge in on a locked door?” I continue reading the memo in my hand, trying not to laugh.

  “You’re horrible! Not only did you steal my man, but he’s fucking huge! How do you have the nerve to face me?” She crosses her arms defiantly and pouts.

  “I’m not looking at you, Della. And that man and his organs are mine. No more fantasizing about him.”

  She gasps. “You’re the President of Emmertech, not the President of my mind. You can’t tell me who I can or can’t daydream about.”

  “Yes, I can.”

  “No, you can’t.”

  “Yes, I can.” I laugh.

  “What do you want? Did you just come in here to shame me?”

  She shrugs. “You deserve it. But no. I came here early, because Baker left multiple messages on your answering service and I feel compelled to warn you. He says he needs to speak to you.” She rolls her eyes and tries to tidy up my desk.

  I shudder with disgust. “No. I don’t want to see him.”

  “No, shit. You think I’d slide him into your schedule? What kind of assistant do you think I am?” She leans in before she leaves.

  “I can’t believe you’re marrying Magic Man.” She winks.

  “Congratulations, tramp.”

  Chapter 17


  “I think you’ve met everyone except my mother, and she’ll love you. Don’t be nervous.” Kendra holds my hand as we walk up the street towards her parent’s house. It’s a cool evening and their place is only a few blocks away.
  “I’m not nervous.” I lie.

  Climbing the steps, I try to stay calm. We’re engaged. She finally gave me a firm yes when I proposed with a ring and we’re planning a small civil ceremony in three weeks. When you toss in a baby on the way, I have everything I’ve ever wanted. There’s no need to be nervous. But I want to make a good impression. I’m sure everyone is shocked by how quickly things have progressed.

  “I really hope my brother isn’t cooking. His meals take forever and I’m dying to get you home.” She kisses my cheek and I growl, pulling her tightly into my embrace.

  We’re still mid-kiss, when her sister-in-law, Sofia, opens the door and squeals with joy.

  “Aww, you two are adorable. Come in, come in, big mama.” She hugs Kendra and squeals again. “I am so happy for you! Our babies will grow up together!”

  When she releases Kendra, she hugs me. “Congratulations, Logan. Welcome to the family.”

  Walking us through the foyer, she grows quiet. Checking to see if anyone is nearby, she leans in and requests a favor.

  “Logan, Kaleb is helping his father install some new software on his phone. Do me a favor and don’t offer to help. He’ll ask you, because he insists only you can do it right, but I think Kaleb is tired of his father singing your praises and wants to do it himself. If it gets ugly, then okay, I understand. This is your first dinner. But let Kaleb try.”

  I nod and Sofia gives me the thumbs up. “Thanks. I super appreciate it.”

  “Are you serious?” Kendra laughs.

  “Ken! Your brother is driving me crazy! I’m a pregnant woman. Soon, you’ll know how badly these hormones can play with your mood. I don’t have the patience to entertain Kaleb whining for days about his Daddy not loving him because he’s not as cool as Logan. It’s ridiculous.”

  By the time we reach the living room, Mr. Emmerich is frustrated with Kaleb’s inability to rearrange his apps in order of most used. When he catches sight of us, he grows excited and begs me to put Kaleb out of his misery. Fortunately, Kendra intervenes.

  “Daddy, I want Logan to meet mother. Where is she? He’ll work on your phone if Kaleb doesn’t get it right.”

  “She’s downstairs, picking out some wine. Go ahead. I’m sorry, you know how I am about my apps and your brother has challenges outside the kitchen.” He rolls his eyes and Kaleb sneers before threatening to smash his phone.

  “Mom, this is Logan, Logan Byrne. Logan, this is my mother.” A short woman with dark hair and green eyes approaches me. She resembles Kendra. They have the same smile.

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” I extend my hand, but she comes closer and hugs me.

  “It’s so nice to meet you. My husband’s been talking about you for years. He hoped you and Kendra would get together one day. He says you remind him of his big brother, Karl. He lost him in Vietnam and boy, did he idolize him.” She clutches her heart as her eyes pool with tears.

  Kendra covers her mouth. “Oh Mama, I didn’t even think of Uncle Karl. Logan does look a like him.”

  As they hug and cry, I creep back awkwardly, and Kendra insists I help her father with his phone.

  “Screw Kaleb’s feelings. Daddy needs you.”

  On the walk home, we stop at Frankie M.’s for a coffee and hot chocolate. We reminisce about our first date, her white dress and the new panties I eventually ruined when I tore them off with my teeth. I knew that night was special, but I had no idea I’d have so much in such a short time.

  We discuss wedding plans and throw around ideas for our honeymoon. She wants to go somewhere near and cheesy, like the Poconos or the Catskills, but I want to take her to Paris.

  “Why Paris?” She smiles and cozies into me for warmth.

  “I’ve never been, and I’ve always wanted to go. But every time I thought of going, I always pictured being there with you.” I tap her nose.

  “I’m sure you went with your ex-husband.” I smirk, jealous of everything she ever did with that bastard.

  She shakes her head.

  “No. I’ve been with friends when I was in college, but I never went with Baker. Take me to Paris, Logan. I’d love to see it with you.” She takes my face in her hands and kisses me deep, oblivious of the people around us.

  When we come up for air, I nod and press my forehead into hers. “I’ll take you wherever you want to go. I love you, Ken.”

  “I love you, Logan.”

  “Do you?” She says it frequently now, but I never tire of hearing it.

  “Yes, I do. I love you. I love you. I love you. You’re too good to be true.” She wraps her arms around my waist, rests her head on my chest and hugs me tight. “You’ve made me happier than I ever imagined. How did you do that?”

  I kiss the top of her head. “Don’t you know? I’m the Magic Man.”

  She pops her head up. “Logan! I thought you hated that nickname!”

  “I never said I hated it. You said you hated it, but I never said one way or the other.” I chuckle when she pinches my ribs.

  “It’s demeaning. It’s a dirty song.” She whispers, playing the innocent, to me of all people.

  “And I am a dirty man, my love.”

  “Fine. But I’m the only one that gets to call you that....and I guess, Daddy.”

  Epilogue- Three months later


  I’m only now starting to show. It’s very exciting. I know, I know, no one likes getting big, but I waited so long for this, I love that I can see her getting bigger now.

  Yes, she’s a girl.

  We found out two days ago at my four-month appointment. Logan’s thrilled. He’s been insisting for the past month she was a girl. Said it was a gut feeling, whatever that means. I’m just happy she’s okay and everything is going smoothly. When you wait this long, any little pain sends you into a whirlwind of anxiety and because I want her to have the best chance, I’ve cut back on work hours and I’m trying to take things much easier. Logan encouraged me and it’s what I wanted. I don’t know why I feel I need permission to relax, but sometimes I do.

  Della’s been a big help. I work half the week from home, and she enjoys working out of my apartment with me. Today, we’ve taken off early to have lunch and go shopping for the nursery. She’s much better at haggling. It’s one of her gifts.

  “That pram was overpriced. I don’t care if it reminds you of European royalty. It’s not practical.” She takes my hand and guides us through a crowd of tourists on Fifth Avenue.

  “You’re right. But it was pretty. She’d look so sweet in there.” I gush.

  “I’m not encouraging this pregnancy psychosis. We have a job to do. You need to decide on a theme. Everyone has a theme or color scheme. And don’t say pink. Get creative. This girl has two amazing parents with high IQs. She will be a badass. She needs badass colors.” Della strolls ahead.

  “What about hot pink?” I add.

  “Oh, I like! Girl power!” She squeals with delight, then laughs. She’s still laughing when I notice the figure coming up behind her. It’s Baker.

  Spotting him, she takes my hand and leads me into a department store. No one wants to talk to him. He’s been calling non-stop and leaving cryptic messages that make little sense to either of us. For lack of a better word, I’ve ghosted him, hoping he’d give up. I thought he had, but now he’s here. When he follows us into the women’s department, I grow tired of this bullshit and turn to confront him.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  His jaw drops. He’s not expecting to see a pregnant Kendra. “Ken, you’re having a baby? At your age?”

  “I’m thirty-seven years old. I can still have children. You were just incapable of getting the job done.” I scowl and walk away.

  Dickhead. At my age? Nerve.

  “Did you use IVF?” He follows, asking questions that are none of his business.

  “No! It happened naturally. It happened almost immediately. We just weren’t compatible. Big fucking surprise!” I rejoin Della who
is clenching her fist, ready for a fight.

  “No. I’m sterile. When we couldn’t get pregnant, I assumed it was you. I was too much of a prick to get checked myself. No one wants to admit something like that. When Phoebe got pregnant, that was all the proof I needed. It had to be you. But the baby’s not mine. Shortly before the baby was born, I went to see an urologist about getting a vasectomy. I didn’t want another accidental pregnancy after the baby was born. He told me there was no need.”

  Della laughs. Della laughs loud. I don’t. It’s not funny to me.

  “So why were you trying to contact me? To tell me it wasn’t my fault? That I might conceive after all?” I’m genuinely curious.

  “No, I missed you. I thought you and that guy would have broken up by now. He’s a younger man, he’d want a younger woman after a while. Since I can’t have kids, there wasn’t any reason you and I couldn’t try to work things out.” He has no outward signs of humility or shame.

  The mother fucker is totally serious.

  Now, I laugh. “I’m married. Happily married. I’m happily married to a gorgeous man who loves me and for the first time in my life I am madly in love. I’m having his baby, a baby he and his huge cock were able to implant in me the very first time we made love. I have never been happier and although I’d like to say I wish the same for you, I don’t. I’m thrilled Phoebe fucked you over. No one deserves it more.” Growling with rage, I march off, yelling my final goodbye to my ten-year marriage.

  “Baker Nelson. Go fuck yourself.”

  Epilogue - Seven Years Later


  “What are you reading, big boy?” Kendra strolls into the bedroom in a see-through black teddy and stilettos.

  I close my textbook and swallow hard, using the blanket to cover my spontaneous erection. “Nothing, ma’am.”


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