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Pretending to Wed

Page 33

by Melissa Jagears

  What was he trying to do to her? She dug her hands into his hair, and he finally lit like an oxygenated flame. She’d relived their handful of kisses often in her dreams, but how had she forgotten how heady they could be? If she could only learn to kiss him back half as good as he kissed her, surely he could be content to survive on kisses alone.

  Minutes later, he pulled away, leaving her dazed. She let out the biggest sigh of her life.

  With a grin, he pulled her closer. “I love you, Corinne.”

  And then he tucked her in tight, whispering the most overly sweet, romantic nonsense he could make up as he plied gentle kisses from her temple to her neck―until there wasn’t any more need for words.


  Two months later

  After turning her lamp wick up again, Corinne started another chapter of the novel she really shouldn’t be reading. Her eyelids were so very heavy. But now that the hero’s brother had revealed himself as the bad guy, how could the good guy possibly stay alive, subdue his brother, and deliver the gold on time?

  She’d come out to the cabin to rework her idea for a bobbin winder, but she’d been unable to resist the urge to start reading the dime novel Nolan had given her for her birthday.

  She only had two chapters left.

  The door’s hinges whined behind her, and in a flash, she slipped in a bookmark and shoved The Luck of a Ranger aside.

  Nolan stepped in, his gait back to his normal limp. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d fallen asleep.”

  As nonchalantly as she could, she pulled one of her rejected drawings from a stack and laid it on top of her book. “You know how easily I lose track of time when I’m … working.” She glanced at the clock and her eyes widened. How had she been out here for four hours? No wonder she was tired.

  “You got a new idea? Something for Uncle?”

  “No, nothing’s ready for him yet.” She shut her notebook in case Nolan remembered what he’d seen of her drawings yesterday and realized she’d added nothing to it.

  “You don’t have to quit now.” He shut the door behind him. “I can wait to walk you home.”

  She shook her head at herself for making him keep his leg on this long. After she’d told him about the laundry she’d burned down in Rapid City, he wouldn’t take his leg off until she was safely inside the house for the night, likely in case he needed to come to her rescue.

  Last week, Timothy had informed her how often Nolan sneaked away from work to make sure her cabin wasn’t on fire. Seemed now that he was no longer babying his foot, he had focused his anxiety on her.

  He covered for it well, though. She only knew how much he worried because Timothy had been amused by the amount of times he was ordered to check if the cabin was still standing.

  “I love you.” She couldn’t help but smile at him and the words that so easily left her lips. Nothing romantically nonsensical about those three words at all―just simple truth.

  He glanced at where her novel lay half-covered and winked at her. “Love you, too.”

  He pressed a kiss against her hair then headed to the old sofa he’d scrounged up for her. “I’ll wait over here for you.”

  She shook her head at his retreating back, knowing she’d been caught. And yet, he’d likely sit patiently, as if it wasn’t past their bedtime and she was doing something important.

  And what she ought to be doing was important. She reopened her notebook and with blurry eyes flipped through her newest drawings. She’d sold the design for her stepladder and chicken waterer to one of Uncle’s investors, earning enough money to buy a new bull for the ranch, and Matthias was eager for new ideas to pitch.

  Giving up on patenting stacks of ideas and marketing them herself hadn’t been as hard as she’d thought. After she’d told Nolan exactly how she felt, spending the amount of time away from the ranch necessary to make such a venture successful no longer tempted her.

  The day she’d returned from Denver, Nolan had told her he was confident she could find a way to love him beyond his wildest dreams, and she was certainly trying. Nolan, however, had already succeeded. For her fear that the tingles of attraction might be all she could ever revel in were melting away deliciously, day by day.

  Never had she been so thankful to God for a season in her life and the people He placed in it.

  So for now, she’d let Matthias sell what ideas of hers he could while she helped Nolan with the ranch, as promised. Besides, learning the ins and outs of production and warehouse catalogs weren’t nearly as tempting as the handsome, patient, romantic man sitting across the room from her.

  Pushing away both the notebook and the novel, she unscrewed the cap off the scent she’d been working on to add to lotion and dabbed some on her neck before heading over to Nolan.

  That quick kiss to the top of her head hadn’t been nearly satisfying enough.

  Taking a seat next to him, she kissed him just enough to warm him up, but not enough to get him too distracted, then snuggled into his chest. Her body relaxed, as if knowing that cuddling with her husband meant sleep was only minutes away. “I’m sorry I was out here so late,” she whispered.

  “If that’s how you start off apologies now, I’ll complain more.”

  She yawned and shook her head against him. The weight of his arm around her and the rise and fall of his chest called her to nestle in. “No, you won’t.”

  He rested his head against her hair. “You’re right. I’ve got too much to do to waste time complaining. Like all those nest boxes you want me to build for all those chickens you want to go broody.”

  “More chickens, more money.” She yawned again, trying hard to calculate how many chicks would be hatching next month, but for some reason, the math in her head became a muddle.

  “…I’ve got to get the barn doors fixed, too, but I’ll have to get more nails if I want to finish those. And didn’t you want something from the smithy? I could get that while I’m…”

  With the way Corinne’s arm rolled down his chest and her ribcage moved rhythmically under his hand, he craned his head to confirm her eyes were closed. Her mouth was slightly open, puffing soft, warm air against his neck. He pressed his lips against her hairline again and breathed in the scent of her shampoo, along with some other pleasant smell he couldn’t place.

  He pulled her in tight. And as he often did when she fell asleep first, he began whispering into her ear all the romantic nonsense he’d come up with throughout the day that wasn’t polished enough to save for nights he wanted to entice her away from tinkering―which thankfully wasn’t hard to do.

  She didn’t hear any of these half-baked, sappy sentiments, but hopefully, she felt the love behind them deep down in her heart.

  I hope you enjoyed Pretending to Wed! If you did, please take a moment to share with others. You can do so by posting an honest review wherever you purchased this book and also on Goodreads.

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  Also consider mentioning Pretending to Wed on any social media, especially where you talk about reading! Word of mouth is the number one reason people pick up unfamiliar books, so I’d love your help in getting the word out. Every review and mention helps!

  * * *

  More stories in the Frontier Vows series are being written. In the meantime, if you’d like to read Jacob and Annie’s own marriage of convenience romance, check out Romancing the Bride, which is the first book in this series. If you’ve already read that one, you might like to start another of my series to hold you over while you wait for book three! If you enjoyed Corinne, perhaps you’ll like another of my heroines who’s not afraid to dabble in a man’s world. Charlotte Andrews can’t quite keep herself from besting Harrison Gray in shooting competitions even though that makes falling in love a bit complicated… Check out Engaging the Competition, a novella that starts of
f my Teaville Moral Society Series!

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  To keep up to date with my book releases and special events, subscribe to my newsletter at

  Author’s Note

  As a teen, I enjoyed reading Christian romances because I did not have a good marriage modeled for me growing up. I am super thankful there were many healthy relationships portrayed in the Christian romances I read (not all, mind you―all books, all authors, have their flaws). These sweet romances helped me see how relationships could be. However, some made it seem all too easy. If you were in love, got the “tingles,” and had Christ in your life, a happily ever after was guaranteed. When I decided to write romance, giving back to the genre that gave me so much, I wanted to be sure I never fell into the trap of making marriage seem as effortless as some Christian romances portray, and so that’s what I strive to do.

  What I really wanted to drive home with Corinne’s story for my single readers is that the world’s advice of “You must find out if you’re sexually compatible before marriage” is a lie. Don’t fall for it, single ladies and gentlemen. Don’t give up your virginity because you feel pressured to be sure you’re meant for each other sexually before they commit to you. Untethered by vows, I doubt many would put the time needed into the physical side of the relationship if you end up having an issue like Corinne. Also, playing the field and becoming experienced guarantees you absolutely nothing in regard to being able to make your future spouse happy―or even yourself for that matter. Every person is unique.

  To the married women who feel as if you’re broken and your husbands are at a complete loss at figuring out how to make you happy―seek advice, as uncomfortable as that might be. If you have no one you’re comfortable talking to, check out the book Intended for Pleasure by Ed and Gaye Wheat. I am sure there are other books that your local Christian bookstore owner can point you to that addresses this issue as well. I’d also suggest checking out the website, To Love, Honor, and Vacuum ( These resources are Christian-based and very candid. There is hope—if you’re both committed to taking the time to work with each other for as long as it takes. May you find joy together!


  Ah, writing! The thing I haven’t the time for, the thing I can’t keep from doing! And I’ve had a lot of help doing it. Thanks to Myra Johnson and Naomi Rawlings for giving me such good input on this story, working with me despite their own crazy writing schedules.

  Plus, I cannot thank my beta readers enough! I’m so glad they give of their time to catch things that bug readers that I’ve grown blind to after so many drafts. They are the wonderful Cara Grandle, Sarah Keimig, Stephanie McCall, Natalie Monk, Amy Parker, Andrea Strong, and Anne-Marie Turenne. And to Judy DeVries for such quick proofreading turnarounds!

  Thanks to Najla Qamber for your graphic expertise with this novel’s cover and gracefully dealing with the perfectionist author who asks for so many nitpicky things.

  Thanks to my agent, Natasha Kern, for being one of the best people to have on your side when life is just not being kind. Her belief in my writing and her love for me and my family is not something I take for granted.

  The people that deserve the most acknowledgment for having to deal with the crazy that is a writer is my family. This last year has not been easy, and yet none of you suggested I hang up the author hat and clean the house. Thanks for your belief in me.

  Thanks also to the readers who occasionally email me out of the blue and ask if I’m writing another book. You might have wondered if I consider that pesky, but I want to assure you it meant the world that you were waiting for another book by me when there are so many out in the world to choose from. Thanks for being loyal readers.

  May God be pleased with the offering presented with the talents He’s given.

  Also by Melissa Jagears


  Love by the Letter: A Novella

  A Bride for Keeps

  A Bride in Store

  A Bride at Last

  Blinded by Love: A Novella

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  Engaging the Competition: A Novella

  A Heart Most Certain

  A Love So True

  Tied and True: A Novella

  A Chance at Forever

  * * *


  Romancing the Bride

  Pretending to Wed

  * * *


  Strengthen Your Fiction by Understanding Weasel Words

  About the Author

  Much to her introverted self’s delight, award-winning writer Melissa Jagears hardly needs to leave home to be a homeschooling mother and novelist. She lives in Kansas with her husband and three children and can be found online at Facebook, BookBub, Pinterest, Goodreads, and Feel free to drop her a note at, or you can find her current mailing address and an updated list of her books on her website.

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  To keep up to date with Melissa’s news and book releases, subscribe to her newsletter at

  © 2020 by Melissa Jagears

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  Published by Utmost Publishing

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  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold. If you would like to share this book with another person, please do so by gifting or loaning through proper retail channels. If you possess this eBook and it was not purchased for your use only, please delete it and purchase a personal copy. Thank you for respecting this author’s work.

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  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means―for example, electronic, photocopy, recording―without the prior written permission in writing from the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

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  Ebook edition created 2020

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

  LCCN 2020906852 | ISBN 9781948678063

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Cover design © Qamber Designs and Media

  Author represented by Natasha Kern Literary Agency




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