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Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection

Page 70

by Crowne, K. C.

  Watching Kellan interact with Emily and Chloe reminded me of my tight-knit family. I was glad she had someone like Kellan in her life. It didn’t make up for her hardships, but it was good she had him watching out for her and Chloe. Kellan had my respect and admiration.

  After Kellan took off, I helped Emily clear the table. “You don’t have to work today?” I asked her.

  “No, ironically. I took some vacation days this week,” she said, smiling. ‘I just needed a break. This is my week with Chloe, so it’s good to spend some extra time with her.”

  “Ah, I see,” I said, washing the dishes and handing them to her to dry.

  “And I get to spend time with you,” she added playfully, flipping the towel at my butt. “Will you hang out with us today?”

  “I thought you would never ask,” I told her, grinning. If it wasn’t for Chloe being there, I would have tackled her. “But only if it’s okay with Chloe,” I added, raising my brow at the girl in question.

  Chloe looked from me to Emily. “Okay!” she agreed easily. “But only if you take me to the zoo,” she added an ultimatum.

  I laughed and looked at Emily, who was giving her daughter a sideways look. Chloe nodded at her, giving her mother the serious eye. Emily’s laughter burst from her in a delightful yelp. “The zoo?” she asked me, and I shrugged. “If you’re up for a little road trip because the closest zoo is in Point Defiance, about a forty-five-minute drive up the Reach.”

  “Perfect,” I replied. “I’d love to see some of Washington. I’ve never been here before, and I’d love to see more.”

  “Puget Sound is spectacular,” Emily agreed. “We’ll also pass through Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, and the zoo overlooks Commercial Bay. Both are really beautiful and worthwhile to see.”

  “Yay,” Chole clapped her hands. “A road trip!”

  I chuckled at her giddiness. It was refreshing and adorable, and I wondered why Emily thought she needed to keep her from me.

  Emily helped Chloe out of the booster seat and told her to go to her room and get dressed. “Dress in something nice, Chloe,” she called after her daughter.

  “Okay, Mommy,” she hollered, clomping up the hardwood stairs.

  “Cute kid,” I commented, smiling.

  “You remember you said that,” Emily warned, coming to me and putting her arms around my neck.

  I nodded and kissed her smiling lips.

  * * *

  “I haven’t been to many zoos,” I told Chloe and Emily as we approached the gates of Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium.

  “You haven’t?” Chloe asked wide-eyed, as if I’d said the most shocking thing.

  I shook my head. “I don’t live near any zoos, so I only go to one if I’m traveling. Which isn’t too often, now that I think of it.”

  “We go to the zoo all of the time,” Chloe sang.

  “Well, we don’t come to this zoo all of the time. There are several small petting zoos closer to home,” Emily informed me.

  “Looking forward to it.”

  “Me toooo,” Chloe exclaimed, twirling around, forming her lips into an “O” as she drew out the word.

  I couldn’t help but smirk at the kid, as did Emily. “She’s a regular entertainer,” Emily said, giggling.

  “I can see that,” I agreed, laughing.

  During our visit, we saw animals I’d never seen in person before. They had interactive exhibits set up where we could feed and pet the animals. Chloe’s favorite part was the Children’s Zoo. Mine was the aquarium. So many species of fish and ocean creatures I had no idea even existed. And the penguins were a hoot.

  After the zoo, we decided to travel up to Defiance Point Park and take a stroll on Owen Beach since it was a beautiful, early summer day. Chloe was thrilled to play in the shallow waves while Emily and I relaxed on a blanket she’d spread out on the warm sand.

  Watching Chole play, Emily reached out and took my hand. I squeezed hers, studying her soft face. Her yellow-blonde hair shined in the sunlight, as did her blue-grey eyes. My heart swelled at the sight of her.

  “Thanks for coming today,” she murmured, meeting my gaze.

  “No, thank you for inviting me. This has all been so great. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than here with you and Chloe,” I told her sincerely.

  Emily gazed at me fondly. I returned the stare, memorizing the way she looked with the sun shining. The thought of leaving in two days seeped into my mind, and I let a frown slip.

  “What’s wrong?” Emily asked.

  “Nothing,” I said quickly.

  “Tell me, Harley. I don’t want any more secrets between us.”

  “I was thinking about how I have to leave the day after tomorrow. And I don’t want to leave you, or Chloe, if I’m being honest,” I said regretfully. “I didn’t mean to put a damper on things.”

  “It’s okay. I know you have to leave,” she said sadly. “But do you really have to?”

  I smiled. “Unfortunately, I’m needed at the resort. Honestly, this is the first time in my life that I’m actually not looking forward to going home,” I admitted.

  A smile returned to Emily’s face. “We’ll figure things out,” she said. “I don’t know how, but we will.”

  I looked at her, my expression serious. “I promise you we will figure this out.”

  She continued to smile as she studied my face. Her eyes moved over my body before returning my gaze. I knew she was burning an image of me into her brain as I had done to her. I returned her smile.

  “Harley,” Chloe yelled, elongating my name.

  “Yes?” I echoed, grinning big.

  “Build a sandcastle with me!” She jumped up and down excitedly.

  “Alright,” I agreed, getting up as she pulled my hand toward the water.

  “I have some sand toys in the car,” Emily said and got up to fetch them.

  A moment later, she returned carrying various sized colorful buckets and shovels. For the next hour, the three of us built a sandcastle that beat all sandcastles.

  “I wish I lived in this castle,” Chloe said, putting on the finishing touches.

  “Me too,” Emily agreed with her.

  “Maybe one day we will live in a castle,” I told them.

  “All three of us?” Chloe asked.

  “Sure, if your mom wants to,” I told her.

  Chloe looked at her mom’s face, then back to me. “Mommy wants to,” Chloe said matter-of-factly. “She likes you.”

  Emily blushed. I think I did too.

  * * *

  Before our drive back to Olympia, we decided to get some dinner. Emily took Chloe to the beach restroom to get the sand out of her clothes. I waited and gazed out at the Sound. I watched the boats going by and marveled at how crystal clear the water was. It really was a beautiful place, just as Emily had said.

  We traveled down the coastline to a seafood restaurant that overlooked the Sound. We sat out on the deck and ordered crab legs and salads. I didn’t believe Emily when she said Chloe would eat the fresh crab, but she proved me wrong. With Emily and me cracking her shells for her, she pulled the sweet meat out and gobbled it up. The salad was another story, though.

  During our meal, Emily got a text from Kellan. I thought he was checking up on her and Chloe since they’d been out with me for so long. But I was pleasantly wrong.

  Kellan: Hey Emily. Will Harley still be here tomorrow?

  Emily: Yes, he’s not leaving until the day after.

  Kellan: Good. Tomorrow evening is the first day of the charity fair at the firehouse. Bring Harley and Chloe for a while, then I’ll take Chloe to my place for the night so you two can go out.

  Emily: Don’t you have to work tomorrow night?

  Kellan: No, I switched days with a buddy of mine. So you can spend tomorrow night with Harley if you want to.

  Emily: You didn’t have to do that!

  Kellan: I already did. Make plans and go enjoy yourself.

  Emily: I will. Th
anks, so much. I owe you again!

  Kellan: No problem. See you tomorrow. Call me if you need anything.

  Emily: Okay. See you at the fair tomorrow. :D

  “I can’t believe he did that for me,” Emily said after she showed me their text chain.

  “I can. Kellan really cares about your happiness,” I commented.

  “He likes you or he wouldn’t have done it,” Emily informed me, smiling shyly. I grinned as she turned to Chloe. “Want to go to the fair at the firehouse tomorrow?”

  “Yay, a fair at the fire man house! Can I get on the fire trucks?” she asked, bouncing in her seat.

  “If Uncle Kellan can take you. But there will be a bouncy house and games too.”

  “A bouncy house! I can’t wait!” Chloe yelled, practically dancing in her seat. Emily and I giggled at her enthusiasm.

  We got back to Emily’s house after dark. I carried a sleepy Chloe into the house and kept her awake while Emily ran her bath. When she retrieved her wobbly daughter, I told her I was taking off for the night.

  “Are you sure?” she asked, a sad note in her voice.

  “Yes, get some sleep tonight. I’ll call you in the morning, and we’ll spend the day together. I need to get a workout in and a change of clothes, anyway,” I told her, placing my palm to her soft cheek, caressing her cheekbone with my thumb.

  Emily smiled and leaned up to plant a quick kiss on my cheek. I smiled at her as we gazed into each other’s eyes.

  All of it felt so right.

  “See you tomorrow, Chloe. Sleep tight,” I told the child whose eyes were already closing. She smiled sleepily and put her hand out for a high-five. I high-fived her little hand and grinned at Emily. “Talk to you in the morning.”

  “Night, Harley,” she said, turning to take Chloe to the bath before it was too late.

  “Good night, Em.”

  * * *

  The next morning, I called Emily after my workout.

  While watching the sunrise that morning out of my bay view windows, I had the bright idea to see if Em and Chloe wanted to rent a boat for a bit before we went to the fair. I watched the sailboats floating by in the breeze, and it looked like a lot of fun. I’d never sailed before, so I was hoping Emily had some experience. If not, we were getting a boat with a motor.

  “Hi, Harley,” a tired voice answered the phone.

  “Em, good morning. You sound tired,” I told her.

  “I know. Chloe had me up at four-thirty a.m. Said a pumpkin head was watching her from the closet. I tried to tell her it was just a dream. Even searched the closest under her watchful eye. But to her, it was real, and I was trying to tell her otherwise. Long story short, she was up for the day.”

  “Geez, sorry, Em,” I said with a chuckle.

  “You think it’s funny, huh? You just wait until you have kids one day,” she joked.

  “I’m sure I’ll get what I deserve. I’m always laughing at the things my nieces and nephews do when their parents don’t think it’s too funny,” I said, laughing.

  “Nephews? Thought you said only one?” she inquired.

  “Oh, I have two eighteen-year-old twin nephews, as well. My brother Brad’s kids from his first marriage,” I explained.

  “I see. Your brother Brad divorced?”

  “No, his first wife passed away from cancer. Years ago, now,” I told her.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Emily replied with a hint of sadness.

  “Yeah, it sucked. Brad and the kids took it really hard. Brad the hardest, I think,” I mused. “I didn’t think he’d ever remarry until Angela walked into his life. The kids fell for her first. They needed a mother figure. Then Brad soon followed. Now we got little Abby, my niece,” I said, smiling.

  “I’m glad your brother found happiness again, and the twins found someone to look up to. That’s important. Another reason I wish Shawn wasn’t such a jerk. He could be a good father if he wanted to be, but he doesn’t,” Emily said with an edge.

  “I don’t get that at all. What a beautiful gift Chloe is. What kind of man can treat their own child like that? And on purpose!” I exclaimed. I didn’t hide the anger in my voice. Though I’d never met the man, I didn’t like him one bit.

  She waved her hand dismissively to change the subject. “Let’s talk about something else.”

  “On a lighter note, it’s going to be hot and sunny today. What do you think of sailing?”

  “I’d love that!” she replied excitedly before sobering. “Wait, can you sail?”

  “Nope,” I chuckled.

  Emily laughed. “Well, I was raised around boats. My parents live in Boston Harbor, where I grew up, so we always had several boats,” she told me. “But the sailboat was my dad’s baby, and we weren’t allowed to operate that one,” she added with a shrug/ “So I’ll be no help.”

  “Well, I was thinking of renting a boat for the afternoon before we go to the fair at the firehouse. But maybe sailing isn’t such a great idea if we want to make it back,” I chuckled.

  “Probably not, but there are plenty of just as nice boats with motors. We can get one of those. Chloe would love it.”

  “Sounds like a plan. How about I come and get you and Chloe? You can put her car seat in the backseat of the BMW. Drive around in style today. I mean, not that we didn’t yesterday in your Malibu,” I added so I didn’t offend her.

  Emily giggled. “Harley, it would be a shame not to get some use out of that beautiful machine.”

  “I agree. I’ll be by in about an hour. Good?”

  “Can’t wait,” Emily replied enthusiastically.

  I was excited at the thought of spending another whole day with Emily and Chloe. I tried not to let myself think too much about the night alone Emily and I would share, or I’d have to take care of a raging boner before I left to pick them up.

  Exactly an hour later, I stepped onto Emily and Chloe’s porch. The storm door was open, and I could see into the small living room through the screen door. Chloe looked up from the TV and saw me, and the biggest smile formed on her face. My heart leaped in my chest. I wanted nothing more than for this little girl to like me.

  Because I already liked her a whole lot.

  “Harley!” Chloe exclaimed and ran to the screen door to unlock it. Emily appeared around the corner of the kitchen doorway. Stepping inside, I had to catch my breath when I could see her well.

  Emily was dressed in a white bikini top that tied around her neck in a big bow with a diaphanous coverup in white. She had on white short shorts that matched. Her sun-kissed body and yellow-blond hair glowed against the white, silky fabric. Em’s smile lit up her entire face in excitement to see me. I gave her my most charming grin, which resulted in a bigger smile from her.

  Chloe looked from me to her mother and back to me as we stared at each other stupidly. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, though. Chloe cleared her throat loudly to get our attention. That brought us back to reality, and both our heads snapped to Chloe.

  Hands on her hips, she asked impatiently, “Are we going on the boat now? I’ve been waiting.” Tap. Tap. Tap. I glanced at her tapping foot.

  “You have, eh?” I grinned at the girl. She remained serious. “Yes, if your mom is ready, we can go now.”

  Chloe nodded in approval. Smiling, she ordered, “Let’s go,” and grabbed the oversized beach bag by the door. She pulled out a pair of pink sunglasses and smacked them to her face. I held back my laughter as she looked up at me through the sunglasses with wide eyes.

  “You look great,” I told her.

  She grinned and gave me a thumbs up. Throwing the oversized beach bag over her shoulder, she headed to the door.

  “Let me help you with that,” I said before she fell over. She gladly gave it up.

  “I packed a picnic basket lunch for us, too,” Em said, returning to the kitchen to retrieve it. With a large wooden basket on her arm, we were ready to go boating.

  We ended up renting a pontoon boat, and Emily, Ch
loe, and I took it up the bay into the Sound. Emily knew of some places to stop and sightsee, and the rest of the time, we drifted on the waves and basked in the warm sunshine.

  Chloe was a real trooper and enthusiast about nature, hiking, and sightseeing. For a five-year-old, to keep her interest like that, she was bound to be an outdoorswoman when she got older. She would fit into the mountain life well, I thought.

  We ate our picnic lunch of ham sandwiches, macaroni salad, pickles, and chips. Soda and bottles of water washed it all down. The afternoon went by too quickly for my liking. We had such a great time on the boat that we lost track of time and had to rush to get back for the firehouse fair.

  All of us needed a shower and change of clothes after the day of saltwater and sun, so I dropped Emily and Chloe off at their house and told them I’d be back at six to pick them up for the fair.

  I hurried back to my hotel and reflected on the perfect afternoon I’d just spent with the two most important girls in my life right now. Chloe and I were getting along great, and I could picture a future with them both.

  As I showered, a dark shadow lurked in my mind. I ran from it, but it still caught up with me. I was running out of precious time in Olympia. Time with Emily. I had to convince her to come to Colorado with me. If I could just get her to agree to a visit, I could show her what she could have if she would agree to help me with the spa.

  I knew deep down it wasn’t as easy as that. There were too many factors involved.

  I had to think of something fast.


  Harley was right on time. Chloe was watching for him, and I heard her yell out his name when he walked up the porch steps. She knew not to unlock the screen door for a stranger, but I told her Harley was welcome to come inside.

  Hot days and cool nights called for a complete wardrobe change after our excursion that afternoon. Chloe was dressed in a summer dress with sandals. She didn’t want to wear her sweater yet, so I jammed it in my bag along with a baggie of pretzels, several juice boxes, and two changes of clothes. I’d learned the hard way to always pack more than you thought you’d need.


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