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Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection

Page 95

by Crowne, K. C.

  Nicole, thankfully, recovered fairly fast. She was shot in the arm, missed all vital organs and Rose’s quick attention had saved her from too much blood loss.

  The only casualty was the man who shot her.

  Chester Garrison was behind bars in no time. The masked man had talked, told the police everything in exchange for a lighter sentence. There would be no more threats. Felicity would be able to re-open her diner soon. I’d managed to get it back into tip-top shape before the babies were born, and as soon as she felt confident enough, we’d re-open. And we’d start on her new concept as well.

  Felicity had moved into my bed, and it was so hard to behave. But we needed to wait until she was healed enough. At least six weeks.

  Today was her six-week check-up.

  I was at home with the babies, even though it was hard for me to let her go alone.

  I’d just put the babies down to sleep when I heard the front door open. I met her in the living room, a smile on her face.

  “I sent Rosa on home, I hope that’s okay,” she said, batting her lashes at me.

  “Of course it’s fine,” I said, scooping her in my arms and kissing her soft, sweet lips. “What did the doctor say?”

  “She said everything has healed perfectly. We can resume our normal activities,” she said.

  Her blue eyes stared into mine, and I knew exactly what type of activities she meant.

  “How are the babies?”

  “They’re asleep.”

  “All at the same time?”

  “I know, it’s a miracle, and I don’t think we should ignore this precious opportunity,” I said, pushing a strand of her blonde hair from her face.

  “I agree,” she said. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed me deeply, her mouth opening up for me. She was already working the buttons of my shirt, pulling it off of me.

  We didn’t want to waste a precious second; the babies could wake up at any minute and then sexy time would come to an end. And God, I wanted her so badly. I’d wanted her for weeks. No, months. I had denied myself because of some stupid fear of commitment. Well, that fear was long gone, and I was ready to have her again.

  I’d missed her curvy body so much. I pulled off her clothing, gently removing her leggings and sliding them down off her. She unzipped my pants and I kicked them off as she pushed me backward against the couch. I sat down.

  She climbed into my lap, straddling me.

  Her smooth skin felt so good against mine. Her curves were delicious underneath my hands. I kissed her lips, then moved to her neck, nibbling gently as she whimpered.

  “I need you, Abe. I need you inside of me.”

  I would never deny her anything she wanted.

  I guided her hips down against me, her pussy rubbing my erection, coating it in her wetness. She moaned as her clit stroked against my cock.

  “Yes, yes,” she whimpered. “But inside, please.”

  She lifted herself up, grabbing my cock in her tiny hands and guiding it toward her opening. She slid down the length of me, taking me inside of her as she groaned. She bit her lip and her eyes fluttered open and shut as our bodies got used to being together once more.

  She rocked slowly at first, grinding herself against me as her body trembled. I wanted her on top, so she could control the movements. Even though she was cleared for sex, I wanted to be careful. I wanted to protect her, to never hurt her again.

  I took her perfect, round breasts into my hands, teasing the nipples as I kissed her sweet lips. She bit my lower lip, crying out in pleasure.

  She didn’t have to announce it to me anymore - I knew when she was coming. Her pussy clenched around my cock. I loved that feeling, it nearly brought me to orgasm too, but I held off - just barely. Her body froze, but I kept up the rhythm, grinding her hips up and down with one hand, extending that sweet release for as long as possible.

  She deserved it.

  I wanted to make her feel so fucking good.

  Once her orgasm subsided, she was back riding me, bouncing on top of me, harder than before. Her movements were more desperate - as if one orgasm wasn’t enough.

  Good thing I planned to give her more than that.

  “I love you,” she whimpered, her forehead resting against mine, staring deep into my eyes.

  I cupped her cheek in my hands and kissed her deeply, speaking the words into her mouth. “I love you so damn much.”

  I had never felt this way about anyone. I thought I’d known love before, but this was the real thing.

  This was it, I was convinced of it.

  She rode me to another orgasm, her body shaking and twitching, her pussy milking me until I couldn’t control it anymore.

  I exploded inside of her, my cock throbbing as the pleasure coursed through my body. There was nothing like coming together - I stared into her eyes, watched as her face contorted into a look of pleasure, as I filled her with my seed. It was the most intimate feeling in the world and I never wanted it to end.

  Felicity collapsed on top of me, her breathing heavy. She rested her head in the crook of my neck and I held her close to me, still buried inside of her, even as my own orgasm ended. I just held her like that, never wanting to let her go.

  She lifted her head and I kissed her face - staring at her forehead, then her nose, both cheeks and finally her lips.

  A sound came from the baby monitor next to us.

  A soft, muffled cry.

  Felicity chuckled. “Perfect timing, I guess.”

  “Yes,” I said, kissing her again before helping her stand up. “I’m just happy we had a few minutes to ourselves.”

  “Me too,” she said, throwing her leggings back on.

  Another cry came through the monitor. Once one of them was awake, it wouldn’t be long for the others. I was having second thoughts about putting them all in the same room, but Felicity and I both thought they belonged together. At least for now. They were used to being close to each other, it was hard to separate them.

  I got up and finished getting dressed. We’d need all hands on deck for this. A third cry hurried us both along.

  As we stepped into the nursery, a cacophony of crying awaited us. To some people, it might be stressful. But to me, I was grateful for that sound.

  I almost didn’t get my perfect little family.

  I was just thankful they were alive and well enough to cry. That little Evie finally began eating on her own. A.J was the loudest of all of them, and he was the biggest too. He was a pound heavier than his little sister, Evie. Genny was somewhere in between the two of them.

  “I’ll grab Evie,” Felicity said.

  Evie still needed some more nudging to eat sometimes, so we took turns with her.

  I went for A.J and Genny. I could take two at once. Maybe I wouldn’t be able to hold both of them at the same time one day, but for now, they were so little, it was a breeze. We had a setup, thanks to Rosa and Nicole helping us, that allowed us to feed all three at the same time. Two carriers that we could set them in and all we’d have to do was hold the bottles. Evie, of course, got personal attention. Felicity fed her personally, sitting in the rocking chair in the corner.

  I sat on the floor with A.J and Genny in their carriers, holding a bottle to each of them.

  We certainly had our hands full, but as Felicity looked up at me and smiled, I knew that we wouldn’t have it any other way.


  Felicity - A Year Later

  “Wow, this looks amazing,” Elle said as she stepped into the restaurant. It was currently empty, but it wouldn’t be for long. We’d invited VIPs from all over the state, and even some as far as New York City and Paris - people I’d gone to school with, and chefs I’d worked with. It was going to be a big deal for me. The biggest thing I’d ever done since graduating culinary school.

  This was our grand opening, and Elle, the mayor of Liberty, was going to be giving a speech, so she got to come inside before the madness of the actual opening.

  I ha
d to admit, the place looked better than I ever could have imagined. I’d worked with a designer and Abe had hired contractors. It hadn’t been easy to manage while raising three babies, but somehow, we made it work.

  And today was the day I was going to showcase it to the world.

  The barn was the perfect location; Abe had been correct about that. I’d kept as much of the original woodwork as possible, including the beams overhead and the big, barn doors that slid aside to separate a private banquet room from the main dining room. Of course, all the equipment was new - we had only the highest quality of cooktops and appliances. Abe made sure of it.

  The dining room was decked out in tables that matched the woodwork from the barn, with leather chairs. We’d tried to reclaim as much of it as possible. There was a loft area with additional seating overlooking the rest of the dining room. We’d decorated in soft, earthy tones. We kept it simple, but classy, while paying homage to the history of the building and the town of Liberty. A giant chandelier hung from the high ceiling, illuminated the room.

  It was everything I could have dreamt of and more.

  “I’m so glad that the developers didn’t destroy this,” Elle said, running a hand along the knotted wood support beam in the middle of the floor.

  “Me too,” I said. “It’s worrying how greedy they can be.”

  “Tell me about it,” Elle said, rolling her eyes. “I’ve had my hands full dealing with them, but I think we’ve finally pushed them all out. Thanks to working with the governor, of course.”

  Elle had worked with state legislatures and the governor to protect the lands around Liberty. There could be no drilling, so even if developers wanted to buy up property here, they wouldn’t be able to drill or mine for the lithium in our soil. Once that was passed, developers went elsewhere. Our little town was useless to them now.

  And I was glad about that.

  I checked the time. It was only about ten minutes until the doors would open to the public. Where was Abe, I wondered?

  He had stayed behind with the babies. Rose and Nicole where there to watch them this evening. We so rarely left them, but this was a special occasion. Still, Abe seemed hesitant. Was something wrong, I wondered, or was he just being paranoid?

  I checked my messages. Nothing from him,

  I sent him a quick text.

  Where are you?

  I didn’t even have to wait for a response though, because Abe came in through the door that very second. I put my phone away and rushed into his arms. He lifted me up off the ground and kissed me as I giggled like a little girl. He always managed to make me feel that way.

  “You look nice,” I said, taking note of his suit. It was rare to see Abe in a real, actual suit, and damn, it was a sight to behold. His suit was tailored for his body too, fitting him perfectly, showing off every inch of his muscular physique and making me drool.

  “You look even better,” he said with a wink, putting me back down on my feet.

  I blushed and then swirled around, my sapphire cocktail dress flaring out around my legs. Yes, I felt a bit like a princess. All of my dreams had come true, and I couldn’t be happier.

  “Why thank you,” I said. “I wanted to look my best, considering all the VIPs coming out tonight.”

  “Well trust me, you look amazing, baby.”

  His eyes moved over my body, and I could tell he was thinking some very naughty thoughts. My panties grew wet just thinking about it. But now wasn’t the time for sneaking off and having our way with each other - we’d have to save that later

  “Alright you two,” Elle said, chuckling from the other side of the room. “I think these doors are about to be opened.”

  “Ooh, let me check in the kitchen really quickly, make sure everything is ready.”

  I hurried to the back, where Allison and Gavin were working hard. They had their own staff beneath them too. Gavin would go back to the diner after today, picking up a few shifts here and there. Allison would be the one running this kitchen when I wasn’t here personally. She’d come a long way in the last year, and she was one of the best chefs in the state, I would swear by it.

  Allison was beaming proudly when I asked her if she was ready.

  “Ready as ever, boss.”

  “We’ve got it under control,” Gavin said.

  I gave them a thumbs up. “I knew I could count on the two of you. The doors are opening, are we ready with the appetizer trays?”

  A group of four servers showed off their trays with a myriad of hors d'oeuvres.

  Confident that everything was in order, I headed back to the front. Elle had wandered off somewhere, but Abe was standing at the doors, waiting for me. I grinned so big, my cheeks hurt as I walked toward him.

  “Ready to open those doors?” I asked him.

  “One second,” he said, his tone serious.

  “What’s wrong? Is it the kids? Evie having reflux again, do you think we need to--”

  “Nothing is wrong,” he said with a chuckle. “In fact, everything is perfect.”

  Before I knew what was happening, Abe dropped down to one knee in front of me. I covered my mouth, stifling the cry that came from my throat. He held out a ring box, opened it up and showcased the biggest, most brilliant diamond I’d ever seen.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered to myself. “Is this really happening?”

  “It is,” Abe said with a nervous laugh. “And please tell me that was a good holy shit.”

  “Oh yes, I mean. Of course it was… Wow… I have no words.”

  “Well just answer me maybe? Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” I said before the words had finished leaving his mouth.

  He slipped the massive rock onto my finger then lifted me up off the ground, kissing me deeply.

  “Please tell me you like it,” he said.

  “The ring?”

  “Everything,” he said. “The ring, the restaurant, everything. I did it all for you, and I want to make sure it’s perfect.”

  “It’s everything I’ve dreamt and more,” I said, staring deep into his eyes. “I love it. I love everything, and most of all, I love you.”

  “I love you too. So much.”

  We kissed again, and I almost didn’t hear Allison clearing her throat.

  “Oh yes, sorry. We need to open the doors,” I chuckled. I felt like I was high, walking among the stars. I couldn’t even think straight. I was literally over the moon.

  I stepped back, and Abe took one door, I took the other. Together we slid them open and introduced our restaurant to the world.

  Book Seven - Taken by the Mountain Man

  Getting knocked-up by the man I considered an enemy?

  Not exactly on the top of my bucket list.

  Thanks to my family’s reputation...

  I’m the black sheep of this town.

  While my attraction to the town Sheriff is ironic,

  Carrying the mountain man's baby is just plain INSANITY.

  And when disaster strikes…

  Will I regret ever returning to the town I fled?

  And can Teddy save us when we need a hero more than ever?


  Welcome to Liberty!

  My stomach dropped as soon as I saw the sign.

  It took everything in me to not turn my car around and head back to California.

  Truth be told, I’d never really felt welcome here, and the only thing that could bring me back was burying my father.

  And I was determined to find out the truth behind his death.

  Only then could I get back to my life.

  Years ago, putting this town in my past was the best damn decision I’d made. As if the small town wanted to prove my point, sirens lit up my back window as the thought crossed my mind.

  Dammit! I haven’t been in town for one whole minute, and I’m already getting pulled over.

  I rolled my eyes as I pulled to the side of the road.

  I glanced in the rear-view mirror, and no
t too surprisingly, I saw a familiar face headed my way. I expected him to look older. After all, it had been six years since I’d left town. But Teddy looked almost exactly as I remembered him, with just a little more grey around the ears that only made him look more attractive. His hair was still a rich, dark chocolate brown, cut short and trimmed on the sides. His beard was the same brown, also neat and trim.

  Teddy Williams had been a pain in my ass growing up, so I didn’t let that rock-hard body, chiseled jawline, and friendly smile fool me.

  Rolling my window down, I let out a deep sigh rather than a greeting.

  “Well, look who we have here,” Teddy schmoozed in a playful tone, leaning down to look into the window of my Toyota Corolla. “Long time, no see.”

  “Yeah, well, I wish it could have been a bit longer,” I retorted smartly. “No offense, but considering you’re pulling me over and all.”

  “Yeah, just like old times, huh?”

  He meant that to be a joke, but I wasn’t feeling it. I scowled at him. “What do you want, Teddy? Still getting off on picking on my family and me?”

  He frowned down at me. “Listen, I never got off on anything like that.” His face was serious, his eyes sincere. I almost believed him.

  “Oh, so it’s not because you ran my plates and realized it was me?”

  “I only ran your plates because you’re going fifty-five in a thirty-five, Ms. Wiley.”

  “Don’t Ms. Wiley me,” I grumbled. “I’m not my mother. And the speed limit has always been fifty-five until you hit the general store, so try again.”

  Teddy motioned with his hand, pointing at something in the distance. I squinted at where he was pointing. A sign, not even twenty feet in front of my car, says Speed Limit: 35 MPH.


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