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Legally Yours (Spitfire Book 1)

Page 14

by Nicole French

  The catch of the lock clicking shut made him look up to find me standing against the door, my hands both wrapped around the knob behind me. A sly half-grin slowly spread over his face as he looked me over. When his gaze returned to meet mine, he blew out a slow, uneven breath.

  “Damn, Red,” he said purred. “I thought you were gorgeous before, but…wow.”

  I ducked my head to hide the blush steadily rising up my cheeks. I heard the sound of his cell phone, scarf, and gloves being dropped on the kitchenette table, and before I could look up again, he was close enough that I could smell his aftershave, was inundated with that intoxicating blend of mint, almonds, and Brandon that had been driving me crazy with want for the last seven days. It was easy to forget just how big he was, but in close proximity, there was no escaping the size and his presence.

  He drifted a finger over my jaw line and tipped my chin up so I had to look into his eyes, where I could almost perfectly see my own yearning reflected back at me. I swallowed as he moved in even closer, leaning down to follow his finger with his nose. My skin pebbled deliciously beneath his touch, set alight with goose pimples that had nothing to do with the chill outside.

  “One week,” he murmured against my skin, “is too long to go without seeing you. I can’t do it again.” His finger down my neck and traced the edge of my neckline, skimming the edge of my collarbone lightly and causing my shoulders to shiver momentarily.

  “Well, you probably need to take my number then,” I said, my voice unnecessarily breathy as he held me in his thrall. His nose, accompanied by the warm breath, the suggestion of his mouth, moved up the edge of my jaw, nuzzling the soft skin below it as he went. I just barely stifled a small whimper.

  “Oh, I’m going to need to take a lot more than that,” he rumbled against my ear before pressing his mouth into the skin just below it, causing me to quiver against the door and grasp at the doorknob more tightly to keep my balance. His lips were softer than I remembered, and involuntarily, I arched my neck into his face, urging him to do what, I wasn’t entirely sure. At this point, I didn’t really care.

  “Say the word, Red.” He nipped the edge of my earlobe, and continued a path with his mouth to my jawbone. “I want to kiss you so badly right now, but I won’t if you don’t want me to.”

  I couldn’t say that. That would be the biggest lie I’d ever told in my life. I wanted his kiss; Christ, I wanted a lot more than that—it suddenly didn’t matter that we hadn’t even had a real date yet. I pulled a newly urgent hand from behind me and pushed him away, watching with some satisfaction as a vein popped out from his neck as he tried not to fight the separation. He wanted to be close. I couldn’t agree more.

  “I want you to kiss me,” I told him clearly.

  He grunted and crashed his lips into mine, devouring me with all the urgency and longing that had been compounding over the course of the week. I slipped my fingers into his hair and yanked him even closer. His arms slipped down to grab me under the knees and hoist me up against the door as he pressed his growing hardness against me in the process. My legs immediately wrapped around his waist as I ground my pelvis right back into him. Wanton, I thought, but I didn’t care. He was completely intoxicating. I couldn’t get close enough.

  “Jesus, Skylar!” he bit out as he moved from my lips to nip my neck in between hurried breaths. “Fuck!”

  “Yes, that!” I urged him on as he licked and nipped at my neck even harder before hurrying back to plunder my mouth. This wasn’t a sweet kiss in the snow or a brief onslaught in his office. This was something else completely—all-consuming, no-holds-barred, straight-up lust.

  Holding my backside tightly to keep me pressed against him, he pulled me off the door and carried me easily around the kitchen table and down the hallway toward the bedrooms

  “Which one?” he demanded in between kisses, his hands gripping unforgivingly at my thighs. I grunted at the feel of them, eager to get off the flimsy fabric separating our skin.

  “On the right,” I said, gripping my hands in his hair even tighter and pulling his head back to my neck where he could continue that magic with his tongue. I’d be wearing turtlenecks for a week after this, but it was worth every second.

  With a simultaneous yelp, we fell as one onto my small double bed, which I immediately noted was way too small for his large frame. He didn’t seem to notice or care as he yanked me onto my back beneath him, preoccupied as he was with kissing down the edge of my collarbone and stretching the neck of my dress down so he could find the hollow between my breasts.


  I looked down my body, where he his mouth was doing excruciatingly delicious things to the delicate skin just above my bra.

  “What was that?” I asked, barely able to speak in the way of his ministrations. He lifted his head, much to my disappointment, but the obvious desire in his eyes more than made up for the interruption.

  “I said,” he replied hoarsely, “Take it off.”

  It wasn’t a request. My skin erupted in goose bumps again at the thought of him touching my bare skin—all of it. I leaned back and stared at the ceiling, willing the telltale flush I knew was rising over my skin to go away so I could summon the courage to strip in front of a man I hardly knew, a man, I realized, I was really starting to like.

  He pulled us both back up to standing and watched with a carnal expression as I nervously reached down to clasp the hem of my dress. With my eyes closed, I peeled it off my body like a wrapper and let it drop to the floor, leaving me in nothing but my bra, underwear, stockings, and pumps. When I didn’t immediately feel his warmth against me again, I opened my eyes and tilted my head up, praying I wouldn’t see disappointment there. I knew I wasn’t exactly bad to look at, but I had a feeling someone like Brandon Sterling didn’t settle for just decent looking women. A man like this could probably have any woman he wanted.

  “Everything okay?” I asked nervously. I still hadn’t found the courage to meet his eyes. We hadn’t even managed to turn on my bedroom light yet. With the light streaming behind his dark form in long, bright rays, he looked more like a superhero than a Friday night date.

  He had shucked his jacket, which was now hanging off one of my bedposts. He stood with one thumb hooked casually through a belt loop, his shirt charmingly untucked on one side and his tie flipped back over his shoulder. His hair was a disaster from having my hands gripping at it, but its disarray only added to his appeal.

  “Christ, Skylar,” he said quietly, staring at me with intensity and an awe that I’d never seen when someone else had looked at me. Especially like this. “You are so goddamn beautiful, you know that?”

  Finally, his stare became too much, and I started to look away, but he stepped closer and tilted my chin back up with a finger.

  “Don’t,” he said kindly. “Take the compliment. You are gorgeous, and I am one lucky son of a bitch to get to see it. I feel like committing murder just to make sure there’s no one else left on the planet who’s had the privilege.”

  I snorted. “Well, you wouldn’t have to kill too many people. There’s only been a few.”

  “With any luck, there won’t be any others,” he said. Before I could wonder what he meant by that, he was walking me backward to the bed. “Lay down,” he ordered. “Put your arms above your head and clasp your hands together.”

  Stifling another shiver that had nothing to do with being cold, I did as he said. My skin rose into goosebumps as his lips kissed the bottom of my stomach along the lace edge of my underwear. Suddenly, I couldn’t think anything at all.

  “I want to make you feel good, Skylar. Better than you’ve ever felt before.” His voice thrummed against my skin, matching the cadence of his promise perfectly. “Will you let me?”

  “O-okay,” I stammered hoarsely, unable to get out much more than that. I wanted to tell him I would do the same for him. I was a reasonably liberated woman; I believed that sex was an equal exchange, and I wasn’t owed anything more
because of my sex any more than he was. But no words came out as he trailed his mouth up my body until he was hovering over me and could once against capture my mouth with his own.

  “Yessss,” he purred against my tongue. “Yes, you will.”

  He moved up and over my body like a big cat over its prey, positioning himself so his shoulders blocked out the light streaming from the hallway. A broad hand rand up down one of my arms and up the other, grabbing my clasped hands and swiftly twisting me so that I was on my side, facing away from him. He settled himself behind me and pulled me tight against him so that my backside was firmly positioned against his hard length, clearly evident even through the coarse denim. He set his mouth again the crook of my shoulder and neck, nipping up and down my neck just enough to distract me from the way his other hand traveled around my waist and until it brushed over the rapidly moistening fabric of my panties. I felt like an instrument that was being played, and he knew exactly which places would make me sing.

  “Tell me what you like, Skylar,” he said, his deep voice rumbling against my ear before he sucked my earlobe between his teeth and bit, gently.

  “I like…that,” I said, finding it difficult to speak as his thumb brushed lightly over the edges of my panties and his fingers played with the elastic edges.

  “You like what?”

  I groaned, unable to think coherently enough to speak. “That. I…don’t know!”

  “Do you want me to tell you what you like?” he asked in between nips at my earlobe. As he worried it gently in between his teeth, I couldn’t help but arch my body into his hand below.

  “Yes.” I could barely speak, and he was hardly doing anything. The man obviously had some serious skills.

  “You like it when I tease you through your panties? You’re getting so wet down here, baby.” His voice thrummed against my skin, and I could feel my hips moving into his hand, begging him to dip his fingers below the fabric and give me more.

  “You want me to touch you, Skylar?” he asked before tracing the edge of my ear with his tongue. “Say it.”

  It wasn’t a request.

  “Touch me,” I said weakly, even while I was starting to twist about the bed. I couldn’t take this teasing much longer. “Please.”

  In response, his finger obediently dipped below the elastic edge of my panties, parting the soft thatch of hair and gently exploring the warm folds beneath it. Gently, he worked one finger slowly in between my legs, finding the moist opening that was already aching for so much more of him to breach it.

  “God damn, Skylar,” he purred as he continued to tease me, slipping the tip of two fingers into me for a split second. “You’re soaking here, baby. It makes me want to fuck you so badly. Would you like that?” He slipped them in again, this time to massage that very sensitive spot just inside, causing me to moan loudly and writhe against him. It was a good thing Jane was out. I hoped my classmates next door were also being social enough that they couldn’t hear me through the thin walls.

  “Do it!” I urged him, only to become more frustrated when he pulled his fingers pulled out.

  “Do what, gorgeous?”

  I groaned. I always had a hard time talking during sex. It made me feel so awkward when all I wanted to do was relax into the feeling of his skin on mine, the sound his voice keeping me firmly ensconced in the thrill of the moment.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, baby?” His deep voice purred against my neck, causing my breath to hitch as I writhed again against his extremely agile fingers. I was so close, so close…

  “Yessss,” I moaned.

  He stifled his own slight groan against my shoulder, pressed his erection against me through his pants and the flimsy material of my underwear.

  “God, you have no idea how much I want that, Red,” he grumbled against my shoulder. “But I can wait.”

  He flipped me over so I was facing him and thrust his tongue deeply inside my mouth before I could respond. Both of his hands roved down below my underwear and gripped my bottom roughly, yanking me against his erection and kneading my skin so that the edges of his fingers eventually brushed against my opening from behind. He rolled me back so that he was on top of me again, kissing down the length of my body until his mouth was hot over the thin silk between my legs.

  “Do you want me to taste you, Skylar?” he asked, his breath hot on me as he pressed his nose into the fabric-covered clitoris and breathed deeply. “God, you smell good.”

  His blunt, open language had me so turned on I could barely think, let alone speak as he continued to press his face into my most private spaces, occasionally nipping at me through the flimsy barrier. I just moaned again as he finally slipped my panties down my legs and spread my thighs wide so he could fit his large shoulders between them. He kneeled onto the floor and yanked me forward so that I was hanging off the edge of the bed, my legs dangling helplessly over his back. God, was it possible to want someone this badly?

  “Jesus!” I cried as his tongue drew a straight line from my entrance up to the edge of my clit and back down again before flicking inside me.

  “You taste so fucking good, Skylar,” he muttered against my tightened flesh as he slipped a finger deep inside me and then moved his tongue back up to tickle my clit. “Will you come for me, baby? I want to feel you in my mouth. I want to feel your pussy clench around my fingers so I can imagine it around my cock.”

  I wasn’t going to have much of a choice. His tongue and fingers were doing some sort of voodoo that might have had me split apart in no time, but it was his words proved to be my undoing in record time.

  “Oh, GOD!” I cried out as he slid another finger inside me and sucked hard on my clit. “I’m coming, Jesus FUCKING Christ, I’m COMING!”

  He continued to suck and tease until the spasms coursing through my body lessened, and I sank back into my pillow with a sigh. His fingers stayed where they were, continuing to massage a spot inside me that for some reason I had never found before on my own, a spot that drew my orgasm out far past its normal length until my body had lost almost all range of motion.

  I lay there for a moment, caring little that I was completely exposed from the waist down, legs spread and all while his finger continued its slow, consistent movement that eventually started another small fire in my belly. I inhaled, long and deep, even as my muscles clenched in anticipation.

  “What about you?” I croaked, propping myself up on my elbows with some difficulty, since his hand remained where it was while he watched intently. Wow, what he was doing felt unbelievably good. “I can repay the favor, you know.” His fingers pressed a little harder, and I tipped my head toward the ceiling before collapsing back onto my back.

  Brandon smiled, and keeping his fingers where they were, gently removed my legs from around his shoulders and moved back up the bed to lay beside me so that we were face to face as I turned toward him. His tongue toyed leisurely with mine, just urgent enough to cause my hips to arch luxuriously with the rhythm of his hand.

  “I’ll take you up on that some time, Red,” he said as he broke away. “But I told you. Right now is for you. Do you like what I’m doing with my fingers?”

  I nodded, closing my eyes at the thought of it. There was an unfamiliar sensation building around that spot, one that felt a lot like when I normally had a clitoral orgasm, but as if this were building from the inside out.

  “It’s your G-Spot, Red,” he said in between long, languid kisses.

  “Yes, I know that,” I murmured, although without much conviction. Having been relieved of the week-long tension, I felt boneless next to him, but the growing insistence of his mouth betrayed a thirst of his that had not yet been met.

  “Have you ever had an orgasm this way before?”

  I shook my head, still unable to open my eyes but pulling his lips back to me. God, he was an unbelievable kisser. I almost felt like I could come just from the feeling of his tongue twisting with mine alone. Surprisingly, the building tension in the pit of
my stomach continued to grow in response to the steady, insistent movement of his fingers inside me, causing my breath to hitch. Like a lot of women, I had never actually had an orgasm without clitoral stimulation before, so even through my post-orgasmic haze, I was surprised to find myself approaching something like it. My inside quivered. My hips instinctually rocked into his hand.

  “You’re so tight, baby,” Brandon rumbled against my neck. “I can feel you squeezing my fingers. Next time you’re going to do this on my cock. You’re almost there. Do you feel it?”

  I nodded. That feeling was growing, that tightness, the friction amassing in a way that left me powerless to control it “Yes,” I moaned against the warm skin of his neck. “Oh my God. Yeah. Fuck. Yes, something’s…coming.”

  His fingers started moved more intently inside me, and I fought the urge to swear profusely. This was too much. I couldn’t take it.

  “You can take it,” he echoed my thoughts as he slid a third finger inside to join the other two, stretching me just a delicious bit more and intensifying the pressure on that unaccountably sensitive spot inside me. Too delirious to realize that I had been speaking my internal monologue out loud, I merely accepted his lips as they closed over mine hungrily. His fingers continued their tortuous rhythm, pushing me right over the edge.

  “Let it go, Skylar,” he growled as his fingers curled just a little harder and he set his thumb securely over the still-throbbing nub of my clit. “You can do it, baby.”

  Then he bit my ear and squeezed.

  “AaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHH!” The scream left my lips like a siren as the rest of my body convulsed against his hand and body. He held me tightly against him as I shook out my second, infinitely more intense orgasm in his arms. His own breaths were heavy against my neck long after I finished.

  Finally, once my body had gone entirely limp, he removed his hand gently from between my legs and used the towel hanging on the end of my bed to wipe it off before coming back to where I lay motionless and gathering me firmly against him.


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