Sweet Ruin

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Sweet Ruin Page 8

by Nazarea Andrews

I let out the breath I’m holding and grin at him. He follows me through the halls back to our room. I tap on the door. As I wait for Megs to open it, Asher leans in again, his breath brushing over the nape of my neck. and whispers, “Order tequila, Luca. See what happens.”

  I stare at him, stunned, as he steps past me into the room.

  Chapter Nine


  Dinner is not as awkward as I expect. Megan and Luca chatter comfortably, and I sit to the side, watching with a slight smile.

  There is a subtle game being played out here, with half glances and shifting eyes and a bottle of tequila I haven’t opened. Is drinking the right idea?

  “What do y’all want to do tonight?” she asks. Luca’s gaze darts to mine—I noticed the slip as well.

  Megan is careful to keep her accent controlled—stress and comfort brings it out in full force. I’m betting that this particular instance is brought on by stress more than a level of comfort we’re not used to seeing from her.

  “We could go to a club,” Luca says.

  Her eyes light up, and she bounces in her chair. “Dancing?”

  “As much as I’d love to see you dance, pet, I think going out is a good way to incite a riot.”

  She frowns, nibbling on her lower lip. “Good point. Annoying, though.”

  I laugh. “Usually you love my publicity.”

  “Usually, it’s my job to,” she counters. “Which we still need to discuss.”

  Luca catches her hand, tugging her away from the little table with the remains of our dinner and over to the bed. “Can we discuss it tomorrow, lovely girl? I’ve missed you, and I just want to enjoy a little time together before we start fighting.”

  He sits back on the bed, drawing her down with him until she’s sitting between his legs, back propped against him. I watch her snuggle against his chest, and it hits me that this is normal for them. They have a casual intimacy that boggles my mind—she doesn’t keep him at an arm’s length the way she always has me. I don’t understand it, and I’m honest enough to admit that it stings, a little.

  “Pick a movie,” Luca says, meeting my eyes. He holds out the remote, and I take it, shifting in my chair. I pick a recent romance that I remember her saying she wanted to watch.

  It occurs to me that romance, while she’s sitting in another man’s arms, is probably a bad idea, but her eyes are warm and pleased when she realizes what I’ve picked. I smile at her and sit back in the chair. We only get five minutes into the movie before she shifts forward and to the side, grabbing a pillow and placing it on her leg. “You don’t have to sit over there,” she says.

  I hesitate, staring at her. My gaze flicks up, nervously, to Luca. His expression is patient and waiting. He’ll accept whatever I do, but I know he wants me. Do I want to open this door?

  Without letting myself think too much, I settle across the bed, propping my head on the side of her thigh. She sighs, and the room goes quiet as we watch the movie.


  I can’t focus. It’s a damn shame, too; I’ve been excited about this movie. But as the characters flirt and dance around each other on screen, I’m pinned between Luca and Asher, overly aware of both. Asher’s head is a solid pressure on my leg, and Luca is firm pressure behind me, his hand splayed across my belly. I tilt my head slightly, and the fingers of his other hand comb through my hair, a slow, steady stroke that makes me want to arch into the caress and purr. He presses a kiss to the top of my hair, and I shift, a minute motion that causes Asher to lift his head.

  Without thinking, I tug him back down, my fingers working down to his neck, rubbing softly. I expect him to react, to turn to me, but he doesn’t. He goes soft and pliant, which in turns makes me relax against Luca. His hand on my belly shifts softly, a gentle caress. I twist my head to look at him, but he’s watching the movie. I refocus, and my breath catches as the couple on screen makes out, the hero pinning her against the wall.

  It reminds me too much of the kiss at the villa, which I shouldn’t be thinking about.

  Luca’s hand moves again, an unmistakable brush of his thumb against the underside of my breast. I’m not wearing a bra, and his hand stills as he realizes that. I twist again, and this time, his eyes are on me, blazing with heat and need. I shift, and we both gasp as his hand cradles my breast. His head dips down, but he hesitates, his gaze questioning.

  Without thinking about the consequences, I pull him down to me.

  His lips are hot, and dry, and firm, brushing over mine like he’s kissed me a thousand times—or stared at my mouth long enough to memorize it. I whimper into the kiss as he sweeps into my mouth with a strong stroke, tongue sliding along mine. His finger brushes across my nipple and I groan, arching into him.

  Asher’s head lifts, and I feel the bed shifts. Aware suddenly, I break the kiss, and twist to stare at him.

  “Don’t stop,” he says, softly, staring at us. Luca inhales sharply, and I almost protest, but Luca’s hands are tugging at my breast, and I can’t stop the whimper rising in my throat. His lips are playing across the back of my neck, kissing and sucking and nipping, as his fingers circle. He bites down as he pinches my nipple, and I shudder, almost arching off the bed. I want more—

  I twist in his arms, coming up on my knees as I straddle him. Our groans fill the room as I grind against his erection, his big hands cradling my hips and guiding me. I tug at my shirt impatiently, and Asher’s hands catch the hem, helping pull it off. I look at him, startled. His gaze is hot and needy, and I want to kiss him, kiss away the stich in his brow.

  Wet heat envelopes one nipple as fingers tug the other, and I make a noise, somewhere between sob and scream, grinding down on Luca’s erection. He nips me, lightly, and pulls back. His lips are glossy, and I want to yank him back down, but he’s looking past me, to Asher.

  “Do you want this?”

  I shudder when Knox nods. Both men stare at me, and I can’t remember why this is a bad idea. I nod slowly, and Asher shifts up on his knees, pressing against me as he kisses the nape of my neck.

  “Lose the pants, pet.”

  I shiver at the hint of command in his tone, and hurry to do as he says. I feel a heartbeat of hesitation, but they’re sitting side by side, dark and golden and so damn gorgeous I want to cry. Without letting myself think anymore, I wiggle out of my sleep shorts, dropping my lace boy shorts with them.

  Both men go still, and Luca lets out a shaky breath, reaching for me. “You’re gorgeous, lovely. So perfect.” His finger brushes over my smooth mound, dipping down to flit over my clit and slide through my slit.

  “Is she wet?” Asher asks, his voice hoarse. I shiver as he stares at me, his hands clenched, watching my best friend finger me.

  “Yes,” I whimper, and arch into Luca’s touch.

  “Lie down, sweetheart,” Asher says. The boys shift to the side, and I stretch out between them. Luca’s fingers are still caressing me, a light pressure that isn’t nearly enough. I whimper, and he leans down, kissing me. I lose myself in that kiss, in the slide of his tongue against mine, the nip of his teeth, and the butterfly soft strokes of his fingers on my breasts.

  And then I go rigid, feeling Asher kissing his way down my torso. I pull back and stare up at Luca, frantic.

  “Shh, hush, lovely. We’ve got you. Let him have a taste, sweetheart.” I look down as Asher licks me, his tongue moving over my slit in a deliberate caress, and I groan, a low broken noise. He smirks at me, an angel on his knees, and bends his head to focus on my pussy.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” Luca breathes, peppering kisses down my throat and over my breasts. “Or how hot it is, to see him going down on you. It’s so fucking sexy.”

  I groan, arching into the hands and tongue working me over, and Asher chuckles. “Think she likes the dirty talk, Luc.”

  “Do you?” Luca asks, and I scream as Asher’s finger slides deep into my pussy. Asher sucks on my clit, and I writhe. “You like me talking to you while
he finger fucks you, Megan? Do you like the idea of me watching while you give him head?”

  “Yes,” I gasp, so turned on I can barely breathe. “Please, Luca.”

  “What do you need, lovely?” he asks, and I whimper. I don’t know, and I can’t ask, and I need something. Asher shifts, adding a second finger in my pussy, and Luca fondles my breasts, leaning over to nip at me. Sensation coils tighter, and I scream as the orgasm hits me, slamming into me and throwing me into a maelstrom of sensation.


  I’ve wanted this since the first day, but nothing—none of my fantasies—will ever live up to the reality of Megan falling apart under my hands. She whimpers and twitches as the orgasm sweeps through her, her eyes closed. Asher sits up slowly, and I catch his gaze. His eyes are still wild with lust, and I shiver.

  Megan isn’t the only one who needs release.

  Slowly, giving him time to react and pull away, I lean forward. His eyes are a tiny bit wary, but he doesn’t stop me as I hook a hand around his neck and tug him lightly toward me.

  He tastes like her, his lips still wet. I kiss him lightly, at first, and he doesn’t pull back. Tentatively, I run my tongue over the closed seam of his lips, and he opens with a soft sigh, one hand clenching on my shoulder as I deepen the kiss.

  And he lets me, tongue flirting with mine in a subtle play that does nothing to ease my hard on.

  When I pull back, aware that neither of us will go any further than this tonight, I catch Megan’s eyes, drowsy but warm.

  “Don’t stop because of me, boys,” she says, stretching. I laugh, and lean down to peck her lips. Asher smirks and rises from the bed, finding her shirt. She wiggles into it and slides under the covers with a yawn.

  “I’m sleepy,” she says, and Asher slides into bed, cradling her to him as she drifts of to sleep. And somehow, despite the raging hard on, I make myself focus on the movie still playing on the screen.

  Chapter Ten


  “So we need to decide what to do,” Megan says abruptly. It’s been a tense morning, the intimacy of last night gone in the garish light of morning. Luca isn’t looking at me—which might be because I shut down when he caught me jerking off this morning before Megan woke up.

  Kissing him wasn’t something I had planned, and I don’t know what to do now.

  It was easy, being with her, even with the murmuring presence of Luca. But what did that kiss mean? And did I really want to go there?

  I shake my head and shrug. “We’re going to Branton, right? Didn’t your guy come through for the part?”

  “He did. But you forget—I don’t have a job. I can’t just ignore the fact that Kevin wants my head on a plate.”

  “Do you think,” Luca interjects from where he’s shaving, “that he’ll change his mind about you if you do come back?”

  “Bear in mind you’ll be going back without me. I can’t right now, Meggy.”

  She sighs, annoyed. “You had the whole weekend.” She staring at me like she's never seen me.

  How do I explain to her that it's not enough? That after months of time in the city I need more than just days? “Meg, you said—”

  She inhales sharply. “I know. I know what it said."

  Something occurs to me, and I frown. “Do you not want to be with us?"

  I see Luca stiffen across the room and realize what I said. Well shit, I didn’t mean to let that slip.

  “Is that what you think? It has nothing you do with us. It's my job. Luca, you know how much this means to me. You can’t just disappear for a month." Megan protests.

  “But going back won't solve anything, either,” he says patiently.

  “So what do you think that I should do?” she asks.

  “I think I’ve been telling you for year to quit and start your own agency.”

  I jerk around, staring. Luca meets my gaze steadily for a second before it swings back to Megs.

  “I can't go into business against my uncle. You know that.”

  “I know that I would follow if you open your own agency. I know that Luca would follow you,” I say, bring my weight behind him.

  Megan's eyes narrow. “Is this something he talked about to you?” she asks.

  “No. But it's a logical step. Sweetheart, you’re good at your job, and he treats you like shit. Why not?”

  “So you think I should take his biggest client and my ex-roommate and run away for a month and come back to start my own agency. Is that the general plan you have?”

  Luca nods. “That pretty much sums it up.”

  “Wait,” I say, “you want to come with us.”

  For the first time Luca looks nervous. “Are you okay with that?”

  I hesitate. “I don't know," I answer honestly.

  Megan is watching us, her expression narrow and thoughtful. “Why don't we not decide right now?” she suggests. “Why don't I go out and find some food and some clothes for Asher, and Luca, you come with me?”

  I feel a flash of jealousy—because he can go with her and I’m relegated to this damn room. I open my mouth to protest, and Megan shakes her head. “Not a good idea, and you know it. We can’t afford for you to be exposed here—and until we figure this out”—she motions to the three of us—“you can’t be seen with us. The tabloids would have a field day.”

  I know she’s right, even I’m not incredibly happy about it. “What about Luc? People know his face.”

  She snorts. “People know his abs. And I’m seen with him all the time—I was his roommate, remember? It’s the trifecta I’m worried about.” She hesitates, crouching next to me. I like her at that level. I shove the thought down immediately—it’s not going to do anyone any good right now.

  “This isn’t about last night,” she murmurs, and I nod, even though it feels like it is. I can’t get jealous—she isn’t mine, and I told him I wouldn’t cock-block. I stand abruptly. “I’m going to get a shower. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Megan’s eyes are worried, and I drop her gaze, skirting her to head to the bathroom. Luca is blocking me, leaning almost lazily against the wall.

  “Meggy, go downstairs. I’ll meet you—I need to talk to Asher.”

  There is a second of deliberation, and his gaze goes past me, to where she’s standing. His smile gentles, a little. “Go, lovely girl. I’ll be right there.”

  She nods, grabbing her purse and cell phone before leaving in a puff of perfume and annoyed indignation. I stare at Luca as she lets the door shut behind her.

  He doesn’t move when we’re alone, and I shift, annoyed. “What do you want?” I snap. “She’s waiting.”

  “I’ve been clear about what I want,” he says, finally looking up at me, and I shiver. The expression in his gaze is blatant.

  “You can’t do that,” I say weakly.

  “What?” he asks, voice soft.

  “You can’t just put it out there like that—that’s not the way things are done.”

  Luca laughs, pushing off the wall at last. He crowds me, and I want to step back, but I can’t bring myself to move. His eyes dilate a little, and he murmurs, “I’m done playing games, English. I thought you didn’t like them. Was I wrong?”

  He waits, a heartbeat or two, for my response, and then steps toward the door. “Would you follow her, if she left Kevin’s agency?”

  I go still—that’s what he wants to know? I nod. “Of course. She’s brilliant, Luca. I don’t want anyone else working on my career.”

  He flashes me a quick smile and opens the door. Pauses. “This isn’t worth being jealous over, Ash. You need to decide if you can be with us without jealousy.”

  “And if I can’t?”

  “Then this won’t work. Jealousy doesn’t belong in any relationship,” he says, and then the door swings shut behind him.


  By the time I reach the ground floor, my hands have steadied. Megan isn’t near the elevator banks, but I’m not worried. I follow the scent of coffee an
d find her, head bent over her phone, as she stands by a post. I slide an arm around her waist, and she leans into me without looking up. “I ordered you a chai.”

  I press a kiss to her forehead, “Thanks, lovely.”

  She doesn’t pull away—I’m not sure if that’s because she’s absorbed in the morning news, or because she’s comfortable with me after last night. Either way, I’ll take it. I hold her as she scans the tabloid sites, chewing her lip and muttering.

  When the barista calls Megan’s name, I shift away and retrieve our coffees. She shoves the phone into her purse and takes her latte.

  My girl has her priorities straight—work will wait for fresh coffee.

  “So, you want to come with us,” she says, stirring sugar into the creamy coffee.

  I nod. “Is that okay?”

  “What’s going on here?”

  I shrug, trying to keep my heartbeat steady. “We’re having fun, right?”

  “Sun said you moved out,” she says quietly.

  Shit. I expel a slow breath and twist to look at her. I knew Sun would say something, but I didn’t realize it would be that extreme. She’s staring at me, a worried line between her eyes. I want to kiss that line away, but I know she won’t tolerate it. Not right now.

  “Talk to me, Luca,” she says firmly. I nod. Without speaking, I lead her to a bench off the corridor. It’s away from the gaming floor and the café, giving us an odd sort of privacy.

  She sits down, her bag to one side, and I stretch my legs out, taking a cautious sip of my coffee.

  “Did y’all fight?” she asks, her voice softening a little. I love when it does this and I get a hint of that southern drawl I adore.

  I shake my head. “No. Nothing like that. We were just going in different directions, and I didn’t want her to miss out on something real with Pablo because she was waiting on me.”

  “She loves you, Luca.”

  “Sun loves me like a brother,” I say, shaking my head. Megan’s eye brows shoot up, and I remember the time she came home to find me and Sun and a little brunette gymnast naked in the living room. “Ok,” I amend, “not quite a brother.”


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