Sweet Ruin

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Sweet Ruin Page 9

by Nazarea Andrews

  "You've been with her for years."

  I huff a sigh. "Meg, she's not what I want. She hasn't been what I want for almost two years. She knows that—it's why she started dating Pablo to begin with."

  "But you didn't just break things off and leave Pablo a clear path. You moved out—you told her you were leaving California."

  She flicks an anxious look at me, and I take a deep breath, understanding. "I need to leave for a while—it’s one reason I want to go with you and Asher. I've been honest about what I want from you both."

  She blinks and looks away, into her coffee. "And if I don't want that? Are you going to walk away from me like you did Sun?"

  Pain hits me, like a fist. I stand abruptly and walk away from her. I fish my valet ticket out and hand it to the boy, trying to get a grasp on my temper. I can feel her walking up behind me, a silent presence as I wrangle with my anger.

  Finally, I turn to her. "Are you fucking serious? Do you really think I would do that?"

  Apparently I’m not as in control as I hoped. She heaves a tired sigh and comes close, setting her coffee down on the valet desk and wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug.

  "I don't think anything—I don't know what to think. I'm nervous and I'm scared. I love you—and I had a lot of fun last night. But I want you in my life more than I want you in my bed. Does that make sense?"

  I glance around, taking in the curious stares we're drawing. Even in Vegas, a girl who looks as effortlessly gorgeous as Megan will garner a few double takes when she talks about her sex life. I draw her away, toward a quiet corner, while we wait for the car.

  "This doesn't have to be an either or, Megs. I don't want to just become a fuck buddy. I haven't pushed for this, not in the eighteen months we've known each other. I value what we have too much to risk losing you. But I want more than just a lunch every week or so. I want you, Megan."

  Chapter Eleven


  I take a deep breath and open the door to the hotel room. Asher's got the TV on, muted, and he sprawls across the bed. His eyes are closed, his chest rising in a steady rhythm. I pause in the doorway and smile, staring at him. Luca crowds against my back, carrying a few bags with clothes and some toiletries. Most of our purchases are still in the car downstairs.

  "That's a damn pretty picture," Luca murmurs near my ear.

  "Quit drooling," I tease. "Get packed."

  He drops a kiss on the curve of my neck and steps away, pulling out the beat up duffle bag I've seen him carry everywhere since I moved in with him.

  I tune him out as I crawl onto the bed, straddling Asher's prone form. I lean down slightly, brushing a butterfly soft kiss over his lips. Ash stirs, a tiny bit, and I apply a hint of pressure against his lips. He groans, a low, deep noise that sets my blood on fire, and his hands come up, clenching on my hips, hard. I will have bruises, tomorrow. As he deepens the kiss, his tongue darting out and delving past my lips, I find I don't care. I don't care about anything but him kissing me.

  Silence fills the room, the only sound the brush of cloth and lips and the soft sigh I can't help but release, as his lips leave mine, traveling down, following the slope of my neck until he hits the top of my t-shirt. He growls and jerks at my shirt, his hands sliding under and up. I moan, arching into the caress, and Luca clears his throat.

  Blinking slowly, I sit up. I know what I look like, my hair a mess, my lips full and pout, my nipples pressing against the thin shirt material.

  "Don't rip her clothes, dude. We need to get out of here today, and I'm not going shopping again."

  Despite the bracing words, he's smiling. I stick my tongue out, and go up on my knees, swinging off Asher with a deliberate little wiggle. "He's right, unfortunately. Get dressed, Knox. We need to hit the road."

  Asher props himself up on an elbow. "Where are we going?"

  I smirk and lean back down to kiss him quickly. "Branton, babe."

  His eyebrows inch up, and I grin. “Come on. I want to get on the road.”

  I inch away from him and collide with Luca. His hands are hot on my hips, and he steadies me as I stumble. I lean into him briefly. Then pull away. “None of that. Pack.”

  “Why does he get some of that and I don’t?” he asks, pouting. His eyes dance, and I lean up on tiptoes to kiss him, light and chaste.

  “Because he was lonely and you had the pleasure of my company all afternoon. Now, if you want any of that, I suggest you get that ass in gear and pack.”

  I step away and eye the two men as they move around the room, gathering what little they have sprawled out. My essentials—my computer bag and a small overnight bag—are already waiting by the door. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I fish it out. Kevin.

  Kevin: Call me. Now.

  Dread forms in my belly, and I swallow hard. I need to deal with this, even if I don’t particularly want to.

  “Um, guys? I’m going to head down—get the car brought up. Ok? Ash, remember—”

  He waves the hat and sunglasses at me before I can say anything further, and I smirk. “Right. Disguise. Okay, I’ll see y’all in a few.” I say and slip out before either can push me with questions.

  Down the hall, I wait impatiently for the elevator to arrive then breathe a sigh of relief. It's empty. Good.

  My fingers shake as I dial the number. Kevin answers on the first ring, his voice a mean growl that makes me cringe. Even here.

  "Where the fuck are you?"

  "Vegas. I believe you knew Knox was planning on getting out of town for a while."

  He goes quiet. Then lets out a single sharp bark of laughter. "The bastard told you."

  “What the hell were you thinking, giving him an ultimatum like that?” I demand. “Shit like that doesn’t work on Asher. All you did was drive him away.”

  “I was trying to scare him into staying in the city,” Kevin snaps. “It’s not like you can stay on his account forever. He’s the lead in fucking Black Tides, Megan.”

  I stiffen. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means I need someone more responsible and experienced taking care of him. He’s gotten too big for you.”

  I laugh. “He’s always been too big a name for me, Kevin. That’s why you gave me the job—you had to make the talent happy.”

  “If you won’t put out, I don’t think you’re making him that happy.”

  “Fuck you,” I snap. “I won’t whore myself because you want Knox smiling in the morning. And despite not sleeping with him, he is still thriving. I don’t know what the hell game you’re playing, but taking my client won’t actually help him.”

  There’s a moment of silence, and then, “He isn’t your client, Megan. He never was. He’s mine, and I can do whatever I feel is best for him and his career. And I can fire you, for insubordination.”

  “Try,” I say, my voice soft, almost a purr. “You try to fire me. I’ll slap you with a lawsuit so fast your head will spin.”

  “You would destroy your own reputation, if you came after me. No one would believe you didn’t follow orders.”

  I shift, juggling the phone and my bag as I hand the valet ticket to the driver. He eyes me, and I flash a smile that makes him grin before he turns away.

  “Kevin. I don’t need people to believe I didn’t. The publicity alone will build my name.”

  “What do you want, Megan?”

  “I want my client. I want you to back the fuck off. I’ll get him—healthy and sane—to the set in February. And I will put him back in the limelight, before then. But you’ll take a step back and let me work. Let me do this my way.”

  “And if I say no?”

  I shrug. “You can’t stop it, Kevin. I’m doing this. I couldn’t get Ash back to the city right now if I tried—and I won’t. I would rather do this without dodging your phone calls and assorted bullshit. It’ll be easier that way.”

  “Will you tell me what you’re planning?”

  My stomach twists, and I shake my h
ead. “No. I won’t. But if getting Asher in the news is what you want, I promise you that I will get him there. In a week or so.”

  I hesitate, falling quiet as Kevin weighs the options. He’ll agree to this—he doesn’t have much of a choice.

  “Fine. But I want daily updates—a text or an email. If you don’t do that, the deal is off.”

  “Deal,” I say shortly. “Expect the first one tomorrow.” Without waiting for him to start gloating, I hang up the phone and focus on calming my nerves.


  By some minor miracle, we make it to the car without any incidents. There are a few whispers, but that could simply be the result of two attractive men walking through a hotel together.

  I wonder what those whispers would say if they knew we’d shared a woman last night. I smirk, shifting my bag a little. Luca’s dark gaze flicks to me, and I shake my head, ignoring the questioning stare. Not the time or place.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asks, and I shrug.

  “I don’t know. I’m honest enough to admit that. But what’s the harm in trying?”

  He opens his mouth to say something, then shakes his head, his lips compressed into a hard line. He’s angry. I slow, frowning at him, and he shakes his head. “What?”

  “Nothing. It’s not worth it. We’ll talk later,” he says, striding past me and wrapping an arm around Megan. She glances over her shoulder, her gaze brightening a little when she sees me. I move to where they stand, a few steps away. She gives me a searching stare, and I force a smile as the valet brings our car around. As Megan shoulders her computer bag and Luca leads the way outside, it occurs to me that this will be the best thing to ever happen to me. Or the worse.

  I follow them to Luca's Jeep Compass, and he looks at me. "Who’s driving?"

  Megan eyes the two of us briefly then plucks Luca's keys from his fingers. "I am."

  I stare at her for a split second and see the amused mischief dancing in her eyes. She winks and slides into the front seat.

  Which leaves the interesting option of who takes the front.

  Luca opens the back door, sliding in and across the tan seat with practiced ease. I feel a moment of hesitation and wonder why. He won't molest me in the car, and it's not as if I'm not interested. I shake the thoughts and follow him in.

  Megan squeals, a startlingly happy noise. I grin, and she taps the gas, setting us into motion.

  Luca relaxes next to me, shifting slightly. His thigh brushes against mine, and I glance over at him. He's got his sunglasses on. I force myself to relax against the seat.

  Then we're on the road, and the music fills the car as I absorb Luca's presence and we leave Vegas behind.

  Chapter Twelve


  There were reasons why I wanted a road trip. Good reasons—the sheer amount of time we are forced to spend together, and the intimacy of spending so much time in close quarters. And there is the fact that, every night, we will be finding a small hotel room—and all the opportunities that affords.

  Many, many reasons.

  But after six hours in a car with Megan and Asher, I'm ready to strangle them or fuck them, and neither is showing a damn sign of sexual frustration.

  I lick my lips as Meg coasts through a small town in Arizona, just south of Phoenix. It’s dark, and I'm hungry and horny. The first moderately impressive hotel I see, I point to.


  "It looks kinda shady," Megan says doubtfully.

  I bite back my groan. "We're sleeping, Megan. It doesn't need to be the Hyatt."

  She makes a grumpy noise, but heads in that direction. Asher leans into me, his lips brushing my ear. "Is that all we're doing?"

  I twist to him, my lips a breath from his. "Not a shot in hell."

  He inhales sharply, and I smirk. The car comes to an abrupt halt, and I spill out, fueled by anger and hormones.

  "I'll get a room," I say, shutting the door before Asher follows me.

  The lobby is quiet, a lonely girl sitting by herself at the front desk. "I need a room. With a king sized bed."

  She blinks at the firm tone, but clacks at her keyboard. "ID?"

  I fish it and my credit card out, slapping them onto the counter almost hostilely. She gives me a concerned look, but doesn't say anything else as she files the info. I use the quiet and space to get a handle on my temper. By the time she asks for my signature, I feel like I have a thin semblance of control. I flash her an apologetic smile as I scribble my name.

  She smiles shyly as I take the key and head back to where Meg and Knox are waiting.

  "We're around the back—room 215."

  Asher is smiling, an expression I find annoying at the moment. Meggy hums lightly to herself as she steers around the side of the little hotel. “Do you guys want to order something for delivery? I don’t want to get back in that car for the next dozen hours, if I can help it.”

  “Not pizza,” Asher says.

  “Bad Chinese?” she says, her voice hopeful.

  “I will never understand your fascination with bad ethnic food, darling.”

  She laughs and stops the car. “It’s comforting, English. Like an ugly, worn out pair of shoes.”

  He looks bewildered. “Why not just replace them?”

  Megan makes eye contact, a smile lighting her bright green eyes. I shake my head slightly, my mood shifting at the banter.

  Meg is wired, a bouncing bundle of energy, as Asher and I grab the bags from the back of the car. Her hair is a greasy mess, her clothes rumpled from travel.

  She looks adorable and gorgeous.

  “Come on,” she says, snatching the key from my hand and scurrying to the door. I follow, eyeing her.

  This is more than an excess of energy going on here—she’s nervous.

  Which we need to nip in the bud.

  I step into her as she slides the key into the lock, her lush, jean clad ass cuddled against my obvious erection. She shivers, and I nudge into her with my hips. “Inside, lovely girl.”

  She doesn’t say anything, just shoves the door open.

  I toss my bags aside and grab her by the hips, turning us both so she’s pressed between me and Asher. His hands come up and catch her by the shoulders, and Megan whimpers as he lowers his head, nibbling at the nape of her neck. “That,” he murmurs, “is something I’ve wanted to do since we left Vegas.”

  She’s staring up at me, her eyes hazy with desire, her nerves a sour aftertaste. It’s not enough.

  “Asher. She’s thinking too much.”

  His eyes dart up to me, and a thoughtful expression flits across his face.

  “Fuck her,” he says, that soft accent thickening.

  She gasps, her mouth falling open. He leans down, laying a trail of kisses down on her shoulder. “You’d like that, hmm, pet?”

  She nods, limply, and my dick twitches. She’s almost panting. I want to. So bad, I can taste it. I force myself to step back. “Is that what you want, Megan? Me?”

  She licks her lips and shakes her head, slowly. “I want you both.”

  I let my gaze flick to Asher. He’s holding her by the waist, and he smirks at me. “What are you waiting for?”

  I move, catching her and pulling her from his arms without any fanfare. He laughs as I back her toward the bed, and I spare him a quick glance. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

  He pulls his shirt over his head, and I let myself appreciate the view for a few seconds then turn back to Megs. She’s watching Asher strip, but I want her attention on me, for the moment. And I want her out of those jeans.

  “Don’t move,” I murmur, dropping to my knees. I unfasten her jeans and peel them down slowly. She’s wearing black boy shorts with white trim and a tiny bow. They might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  I lean in and kiss her hip bone. She shivers under me, and I feel her sway. I nudge her back until she lies down on the bed. There’s a whisper of movement, the creak of bed springs, and I glance up to s
ee Asher stretched alongside her, kissing her as his hand tugs her shirt up.

  Without thinking, I kiss the soft inside of her thigh, sucking softly, and she arches against me. I laugh and reach for the hem of her panties.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing that,” Asher says, his voice hoarse.

  “She has a pretty pussy, doesn’t she?” I say, looking at him. He’s staring, his erection twitching, and I smirk. Then I lick her, a soft, flicking touch that has her groaning. Her hands find my head, and she jerks me to her pussy. I lick her again, and she thrusts against my tongue, looking for that little bit of penetration. I move higher, delicately running my tongue over her clit as she whimpers in frustration. Slowly, I ease a two fingers into her and she grinds down on them as I suck on her clit.

  The orgasm comes faster than I expect, out of nowhere. Megan whimpers once, and then her body tightens, a sudden contraction of her muscles as the orgasm slams into her. I slide up her body, and Asher catches me, startling me with a kiss. For a second, I don’t know what to do—how to respond—and then his teeth nip at my lip. I groan, fisting a hand in his hair as he licks into my mouth. Tiny fingers wrap around my dick, and I break away to look down.

  Megan wiggles around a little, and Asher’s head drops back, his eyes rolling as she takes him into her mouth. I catch his lips again, taking his groan as she sucks him deep. Then I shift, grabbing a condom and rolling it on before I slide deep into her. She makes a strangled noise, and I shudder at the tight clasp of her pussy on me.

  “Tell me,” Asher grits out. I groan, struggling to push off my orgasm. As often as I’ve thought of this, my imagination doesn’t compare to the reality of being inside her for the first time.

  “Tight. Shit, she’s tight.”

  “Fuck her, Luc,” he rasps, thrusting slowly. I do what he says, adjusting her legs and pulling out until she’s squirming and whimpering. Then I drive deep into her, and she screams around his dick.


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