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Shattered Heart (Z series)

Page 9

by Jerri Drennen

  With that thought spurring her on, she leaned down and bit into the man’s sleeve, instantly making him release her.

  Charlotte took off running, only to be stopped by his partner who was next to William. He grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back.

  Pain ripped into her skull.

  “You need to keep this woman under control, or I will.” He scowled at her as if she were vermin.

  “I’ll take care of her.” William stared at the man’s hand still clutching her hair.

  He released his hold and stepped away.

  She caught the hard look he gave William. Unfortunately, William hadn’t seen it. If he had, he might have second thoughts about giving this man anything.

  Charlotte was drawn to the gun she spotted strapped to the man’s side. She wondered if William knew he had it. This was definitely not someone to cross. He was the type to get what he wanted and then take out anyone who could possibly give him away.

  She moved closer to William. She had to get him to see the guy’s weapon—warn him that there could be trouble.

  But how was she going to do that without him seeing?

  “Let’s get this over with. I’m tired of hiding this shit.” William reached for the back door handle. “Go get my money.”

  Charlotte reached over and covered his hand with hers.

  He turned to her.

  She shook her head. “You don’t want to do this, William. If we drive away right now, I’ll agree to go anywhere with you.”

  “I need this money, Charlotte. I can’t go anywhere without it.”

  “Shut that bitch up, and give me what I sent you.” Samir glared at William. “I don’t have time to deal with this. In my country, she would have been stoned for even questioning a man’s actions.”

  Charlotte gasped. What a horrible creature. She felt terrible for any woman who was subjected to the likes of him.

  William raised his hand. “You’re not getting a damn thing until you hand over my money, Samir.”

  The man’s eyes darkened to almost black.

  Charlotte backed against William, afraid he was going to go for his gun.

  Seconds ticked by as the two men stared each other down.

  Samir tipped his head to his accomplice, and the guy turned toward the SUV three cars down from William’s vehicle.

  He returned with a briefcase and handed it to Samir.

  “Open it,” William said.

  Samir did as instructed, popping the locks and opening the case, swinging it William’s way. The interior was filled with bundled hundred dollar bills.

  Charlotte couldn’t keep her jaw from slacking. She’d never seen so much money in her life.

  “Now, can I have what you promised me?”

  William hesitated for a moment, then opened the back of the Suburban. Once the door stood ajar, he snatched the case out of Samir’s hand and snapped it shut.

  The man signaled to the other guy to come forward.

  “You can’t let them do this, William,” Charlotte whispered. “There is no guarantee he’ll even let you leave here alive. He has a gun.”

  William’s attention shot to the man in question. Right then, his jacket was hiding the weapon. What if he didn’t believe her? The three could be lying here in this parking lot, dead, in a few minutes. Charlotte didn’t want to die, not anymore. She’d been going through the motions of life for the past two years, and now that she was finally coming out of the darkness, she could be killed by some terrorist. All because of money. Which truly was the root of all evil in the world.

  “Please, William. You have to stop this. You’re an American first and foremost. I know that has to mean something to you.”

  He glanced at her, his eyes giving away nothing. Was he at least thinking about what she said? She prayed he was.

  The other man came forward and reached into the Suburban to pull out the container.

  William stepped in his path. “I’ve changed my mind. I can’t let you take that box.”

  A commotion from the left caught the group off-guard.

  Charlotte was shocked, yet relieved to see JT and Zack aiming weapons at the two foreigners.

  Samir grabbed a hold of her and slammed her against him, her back flush to his front, an arm wrapping around her throat. She let out a scream, but found it muffled by his hold on her larynx. In his free hand, he held the gun from inside his jacket. He aimed it at William and fired, hitting him in the left shoulder.

  He went down, clutching his arm.

  Susan dropped down beside him, tears running down her cheeks. She had to love William. Why else would she stand by him, knowing what he’d planned to do to her once they reached their destination?

  “She’s next,” Samir shouted, the sheer volume of his voice almost deafening in Charlotte’s ear, “if you don’t allow me to leave.”

  He backed them down the side of the Suburban, headed for their SUV. After opening the door, he forced her inside and got in as his partner entered from the other side. Charlotte could barely swallow, her throat dry,

  Samir released her to the man in the passenger seat and started the vehicle, speeding away.

  Charlotte watched JT from the rear window. He stood stock still, deep lines around his eyes, concern evident in his features. He knew she was in trouble unless she could escape.

  What was going to happen to her if she didn’t?

  Would JT follow or just be thankful Samir left the parking lot without the bomb making device in his possession?

  JT had never felt so helpless in his life. Watching the woman he loved being taken by a man who had no respect for life—especially a woman’s.

  “Zack, you wait for the police. I’m going after Samir. I’ll let you know where he lands.” His partner reached down and grasped Susan’s arm and pulled her from the ground, while he kept his weapon trained on William. He had things under control.

  JT raced for his truck, taking off like the hounds of hell were on his trail, hoping to spot the SUV.

  To catch up, JT jumped the curb out of the parking lot and ran two red lights, narrowly missing a semi off his passenger-side. He sucked in a breath when he spotted the vehicle weaving in and out of traffic. If the man wasn’t careful, he’d kill them all in an accident trying to elude him. JT could care less about those two men, but Charlotte was with them.

  He kept at a safe distance, hoping the man would slow down. If he continued speeding, innocent people could get hurt. And only God knew what these men would do if a cop should attempt to stop them.

  JT’s heart pounded painfully in his chest. Where was this guy taking her? Would he go to the airport and try to leave the country? Maybe drive to the border? JT wished he knew. He could have Homeland waiting.

  No way could he allow Samir to leave. He might attempt the bombing at a later date, when no one was watching. Although, getting into the US again might be impossible once he topped the terrorist watch list.

  Samir turned right, and JT maneuvered over to do the same, hoping the man hadn’t spotted him yet.

  Right now, he wished he knew his way around the city. That could help in knowing where they were and where the man might be headed. Another right turn, then a sharp left. Where the hell was this man going? A GPS would be nice right about now. JT reached for his phone and punched three to call Zack.

  “Yeah,” his friend answered.

  “I need you to tell me where the hell I am. I’m on...” He glanced at a street sign as he sped by. “I just passed Legion. Where is Samir taking me?”

  “Let me pull up a map, and I’ll call you back.”

  The line went dead.

  JT almost missed Samir’s next turn. He had to cut between two cars to get over to make the right onto Brierwood Avenue. He had no idea where the hell he was. Only that it was a busy thoroughfare. Businesses lined the streets on both sides, the buildings getting taller and more massive as he drove down the road.

  The man took a sharp left, and JT shot over
to repeat the maneuver. A street sign had his heart racing. His phone buzzed, and he flipped it open.

  “You don’t have to tell me,” JT said into the phone. “He’s headed to the Exchange.”

  “I’m on my way.”


  Charlotte forced herself to stay calm. Losing it wouldn’t help her to get out of this alive. The Portland Exchange came into view, and she gasped before she could stop herself.

  Samir sneered. “Keep quiet, woman. I have no qualms about killing you if I have to.”

  She could tell the words were no idle threat. The man would murder her.

  Somehow, she needed to get away. But she’d wait for the right chance. Not just break away and hope he wasn’t a good shot.


  She had to be smart. Wait until she knew she had a fighting chance to survive.

  He turned into an underground garage. Samir punched in a code and the gate went up.

  They drove until they were in the middle of the parking area, no doubt directly below the Exchange. How had this man obtained access to the building? Did he work there? Did he have someone who did? Maybe he paid off someone in the Exchange.

  Now that they were there, what the heck did this man plan to do? He didn’t have the materials William received in those shipments. So why were they at the Portland Exchange?

  She turned to look in the back of the SUV.

  Oh, my God.

  Stacked in the rear were half a dozen bags of fertilizer and what looked to be other explosive devices. What he had might not bring down the whole building, but it sure as heck could cause a lot of damage. And people would die.

  Samir pulled into a slot and killed the engine.

  “What are you going to do?” Charlotte stared, dumbfounded.

  “What I have planned for six years. It might not be the end result I wanted, but it will make your country take notice.”

  “Why the Portland Exchange?”

  He snorted. “Why not?”

  “That isn’t an answer. What did the people working in this building do to you?”

  “I don’t have to answer to you. A woman.” He spat like she was dirt under his feet. “You mean nothing—less than nothing to me.”

  Charlotte wanted to haul off and punch him in the face, but knew that alone could get her killed. Then there’d be no way for her to stop him from doing what he planned.

  “Take her around back,” Samir said to his partner, his hand on the door handle. “We’ll put her inside when we’re done setting all the charges.”

  “You’ll never get away with this.”

  The man yanked her from the SUV. While she was dragged around to the rear of the vehicle, the sound of another car coming had them all on alert.

  Charlotte prayed it was JT or at least building security. A white car with a light on top appeared. Her heart started to pound like a runaway locomotive against her ribs. If she screamed for help, would the guard be shot? Were they looking for trouble? Surely Homeland Security had contacted them to let them know what was found on those blueprints. But would this man be quick enough to bring down these terrorists without someone getting killed—mainly her, since she’d be in the line of fire?

  “Keep her quiet,” Samir said to his partner. “I’ll talk to the guard.” He stepped forward as the car came to a stop off to the side of them.

  Charlotte’s mind swirled. Somehow, she had to get the guard’s attention without drawing the others. She watched Samir walk up to the man’s car window, speaking in low tones.

  She’d give anything to hear what he was saying. Surely, the man inside the car could tell he wasn’t a native of their country. Wouldn’t that trigger warning bells if they were on the lookout for trouble? It would with her.

  Samir handed the man something. Charlotte watched as the security guard scanned whatever it was and then handed it back. He nodded and moved ahead.

  She had to do something. Yet, what if that guard was on Samir’s payroll? It wouldn’t matter what she did and it just might get her shot.

  Samir returned to them. “We have twenty minutes to get these charges set. That idiot will be back through by then.”

  Charlotte wanted to kick herself. She could have warned the guard and maybe saved half the people who worked in the Exchange. Now, she’d have their blood on her hands. She might as well have signed their death warrants herself.

  No. She had to stop this or die trying. No way was she going to let anyone get hurt if she could help it.

  * * *

  JT pulled up next to a Portland Exchange security car and rolled down his window. “Did you see a Black SUV anywhere inside?”

  “Yes. The guy had a security pass. Said it was his first day on the job. Why?”

  “We have to get to them. They are going to try and bring the building down.”

  The man’s face drained of color, then he nodded and turned his vehicle around and took off at a high speed.

  JT followed, hoping it wasn’t too late to save everyone—not to mention the woman he loved.

  The security car’s brake lights came on, and JT knew it was time to use his training.

  Gunfire erupted, and JT pulled his truck over and jumped out. Samir didn’t know he was there, and that element of surprise could only help.

  He flattened himself against the wall and eased around to take the turn. The guard was slumped at the wheel of his car, the motor still running. Shit. Now, he was on his own until Zack arrived.

  JT pulled his gun out of the back of his jeans and aimed it toward the SUV. His gaze darted around. He needed to find Charlotte. Keep her out of his line of fire.

  A female scream had him scrambling across the concrete floor to the back of the utility vehicle. He was sure it came from around the other side.

  JT’s heart slammed against his chest, his throat clogged with pent-up emotion. He had to save her, but he had to get to Samir first. Her life had to be secondary to the people in the building. That was the first thing he’d learned in the service. One life didn’t equate to the masses.

  He ducked to the back and whipped around the corner until his eyes landed on Charlotte and Samir’s accomplice. He had her pinned against the wall.

  JT saw red. He was going to kill this guy for laying a hand on her. First, he had to stop those charges from being set.

  Samir stood a hundred feet from Charlotte, his hands filled with a device. Had he set it yet? Could JT take him down now without causing a cataclysmic disaster?

  He didn’t know, but he didn’t have time to debate. He had to bring an end to this. Now.

  JT aimed his weapon and fired, catching Samir in the thigh where he’d intended. The man went down, clutching at the limb.

  Samir’s partner looked startled, trying to grab for Charlotte.

  At that moment, she kneed him in the groin and he dropped, then she kicked the gun he held from his hand and scrambled to get it. “Freeze, scumbag,” she said when the weapon was firmly in her grip.”

  JT raced to her side. “Go around and get in my truck.” he said to her.

  “No. I’m staying here to help you. I’ll keep them under wraps while you disconnect those bombs.”

  He looked skeptical. “Do you know how many charges he set?”

  “Yes. At least two. You need to get to them before they go off.”

  A car came careening around the corner. Zack jumped out.

  “We have to find two bombs. They are already set,” JT told him.

  Zack’s eyes widened. “You watch him.” Zack pointed to the man Charlotte held a gun on. Samir had passed out. “I’ll find and disarm those charges.”

  He took off at a sprint, crazily looking around. “Found one,” he shouted about half a minute later.

  “Can he do it?” Charlotte looked at JT with questioning eyes.

  “If anyone at Z can, it’s Zack.”

  While they waited, JT dragged Samir over to his partner, wishing he could put the two out of their misery
. US justice would have to suffice.

  He glanced at Charlotte. “You okay?”

  “One down. One to go,” Zack shouted.

  JT smiled. He seriously couldn’t have asked for a better man to work with.

  “Found it. I’ll let you know when it’s disarmed,” Zack said from farther away.

  Sirens bellowed in the distance, and JT let out a breath. The police were on their way and he could take Charlotte back to Freemont before saying goodbye.

  He glanced her way, and his heart clenched. The thought of never seeing her again hurt, but he had to do it. They came from two different worlds. She didn’t fit into his and he hardly fit into hers. So, what did they have left? To say goodbye and hope he’d get over the loss, knowing he’d never see her again.


  “Are you going to mope around all day?” Zack asked, a look of annoyance on his face. “Or are we going to go out and see what kind of trouble we can get into?”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere right now.”

  Zack snorted. “So, you want to sit around and think about her instead?”

  “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

  “Come on, JT. This is me you’re talking to. Call her. Tell her you love her and ask her to come to Virginia.”

  JT shook his head. “I’m not going to do that to her. She has a life in Freemont. I can’t ask her to change everything for us to be together. She’d resent me for it.”

  “Don’t you think that should be up to her?”

  “It’s easier this way. A clean break is best.”

  “There’s nothing clean about it. You’re miserable, and I’ll bet my left nut she is, too.”

  “Look, Zack, I don’t want to rehash this. Go on and have fun without me. I’ll see you later.”

  Zack stared at him for what seemed like a lifetime, then shrugged. “All right. But if you change your mind. I’ll be at Land-Ho, shooting pool. You know how much you love beating me at that.”


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