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Impossible Love: An Unforeseen Destiny Novel Book One

Page 25

by Kimberly Readnour

  I shoot her a glare, but it goes ignored. The only photos in the hallway are of me. As those two take off to look at my embarrassing adolescent pictures‌—‌the ones Dad’s already seen from his last visit‌—‌I turn to Kai. “Come on, let’s get some food. The neighbors have been bringing dishes over for the last two days.”

  For the first time since Mom’s death, my stomach feels as if it can hold some food.

  “Kai, I’d like you to meet my neighbor, Mrs. Jones,” I say when we reach the kitchen. “She helped coordinate everything.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Kai says, reaching across to shake her hand.

  “The pleasure’s all mine. It’s so nice to meet Kayla’s handsome boyfriend.” Mrs. Jones expression turns seriousness. “She could’ve used your support these past couple of days. I hope you plan to take better care of her.”

  I gulp and stare wide-eyed at Kai. He doesn’t seem fazed by her words at all. In fact, his expression brightens.

  “I plan to do just that, Mrs. Jones”‌—‌he sneaks a peak at me‌—‌“if she’ll let me.”

  “Well, honey, I can see you’re in good hands,” Mrs. Jones says as she turns to me. “I’ll take off and leave you two to catch up, but if you need anything, let me know.”

  The weight of Kai’s stare is crushing as I watch Mrs. Jones leave. His words work through my mind. Does he want to get back together? And if so, how would that work? Our living situation hasn’t changed, so the same problems exist.

  “Nice lady,” Kai says.

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “I was serious.”

  My gaze shifts to his, and the intense eagerness in his stare freezes me in place.

  “I do want to take care of you. Not just today, but forever.”

  My mouth dries. How am I supposed to answer that? I want nothing more than to be together with him. With him standing two feet away from me, those said problems seem rather trivial.

  “We’ll talk, later,” I croak. “After everyone else leaves.”

  He steps toward me, closing the gap between us, and my heart begins to race. My gaze drops to his chest. It felt incredible being tucked against his body earlier. My thoughts jumble together, fantasizing about his arms being wrapped around me. Kai leans forward, and we’re so close, I can feel his breath against my ear.

  “I’m holding you to that,” he murmurs and then reaches behind me to grab a disposable plate.

  There’s no stopping the shudder that ripples through my body from his close proximity. One corner of Kai’s mouth raises as his eyes dance with amusement. I stand for a few moments catching my breath allowing my body to cool back down.

  “I’m glad I still have an effect on you.” Kai chuckles.

  “You’re still an ass,” I say jokingly.

  This only makes him chuckle more.

  After we finish eating, Kai throws our plates away and then stands next to Dad. Kai mentions needing to ask him something, but he doesn’t elaborate. I’m not alone, though. Staci joined us halfway through eating.

  I turn to say something to her and pause. She’s in a trance, staring at Kai’s crotch.

  “Will you stop looking at his dick,” I whisper and quickly eye my surrounding. I do hope no one over heard me.

  “I can’t help it. He’s hung. You know, you really should consider taking him back.”

  “On dick size alone?”

  “Believe me. I’ve seen plenty and yes, on dick size alone. Not everyone is built or good for that matter.” She turns to me, and her face slackens. “But all that aside, he’s still in love with you. And you know you still love him. So, yeah,” she holds out her first finger as she ticks off her reasons, “One, big dick. Two, good in bed. Three, hotter than hell. And four, it’s painstakingly obvious he’s in love with you.”

  “I don’t know. We’re still so far apart.”

  She shoves her four fingers in my face. “Four reasons compared to one.”

  I sigh.

  “Just keep an open mind.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  She leans over and gives me a hug. “Call me if you need me. I better take off.” Staci backs away and yells toward the guys, “Kai, John, it’s great finally meeting you.”

  “You’re leaving?” Kai asks.

  “Yeah, I have to get back tonight.” She gives me another hug. In a lower tone, she says, “Think about what I said.”

  “Be careful driving back to campus.”

  “I will.”

  After Staci leaves, many others follow until it’s down to Kai and Dad. It doesn’t take long before Dad claims to be exhausted and needing his bed. He’s not fooling me, though. He’s just giving us time alone.

  “I’m so glad you finally made it here,” I say to Dad as he hugs me goodbye.

  “Me, too. I wish I could’ve made it sooner.” He backs away from me and frowns. “I’ll be back in the morning, okay?”


  I close the door, and all the chaos seems to leave along with Dad. The noise level drops considerably as I realize I’m alone with Kai.

  I slowly turn to face him. Kai’s leaning against the far wall, right leg crossed in front of the other, his hands in the side pockets of his black dress pants. His caramel skin peeks through the first few opened buttons of his dark grey dress shirt. The sleeves are rolled halfway up his forearm, revealing those firm arms that used to hold me. The casual dressy look fits him well. I back up against the door and stare into those dark chocolate eyes I’ve missed so much.

  “Hey,” I say my voice cracking.

  He shifts away from the wall and stalks toward me. His predatory gaze pins me in place as breathing suddenly becomes a chore.

  “Hey,” he says when he reaches me.

  He’s a breath’s distance away, and my heart races. His hands raise and cup my jaw. The next moment, his lips caress mine sweetly and gently as if he can’t believe it’s real and he’s afraid I’ll disappear. My lips part, and his tongue waste no time finding mine. The familiar movement puts me at ease, and I feel at peace for the first time since leaving the island.

  His body presses against mine, and I snake my arms around his shoulders, working my fingers into his hair as he deepens the kiss.

  It’s as if no time has passed. It just feels right.

  He breaks the kiss, panting and holding my body. He leans his forehead on mine while he catches his breath. “I’ve wanted to do that all day.”

  “I need to know,” I say.

  Kai tilts his head back to peer into my eyes, and I pause before asking the inevitable, “Where do we go from here?”



  I grab Kayla’s hand, drag her over to the couch, and pull her down beside me. She’s exhausted, but we have so much to discuss. Once she’s settled, I refuse to let her hand go. I bring my free hand to her arm and trace small figure eights along her skin. Goose flesh rise. God, I missed this girl.

  “This right here‌…‌this is right. I don’t care about anything else, but being with you. You’re my whole world,” I say.

  Her eyes glisten as she blinks back the tears. “I know we’re meant to be together.”

  Hope begins to swell in my chest at her words, but the frown, developing on her face, squashes it back down.

  “But there’s still going to be four thousand miles between us.”

  “I don’t care, babe. I love you. We’ll make it work.” I lower my voice. “I’m not good without you.”

  She lays her head on my shoulder and squeezes her eyes closed. “I’m not good without you either.”

  “Then we’re agreed, we’re together.”

  She leans back up and smiles genuinely at me. “Just like that?”

  “Just like that. I love you, and that’s all that matters. The rest of the shit, we’ll deal with.”

  Her gaze trails downward and lands on my arm‌—‌the one with the tattoo. My shirt is covering it, but the way she’s staring, I think sh
e imagines it there.

  “I can’t believe she’s gone.”

  The pained expression that passes over her delicate features cut me to the core.

  “I’m sorry. I know it’s rough. Just hang on to all the good memories you have.”

  “Tell me it will be okay.”

  “You’ll be okay. It’ll hurt like hell for a while, but you’re strong and will survive this.”

  She sniffs and snuggles closer to me.

  “Kamp sends his condolences, by the way.”

  “How is Kamp doing?”

  “He’s fine. Still crazy.”

  She laughs. “Tell him thanks for me.” After a beat of silence, she asks, “When do you go back?”

  I grip her tighter as if that will keep her beside me longer. I hate my answer. I hate having to leave her.

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  I feel her body sag against me.

  “I suppose it’s for the best. There’s so much studying to do, but it’s going to be nearly impossible to concentrate.”

  “I wish I could stay, but I can’t. Not with John staying here until graduation. I have to return to keep the tour company going.”

  “I understand. It just sucks.”

  “It does.”

  Her body next to me feels incredible. I’ve missed her so much. Buddy has too. The occasional twitch is a constant reminder, but no matter how big a case of blue balls I have, that’s not happening. I glance down, and her eyes are closed. As much as I want to hold her all night, she needs her rest. It’s been a long day for her.

  I nudge her, and her eyelids flicker open.

  “Damn it. I don’t want to fall asleep. We don’t have much time together.”

  “We have all the time in the world to talk. I’m never letting you go again.”

  She peers up at me with her violet-blue eyes.

  “Here, let’s get you out of these clothes and get you to bed.”

  Her eyes widen, and I realize how that sounds.

  “I-I just meant to get you comfortable. We’ll talk in bed.”

  A warm smile crosses her face. “I know, and that sounds fantastic.”

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Nineteen Weeks apart


  “How’d you do on Professor Talbert’s exam?” Staci asks.

  “Who cares? We’re done, but I think I squeaked out enough answers to pass.” And in all honesty, I don’t care. Not anymore. “Just give me my degree, already.”

  “Amen to that, sister. When are you flying out to visit your dad?”

  “In two months. The following week after boards.”

  At the time I discussed this with Dad, it sounded logical. Now, it sounds insane. I don’t want to mope around my house for another two months, and I’m dying to see Kai.

  “When’s John flying back home?”

  “Sunday. He needs to return to work, but he said he wouldn’t miss my graduation for anything.”

  Warmth fills the hollow spaces left from Mom’s passing. Sometimes, I feel as if I’ve replaced a parent. I went most of my life only having one parent involved at a time, so that part hasn’t changed, but it’s hard to understand why I couldn’t have my mom still with me. I miss her so much.

  “Have you heard from Brian?”

  “No. I never returned any of his texts or calls when Mom died, and I think he gave up on me.” It hurts. Even though it’s my fault our friendship dissolved, I still miss our talks. For four years, he was a good person to talk to.

  “He’s a dick.”

  “You really believe that, don’t you?” I shake my head. “I always thought he was a nice guy.”

  “Yeah, well, I have my reasons.”

  “Are you going to tell me or leave me hanging?”

  She hesitates. “I’ll tell you someday, but not now. This is about you, not me. Sooo‌…‌what about Kai?”

  Her questionable tone makes me smile. Even though I’m curious to know what her story is with Brian, I don’t push her. She’ll talk about it when she’s ready. This week, we’ve been focused heavily on studying and haven’t been able to have a serious conversation since I arrived back‌—‌not in depth anyway. I thought studying would be excruciating, but it kept my mind occupied. I never had time to wallow in self-pity.

  “Kai’s looking forward to my visit.”

  “Are you guys officially together?”

  “For the most part, yes. We haven’t discussed any details. He stated he wasn’t going to let me go, and I’ll never date anyone else, so…”

  “So, you’re going to keep communicating and see each other when you can?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  I purse my lips. No, that’s not what I want. I want to be able to hold him and have his strong arms hold me. I don’t want to be apart. In all honesty, it took only one night after Kai flew back home to make me realize what I want from life.

  “I want more.”

  Staci stares me straight in the eyes. “Then get more.”

  Before I lose my courage or try to rationalize my goals, I pick up the phone.

  “Hello,” Dad answers.

  “Dad, I need a favor.”

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Twenty-six weeks apart


  “He’s leaving. You should be good,” Dad says.

  “Did he say he was going home?”

  “No, but I’m pretty sure that’s where he’s headed.”

  “And you’ll be able to catch a ride with someone?”

  “Oh, yeah. I’m the boss, honey. They’ll be more than glad to drive me home.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate this. I’ll see you later tonight.”

  Thirty minutes later, I’m knocking on my boyfriend’s door. He’s expecting me next week, but I can’t wait any longer. I had to come now. I’m dying to see his expression when he opens the door.

  I shift my weight back and forth. His car is in the driveway, so he’s surely home, but it’s taking forever for him to answer.

  I knock again.

  “Coming,” that deep velvety voice yells out.

  I clasp my trembling hands together and try to ignore my pounding heart. A moment later, the door swings open to an unexpected sight that immobilizes me‌—‌Kai’s glistening wet body wrapped in nothing but a towel.

  Oh my God, I’ve missed the hard planes of his perfectly chiseled abs. I want to lick the droplets of water from every contoured muscle shaping that perfect V-shape.

  We stand motionless before each other, my gaze traveling back to his face. His incredulous stare alights my skin as tingles shoot across every nerve ending, and those sexy parted lips of his‌…‌mmm, I just want to consume them.

  “You’re here,” he says, snapping out of his stupor. He steps forward and pulls me into a hug.

  “I’m here.”

  “Where’s John?” Kai glances at Dad’s car and then back to me.

  “At work. He’s catching a ride with someone.”

  “He gave you his car?”


  “And he’s going home instead of here?” His eyes darken and hands tighten around me.


  A guttural growl erupts from Kai, and the next moment, I’m dragged further into his house. He kicks the door shut and backs me against the wall. Those lips I crave crash upon mine, heating my blood. I run my hands along the hard ridges of his abs, and the hot molten lava flowing through my veins heat places that have been yearning for his touch. It’s been so long.

  His hand works along my sides, sweeping around until he palms one breast while his other hand weaves its fingers into my hair. My hands inch along the planes of his chest and glide to his shoulders where I grab hold.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Kai says, practically moaning.

  “Me either,” I pant.

  Kai gently pulls my hair, jerking my head back and exposing my neck to his warm li
ps. His warm breath tickles as his lips devour my skin in a mixture between sucking and kissing. He’s driving me crazy.

  “I don’t want to make our reunion all about sex, but damn, I want to fuck you so bad.”

  “It’s been four months Kai. I’m more than ready.”

  His dark eyes darken further, and I almost come undone by the want displayed in his stare.

  We barely make it to his room before my clothes are off, and he’s right back where he needs to be.

  Lying with my back against Kai, I’ve never felt so content. His fingers trace across my skin in a slow, tantalizing movement while he plants soft kisses on my back.

  “Since you came early, does that mean you have to leave early?”

  I turn to face him, and his expression makes my heart swell. He’s trying to be strong, but there’s weariness to his look.

  “I’m not going back.”

  He sucks in a breath as his hand stills. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m moving to Kauai. I’m going to live with Dad for a while.”

  “What about school?”

  “So much has changed in my life. It’s not the same anymore. Besides, I miss this island.” My gaze sweeps to his. “I miss you.”

  “Are you sure? I mean‌…‌I don’t want you regretting this decision ten years from now.”

  “I’m sure. Priorities change.”

  “That sounds a little flippant. Are you sure you thought this through?”

  “Actually, I’ve had seven weeks to think over my options. I’m going to take off a year to work, and if I want, I can always apply to the University of Hawaii. They offer a Family Nurse Practitioner Program. Manoa is a lot closer than Lafayette.” I flash him a smile. “I’ve already been in contact with them. It’s too late for this coming semester, but I’ll be set for the following year, if I so choose.”

  Kai shakes his head. “I-I don’t know what to say. I’m shocked. And you’re okay living with John?”

  “It’ll be weird at first. He’s still a stranger to me, but it’s okay. I’ve done it before. Living with a stranger, I mean. And look‌…‌Staci and I became best friends.”


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