"I don't know, I'm just telling you what I saw. And besides it was a new power of some kind, who knows what she will be capable of doing. She will have her full powers in a few days so maybe she is getting pumped full of her powers as the days get closer. I know that she has gotten a lot stronger, like pick her Jeep up with her hands and move it like it is a simple rock. So if she does have a new power, maybe it can blow demons up who are in between planes." Jace concluded, clearly sounding irritated.
"Ok, so she can blow up demons now, great. What do we expect her to do once she actually has to confront Damien? And how does she interact with us, do we help her in any way?" Grayson sounded worried and irritated all at the same time too, he wasn't used to dealing with prophets either.
"She didn't have long after that before he showed up. Damien shows up with Lilith and a few higher level demons and then Katilyn immediately cast some sort of bubble around them, it made it impossible for us to get in and help her. She said that she was sorry for leaving us, but it was a necessary evil and it made it possible to fix this situation. Lilith took her on first and they seemed to battle forever, it’s like their powers were equally matched, until Katilyn started to weaken from overuse of her magic. It finally looked like Lilith was going to be able to take her and when she was just about to take the blow that probably could have killed her, Damien stopped Lilith. Damien looked at Katilyn like he was a proud father, rather weird to look at your daughter who is beaten and bloody and be proud, but whatever it was he saw it made him change his mind and not kill her. He told her she had grown up well and had trained well. He told her he was proud of the woman she had become but he wasn't ready for her yet, and that he would come back and retrieve her when she had finally accepted her dark powers and who she really was. He told her it was only a matter of time before she had to embrace her dark powers, but he was patient and he would wait on her until then. Before she could smart off to him and piss him off, he disappeared along with Lilith, who looked rather unhappy. After they were gone, she was finally so weak that she passed out which dropped the protective circle around her. We all rushed to her side, but when I tried to touch her she burned my hands black. They actually sizzled and turned black; the Chiefs hands did the same thing when he tried to pick her up. None of the other wolves would even try to touch her after they saw what happened to the Chief, but you didn't hesitate. You knelt down right beside her and picked her up, not blackening one bit. I could hear the sizzle like it did on ours, but you never turned black. You picked her up in your arms and carried her in the house to her room, and then I woke up." Jace finished describing my return and my meeting with Damien for the first time.
Grayson was deep in thought, along with the Chief. I was in shock to say the least; I passed out and burned everyone except Gray, what did that mean. I wanted to wait and see what else was going to be said, but Aaron squeezed my arm, signaling me that it was time to leave. I could have sworn that Gray looked in our direction again, that made me happy and nervous all at the same time. If he could feel our presence, did he suspect something else, could he suspect the truth that I made a premeditated decision to leave.
We silently made our way back up the stairs to my room. I grabbed my bag and turned to Aaron, waiting on him to transport us out of here, away from the people I was starting to care about.
This time we didn't land anywhere that was familiar to me, it was a really nice bedroom though. The room was decorated in dark browns and greens, very earthy feeling, it connected me to my elemental powers. It smelled of the ocean though, which was kind of weird for the décor, then I realized where I probably was. The scent fit my previous nightmares that Aaron had starred in; his smell was that of the ocean.
"Are we in your room?" I asked a little breathless still from the transporting. That was something that would take some time getting accustomed to.
He smiled sweetly at me and that really caught me off guard, this was the guy I had been terrified of in my dreams and now he seemed so normal. Well as close to normal as I get, he seemed more like me than I had ever thought.
"What do you think of it? I had it created and decorated just for you." He asked me in a very self-conscious tone, I think he was afraid that I might actually not like it.
"It's amazing. It feels so connected to the earth" and it truly was a connected feeling.
There was all natural wood furniture; real plants growing everywhere, made me feel like I was in a jungle almost. The colors were so soothing that if I had to be somewhere else right now this is exactly where I would want to be.
"I was hoping that you would like it. I designed all this with you in mind of course. I was hoping that we would one day be able to share this place together. Would you like to see the rest?" he asked me with a fire in his eyes and happiness in his tone I had never heard before.
"Sure" was all I could answer with. His confession had shocked me; he had seriously thought this entire scenario out and planned this room around me. I don't know if I should be freaked that he knows so much about me, or appreciative that he had went to this much trouble to know so much about me so that he could make me a place that would be amazing for me. Ok so this version was definitely different from what I had been accustomed to running from in my nightmares.
He led me through some frosted French doors that led to a patio garden that was just short of heavenly for me. This place was breath taking and I fell in love straight away. I could already feel my body recharging and reenergizing from the healthy positive energy it was feeding off of. All the elements were here for me to work with and that was utterly amazing. There was a fire pit, a small stream; wind chimes were hanging everywhere, and enough plants and trees to represent a small country.
"Aaron I don't know what to say. This is gorgeous; it’s absolutely amazing, absolutely perfect. I'm actually a little speechless, this was something that I never expected from you and I am amazed." I laughed a little, mainly because of my state of shock.
He came up behind me then and rubbed his hands up and down my arms. That made me feel weird things, things that I never wanted to feel again, especially with him. This made me somewhat uncomfortable, but not enough for me to tell him to stop. I think in some way I did enjoy this time with him, as horrible and weird as that might sound, this guy isn't that bad, he has just been mentored by the wrong damn people.
"Katilyn, I'm not as bad as you might think. When I was searching for you I was reckless and irrational. I could have gone about this in such a much more civilized manner and if I had, maybe we wouldn't be in a battle of emotions. I know that this is weird for you, but I also know that you are having a hard time denying your feelings for me. I know that somewhere in there, you have emotions for me that you never dreamed that you would, and that is terrifying you at the same time it is exhilarating you. Maybe one day you will be able to forgive me for all the wrong doings that I did against you, I did start out with the best of intentions, but you know the saying, the best of plans can lead to hell. I want you to see me for the man that I really am, not the demon who has been trying to find you and not stopping at anything to find you. I am more than that and I want you to know that part of me." He was almost whispering now, his voice was so strained with emotion.
What he said and the truth of his feelings was really starting to weaken the walls that I had created around my heart. This wasn't new territory for me, honestly it sounded like me telling Grayson how I felt about him. Telling someone you love them, knowing that you can be shot down is one of the bravest things I think anyone can ever do.
There was a knock on the door, interrupting our nice moment. It was gone within seconds of that resonating thud through the room. He looked disappointed that he was needed somewhere else, I was relieved though because I needed some fresh air or just a break from him.
"I had better go and let them know that I have returned, and with you to boot. Some were anxious that I would not be able to convince you to come, guess they shouldn't have underesti
mated my charms." He grinned and waggled his eyebrows at me.
This made me giggle some, but I stifled it very well. "Go, but come back soon, we will need to devise a plan of attack and decide how I am going to show back up." I turned to head back inside.
Before I could make it to the doors, Aaron grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. I didn't have any time to deflect what he was going to do, so I just had to roll with it.
He decided to plant a kiss on my lips, again another kiss that I did not ask for. He was gentle though; this was a sweet pressing of his lips to mine. Nothing forced or hard, just a soft press and then he was out the door. I was left to think about all that had happened and what would happen. The battle I had left, the tension that was covering my house, the people who thought I betrayed them, and the plan that I would have to come up with, the kiss that I had just received everything was flying through my mind at warp speed, driving me insane.
Man this was going to be a long night, especially trying to get some sleep and rest when I knew I really needed it, but my mind and body were not in the mood for rest and relaxation. I was too wired to think of anything other than the task at hand and the real possibility that I might die.
Chapter 17--Do I have idiot on my forehead?
It was morning when I finally saw Aaron again. He looked tired and I wondered if his followers had given him a hard time, or was there something else that was going on that I did not know about.
"Are you okay?" I asked him as he sat a tray of fruit and coffee on the bedside table. He gave me a tight smile, which felt out of place. His mood was off, he was tense and irritated.
"What's happened?" I got up from the bed and at that his face finally lit up. That's when I realized that with my concern I hadn't paid attention and put on clothes. I was standing there in my panties and a tank top, great; just show it all off moron.
"Turn around, NOW." I told him, angered by his lack of morals, and his instant happiness over my stupidity. I put my bra and jeans on, and just to piss him off I slipped on my t-shirt, socks, and boots.
"Now you can turn around and tell me what the hell is happening." I told him through gritted teeth. I had been right to not forgive him just yet; he was still struggling with the demon side that was more in control, much as he did not want to admit.
"I'm just having some issues with some of the higher levels and what they are expecting me to do." He tried to shrug it off but it was really bothering him, weighing down his mood.
"And what would that be, to wed and bed me today?" I asked with a laugh of bitterness. I wasn't expecting my guess to be right, so I was shocked when he didn't laugh back, but looked down at his boots instead.
"That's it!" I shrieked.
"Yeah, pretty much. I've promised them for a long time that we could change things for the Underworld and the dark creatures that live in it. They just want it done; they are tired of living a miserable life under the control of Damien." He sighed and dropped in the recliner and palmed his face, trying to rub off the frustration.
"Yeah, well try running from him for your entire life. You guys just live under his rule, and honestly you guys could just rebel and choose to live however you want. How about you guys live my life for a while, where every dark creature you meet wants you dead or captured and see how well you like your old life instead. This is not going to be something simple to do, they are crazy if they think you can just bed me and create a new race. We have to take Damien down, and not just kill him; he must be trapped because if we or anyone else manages to kill him, we all die." I told him pacing in front of him, frustrated at what all these idiots were expecting.
"I understand that, they are just anxious. Let's move on to something that we can plan out right now. What are we to do about tonight?" he looked to me for answers.
"Well I thought about that all night. At first I thought I might could use my astral body, but I've never done it so I don't know if my magic will be strong enough in that form. Will you help me try? I have to have someone watching over my human form or I can be lost in the spirit world." I looked at him skeptically.
"Sure let's try, if it keeps you from really getting beaten by Lilith. How do we do this thing then?" he asked lazily.
"You're going to have to be more alert about this if you really want to help me. If this isn't done right then I could die or be trapped in the spirit world forever. Would you like to have a ghost as a bride, although I guess I wouldn't mind, because you couldn't bed me then?" I sneered at him, really starting to regret asking him for help.
"Holy hell, you can be a bitch! How did those guys put up with you? Oh wait, I know, one kicked you to the curb and the other realized he would rather be a brother figure to the ice queen bitch, versus her lover!" he growled steadily back at me.
Even for me and the fact that it came from him shouldn't have bothered me, but it did, it kind of hurt. But I would not let him see that, let him think of me as the ice queen. I went and lay down outside on the grass, I wanted a closer connection to mother earth; hopefully it would help to keep me connected to this plane.
"You have to put one hand on my heart and the other on my stomach. You also need to be touching the earth, so remove those boots and socks. You are my anchor to this plane, so if you even remove one hand off of me or move a foot off the ground, I lose my connection to this plane. If I get stuck in the spirit plane, my body will turn into a corpse and wither away. Do you understand how important you are to this process? I am literally leaving my life in your hands, so you better take damn good care of it or I will come back and haunt your ass on a daily basis." I didn't look at him; I could only hope that I stressed how dangerous this was going to be and how important his role in this was.
I closed my eyes as I heard him settle down beside me. He removed his boots and shoes as I had asked and then took a very shaky breath, and when it came out it was still just as shaky. I guess he actually did grasp how huge this was.
When he placed his hands on me I admit, I jumped a little, and that had him backpedaling so fast it was like I had spit fire on him.
"Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" he asked me quickly in that shaky voice.
"Aaron, calm down please. Your hands were just cold and they made me shiver, I was also concentrating on the spell I was going to have to say and I wasn't prepared for your hands. It's alright, just calm down and when you touch me just think about keeping my body here with you. You have to keep a constant thought about me, whether it's my eyes, the color of my hair, or even how much of a bitch I am. Just keep a steady thought about me, your hands on my body, and your feet in the ground and everything will be just fine." I told him very calmly, my tone did not reflect what I was feeling on the inside, pure chaos, and I am glad that he did not know that.
"I am going to attempt to put my astral body in the bedroom in there. Hopefully you will be able to see and hear me, if you do don't freak out and let go. Just acknowledge me and I will see what all I am capable of doing. Now get your thought in your head because I am ready." I closed my eyes and began the chant that would separate my spirit from my body.
I slowly became quieter and quieter with the chant until I was only saying it inside of my head. I pictured my spirit, a ghost like form of myself standing up away from my body and just looking down at me. At first it was just a thought, but then I actually started feeling myself being torn out of my body. It felt like I was being ripped right out of my skin and it burned like ice does sometimes.
Then there was nothing, I felt nothing else. The only thing that I did feel was lightheaded as I looked at my actual body lying on the ground while I stood above it. The sensation was weird, looking at one’s own body and not being in it. I mean if you don't have an actual body can you actually feel anything anymore?
"Aaron?" I called out his name, nothing. He didn't respond, not even in the slightest. Maybe he just can't hear me, I wonder if he can see me? I walked over to the doorway, but as I entered the light I noticed
that I didn't have any feet or legs. Well damn, that's not good. No voice, no body, that is just dandy. Son of a bitch, why does this shit happen to me?
Apparently I am not doing something right. I haven't read anywhere in my journals on how to do this. My mom never tried it; she said it was something that never interested her so I have no instructions or guidelines to follow on this. The only thing I have is rumors from other witches who have done this and the spell that they used, along with that I only have my instincts.
I needed to get back inside of my body I guessed. I mean if I can be seen or heard, what's the point in trying this experiment any longer. I was just starting the chant to put myself back in when I heard a commotion outside of the bedroom door.
There were muffled voices, one was a female and the others were male, they were all arguing. Hmm, I wonder what is going on out there. If I am invisible and can’t be heard, that would be very beneficial for me right about now if I wanted to sneak out and investigate the area.
I took a breath and stepped through the shut door. I felt my body, or rather my misty form just slide right though I froze when I reached the other side.
I was in the Underworld. That no good bastard, he brought me to the Underworld, how dare he bring me down here. I was going to kill him the moment I got back in my body.
There was a movement to my right and I walked closer to the people in the shadows. It was Affinia with a few other vampires and they all seemed to be in a heated discussion.
"How the hell am I supposed to know? All I know is that he was supposed to bring Grayson back with the bitch. He betrayed me, he granted her to call the shots and he left the one thing he promised me." She was seething with anger and it was all directed at me and Aaron.
"So what are you asking of us Affinia?" a shorter male vampire asked. He had olive toned skin, and he was on the short side, probably a little shorter than me. His accent sounded like he was from Italy, but had learned to hide it somewhat.
Hells Royalty The Princess Page 15