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The Matchup

Page 13

by Alice Ward

  “I don’t smell bacon cooking. What, no breakfast in bed?” I asked, trying to tease my way to a good start this morning.

  “My specialty is ice cream at midnight. You fell asleep before I could show you what I could do with it.” He gave me a sinister grin.

  I gulped. “Oh.”

  His grin grew wider. “I didn’t make the breakfast, but it looks delicious, and the view is amazing this morning.”

  “I’m starving.” I grabbed my robe from the floor, slung it around me and jumped to my feet. “Oooh!” came out of my mouth as my body objected.

  “You okay?” Lucas looked panicked.

  I was still a little sore. It’d been so long since I’d even had sex, let alone hard-pounding, pussy-pummeling sex. I’d have to give my flesh some time to adjust.

  “Nothing to worry about.” I smiled and did my best to walk normally to the kitchen.

  As I passed through the entry hall, I noticed a red and white box sitting on the table again. Shivers ran down my back and to my center, curing me of any lingering hesitation.

  So that I wouldn’t appear too eager, I continued on to the kitchen, where someone had set out our breakfast. I took a seat across from Lucas, where we could look out at the white mountain peaks.

  After we ate, he broached the subject of the box. “We’ve ignored it for as long as we can.”

  Now that we’d found even ground again, I guessed we were both reluctant to risk it.

  “Right, we should check it out.” I pretended like I was enthused by the idea of having to compete again so soon. Surely, though, this wouldn’t be a sex challenge. But the daylight task of shoveling snow hadn’t been much of a picnic either. “Let’s hope for a non-labor activity.”

  We approached the box as if we were stalking our prey. He snatched it up, and I closed my eyes, throwing out a little silent wish as if the box were a fountain and I’d thrown in a penny, just in case it would help.

  Inside was another handwritten card.


  Rough Ride

  We know things have been a bit bumpy, but here’s where the ride gets really rough. You’ll be skiing Céleste Chalet’s black slope.

  Gear is in your closet.

  Winners of the last two challenges will be announced on the slopes.

  The task commences at noon.

  “This’ll be a breeze,” Lucas exclaimed, looking relieved before he turned to me and his expression changed to worried. “Are you okay?”

  “I can’t ski. I’ve never been skiing, or even seen real skis up close. However, I do know what a black run is. I might actually die on a black run. I’m willing to try but—”

  Lucas stepped toward me, lifting his hands to cup my face. “Shhh… listen for a moment. I’ve a surprise for you. I want to keep it as a surprise, but I don’t want you to worry about the skiing, I’ve got you covered. I promise. I know you don’t really trust me at the moment, but you’re going to have to rely on me for this.” His voice was confident and reassuring, and he met my eyes. I could tell he wanted me to see the truth in them.

  He was right — I didn’t trust him too much, with reason. And yet, I had no choice but to put my trust in him. It was either trust him or die on the slopes of the Colorado Rockies.

  “Okay, ski master, I’ll leave this challenge in your hands.” I smiled and took his hand, shaking it in an overexaggerated measure of goodwill.

  Just then, the guide came in and offered us our phones. Finally. I was happy to get back in touch with my reality.

  Lucas didn’t seem as excited, and probably had a pile of work to attend to.

  I was ravenous to speak to someone, anyone outside of the chalet. I needed to call Sylvia, let her know I was still alive, but I was afraid she was going to notice something different about me just by hearing my voice. I never thought I’d miss my annoying roommate as much as I did, and it’d only been a few days.

  “Do you mind if I take a minute?” I asked sweetly as I cradled my phone to my chest.

  “Yes, of course. Let’s get our responsibilities out of the way.” The way he’d sobered when handed his phone made me wonder if he liked his chosen profession as much as I did mine.

  Slipping open the terrace door — it was sunny and crisp outside, and I hoped the fresh mountain would help me think clearly — I stepped out and hit Sylvia’s contact, listening to it ring.

  “Hey, y’all, the billionairess is on the phone, get your asses out here,” Sylvia shouted as she answered.

  I couldn’t believe the nostalgia that hit me for my cramped apartment — then I reminded myself of the fact that it wasn’t my apartment anymore. Still, it’d been my comfort zone. It had never been home. Home was what I’d left behind when I’d run off to New York.

  As Sylvia bombarded me with questions, I heard the window to the bedroom open. I didn’t turn to look, as I was afraid Lucas would think I was eavesdropping. God knew how he’d choose to punish me if he caught me trying to snoop. I got off the phone quickly, trying to save time to call my sister, after assuring Sylvia I hadn’t been bound and gagged.

  Dialing my sister, Lillie answered, out of breath. “Is everything going okay?” I’d let her know only a piece of what I was doing before I boarded the plane here. “Is it glamorous? Is he sexy?” Lillie was a barrage of questions, as usual.

  “Oh my god, no, it’s not glamorous at all. In fact, I had to shovel the driveway the first day here. I did get to design some cool clothes, though. That was fun. They made them in a day, can you believe it? All I did was sketch them, and they used my measurements from my registration form. Whoever constructed the clothes was amazing. I didn’t even have to have them fitted, everything was perfect.” I was rambling, hoping to keep her questions at bay.

  “Sooo, tell me about the guy.”

  “Oh, Lucas? Yeah, he’s a nice guy.” Nice was not a word I’d ever use for him. “I like him, but we don’t have much in common. He and I are from different worlds, and I’m pretty sure his world isn’t something I want to get used to. Having money isn’t everything…” I switched subjects because I could hear the nervousness in my own voice. “This place is gorgeous though. The mountains are beautiful, and I know I can get through this, it’s just… I guess I realize I’m out of my league here.”

  “Just give it your best. You’ve got this, sis.” Her sunny disposition came through in her voice and made my heart pang for the sight of her. It’d been too long.

  “Yeah, I’ll do the best I can. I can do anything for a few weeks.” The sound of music and silverware clinking together came across the line. “Where are you?”

  “Oh, um, I’m meeting a guy. I met him yesterday at the campus tour. He was really cool. And hot.”

  “A guy? What guy? Is someone with you? You aren’t alone, are you?”

  She sighed, loud and long. “Ava, I’m a big girl now. An adult. I can go out on a date.”

  “It’s barely noon, early for a date. How well do you know this guy?” I sounded like our mother, but it was a hard habit to break, mothering Lillie.

  “Don’t worry. I’m fine. Look, gotta go. You’re gonna win this thing, and before you know it, you’ll be back watching the New York skyline and dancing the night away.”

  Dancing the night away? What made her think of that? Was that what she’d been doing?

  I could see the guide in the kitchen, through the glass. She’d come to retrieve our phones. Dammit.

  “I love you. I have to give away my phone today so I won’t be able to talk to you again until this is over. Don’t worry. When it’s finished, I’m flying you to New York for a visit, and I’ll tell you everything.” I frowned at the deep voice in the background. Now it was me who was worried.

  The phone sounded like it was muffled for a second then Lillie came back. “I can’t wait to see you and New York. Talk to you soon, bye!”

  The call ended, and I stepped back into the kitchen.

  “I’ve come to collect your phones. I
suggest you suit up and get ready for your challenge. We will commence exactly at noon. Harvey and Lucy will be on hand to judge this competition and announce the winner of the Secrets Challenge after your run. You can practice as soon as you get on the slopes, but everyone needs to be at the black run by noon.” She said this with a sweet-sounding efficiency as she collected my phone, then Lucas’s and disappeared.

  “You heard the woman, let’s get dressed.” The light in his eyes told me he was amped and ready for this.

  Me, on the other hand, I felt sick to my stomach.

  “Does Harv have a medic or something nearby… is there a hospital close?” The butterflies in my stomach felt like they were wide-eyed and terrified, and battling to get out. For a moment I almost regretted my decision to come.

  But then I’d never have met Lucas.

  I wasn’t sure what the surprise he’d spoken about was, but I doubted it would be able to save my life in this situation. Even a bubble-padded ski suit wouldn’t be enough to keep me among the living.

  “My uncle would never endanger any of our lives. Crazy old man puts a novice on black run at his mysterious ski chalet, and a beautiful young woman’s body is found in pieces, scattered about the snow. That wouldn’t be a piece he’d want to be run in any of his magazines.”

  “That’s the picture I had.” I gnawed on my bottom lip.

  “Remember, I said to trust me. I promise my surprise is guaranteed to save your life.” He winked and retreated to get geared up.

  “Great,” I huffed with a fake smile as I slunked into my closet, the same one that had been so exciting just yesterday.



  I’d seen the terror in her eyes when she read about the skiing challenge. I empathized. If I had never been on a pair of skis, the idea of coursing down a steep slope would, without a doubt, make me very apprehensive.

  Mason and I had both run the slopes with our uncle when we were kids. Before we became estranged, we’d worked for weeks to finally get enough experience on the black diamond slope, and finally, we both were able to master it. It was a great day and one of my best memories.

  The Céleste Chalet’s black diamond run was famous for being treacherous, especially the middle section where it was hard to slow down and even retain control. That part was shadowy, thick with trees, and slick. The only way out of that section if you knew you couldn’t make it was to plant yourself in a vertical position and let your body weight slow you down. However, bruises and scuffs were guaranteed.

  Just what Ava needed, more sore spots. This, however, would give me the opportunity to rub more healing balm on her body tonight. Last night had been torturous, and I’d laid awake for a long time after thinking about what I could do to her and what she might and might not like.

  I wasn’t sure of Isabella’s skiing skill, but I knew Ava’s was zero, So I made sure we got down to the slopes before the other team in case my uncle did something crazy like only provide one set of tandem skis.

  All Ava would have to do was follow my directions. I would navigate and control the skis.

  “Close your eyes,” I commanded as we neared the slopes.

  “Why?” She hesitated to cover her eyes.

  “So I can give you my surprise. It’s a fun surprise, so I want to see your face when you open your eyes. It’ll make me happy.” I knew I sounded like a teenager but didn’t care. We needed some carefree fun right now.

  I watched her for a moment as she stood there, her red highlights glowing in the snowy backdrop. My heart lurched in my chest. I tore my gaze away and picked up the tandem skis that had been propped near the launching area. They would allow two people to ski together, one in front of the other. I dragged the long skis over to where she was standing and propped them up in the snow.

  “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

  When she opened them slowly, you would’ve thought I was Saint Valentine, bringing her the key to her lover’s heart, from the excited and overwhelmed expression on her face. It was priceless to see her fear melt into joy.

  She let out a gasp, followed by a squeal. “Can I ride on those with you? Are they for two people?”

  “Yep.” My chest felt like it was going to burst, just taking in her exuberance. “And I’ve skied this course many times. All we have to do is practice a little on these so we don’t fall over.”

  “I’m so relieved.” She pressed her hand to her heart.

  “Uncle Harv wouldn’t let you die on his watch.” I took her gloved hand and held it with a firm grip. “Or on mine.” I then gave her a reassuring smile which she returned with a glorious grin that fired up my insides.

  God, she was cute… and sexy, beautiful and… fuck, so much more.

  Just then, my uncle and Lucy joined us on the ski slopes, as did Mason and Isabella. They were all suited up and ready for a day of skiing. Lucy gave me an excited wave, checked out Ava, and winked. Dressed in a bright purple snowsuit, she never changed a bit — still acting as if she were twenty rather than in her sixties. With her perfectly done bob the color of a sunset and perfectly applied makeup, she would pass for in her forties.

  Mason and Isabella seemed calm and already in game mode — united and determined. I was curious about what was transpiring between them during their challenges.

  I knew part of what Ava and I were facing, since I’d thought of it myself, and I wanted to talk to my cousin — compare notes. This place had made me sentimental, remembering the old days, and I regretted not being able to reach out to him.

  We had an old grudge to settle, and I made up my mind I’d get to that before the month was over.

  We still had about an hour before the competition began, so Ava and I started with the bunny runs and worked our way up. It took us a few tries, but we got the hang of it as she held on and followed my lead. This kind of dominance felt good. I was helping her conquer her fears while she tried something thrilling and new.

  “Gather around everyone,” my uncle shouted from the rest area near the top of the slopes.

  Ava and I were just getting off the lift. I jumped off first and took her hand, helping her off. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to take her hand in mine every day? I jolted at the thought. The romance of the Valentine’s Day theme must be going to my head.

  Ava’s heart was pounding in her chest when I wrapped my arm around her, and I could guess why. I had no idea how they decided on a winner for the sex challenges. The contract had promised there were no cameras in the bedrooms. I supposed they still had their ways and we couldn’t exactly expect to get through this without something personal ending up online.

  “Oh god, I only hope my parents don’t find out anything about this,” Ava whispered under her breath.

  I hadn’t thought about that, or how this competition could affect Ava out in the real world.

  “We are just about to commence our fifth task in the game, Rough Ride.” Uncle Harv leered, making it obvious he liked the title he’d made up. He was a publishing guy and loved a play on words. “But before competing, I’m sure you’re wondering who won the previous challenges. In challenge number three, the win goes to Lucas and Ava, due to the questionable legal aspects of Lucas’s secret. Since we have drawn the line at spying on our couples in the bedroom, all we have to go on are the attitudes and hints of atmosphere surrounding the couples. In challenge number four, Ava excelled due to an impromptu fashion show put on for Lucas’s benefit, making them the winners and so far ahead in the contest by a landslide, or avalanche, whichever you prefer.” Uncle chortled and wagged his eyebrows. “Mason, your secret was a close second. Sadly, girls, your secrets were neither too racy nor too despicable.”

  I wasn’t shocked. I’d come into this sure I could beat Mason hands down. I knew I’d win the challenges easily, but those had been such an easy win it was almost embarrassing. It was now three to one. Mason looked a little surprised and whispered in Isabella’s ear. He might as well forget coming
out on top though, it was obvious who would be leading Unc’s publishing business. Ava looked thrilled, even though it had been my secret that won it.

  “Each couple has to complete one full course on the black diamond slope without falling. You’ll be timed, and the couple with the best time wins. You can complete the run until you are successful at staying on your feet if necessary. The runs will start at twelve and end at two. When you’re done, we’ll meet in the dining room for a late lunch and receive instructions regarding your next task. So, get ready.” He pointed to the LED clock above his head, which held the official time. “You have about twenty minutes. Good luck and have fun.”

  He waved his arms to stop us from walking away. “One more thing, I forgot. There’s a medic and an ambulance here on the property on standby, should anything, god forbid, happen. Now, skiing is why I opened this place, and the black run is famous, so enjoy it.” He and Lucy waved to us and went inside the chalet.

  Inside, there were two huge monitors that displayed different angles of the run. They’d be watching us ski from the comfort and warmth of indoors, a crackling fire in the fireplace. Through the large plate-glass window, I also recognized our guide and a few others watching as well.

  I scooped up Ava’s hand, and she grasped mine in an iron grip. She was nervous, but I was so proud of what she’d accomplished already. She was very intuitive and could gauge my moves before I made them. After a few tries, I had confidence we wouldn’t be falling down.

  Even our falling, though, was enjoyable and quite comical, especially the getting back up on tandem skis. The first time we tried, we laughed so hard we couldn’t get up out of the snow. I finally had to pull her up and brush her off because she was a hysterical, laughing mess.

  Despite the setback of her inexperience, I was positive we could navigate the black diamond just as we’d done the other, less challenging slopes. Still, I held her hand tightly in a reassuring embrace as we went to the place where we would strap on the skis. We had yet to test out the challenge slope, saving our energy for the two hours we would have to beat it.


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