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The Matchup

Page 19

by Alice Ward

  “It’s different for men like me. I don’t share experiences. I’m… well, I’m a billionaire. I don’t need to share anything.” And there it was…

  She rolled her eyes. “The only reason I agreed to this contest after I found out I was selected was to challenge myself. I needed to break out of my shell, and the money would help me do that, to live a better life. I didn’t come here to flirt with or marry a billionaire. I could care less about your money or your power. I can walk away from it. What I struggle with now…” her gaze fell to the tile, and she swallowed, “is walking away from you. Yet, there are parts of your personality that I don’t understand. I’m willing to stretch my boundaries, why can’t you?”

  She had no idea how much I’d already stretched my boundaries. She’d pushed me beyond my limits, and this was as far as I was willing to go. I wouldn’t break down nor succumb to my emotions, but still, I was considering giving her this. Because she was right. When she played with my ass last night, it was an intense and singular sensation. It took me to a place, sexually, I never thought I’d go. And I thought I’d been to the highest plateau. Those feelings were intriguing and not entirely unwanted.

  “Because I’ve never had boundaries I didn’t set. However, in the interest of testing boundaries, men who practice this type of sex allow this kind of stimulation?” I needed to get my head around this.

  “Yes, it’s called a prostate massage, and it’s a wonderful experience for a man. Most don’t allow themselves the pleasure.” Her face lit up with a smile.

  “I’ll let you massage and touch me, but no more,” I said so quietly, I almost didn’t think she would hear.

  Had I just given in?

  A look of joy flashed across her face as she turned on the bath and poured in oils.

  “The bathtub?” I asked, intrigued.

  “Better than the bed.” She flashed that smile again, and it heated me from the inside.

  “Just don’t ever tell anyone I did this…”

  She laughed, a pure and musical sound that was filled with total delight. “I promise and double swear, I’ll never ever say a word about any of this. I think I also signed a legal thingy that said that as well. Your secret is safe with me.” She put her foot in the water to test its temperature. “Shall we?” she asked, giving me her hand.

  She flicked on our trusty iPod and the room filled with exotic music as she smoothed the oiled water over my back, and we both sank into the rich, warm water.

  And I sank into the unfamiliar land of submission.



  I couldn’t believe he’d agreed last night. I knew he struggled with his feelings, but as I massaged him and worked around his body, he became more comfortable.

  He was always on his guard, but he’d lowered the drawbridge some.

  I’d explained to him, “This is not about your sexuality or weakness. This is about you owning your sexuality and accepting pleasure. You’re just as in command of your body now as you were when we came in this evening, the only difference is, you’re more keenly aware of your needs.”

  I’d been diplomatic and rational — two traits I knew he admired. He hadn’t really agreed, but he’d let me play. The look of ecstasy and relief on his face was exquisite when he came.

  When he’d recovered, he stared at me with a smirk then gave me a hard slap on the ass. “You naughty girl.” Then he grabbed our robes, helped me into mine, scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bed.

  “Miss Ava, you need to be punished,” Lucas growled.

  I laughed. “I’m no naughtier than you. What you give, you’ll also have to take.” I gave his shoulder a quick bite before he threw me on the bed.

  We’d both been sated and blissful as I curled into his side and he draped his leg over my body, then spanked my ass again, hard. I guessed in his book, I deserved a couple of swats for pushing him as far as I did, but I meant what I said.

  I’d be exacting an eye for an eye.

  I nestled closer, content. I’d brought him to a place no other human had ever been able to take him. He’d given up a piece of himself, his humility.

  This morning, I was hungry for food and achy. I watched him as he slept, amazed that I was so comfortable with this man I hadn’t known a mere week ago. So much, that I couldn’t imagine doing what I’d told him I would last night — walking away and going back to my normal life. Life would never be normal again. Lucas had awakened something inside me I didn’t know was there.

  When the waiter brought our breakfast, he left a note that instructed us to meet downstairs at seven this evening for dinner with Isabella and Mason.

  We had the day to ourselves. We could ski, hike, snowboard, or just laze around our room. There was an endless array of things to do.

  “I remember when I was a child,” Lucas said as we lounged at the kitchen table and sipped our coffee, “and I’d need to escape this place from time to time. The adults would get too controlling and stuffy.” I raised my eyebrows at this. “Yes, even for me. I’d hike as far as I could climb up the incline in the back of the ski run. There’s a remarkable view from up there. Would you like to join me on a hike to my favorite spot?”

  “I’d love it.” I took a final sip of coffee and stood, ready to escape to the outdoors.

  We suited up in snow gear, and I packed water and some snacks. He added a flask of whiskey to our pack, and we left the chalet to trek up the mountain in the snow.

  It was a rigorous climb. He must’ve been quite the little athlete as a boy. While I was in incredible shape, the altitude and snow made it a difficult climb for me. I stopped several times to rest as I trudged my way up the mountain.

  Lucas remained attentive and caring and helped me over slippery or steep sections. After what felt like a lifetime, we made it to the top. I sucked in the sharp cold air and stared out at the view.

  My religious beliefs had always run toward the eclectic, so I was very open to spiritual experiences, but seeing that beauty of the mid-morning light was proof enough something greater than ourselves existed.

  “Isn’t it magnificent?” Lucas asked, his face painted with a boyish gaze of wonder.

  “I think it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” I stood mesmerized by the vast blue sky and majestic snow-covered mountains.

  “I think you might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He curled his arms around my waist and drew me in close.

  The moment was electrifying… and big… oh so big for us.

  “You know that’s a cheesy line, right?” I took a stab at humor, unsure I was ready for “the most” anything.

  He laughed, and I was afraid he would feel my heart pounding out of my chest. “I know beauty.” He drew me away from the edge and led me to a large rock at the far side of the summit. “Let’s rest for a moment. We can have something to eat before we head back down.”

  The moment felt surreal, and my head was spinning. Was it the altitude? I had to get my shit together. I liked Lucas, more than I wanted to admit. And with each day that passed, I felt like we were drawing closer. While the top of the mountain was almost unbearably cold, it was an excellent place to get to know Mr. Dominant Billionaire better.

  “What got you interested in dominance in the first place?” I asked as he passed me the flask of whiskey.

  I took a swig, and my breath crackled in front of my face. The whiskey was high-dollar and didn’t burn going down, but heated my insides, making me almost break a sweat. Or maybe that was worry. I waited on ice shards for his answer.

  “Since I was young, I’ve been in charge of many things. It was just my mom and I, so I took on a lot of responsibility. With responsibility came pressure, and I needed a release. Some guys like violent video games and I tried those, then ran into a website that promised everything I’d been looking for. A world that I could control. I started joining online clubs and dating groups that liked to play rough. I didn’t so much enjoy th
e violence, but found myself enjoying the control being a Dominant offered. I’d finally found the satisfaction I’d been looking for.”

  “Is something different now?” I pressed him, wanting better insight into the man who was stealing my heart.

  “Something is. I just don’t know what.” He stared out at the mountain view, his face softening for a moment before hardening to resemble the solid cliff walls. “You don’t know how to be a sub, and I don’t think you have the personality to become one, but there’s time yet.” His voice was cold.

  “Is that what you really intend on doing? Making me into your sub?” I was trembling, my voice shaky.

  There was a long silence, and it was hard to conceal the avalanche of feelings within me.

  “Don’t ask dangerous questions, Ava, if you won’t like the answers. Let’s get you back to the chalet before you freeze into a popsicle.” He punctuated his statement with a smile, which made me feel fractionally better. I took the flask and another swig of whiskey, and we walked back down the mountain in silence.

  When we got back to the chalet, it was late afternoon. We opted to go to the spa for massages and to warm up in the sauna. There, we kept our conversation light and buoyant, mostly talking about the prospects of the other team. Later, we dressed and met Mason and Isabella at dinner.

  There wasn’t a deep chasm between the two of us, but I sensed a divide as we faced our next challenge together.



  All the way down the mountain, I hadn’t known what to say to Ava. So I remained silent. I needed some space. It wasn’t her. I loved being near her. I enjoyed playing with her, our teasing and laughing. But my need to be dominant stood in front of our prospects for the future, and I just couldn’t face what I’d have to do to change that.

  There was a chasm that would only grow wider between us. I knew she’d never be a true sub, and after this competition, I probably wouldn’t be able to walk away from her. So not being able to quit her would mean I’d have to quit the one thing that gave me the most pleasure.

  I couldn’t tell her when she was asking her innocent questions on the mountain that one of the reasons I enjoyed being a Dom was because I liked the look of pain on my submissive’s face. I liked knowing I could inflict power even while being in charge of safety. I like hearing “yes, master” and punishing for any slight infraction.

  As scary as it might’ve sounded, I could probably do a lot of bodily harm to a person, and yet, being a Dominant meant my first and most important responsibility was the safety and well-being of my submissive partner.

  The submissives I chose to be with enjoyed what we did and wanted to be dominated. There was an intense sensuality in it, and until I met Ava, it was the only way I could reach orgasm.

  I didn’t want to hurt women but knowing they enjoyed the pain I inflicted was a perfect symbiosis between two consenting adults. There was a kind of beauty in the balancing of two extremes. I worried that after the freshness of the new experiences I was having with Ava wore off, I’d need her to be submissive without exception.

  I didn’t know if I could function in a world without domination.

  Ava would never like the submissive lifestyle, and I didn’t want Ava to have to be a submissive person. Part of what so deeply drew me to her was her ability to stand up to me and push me to try something I was more than reluctant to experience.

  What would be ideal, however, would be to have Ava enjoy some elements of submission, which she apparently did. That way, I wouldn’t lose my sense of self completely if I decided to try a more permanent arrangement with her. Vanilla sex with an incredible person — even Ava and her ass play, oils and Hindu sex thrown in — wasn’t ever going to be enough for me.

  We went back to our suite after an extraordinarily awkward dinner with the opposing team, during which Unc announced there was a tie. I was surprised Ava, and I had won, but feeling more confident now that Mason wasn’t ahead. He was a more formidable opponent than I’d thought.

  In the entry sat another ominous red box with the fucking white ribbon.

  I hoped the next challenge wouldn’t come back to bite me just yet. I needed another win to distance myself from Mason and get closer to becoming CEO. The ass fucking challenge had been my brilliant idea, and I’d devised two more depraved sex acts with the intent to freak Mason out. Little did I know, I’d be pushing away my own partner. A partner I surprisingly did not want to push anywhere but back into bed with me. While there was still an element of terror in completing these challenges with Ava, I was excited as well. There was a possibility now that she would like them. I knew from other subs, there were things they loved, like being blindfolded and expecting pain, but getting other sensations as well. BDSM wasn’t always about punishment.

  Just as Ava had her spiritual centers, I had leather and gags.

  “What do you think we’re going to do now?” Her voice was steady, but the expression on her face betrayed her nervousness.

  I vowed, tonight, despite all, I’d get her to trust me, so I’d never have to see that expression again.

  “Shall I do the honors? Or do you want to?”

  “I’ll do it.” She picked up the box and bravely tore into it.

  I took a deep breath, the suspense awful. This woman had me all in knots.

  She opened the box and read the card.

  Good evening, Lucas and Ava

  You are about to commence CHALLENGE #10

  You’ve Got Me All Tied Up

  Immediately, her expression sank.

  “Is there any more?” I asked, knowing exactly what was on that card.

  Originally, I’d hoped to tie her up and fuck her hard, testing my Dom limits. But that wasn’t going to work now, so my brain scrambled for alternatives.

  She gulped as she read the rest.

  Men, the goal of this challenge is to tie up your partner and have your way with her. You will be judged on how much fun the ladies have.

  Remember, safety first.

  Good luck.

  Tears welled in Ava’s eyes.

  I took the card out of her hands and scooped her into my arms. “Why the tears?” I whispered in her ear softly.

  “I don’t like being tied up,” she said plainly, with strength and conviction. “I grew up in a household that was loud and chaotic. My dad was mean, my mom was meek, and my sister and I were scrambled somewhere in between. I was the quiet one who hid away and made sure my sister was hidden too, because if you were invisible, you didn’t get yelled at or hit by anyone. I know I let you do it before, but being tied up, not being able to get away or defend myself, is something I don’t want to do again.”

  I pushed her hair back from her face, compassion welling inside of me. Yet… there was still the challenge to finish. I knew it was going to be hard to entice her over to my side. “I wouldn’t be trying to hurt you, Ava. I’d be making you feel good, I prom—”

  “No, Lucas, I—”

  I touched my fingers to her lips, quietening her. I had to help her over this hump before I could take her to the next level. I scooped her up and carried her to the couch, setting her on my lap as if she were a child. I stroked her hair, cradling her as I spoke. “I’m sorry you had to face those things as a child. I can’t believe anyone would ever want to silence you. I know you didn’t enjoy being tied up that much our first night. Why would you? You’re a fighter and to willingly surrender will be difficult for you. I understand. I went through it last night. But do you know what made me finally let go and let you do that craziness?”

  “No,” she mumbled, her head on my shoulder.

  “I trusted you.” The words hung in the air, and I fervently hoped they’d sink in. “I don’t like being in a non-dominant position. When my father died, he left our family with very little. After his life insurance ran out, we struggled to eat or pay the rent because he made a bad business investment and almost everything went to pay off his debt. We lost
the house, lost everything. The idea that our livelihood was in jeopardy scared me so much, I knew the only way we would make it was if my mom rose up out of her grief, got going and kept going. I was the ignition driving her. And now… I drive everything. Last night was the very first time in my life I’ve taken a backseat and liked it. Letting go felt good and it showed me, if I am with the right person, letting someone else drive is okay. I promise you with every single fiber of my being, I’ll not hurt you, Ava. Tonight is going to be about your pleasure, and your pleasure only. All you have to do is let go a little.” When the words were out, I was filled with a relief I’d never experienced. I felt free suddenly, in a way I’d never been. I’d been more honest with her than I’d ever been with myself.

  “I don’t care so much about the pleasure.” She sniffed and turned her face up to look at me.

  “But you should.”

  She gave me a crossways glance and continued. “I’m afraid of you destroying my reality. Reality is all I have. I’ve got to walk away from here, Lucas, and continue to fight for my life. I haven’t got a safety net. If we win, the money I get from this… whatever this is, it’ll protect me some, but I’ve still got my sister to take care of. If you let go, your ego gets bruised. When I let go, everything could shatter.” Her tears had dried, and the strong Ava was back.

  I felt sad that she thought I’d rob her of what she perceived as normal. Submission wasn’t about that, it wasn’t abuse. She had no idea. This was so complicated. She had to understand that she wasn’t alone, and I would never want to harm her outlook on life.

  “I promise, Ava, I won’t rob you of something as precious as your reality. Your body is gorgeous, your face remarkable, but it’s the way you see the world… and how I see the world through your eyes that is the most beautiful thing about you. Tonight is only about taking you to another level of sensation and joy. I guarantee tonight is about you. Trust me?” I held my breath, willing her to say yes, but couldn’t resist placing a soft kiss her soft lips.


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