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The Matchup

Page 25

by Alice Ward

  “Aw, come on, Bethany,” Candy purred, leaning forward so that her breasts nearly burst out of her tiny top. “I thought you said you could out drink any man. Three shots of beer shouldn’t kill ya.”

  “It shouldn’t, but it seems to be.” Bethany hiccupped and giggled, the sound already getting on my nerves.

  She was the one I’d been most attracted to. The one I thought would end up in my bed. She seemed different than the others, maybe someone I could spend some time with. Talk to. Enjoy between the sheets and out of them.

  She belched, and the three girls burst into another annoying set of giggles. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose in irritation. She wasn’t different at all. Which wouldn’t have been a problem a year ago. Or even six months ago. Her type was exactly the type I liked back then. Boobs and brainless. I didn’t even know when my type had changed.

  The least drunk of the three slid closer to me, placing the quarter in my hand as she rubbed her bountiful breasts against my arm. Satin’s red hair hung in loose waves to the middle of her back. Light green eyes peered back at me. “Me, Zane? You want me to drink it?”

  I made a show at looking at my Rolex Submariner. “Actually, I think I should be getting you ladies home.”

  She laughed, which wasn’t the response I’d been expecting, and picked up the small crystal glass. Raising it to her lips, she acted as if it was kerosene. Her nose wrinkled when she took a sniff.

  “Today, Satin,” Candy said, leaning forward until one breast nearly popped out and onto the table. A year ago, I’d already have a pink nipple in my mouth. Now…

  I shook my head. What the fuck was wrong with me?

  Closing her eyes, Satin gulped it down, then made a face so awful I felt my sense of humor return for a moment. “Yuck! It’s hot and tastes the way a skunk smells.”

  Bethany climbed off her chair, wobbling a bit. “I think I need to take a dip in the ocean. My head is beginning to swim.”

  Island life meant you lived in bathing suits, so we all had them on. Under their sundresses, the girls wore itsy bitsy bikinis, leaving very little to the imagination.

  I loved island life. Usually.

  “This is not a good idea with so much alcohol in your system,” I said as I followed the girls to the deck that dropped off into miles of ocean. Shit. I sounded like a grandma. Maybe I needed to take a few shots myself.

  “Join us,” Bethany pleaded, pulling the nearly see through sundress over her head, revealing her lush body. My cock didn’t even twitch.

  “It’s time for you all to leave. I’ll make sure you get back safely and—”

  Splash. Candy belly flopped into the water.


  Once I was sure she wasn’t dead or on her way there, I sank down on the chaise lounge. “I guess I’ll just play lifeguard instead.”

  I slipped my ever-present shades off the top of my head to shield my eyes from the sun. Being so near the equator meant the bright sun was practically in your face.

  “You girls did remember to put on some sunscreen, right?”

  Holy fuck. I really was a grandma. Maybe I should fuck all three of them to make sure I still owned some balls.

  Bethany batted her lashes at me as she trailed a hand down her tight stomach. “Mine may have worn off.”

  Satin grinned too, picking up an ever-present bottle on the table. “Thanks, Zane. I’ve been able to stay burn-free for a week.”

  Candy managed to climb the ladder, and in the space of a few moments, the three of them were lathering themselves up with the lotion, and my cock actually jumped in my shorts.

  Good boy. Maybe I wasn’t a thousand years old after all.

  Bethany batted her lashes again. “Want us to do your back?”

  Before I could even reply, the gaggle of giggling women headed my way. Surrendering to what should have been an incredible experience, I turned over and three sets of hands ran all over my back and down my legs. A free massage, courtesy of the sun and its dangerous rays.

  Someone’s hand moved closer and closer to my cock. It, in return, was enjoying the physical stimulation with growing enthusiasm. Maybe bringing the girls back to my place wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Maybe a good afternoon romp was exactly what I needed.

  “Want us to do your front too?” When I looked, it was Candy’s hand close to the prize.

  “Sure.” I rolled over and relaxed as the three of them ran their lotion covered hands all over my chest and shoulders.

  Satin’s hands moved over my pecs as she made a little mewling noise. “Zane, my goodness, you’re rock-hard.”

  Candy’s hands were all over my right bicep. “I bet you could pick all three of us up with no problem at all.”

  Bethany’s fingers roamed over my stomach. “It’s like a perfect ladder down here. How do you keep in this kind of shape?”

  My cock was quickly losing interest. So was I. Maybe if I could convince the women not to talk, we’d have a better time.

  Bethany leaned down to my ear. “Maybe later we can help you wash it off?”

  Satin’s hand moved up under my trunks. “Yeah. We’ll wash your back if you wash ours.”

  Her words were soft, seductive, stirring my interest again, then bam… the giggles all started, breaking the spell, and spurring a renewed sense of irritation.

  When I said nothing, the girls looked at each other, shrugged, then turned to jump into the water. They all shouted invitations to join them in the gentle waves.

  When a bikini top flew through the air and landed on the deck, I groaned. Really, what was wrong with me? Three gorgeous women were practically begging to be in my bed, and all I wanted to do was take a fucking nap.

  I needed to snap out of whatever funk I was in.

  I was about to shuck my board shorts and just join them in spite of myself when the sliding glass door of the bungalow next door opened, drawing my attention. Keeping one eye on the girls to make sure they didn’t drown, I glanced over just in time to see a woman step out.

  No. Not just a woman. The woman of all women.

  Her shoulder-length blonde hair caught the sun, golden strands gleaming as she pulled a pair of dark sunglasses off and looked out at the water. I sat up to get a better look.


  She didn’t seem to hear me as she turned to peer in the other direction. She was clearly fresh off the plane, still wearing black slacks and a plain white button down that went along with sensible heels. She gave off a professional vibe. If anyone was in desperate need of a vacation, it was her.

  I could make sure she got one.

  She turned slowly, breathing deeply as she took in the magnificent landscape all around us. When she turned just enough that I could see her face, it was like a punch in the gut. Her cheekbones were high, her face beautiful over a slender but strong looking body. But it was more than her obvious beauty that caught my attention. There was something else that seemed to pull me in her direction.

  Our eyes met and some unnamed energy weaved itself around my spinal cord and into every cell of my body. Did she feel it too? The current that ran between us.

  I lifted a hand in greeting and was going to say hello when a fucking bikini top hit me in the side of the head. The woman lifted an eyebrow before purposefully glancing at the three girls in the water. She smirked, then turned and went back inside.


  I tossed the bit of wet material to the deck, disgusted with myself and everyone else. I’d lost that round of great first impressions.

  The sound of the girls brought my attention back to them. “Zane, you coming in or what?”

  “Nah, I’m gonna sit this one out.” I walked inside to grab a cold beer from the fridge and went back out, taking a seat on the dock.

  I glanced back at my neighboring bungalow, wishing the door would open again. The smirk she sent me only heightened my attraction to her. I wanted to prove to her I wasn’t the dick I currently appeared to be.

nd why did I care so damn much?

  The girls came back up on the deck, water dripping off their now shiny bodies. In front of me stood one brunette, a redhead, and a platinum blonde. All curved in the right places, all willing participants in whatever I wanted.

  But they weren’t what I wanted. I needed something else.

  Bethany rung her hair out, splashing ocean water around her bare feet and across her pink tipped toenails. “Wanna go inside and play some more, Zane?”

  Did I?

  In the space of a few minutes, my mood had deflated as surely as my cock. I wasn’t in the mood, it seemed. “I’m good. You all sober enough now to see yourselves home?”

  The three exchanged worried glances. Maybe they’d conjured up a game plan while they were in the water, and it looked like I was screwing up their plans for some fun.

  I couldn’t muster the energy to care. I wanted them gone. I wasn’t interested in their games.

  Something — someone — else had garnered my attention. Maybe I should make a little visit to my new neighbor. It was the civilized thing to do after all.

  I could introduce myself, learn a little more about her. See if the connection I felt with her stuck. Maybe she’d accept an invitation to dinner. She seemed to be alone. Surely, she’d want some company.

  I got up, and the girls all sighed with relief. But instead of ushering them inside, I picked up their discarded clothes. “Come on, I’ll see you all out.”

  “Huh?” Bethany’s forehead creased as she shook her head. “We’re leaving?”

  “Yeah, it’s been fun, but I think I need a nap before this evening’s activities.” I gathered them all as one might gather a gaggle of geese, herding them with my arms wide, gently ushering them through the house and to the front door.

  Satin pulled her shades down, giving me a slow wink. “I could use a… nap.”

  I wasn’t even tempted. “A real one. I’ll catch you girls later. I’m not leaving the island anytime soon.”

  At the door, they all seemed at a loss as they pulled on their clothes. Candy leaned in close to whisper in my ear, “You sure about this?” Her fingertips flowed lightly over my abs. “We’re ready to make your dreams come true. All three of us.”

  My cock will never forgive me.

  It would have to get over it because my mind was somewhere else. I was aware that I had not one bird in the hand but three of them, and I was tossing them away for the one in the bush next door.

  “Sorry, ladies. I’m bushed. I’d be no good to you in my current state.”

  Shoulders dropped, smiles faded, and the three of them turned to walk away, albeit very slowly. I suppose they thought I’d change my mind. But my mind was set on introducing myself to the new occupant of the island.

  But first, I needed a quick shower and to put on something a little more hospitable. No one wanted to meet a man in something that was as close to underwear as it got. At least this particular woman wouldn’t.

  The water in the shower was warm. As I washed, I thought about what I’d just thrown away. Three beauties.

  Was I crazy?

  Who did that?

  I could see it as an idiotic thing to do, or I could see it as a sign.

  Maybe the new beauty would rock my world. Hell, with one look, she’d already knocked me sideways. The idea spurred me on. I’d have to use charms I hadn’t used in a while.

  I hadn’t dealt with hard to get since I was a young teen. I could use a good fight. I could catch all the little fish I wanted. But I wanted the big fish. The one who’d put up a fight. The one who, in the end, would be my trophy.

  As I toweled off, I realized I was nervous.

  I was never nervous.

  Picking out a nice pair of khaki shorts and a light green button-down shirt that most women seemed to like, I gave myself one last check to make sure I looked presentable.

  There was an energy in my step I hadn’t felt in a long time as I headed out of my bungalow. The little lady next door had no idea what kind of fire she’d started in me with that little smirk.

  Game on.



  Cerulean water surrounded the little overwater bungalow, my new home for however long it had to be. Charles Smith, the rabbit I was sent to watch, was staying in the home away from home to the right of mine. A good-looking playboy was on my left.

  And wow.

  My neighbor was freaking gorgeous. At least three inches over six feet tall, it had taken all of my willpower to not stare at his muscular build. I’d felt his eyes on me before I even turned and noticed him there. Tall, dark, and handsome was the perfect description for him. And those tattoos! That man would be trouble if I allowed trouble in my life. Which I did not.

  I had a thing for tall men who took really good care of themselves. Dark hair was also a thing I found attractive in the opposite sex. The playboy next door possessed everything I physically required in a sexual partner. A thing I had no time for, especially right now.

  Too bad. I could instantly tell that he’d be a fun roll in the proverbial hay.

  Forcing my mind from the man next door, I booted my laptop and logged in. Equipped with a global satellite internet system, it allowed me to stay in touch with my supervisor. Agent Matthews was my only point of contact for the mission. Checking in with him, I typed in my time of arrival. Thirteen hundred hours.

  I frowned, thinking of the guy next door. Wasn’t it a bit early to be drinking it up with a bevy of beautiful women, but who was I to judge?

  The rabbit, our name for the subject being watched, didn’t seem to be home. I typed an X by the time. That let Matthews know that there had yet to be any sightings of the elusive moneyman for the notorious New York City mafia.

  Time to get into vacation garb and out of the stiff clothing I wore for work purposes. Going undercover would be fun for once. No stinky old car that no one would think twice about. No musty smelling apartment that would serve as a temporary shelter while I sat by some smudged window with binoculars for hours at a time.

  Coco Bodu Hithi Resort would be the place I could call home for as long as Charles Smith did. The longer the better, in my opinion.

  I was happy to stay away from Washington, D.C. for as long as possible. Stay away from the memories of breakups and broken dishes and my douche of an ex. The bastard.

  Why was I attracted to muscle? And why did most men who possessed them lack a brain or personality? Paul had the arms of a gorilla. Too bad he had the personality of one too.

  Was it really too much to ask for a gorgeous guy to be able to make conversation like a normal human being?

  I thought not.

  Of course, that attribute was only important for someone I wanted to spend more than a night with. Most men didn’t fit that bill. The playboy next door probably wouldn’t either.

  But could one night hurt? Two at the most?

  My fingers itched to run over the lean muscles of his back as he pumped in and out of me, his thick cock making me…

  Stop it!

  Summer in paradise had to be respected, and I couldn’t screw this assignment up by screwing around. Three other women and one overly feminine man had vied for this coveted position. Agent Matthews went to bat for me, and I had to prove that my mentor’s trust in me was well placed. They needed to know I could be counted on. That I wasn’t easily distracted.

  I wondered what color Playboy’s eyes were?


  But it seemed that my mind was currently being ruled by my vagina, because I couldn’t get him out of my head. He was a gorgeous specimen of man, and when that black bikini top flew through the air and hit him in the side of the face it cemented the other type of man I usually fell for — bad boys. Yeah. My neighbor ticked all my carnal boxes.

  My cell rang, and I practically leapt at it, ready for anything to keep my mind where it needed to be. “Agent Anderson.”

  Matthews’s gruff voice was immediately familiar.
“No sight of the rabbit, I see.”

  “That’s right. I’m about to change and make my way to the local bars and eateries the island has to offer. Listen in on what people do for entertainment around here. I should find our rabbit in no time. This place is small.” I kicked off my shoes, heading to the bedroom where my bags were taken.

  “Listen to me, Anderson. Do not approach the rabbit. Although he is no physical threat to you, he can call others in who are. He can do that without you becoming aware until it’s too late. Got me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Matthews could be overprotective at times. I looked at him as one might look at an older uncle. He let me have my wings but watched over me like a hawk while I flew. I could count on him and respected his advice.

  “Good. Keep it above board at all times. No mishaps. When these guys are involved, we can’t have anything go wrong. Over.”

  “Over.” I put the cell down on the nightstand.

  Opening my bag, I took out a few things to keep handy. My binoculars, notebook, mechanical pencil. Padding over to the living area of the bungalow, I placed them on the table and went back to the bedroom.

  As I unbuttoned the top three buttons of my shirt, a knock sounded on my door. I tensed immediately, my radar alert.

  Who could be stopping by?

  Picking up the gun still packed away from the flight, I held it to my side as I crept to the side of the door, listening for anything out of place. “Yes, may I help you?”

  The voice was deep, smooth, yet cheery. “Hi, welcome wagon here.”

  The door had no peephole, but a window made it easy to see who had decided to come calling. Dammit.

  The wet dream from next door stood on the other side, bottle of bubbly in hand. A strong hand that looked as if he could wrap it around my waist and lift me up while he…

  Stop it!

  I cleared my throat and my head. “Your name?”


  I tucked the gun in the small of my back, tugging out the shirt to conceal it. “I need a little more than that to open my door.”

  “Zane Boyd. I’m in the bungalow next door. I wanted to say hi. You know, welcome you to the island?”


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