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The Matchup

Page 39

by Alice Ward

  She had a job to do, and because of me, she’d been unable to accomplish it. Even worse, she’d been found out.

  A blast of wind rattled the window, a reminder that we had even more things to worry about. Sloane shivered, and I wasn’t sure if it was from a chill or thoughts about what we were facing. I pulled the blanket over us both anyway.

  She drummed her fingers on my chest, her breath warm against my skin. “Zane, I want you to know you’re the nicest man I’ve ever met.”

  I laughed. “I’m pretty sure I just mauled you twice. We probably have bruises.”

  She laughed too. “I think I might have a concussion. You have a really hard head.”

  I kissed her hair. “How about you stop ramming your head into it? Can we agree to that?”

  She snuggled closer. “Maybe. I kind of liked you going all alpha on me.” My cock jerked against her stomach, and her eyes snapped open. “No. Not again. I need to be able to walk.”

  I grinned. “I haven’t had your ass yet.”

  She poked me in the ribs. “And you never will.”

  “Never say never.”

  She snorted and settled down against me again. I thought she was falling asleep when she looked up at me. “Zane?”


  “What if they have to put me into hiding?”

  “Then I guess I’ll be making love to you in some cave.” She laughed, softer this time, still worried. I kissed her forehead. “Let’s don’t think about that right now. We’ll worry about things as they happen.”

  I was a little worried about her being taken into hiding too. I had no idea how that would work for us. My hope was that the other agents would arrive, capture the assassins, and Sloane would be free to live her life as usual.

  Her usual life was more than a bit unusual though. When I thought about our future before, it involved living with a photographer. Maybe even forming a private investigating company together. Now I was looking at a relationship with a woman who’d have to go on dangerous missions and do God only knew what for her job.

  It wasn’t a thing that was settling well with me. Would this threat against Sloane’s life make her want to end her career as an agent?

  I could only hope it would. I knew enough about people to know a person would have to have strong convictions to work for the FBI. It would have to be a passion of sorts. No one put their lives in danger without having a passion for something bigger than themselves.

  As her breathing grew slow and steady, I stared at the ceiling.

  Could I live with Sloane if she stayed in her current job?

  Or would it eventually end us?



  As if I could feel a change in the atmosphere, I woke with a start. I heard no wind. I saw no white-capped waves as I sat up and looked outside.

  Maybe the storm would pass us.

  Zane was still asleep in the early morning light. A shadow of whiskers had shaded his face during the night. Unruly dark waves crested his head. With his massive chest uncovered, I ran my hand over the tattoo on his chest.


  A stark contrast to the warrior on his arm. But they also complemented the other. To me, the message was simple: Fight if needed, but live in peace otherwise.

  It made sense. And it was how I thought he lived his life. Such a different man than I first thought him to be. He had stepped up, ready to fight my battles for me.

  I sighed and pressed my lips to his skin.

  The truth was, although I was capable of fighting my own battles, having Zane at my side was nice. The only thing I worried about with us was my job. The more I thought about it, the more I felt like Zane wouldn’t be able to handle me going into dangerous situations. Not without him anyway.

  I loved my job. I loved all of it. The research, the hunt, the fight, the chase, but especially the capture. Would I put something I’d worked so hard for behind me for a man?

  Sleepy eyes opened and looked at me. “Hey.”

  I smiled at him, my heart squeezing in my chest. “Hey.”

  His hand moved to take my arm in a loose grip. “Good morning.”

  I ran my hand over his cheek, the whiskers like sandpaper against my hand. “Good morning to you and your morning stubble.” I pressed my lips to his cheek and marveled at the way it felt.

  His foot ran up my leg. “Seems you have some stubble yourself. I love it too.”

  I laughed. “Seems we need a shower and a shave, doesn’t it?”

  He snuggled me down into the crook of his arm. “Hear that?”

  I listened. “You mean the sound of no wind?”

  “I mean the sound of no birds.” He sat up and rubbed his eyes. “I need to get up to the main resort and find out what’s happening with that storm. Things are a little too quiet.” He hopped out of bed, then pulled me behind him, making me squeal. “But first we shower.”

  After a nice hot shower together, which Zane kept surprisingly chaste, we were heading out to check on the weather. “Shhh…”

  Zane stopped. “Shhh what?”

  I pointed through the trees. It was Charles and Grace. They were walking behind a man who was carrying their luggage.

  “Where are they going?” I wondered out loud. Zane growled, his gaze narrowing on the man. I elbowed him in the ribs. “You have to act nice, remember? We know nothing. We have to pretend we’re unaware of what he’s done.”

  He growled again but nodded in agreement. “I know. Believe me, I know. But you have no idea how much I hate that man. I could rip his head right off.”

  I was sure he could too. With a shiver, I remembered how easily he’d held me down. “Let’s get to the main office and see what we can find out.”

  With one last growl in Charles’ direction, he followed the path to the office. Once inside the main lobby, tension filled the room. For a tropical island, the staff were moving faster than usual.

  “Hello. Mr. Zane and Miss Sloane. We were just about to send messages out to you.”

  “About the tropical storm?”


  Zane gestured to the organized chaos. “What’s the latest news, Marcus? Are we a direct hit?”

  “Oh, no, no, no.” Marcus looked relieved. “Not directly. But the outer edge will pass over us. That means a storm surge, lots of rain, high winds. That sort of thing. No problem.”

  It wasn’t much of a relief to me. It still sounded pretty bad. “So, what do we need to do?”

  “We’ll move you into the main resort. The rooms are small, not like what you have out there. But you’ll be perfectly safe in them.” He looked down at our joined hands and smiled. “Will you need two rooms or just one?”

  Zane was quick to respond. “One. We’ll go back and pack our things so they can be brought up.” He placed a roll of cash in the man’s hand. “See that we don’t have to wait in these lines. And make sure our room is well stocked.”

  Marcus’ grin was huge. “Not a problem, Mr. Zane. All the rooms are being stocked as we speak. I will be sure yours has more of the creature comforts you like. Wines, cheeses, fruits, and Scotch will be added to your room. Once the alarm sounds, then no one can leave their rooms. We have to do that to make sure no looting occurs. Once the storm is over, another alarm will sound, and then you can come out of your rooms. I’ll send a man to get your things in thirty minutes. You come find me, and I’ll take you to your room, personally.”

  “Are there any books?” Books were my creature comfort.

  Marcus’ eyebrows raised nearly to his hairline. “Pardon?”

  “Books. I love to read, and if we’re cooped up in our room for a day or two, I’d love to—”

  Zane’s arm came around me. “Baby, I won’t let you get bored.”

  I felt the blush creep from my neck and paint its way over my face. Marcus just laughed. “I will see, Miss Sloane.”

  Once he was gone, I elbowed Zane in the ribs. He oomphed out a breath. “You re
ally have got to stop hitting me.”

  I batted my eyelashes at him. “Foreplay.”

  He laughed and spread his arms wide. “Then consider me your punching bag.”

  “Come on, Rocky. I’ll check in with Matthews to let him know what’s happening. Then pack my things and we’ll come back here together.”

  “I’m not leaving you alone.” The stern look he shot my way only served to piss me off.

  I stopped walking and waited for him to face me. “Look, we have very little time and tons to get done. We need to pack everything, be prepared for anything.” When Zane’s nostrils flared, I threw up my hands. “For heaven’s sake. I’ll be next door. I’ll screech and scream your name if I need you and you can come running over to save me if needed.”

  His mouth quirked. “Screech?”

  How can I ever stay mad at him?

  I just rolled my eyes and linked my fingers through his, but he still seemed to hesitate as we got to my door. I stood by with my arms crossed over my chest while he went in and inspected each room, even going so far as to look under the bed.

  “Satisfied?” I asked once he was finished.

  He yanked me against his chest and grabbed my ass in both hands, pressing me to him. “Ask me that later?”

  No. I’ll never be able to stay mad at him.

  “Okay, Tarzan. Get to work.”

  He kissed me, then rubbed his nose against mine. “I’m sorry for being overprotective.”

  I rubbed my nose against his. “Thank you for apologizing. It takes a big man to admit when he’s being an ass.”

  He gave my ass a nice hard smack. “Screech if you need me.”

  I watched him walk out, feeling all ooey gooey inside, but the moment I unlocked the safe and pulled out the satellite phone, I got serious again.

  Pulling out my suitcase, I started packing as the call connected.

  “Matthews here.”

  “We’ve been asked to move into the main resort until the storm passes, sir.”


  “Zane Boyd and myself, sir.” I chewed on my lower lip, waiting for his reaction.

  It was better than I expected. “That’s good. It promotes your cover. What is the status on the rabbit?”

  “He’s already moved, sir.”

  “Good. They’re closing the airport, but I have men on standby to fly in once they reopen, with emergency landing priority. We’re currently checking backgrounds on everyone who flew into the island over the past eighteen hours. So far, we have no suspects, but that could change.”

  “What happens then, sir?”

  “We’re still working on that strategy. There are many moving parts that need to be nailed down.”

  “I understand. Use me however you need, sir.”

  “I’m hoping that won’t be necessary but prepare to be bait if we need to draw either the assassin or the rabbit out.”

  My heart thumped. This was what I’d been both looking forward to and dreading. “Yes, sir. I’m on standby and will be eyes and ears on the ground.”

  “Keep eyes on your six. I’ll be back in touch a-sap. Over.”

  The line disconnected, and I tossed the phone on the bed, going through all the possible options as I hurriedly packed.

  One, depending on the strength of the storm, I could lose communication with Matthews. Two, the assassin could have beaten the storm and already be on the island, but I doubted he would attempt to target me in a resort full of people. Three, I’d need to gain contact with backup once they arrived. Four, if I wasn’t forced to engage before backup arrived, I’d need to mentally prepare myself as bait.

  As Agent Matthews said, there were many moving parts, so it was impossible to create a true action plan. I needed to get to that room and stay put.

  With Zane.

  My stomach twisted as I thought about being so secluded with him. All the ways we could pass the time.

  Just as we were experiencing the calm before the storm on the island, I knew the storm itself would be my calm before the shit storm that followed. I just hoped I lived long enough to see clear skies — literally and figuratively — again.

  Packed in record time, I carried my bags to the front door, tucking my laptop and sat phone in another bag I’d carry with me. Avoiding all windows, I stood to the side, wishing I could walk out on the back deck one last time.

  Looking up at the bright blue gorgeous sky, it was odd not to see any birds. Nature knew something was heading our way; it let the animals know to stay clear.

  Turning, I took in the little place I’d come to adore. Everything was so nice and neat. Perfectly placed to make the best use of the small space. It was hard to leave. I wanted to scoop the bungalow up and carry it to higher ground to make sure it was safe too.

  Leaning against the wall, I offered up a prayer for this building and all buildings to weather the storm, along with all the people and animals on the island.

  “I’ll be back,” I murmured to the quiet space, but I knew that might not be true. “If I can’t, I loved every minute inside this slice of Heaven.”

  It was another reason I loved my job. One never knew where it would take you.

  A tear ran down my cheek, and I wiped it away as I saw Zane walking across his deck and toward mine. He looked immediately concerned when he saw me. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. You’re making me a big ol’ softie.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Because I’m finding it hard to leave this place. It’s special to me.”

  He nodded. “Me too.”

  We both sighed heavily. It was time to go.


  Adrenaline shot through my system as I dove for Zane, taking him down onto the floor.

  Bam! Bam!

  “It’s okay, Sloane,” Zane said from underneath me. “It’s a nail gun. Workers started putting up plywood on the windows.”

  I sagged in relief and sat up, pushing my hair from my face. My red-hot face. “Sorry. Better safe than dead.”

  Standing, I held out a hand and helped pull him to his feet. “I’m supposed to be the protector,” he muttered.

  For some reason, his pouty face was funny, and I started to laugh. The more his bottom lip stuck out, the harder I laughed. “I’m sorry,” I said finally, wiping tears from my eyes. “I promise you can protect me next time.”

  He bared his teeth at me. “Yeah. It might even be a jackhammer next time.”

  That got me laughing again, and I didn’t quit until he shut me up with his mouth.

  The kiss started off as a makeshift gag, but it soon turned into one of passion. Then I was against the wall and my shorts were being pushed down my legs.

  He fucked me hard and quick, his face intense as he pounded into me so hard my teeth chattered together. I clung to him, taking it, wanting it. Thrilled by his desperation for me.


  I’d spend twenty-four years alive on this earth, but I now knew what it was to truly be living.

  “Sloane…” He roared my name into my mouth, his hands around my throat as he pulsed and emptied into me, his throbbing cock forcing me to come too.

  It took longer for my heart to calm than it did for our brutal joining to complete, but I was smiling and satisfied as he pressed his forehead to mine.

  “We need to go,” I whispered as footsteps clumped on the deck.

  Zane let me out of his sight long enough to tidy up in the bathroom. I washed up and stared at myself in the mirror for a long moment.


  I didn’t flinch this time. I was ready to face what needed facing.

  With Zane by my side.



  One large window overlooked the lagoon where our bungalows stood, the water still calm. From the fifth floor, we could see the water was rising, moving closer inland. Sloane sighed and closed the curtain. “I’ll never go back there. As soon as this storm is over, they’ll come to take me away.”
/>   I pulled her tighter against me. “We should make a plan. We need to figure things all the way out. Not just wait to see what happens.”

  The room was luxurious, but I liked the rustic feel of the bungalows better. In the middle of the room, a king-sized four-poster bed took up most of the space. Green palm-tree-imprinted material covered the bed, the windows, even the shower.

  A small flat-screen television hung on the wall in front of the bed while a long dresser took up the space underneath it. Next to that sat a mini-fridge, packed to the max with drinks. Another one had fruits and cheeses in it. There were two baskets filled with packages of nuts of every kind, assorted cookies, and crackers filled with different stuffing. We wouldn’t starve, but there’d be no fine dining. At least there was plenty of wine and a nice bottle of Scotch.

  I poured us each a glass of a wine, hoping it would be just the thing to settle Sloane.

  She wasn’t quite herself. She seemed oddly uncertain. Wary of what was going to happen.

  I wasn’t a planner, never had been, but I felt like if we had a plan of action, then both of us would feel better. Two chairs were on either side of a tiny round table. The whole setup looked uncomfortable to me, so I opted for the bed.

  Kicking off my shoes, I nodded toward the expansive space. “Come, let’s get comfortable while we sip wine and plan out our future.”

  Sloane pulled her sandals off and joined me on a mattress that wasn’t nearly as soft as the one we left behind. Lying on her side, she took the glass I offered her. The red of the dark wine stained her lips as she took a sip. “This is nice.”

  I propped myself up on a couple of the pillows and sat back, tasting the wine. “It is good. Now to talk about the future.”

  “We can plan all you want, Zane, but you have to know that, in the end, the planning will be done for me. I’ll follow orders. You’ll follow orders. It’s how this job goes.”

  “Then quit. You don’t need this shit. I can take care of you.” The words left my mouth before my brain could shut me up. But they were out there, so I left them right where they were.


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